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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 544



No. 466 Session of 2003


           PREPAREDNESS, FEBRUARY 25, 2003

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 35 (Health and Safety) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, creating the State Disaster Assistance
     3     Loan Program; providing for powers and duties of the
     4     Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and the Pennsylvania
     5     Housing Finance Agency; establishing the State Disaster
     6     Assistance Loan Fund; providing for funding for the State
     7     Disaster Assistance Loan Program; and making an
     8     appropriation.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Chapter 73 of Title 35 of the Pennsylvania
    12  Consolidated Statutes is amended by adding a subchapter to read:
    13                            SUBCHAPTER C
    14                     DISASTER ASSISTANCE LOANS
    15  Sec.
    16  7321.  Legislative findings and purpose.
    17  7322.  Definitions.

     1  7323.  State Disaster Assistance Loan Program.
     2  7324.  Request for loan authorization.
     3  7325.  Application for and issuance of loan.
     4  7326.  Funding.
     5  § 7321.  Legislative findings and purpose.
     6     (a)  Findings.--The General Assembly finds as follows:
     7         (1)  This Commonwealth, because of its topography,
     8     development and economic base, is susceptible to a wide range
     9     of disasters and emergencies, including fire, flood and wind
    10     and technological accidents and emergencies, that threaten
    11     public health and safety as well as the economic well-being
    12     of the citizens of this Commonwealth.
    13         (2)  The violent forces of nature and unpredictable man-
    14     made accidents that occur in this Commonwealth cause damage
    15     to public and private property and create conditions that
    16     force families from their homes. These disasters and
    17     emergencies threaten public health, safety and the general
    18     welfare of affected communities.
    19         (3)  Disasters which have impact on a large area and
    20     population often qualify for various forms of aid from the
    21     Federal Government to help repair and replace damaged
    22     residences. More localized disasters create identical serious
    23     hardship and loss for those families directly affected, but
    24     Federal assistance is not made available to help with
    25     recovery.
    26         (4)  As a result of extensive repair costs resulting from
    27     disaster and emergency damages, homeowners without adequate
    28     insurance coverage may be unable to repair their damaged
    29     property.
    30         (5)  Failure to expeditiously repair disaster and
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     1     emergency damages may result in a degradation of the quality
     2     of the community and the creation of unsafe conditions.
     3     (b)  Purpose.--It is the purpose of this subchapter to create
     4  a State program to provide limited assistance to homeowners
     5  directly affected by disasters and emergencies. State assistance
     6  will be limited to loans to homeowners to help repair damage to
     7  primary residences. Loans will be made available by the State
     8  when community conditions exceed a clearly established threshold
     9  of loss and impact.
    10  § 7322.  Definitions.
    11     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
    12  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    13  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    14     "Fund."  The State Disaster Assistance Loan Fund established
    15  under this subchapter.
    16     "Program."  The State Disaster Assistance Loan Program
    17  created under this subchapter.
    18  § 7323.  State Disaster Assistance Loan Program.
    19     (a)  Program created.--The State Disaster Assistance Loan
    20  Program is hereby created to provide disaster assistance loans
    21  to homeowners under the provisions of this subchapter.
    22     (b)  Responsibilities of the agency.--The agency is hereby
    23  authorized to do the following:
    24         (1)  Develop the program with the Pennsylvania Housing
    25     Finance Agency and other appropriate State and county
    26     government representatives to provide loans to homeowners
    27     directly affected by disasters and emergencies when the
    28     impact upon the community exceeds an established threshold of
    29     loss and impact.
    30         (2)  Authorize the issuance of State disaster assistance
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     1     loans to homeowners after review and approval of the county's
     2     written request, submission of a detailed damage survey
     3     report, compliance with necessary public funding requirements
     4     and certification that no other public funded program exists
     5     to help affected homeowners.
     6         (3)  Develop and conduct training programs for State and
     7     county officials and staff to implement the State Disaster
     8     Assistance Loan Program. Training shall include program
     9     administration, damage assessment documentation and reporting
    10     and mitigation identification and implementation.
