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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 525



No. 486 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing the release of Project 70 restrictions on certain
     2     lands owned by the Township of Upper Dublin, Montgomery
     3     County, being conveyed by the township in return for the
     4     imposition of Project 70 restrictions on certain lands being
     5     conveyed to the township.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Conveyance in the Township of Upper Dublin,
     9                 Montgomery County.
    10     (a)  Authorization.--Pursuant to the requirements of section
    11  20(b) of the act of June 22, 1964 (Sp.Sess., P.L.131, No.8),
    12  known as the Project 70 Land Acquisition and Borrowing Act, the
    13  General Assembly hereby authorizes the release of the
    14  restrictions imposed by section 20 of the Project 70 Land
    15  Acquisition and Borrowing Act from the lands owned by the
    16  Township of Upper Dublin, Montgomery County, being conveyed to
    17  John Wozniak, and more particularly described in subsection (c),
    18  in exchange for the imposition of the section 20 restriction on
    19  land owned by John Wozniak being conveyed to the Township of
    20  Upper Dublin, and more particularly described in subsection (d).

     1     (b)  Freedom of restrictions.--The lands described in
     2  subsection (c), owned by the Township of Upper Dublin and being
     3  conveyed to John Wozniak, shall be free of the restrictions on
     4  use and alienation imposed by section 20 of the Project 70 Land
     5  Acquisition and Borrowing Act, upon the imposition of and
     6  recording of the Project 70 deed restrictions set forth in
     7  subsection (e) on the parcel of replacement land owned by John
     8  Wozniak, and being conveyed to the Township of Upper Dublin.
     9     (c)  Land to be released from restrictions.--The parcels of
    10  land authorized to be released from restrictions are located in
    11  the Township of Upper Dublin, Montgomery County, and more
    12  particularly described as follows:
    13  Parcel No. 1
    14     ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the
    15  Township of Upper Dublin, County of Montgomery and Commonwealth
    16  of Pennsylvania, described according to a Final Plan of Minor
    17  Subdivision for John Wozniak made by Eastern/Chadrow Associates,
    18  Inc. dated July 7, 2003 and last revised July 30, 2004, bounded
    19  and described as follows:
    20     Beginning at an interior point, said point being measured the
    21  following 2 courses and distances from a point on the
    22  Northwesterly side of Camp Hill Road (56.50 feet wide, widened
    23  by 23.50 feet on the Northwesterly side thereof), (1) extending
    24  North 44 Degrees 29 Minutes 16 Seconds West along Lot No. 2 and
    25  lands of Frank & Theresa Mellor the distance of 174.54 feet to a
    26  point, (2) extending South 34 Degrees 46 Minutes 09 Seconds West
    27  along Lot No. 2 and Parcel "D" the distance of 148.15 feet to
    28  the place of beginning;
    29     THENCE extending South 34 Degrees 46 Minutes 09 Seconds West
    30  along Lot No. 1 the distance of 148.04 feet to a point;
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     1     THENCE extending North 41 Degrees 31 Minutes 46 Seconds West
     2  along lands of Upper Dublin Township the distance of 98.58 feet
     3  to a point;
     4     THENCE extending North 44 Degrees 20 Minutes 48 Seconds East
     5  still by the same the distance of 140.39 feet to a point;
     6     THENCE extending South 44 Degrees 29 Minutes 16 Seconds East
     7  along Parcel "D" the distance of 73.71 feet to the first
     8  mentioned point and place of beginning
     9     CONTAINING therein 12,262 square feet of land more or less;
    10  AND
    11  Parcel No. 2
    12     ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the
    13  Township of Upper Dublin, County of Montgomery and Commonwealth
    14  of Pennsylvania, described according to a Final Plan of Minor
    15  Subdivision for John Wozniak made by Eastern/Chadrow Associates,
    16  Inc. dated July 7, 2003 and last revised July 30, 2004, bounded
    17  and described as follows:
    18     Beginning at an interior point, said point being measured
    19  174.54 feet North 44 Degrees 29 Minutes 16 Seconds West along
    20  lands of Frank & Theresa Mellor and Lot No. 2 from a point on
    21  the Northwesterly side of Camp Hill Road (56.50 feet wide,
    22  widened by the addition of 23.50 feet on the Northwesterly side
    23  thereof);
    24     THENCE extending South 34 Degrees 46 Minutes 09 Seconds West
    25  along Lot No. 2 the distance of 148.15 feet to a point;
    26     THENCE extending North 44 Degrees 29 Minutes 16 Seconds West
    27  along Parcel "C" the distance of 73.71 feet to a point;
    28     THENCE extending North 44 Degrees 20 Minutes 48 Seconds East
    29  along lands of Upper Dublin Township the distance of 145.58 feet
    30  to a point;
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     1     THENCE extending South 44 Degrees 29 Minutes 16 Seconds East
     2  still by lands of the same the distance of 49.05 feet to the
     3  first mentioned point and place of beginning.
     4     CONTAINING therein 8,934 square feet of land more or less.
     5     (d)  Land on which restrictions are to be imposed.--The
     6  replacement parcel to be subject to the restrictions in exchange
     7  for the parcels described in subsection (c) is located in the
     8  township of Upper Dublin, Montgomery County, and more
     9  particularly described as follows:
    10     ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the
    11  Township of Upper Dublin, County of Montgomery and Commonwealth
    12  of Pennsylvania, described according to a Final Plan of Minor
    13  Subdivision for John Wozniak made by Eastern/Chadrow Associates,
    14  Inc. dated July 7, 2003 and last revised July 30, 2004, bounded
    15  and described as follows:
    16     Beginning at an interior point, said point being measured
    17  47.98 feet North 43 Degrees West from the common corner of lands
    18  of Upper Dublin Township and Block 51, Unit 18, a cemetery on
    19  the present Northwesterly right of way line of Camp Hill Road
    20  (33 feet wide);
    21     THENCE extending North 43 Degrees West along lands of Upper
    22  Dublin Township the distance of 58.66 feet to a point;
    23     THENCE extending North 34 Degrees 46 Minutes 09 Seconds East
    24  still by lands of the same the distance of 229.30 feet to a
    25  point;
    26     THENCE extending South 41 Degrees 31 Minutes 46 Seconds East
    27  along Lot No. 1 the distance of 101.12 feet to a point;
    28     THENCE extending South 45 Degrees 24 Minutes 32 Seconds West
    29  along the said Block 51, Unit 18 cemetery the distance of 221.58
    30  feet to the first mentioned point and place of beginning.
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     1     CONTAINING therein 17,760 square feet of land more or less.
     2     (e)  Description of deed restriction.--The deed restriction
     3  to be transferred to the parcel described in subsection (d)
     4  shall read as follows:
     5         This indenture is given to provide land for recreation,
     6         conservation and historical purposes as those purposes
     7         are defined in the act of June 22, 1964 (Sp.Sess.,
     8         P.L.131, No.8), known as the Project 70 Land Acquisition
     9         and Borrowing Act.
    10     (f)  Costs.--The parties to this transaction shall bear their
    11  respective costs.
    12     (g)  Execution.--The deed of conveyance shall be executed and
    13  approved as provided by law.
    14     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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