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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 577



No. 514 Session of 1997

           FEBRUARY 12, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of September 30, 1985 (P.L.240, No.61),
     2     entitled "An act to facilitate vehicular traffic within and
     3     across the Commonwealth by providing for the construction,
     4     reconstruction, improvement, operation and maintenance of
     5     toll roads and the conversion of existing toll-free roads to
     6     toll roads in Pennsylvania; conferring powers and imposing
     7     duties on the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission; providing for
     8     membership on the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission;
     9     authorizing issuance of turnpike revenue bonds, notes or
    10     other obligations of the commission, payable solely from
    11     revenues of the commission, including tolls, or from such
    12     other funds as may be available to the commission for that
    13     purpose, to pay the costs of such toll roads including the
    14     acquisition and other costs of toll-free roads and for
    15     refunding purposes; providing that no debt of the
    16     Commonwealth shall be incurred in the exercise of any of the
    17     powers granted by this act; providing for the collection of
    18     tolls for the payment of such bonds, notes or other
    19     obligations, and for the cost of maintenance, operation and
    20     repair of the toll roads including toll-free roads converted
    21     to toll roads; making such turnpike revenue bonds, notes or
    22     other obligations exempt from taxation; constituting the same
    23     legal investments in certain instances; requiring suits
    24     against the commission to be brought in the courts in which
    25     such actions may be brought against the Commonwealth;
    26     prescribing conditions on which toll roads shall be turned
    27     over to the Department of Transportation; providing for grade
    28     separations, grade changes, relocations, restorations and
    29     vacations of public roads and State highways affected by the
    30     toll roads; providing for the purchasing or condemnation of
    31     land and procedure for determining damages in condemnation;
    32     granting certain powers and authority to municipalities and
    33     agencies of the Commonwealth to cooperate with the

     1     commission; conferring powers and imposing duties on the
     2     Department of Transportation; authorizing the Secretary of
     3     Transportation to enter into negotiations with the United
     4     States Department of Transportation, the Federal Highway
     5     Administration or any other Federal agency regarding the
     6     conversion of toll-free highways constructed in the
     7     Commonwealth using Federal funds to toll roads; and
     8     authorizing the Secretary of Transportation to enter into
     9     agreements on behalf of the Commonwealth and the commission
    10     with the United States Department of Transportation, the
    11     Federal Highway Administration or any other Federal agency
    12     with respect to obtaining Federal funds for resurfacing,
    13     restoring, rehabilitating or reconstructing toll roads in
    14     Pennsylvania," further providing for tolls.

    15     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    16  hereby enacts as follows:
    17     Section 1.  Section 16 of the act of September 30, 1985
    18  (P.L.240, No.61), known as the Turnpike Organization, Extension
    19  and Toll Road Conversion Act, is amended by adding a subsection
    20  to read:
    21  Section 16.  Collection and disposition of tolls and other
    22                 revenue.
    23     (a)  Establishment and changes in toll amounts.--Subject to
    24  the terms of any trust indenture entered into by the commission
    25  and any resolution authorizing the issuance of any bonds, notes
    26  or other obligations of the commission, the commission is hereby
    27  authorized to fix, and to revise, from time to time, tolls for
    28  the use of the Pennsylvania Turnpike System and the different
    29  parts or sections thereof, including the turnpike, the turnpike
    30  extensions and improvements and the toll road conversions
    31  authorized by this act, and to charge and collect the same, and
    32  to contract with any person, partnership, association or
    33  corporation desiring the use of any part thereof, including the
    34  right-of-way adjoining the paved portion, for placing thereon
    35  telephone, telegraph, electric light or power lines, gas
    36  stations, garages, stores, hotels, restaurants and advertising

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     1  signs, or for any other purpose, except for tracks for railroad
     2  or railway use, and to fix the terms, conditions, rents and
     3  rates of charges for such use. Tolls shall be so fixed and
     4  adjusted as to provide funds at least sufficient with other
     5  revenues of the Pennsylvania Turnpike System, if any, to pay:
     6         (1)  the cost of constructing, maintaining, repairing and
     7     operating the Pennsylvania Turnpike System and the different
     8     parts and sections thereof; and
     9         (2)  any bonds, notes or other obligations and the
    10     interest thereon of the commission, and all sinking fund
    11     requirements of the commission, and other requirements
    12     provided for by any resolution authorizing the issuance of
    13     the bonds, notes or other obligations by the commission, or
    14     by any trust indenture to which the commission is a party, as
    15     the same shall become due.
    16     (b)  Restrictions on toll revenue.--Tolls shall not be
    17  subject to supervision or regulation by any other State
    18  commission, board, bureau or agency. Subject to the terms of any
    19  presently existing trust indenture entered into by the
    20  commission and any presently existing resolution authorizing the
    21  issuance of any bonds, notes or other obligations of the
    22  commission, the tolls and all other revenue derived from the
    23  Pennsylvania Turnpike System shall be set aside and pledged as
    24  may be provided in any resolutions, trust indentures or any
    25  other agreements that the commission may hereafter adopt or
    26  hereafter enter into with respect to the issuance of bonds,
    27  notes or other obligations of the commission.
    28     (c)  Reduction of toll rates.--Notwithstanding any other
    29  provision of this act, tolls for the use of the Pennsylvania
    30  Turnpike System and the different parts or sections thereof,
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     1  including the turnpike, the turnpike extensions and improvements
     2  and the toll road conversions authorized by this act in effect
     3  on the effective date of this amendatory act shall be reduced by
     4  10% and shall not be increased without specific statutory
     5  authorization.
     6     Section 2.  All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar
     7  as they are inconsistent with this act.
     8     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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