    11  § 7324.  Request for loan authorization.
    12     (a)  County requests.--County emergency management
    13  coordinators, in coordination with disaster-affected municipal
    14  elected officials and local emergency management coordinators,
    15  shall submit to the agency a request to make State disaster
    16  assistance loans available to disaster-affected homeowners in
    17  the county. As required by section 7504(b) (relating to
    18  coordination, assistance and mutual aid), all requests shall be
    19  based on a finding that the disaster is of such magnitude and
    20  severity that State disaster assistance is necessary to
    21  alleviate the hardships caused to the affected homeowners and
    22  that no other government-funded programs exist or existing
    23  programs have been exhausted.
    24     (b)  Program eligibility threshold.--In order for the agency
    25  to authorize State disaster assistance loans, the county must
    26  submit a detailed written damage survey report which identifies
    27  by name and address each residential homeowner who has suffered
    28  an uninsured loss in excess of 40% of the predisaster fair
    29  market value of the home. In order for the program to be
    30  implemented, there must be within that county at least ten
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     1  primary residences of either a single-family residential,
     2  condominium, apartment or mobile home nature which have suffered
     3  damage or loss directly caused by the identified disaster or
     4  emergency. Camps, cottages or other types of secondary
     5  residences are not eligible for disaster loan assistance.
     6  Applicants must show proof that banks and other financial
     7  institutions will not grant a loan for this purpose or that the
     8  loan repayment amount is beyond the capability of the homeowner.
     9  In its written request, the county shall also furnish
    10  information requested by the agency concerning the nature of the
    11  disaster or emergency that impacted the county. The county must
    12  also certify in its report that current county and affected
    13  political subdivision emergency management plans are current and
    14  have been activated in response to the disaster or emergency.
    15  The agency shall review the effectiveness of the plans and
    16  response and may require changes as it deems necessary in plans
    17  and procedures. The changes shall be made by local and county
    18  governments before any loans may be authorized.
    19  § 7325.  Application for and issuance of loan.
    20     (a)  Review of county requests for assistance.--The agency
    21  shall review and approve all county requests for loan
    22  assistance. The agency shall then notify the Pennsylvania
    23  Housing Finance Agency of all approved county requests. The
    24  Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency shall then implement the
    25  loan application, review, approval and award process for the
    26  individual residential homeowners identified in the county's
    27  damage survey report.
    28     (b)  Loan application and award.--All loans issued under the
    29  program are supplemental to a homeowner's residential insurance
    30  coverage. This program may be authorized when the magnitude and
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     1  severity of the disaster or emergency meets or exceeds program
     2  eligibility standards as set forth in section 7324(b) (relating
     3  to request for loan authorization). All requirements of the loan
     4  application and award process shall be developed by the agency
     5  and the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency. The Pennsylvania
     6  Housing Finance Agency shall develop regulations to implement
     7  the loan requirements. All applications for loans must be
     8  received by the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency within 60
     9  days after the agency has approved the county damage survey
    10  report and request for assistance.
    11     (c)  Homeowner eligibility.--A homeowner residing within a
    12  county or counties designated by the agency as a State disaster
    13  emergency area who suffered disaster-related damage to a primary
    14  residence in excess of the amount described in section 7324 may
    15  apply for a State disaster assistance loan.
    16     (d)  Interest.--The rate of interest on State disaster
    17  assistance loans shall be set by the Pennsylvania Housing
    18  Finance Agency in its regulations. Loans shall be secured by
    19  mortgages on the real estate and shall be repaid in accordance
    20  with promissory notes which establish monthly loan principal and
    21  interest payments.
    22     (e)  Insurance requirement.--As a condition of eligibility
    23  for a State disaster assistance loan, the loan recipient shall
    24  agree to purchase and maintain insurance coverage in an amount
    25  equal to the value of the rebuilt or replaced primary residence
    26  for which a loan is awarded. The insurance shall include full
    27  protection against all natural hazards, including fire, wind
    28  and, where appropriate, flood damage. All primary residences
    29  located within a designated 100-year flood plain must include
    30  flood insurance. During the term of the loan, each loan
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     1  recipient must provide written verification of appropriate and
     2  adequate insurance protection in the form of either premium
     3  statements, policy renewal notices or copies of the actual
     4  insurance policy to the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency. The
     5  insurance policy must list the Pennsylvania Housing Finance
     6  Agency as the loss payee of the policy. A homeowner's failure to
     7  maintain appropriate insurance protection shall result in the
     8  loan being declared in default.
