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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3066



No. 512 Session of 2003


           DECEMBER 10, 2003

                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Congratulating Millcreek Township, Erie County, on the
     2     celebration of its 200th anniversary during 2003.

     3     WHEREAS, In 1803 Millcreek Township was incorporated as a
     4  second class township, becoming one of the earliest townships in
     5  the "Erie Triangle" to be settled; and
     6     WHEREAS, Millcreek Township was one of the original 16
     7  townships when Erie County was organized; and
     8     WHEREAS, Millcreek Township is home to Presque Isle, which
     9  provided sanctuary for Commodore Perry's fleet as the ships were
    10  being constructed to fight the British navy in the Great Lakes
    11  region during the War of 1812; and
    12     WHEREAS, In 1912 Presque Isle was made a State park and
    13  designated by the National Park Service as a National Natural
    14  Landmark; and
    15     WHEREAS, Today the park is recognized as a bird sanctuary
    16  with 150 identified species; and
    17     WHEREAS, Millcreek Township is home to the Erie International

     1  Airport; and
     2     WHEREAS, Millcreek Township is the second largest second
     3  class township in this Commonwealth and the 19th largest of all
     4  State municipalities; and
     5     WHEREAS, Millcreek Township, with more than 200 firefighters,
     6  is protected by five volunteer fire department companies,
     7  including West Lake, chartered in 1937; Kearsarge, chartered in
     8  1939; Belle Valley, chartered in 1939; West Ridge, chartered in
     9  1940; and Lake Shore, chartered in 1949; and
    10     WHEREAS, The population of Millcreek Township is more than
    11  52,000, with an area covering about 29.5 square miles; and
    12     WHEREAS, The altitude measures approximately 800 feet above
    13  sea level, and the township has a mean annual temperature of
    14  50.5 degrees Fahrenheit; and
    15     WHEREAS, Land use in Millcreek Township is dedicated to
    16  retail, commercial and service-oriented business, with about 1%
    17  of the land zoned for agriculture; and
    18     WHEREAS, After 200 years, Millcreek Township offers a blend
    19  of city and country life with clean air and water, choice
    20  educational facilities, many recreational opportunities and
    21  ideal quality of life; therefore be it
    22     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives offer its
    23  congratulations to Millcreek Township, Erie County, on the
    24  celebration of its 200th anniversary and extend best wishes for
    25  many more joyous celebrations in the years to come; and be it
    26  further
    27     RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to
    28  Millcreek Township, 3608 West 26th Street, Erie, PA 16506.

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