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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 536



No. 479 Session of 2007

           FEBRUARY 26, 2007

           FEBRUARY 26, 2007

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 3 (Agriculture) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, providing for restricted use commercial fertilizers
     3     and agricultural minerals, for duties of the Department of
     4     Agriculture and for violations.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Section 6702 of Title 3 of the Pennsylvania
     8  Consolidated Statutes is amended by adding a definition to read:
     9  § 6702.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    11  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     * * *
    14     "Restricted use commercial fertilizer or agricultural
    15  mineral."  A commercial fertilizer or agricultural mineral
    16  classified for restricted use pursuant to section 6704.1
    17  (relating to restricted use commercial fertilizer or

     1  agricultural mineral).
     2     * * *
     3     Section 2.  Title 3 is amended by adding a section to read:
     4  § 6704.1.  Restricted use commercial fertilizer or agricultural
     5                 mineral.
     6     (a)  General rule.--The department shall adopt regulations
     7  governing the application and distribution of any commercial
     8  fertilizer or agricultural mineral which it finds must
     9  necessarily be applied as a commercial fertilizer or
    10  agricultural mineral but which, unless carefully used, is likely
    11  to be any of the following:
    12         (1)  Injurious to persons, pollinating insects, bees,
    13     animals, crops or land.
    14         (2)  Detrimental to any of the following:
    15             (i)  Vegetation, except weeds.
    16             (ii)  Wildlife.
    17             (iii)  Public health and safety.
    18     (b)  Determination.--The department, in classifying
    19  commercial fertilizers and agricultural minerals as restricted
    20  use commercial fertilizers or agricultural minerals, shall
    21  determine whether:
    22         (1)  The commercial fertilizer or agricultural mineral is
    23     highly toxic to humans or other animals, including wildlife.
    24         (2)  The regulations governing the application and
    25     distribution of the commercial fertilizer or agricultural
    26     mineral are reasonably calculated to avoid injury and are
    27     necessary for the proper use of the commercial fertilizer or
    28     agricultural mineral.
    29         (3)  The benefit from the use of the commercial
    30     fertilizer or agricultural mineral is of greater value to the
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     1     public than the detriment to the environment or the public
     2     health and safety from the use of the commercial fertilizer
     3     or agricultural mineral.
     4         (4)  The commercial fertilizer or agricultural mineral
     5     can be used for harmful purposes other than its registered
     6     purposes.
     7     (c)  Regulations.--The department may adopt other regulations
     8  as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this section,
     9  including, but not limited to, regulations governing:
    10         (1)  The collection and examination of commercial
    11     fertilizers and agricultural minerals.
    12         (2)  The types of containers and packages required to be
    13     used for specific commercial fertilizers or agricultural
    14     minerals, including, but not limited to, requirements
    15     concerning the construction, strength and size of the
    16     containers and packages to avoid the danger of spillage,
    17     breakage or misuse.
    18         (3)  The safe handling, transportation, storage, display,
    19     distribution and disposal of commercial fertilizers and
    20     agricultural minerals and their containers.
    21         (4)  The information required to be recorded and
    22     maintained concerning the sale, use and distribution of
    23     restricted use commercial fertilizers and agricultural
    24     minerals.
    25     (d)  Violation.--It is a violation of this section for any
    26  person to sell or offer to sell at retail, or to distribute or
    27  deliver for transportation for delivery to the consumer or user,
    28  a restricted use commercial fertilizer or agricultural mineral
    29  unless the person is registered with the department.
    30     (e)  Registration.--Each person applying for registration
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     1  under this section must provide the department with a
     2  registration statement that includes:
     3         (1)  The name and address of the person registering.
     4         (2)  The name and address of any person who, on behalf of
     5     the person registering, sells, offers to sell, distributes or
     6     delivers for transportation a restricted use commercial
     7     fertilizer or agricultural mineral.
     8     (f)  Renewal of registration.--A registration under this
     9  section expires on December 31 of each year and is renewable
    10  annually.
    11     (g)  Fee.--Each person registering with the department under
    12  this section must pay:
    13         (1)  An annual registration fee established by regulation
    14     of the department.
    15         (2)  A penalty fee established by regulation of the
    16     department if the person failed to renew his previous
    17     registration on or before February 1 next following its
    18     expiration, unless the registration is accompanied by a
    19     signed statement that no person named on the registration
    20     statement has sold or distributed any restricted use
    21     commercial fertilizer or agricultural mineral during the
    22     period the registration was not in effect.
    23     (h)  Records.--Each person registered pursuant to this
    24  section shall maintain for at least two years a record of all
    25  sales of restricted use commercial fertilizers or agricultural
    26  minerals showing:
    27         (1)  The date of sale or delivery of the restricted use
    28     commercial fertilizer or agricultural mineral.
    29         (2)  The name and address of the person to whom the
    30     restricted use commercial fertilizer or agricultural mineral
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     1     was sold or delivered.
     2         (3)  The brand name of the restricted use commercial
     3     fertilizer or agricultural mineral sold or delivered.
     4         (4)  The amount of the restricted use commercial
     5     fertilizer or agricultural mineral sold or delivered.
     6         (5)  Other information as may be required by the
     7     department.
     8     (i)  Report.--Each person registered pursuant to this section
     9  shall, on or before the date specified for each reporting period
    10  established pursuant to subsection (j), file a report with the
    11  department specifying the restricted use commercial fertilizers
    12  or agricultural minerals that the person sold during the
    13  reporting period. The department shall provide the form for the
    14  report. The report must be filed regardless of whether the
    15  person sold any commercial fertilizers or agricultural minerals
    16  during the reporting period.
    17     (j)  Reporting periods and dates for filing.--The department
    18  shall adopt regulations establishing reporting periods and dates
    19  for filing reports pursuant to subsection (i).
    20     (k)  Refusal to grant or renew registration.--The department
    21  may refuse to grant or renew a registration pursuant to this
    22  section or may suspend or revoke the registration if, after
    23  notice and a hearing, the department finds that:
    24         (1)  The person registered has, without reasonable cause,
    25     failed to record information as required by this section or a
    26     regulation adopted by the department.
    27         (2)  The person registered has made a false entry in a
    28     required record.
    29         (3)  The applicant for registration has made a sale or
    30     delivery of a restricted use commercial fertilizer or
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     1     agricultural mineral without registering with the department.
     2     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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