     9     (f)  Limitations.--The following limitations shall apply to
    10  the program:
    11         (1)  A loan shall not be made to a homeowner who is
    12     eligible to receive assistance from the Federal Government
    13     under any Federal disaster assistance and recovery program. A
    14     homeowner who has received Federal aid in the maximum amount
    15     allowable under Federal disaster relief law and continues to
    16     have significant disaster-related damage to a primary
    17     residence making the home uninhabitable may be eligible to
    18     apply for a State disaster assistance loan.
    19         (2)  Loans shall be limited to homeowner-occupied primary
    20     residences that are located within a county that the agency
    21     has designated as a disaster emergency area.
    22         (3)  Loans are limited to providing for essential repairs
    23     to the primary residence which are needed to make the
    24     residence safe, sanitary and habitable for occupancy based on
    25     applicable State and local building or occupancy codes. Loans
    26     shall not be authorized for improvements to the value of the
    27     residence or for other purposes not authorized by this
    28     section.
    29         (4)  Repairing or replacing loss or damage to
    30     landscaping, shrubs, trees, out-buildings or any other
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     1     nonresidential structures which are not physically attached
     2     to the primary residence are not eligible costs for a State
     3     disaster assistance loan.
     4         (5)  Loans may be provided for disaster mitigation on the
     5     property if approved by the agency.
     6         (6)  A homeowner may only apply for one disaster
     7     assistance loan at a time. While a homeowner's disaster
     8     assistance loan is in effect, the same homeowner shall be
     9     ineligible for another loan under the program. If the
    10     homeowner's primary residence is damaged in a subsequent
    11     disaster while the disaster assistance loan is in effect, the
    12     required insurance coverage shall be considered adequate for
    13     repairs to the residence.
    14         (7)  The maximum amount of a loan is $50,000. The minimum
    15     amount of any loan is $1,000.
    16  § 7326.  Funding.
    17     (a)  Appropriation.--The sum of $1,000,000 is appropriated to
    18  the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency.
    19     (b)  State Disaster Assistance Loan Fund.--The sum
    20  appropriated shall be deposited in a State Disaster Assistance
    21  Loan Fund which is hereby established as a restricted receipts
    22  account in the State Treasury. Moneys in the fund shall be used
    23  solely for the purpose of implementing this subchapter. The
    24  first executive budget submission following the effective date
    25  of this subchapter shall contain the appropriation provided for
    26  in subsection (a). Appropriations to the fund shall not lapse.
    27  All loan payments of principal and interest made to the
    28  Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency shall be deposited in the
    29  fund. Any amount in the fund in excess of $3,000,000 which
    30  remains unexpended or uncommitted after July 1 of each year,
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     1  beginning with the first fiscal year after the enactment of this
     2  subchapter, shall be returned to the General Fund. Sufficient
     3  appropriations shall be made annually in order to maintain a
     4  minimum balance of at least $1,000,000. Should annual program
     5  activity exceed the funds available, the General Assembly may
     6  supplement the fund to restore it to the full annual
     7  appropriation.
     8     (c)  Administrative expenses.--The Pennsylvania Housing
     9  Finance Agency shall annually provide to the Pennsylvania
    10  Emergency Management Agency 10% of the total amount in the fund
    11  in order that the agency may provide for program administration,
    12  State and local damage assessment training and materials, and
    13  operational, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery
    14  costs.
    15     (d)  Diversion of moneys in fund prohibited.--Moneys in the
    16  fund shall not be diverted to fund other Commonwealth operations
    17  or programs or be transferred to other funds, and shall be used
    18  exclusively for the purposes provided for in this subchapter.
    19     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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