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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3720



No. 539 Session of 2000


           JUNE 13, 2000

                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Memorializing the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee of the
     2     United States Postal Service to consider and recommend to the
     3     United States Postal Service Board of Governors the issue of
     4     a commemorative stamp honoring Thaddeus Stevens.

     5     WHEREAS, Thaddeus Stevens is known as the "Great Commoner"
     6  for his unfailing advocacy for downtrodden people and his
     7  vigorous opposition to slavery; and
     8     WHEREAS, Born of poor parents in Danville, Vermont, in 1792,
     9  Thaddeus Stevens graduated from Dartmouth College in 1814 and
    10  moved to York, York County where he was employed as a school
    11  teacher, and in 1816 he became a lawyer in Gettysburg, Adams
    12  County; and
    13     WHEREAS, Thaddeus Stevens had a passion for education and as
    14  a member of the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of
    15  Pennsylvania gave a speech in 1835 that helped to prevent the
    16  law offering free education to the children of this Commonwealth
    17  from being repealed; and
    18     WHEREAS, Thaddeus Stevens represented Pennsylvania as a

     1  member of the Congress of the United States for 14 years and
     2  worked tirelessly to end slavery and to create increased
     3  economic opportunities for all people; and
     4     WHEREAS, During the Civil War, as chairman of the House Ways
     5  and Means Committee of the Congress, Thaddeus Stevens ensured
     6  that the Union forces were adequately funded and introduced
     7  legislation to establish the nation's first greenbacks; and
     8     WHEREAS, Thaddeus Stevens served as cochair of the Joint
     9  Select Committee on Reconstruction of the Congress and authored
    10  the 14th Amendment, the most enduring legislation of the
    11  Reconstruction period and likely his greatest contribution to
    12  civil rights; and
    13     WHEREAS, In 1866 Thaddeus Stevens played a dominant role in
    14  the enactment of this amendment guaranteeing equal protection of
    15  the laws to all citizens of the United States; therefore be it
    16     RESOLVED, That the Pennsylvania House of Representatives
    17  memorialize the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee of the United
    18  States Postal Service Board of Governors to consider and
    19  recommend to the United States Postal Service Board of Governors
    20  the issue of a commemorative stamp honoring Thaddeus Stevens as
    21  an individual worthy and deserving of the issue of a
    22  commemorative stamp by the United States Postal Service; and be
    23  it further
    24     RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to
    25  the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee of the United States
    26  Postal Service.

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