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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3336



No. 543 Session of 2005


           DECEMBER 20, 2005

                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Congratulating the Pennsylvania Department of Health on the
     2     occasion of the 100th anniversary of its founding and
     3     recognizing the Department of Health's centennial celebration
     4     from April 27, 2005, through April 26, 2006.

     5     WHEREAS, The Pennsylvania Department of Health was created by
     6  Act 312 of 1905, enacted April 27, 1905, to protect the health
     7  of all Commonwealth citizens through close partnerships with
     8  local health agencies in cities, counties and municipalities,
     9  and Act 312 of 1905 has subsequently been modified through The
    10  Administrative Code of 1929, granting the department authority
    11  to enforce all statutes pertaining to public health for the
    12  prevention and suppression of disease and injury; and
    13     WHEREAS, Samuel G. Dixon, M.D., LL.D., Sc.D., was the first
    14  Commissioner of Health for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
    15  serving from 1905 until his death in 1918, and his knowledge of
    16  medicine, allied sciences and law, in addition to his keen mind,
    17  common sense, diplomacy and humanitarianism, uniquely qualified
    18  him to serve as commissioner; and

     1     WHEREAS, The Bureau of Vital Statistics was created through
     2  Act 330 of 1905, which granted the commissioner supervision over
     3  the registration of births, deaths, marriages and reportable
     4  diseases; within the first eight years, the Bureau of Vital
     5  Statistics recorded more than 1.5 million birth certificates,
     6  900,000 death certificates and 490,000 marriage certificates and
     7  more than 1 million cases of communicable diseases; there are
     8  currently more than 19 million birth records and more than 12.2
     9  million death records filed in the Division of Vital Records;
    10  and
    11     WHEREAS, Seven additional divisions were established in 1905:
    12  Medical Inspectors; Sanitary Engineering; Laboratories;
    13  Distribution of Immunizing Agents; Tuberculosis Sanatoria and
    14  Dispensaries; Purchasing, Auditing and Accounting; and
    15  Distribution of Supplies; and
    16     WHEREAS, The Division of Child Hygiene, organized in 1918,
    17  made substantial changes to both rural and metropolitan
    18  communities in the medical evaluation and supervision of
    19  sanitary conditions among children in schools and, by its
    20  creation, effectively emphasized the role of school nurses; and
    21     WHEREAS, The Bureau of Public Health Nurses was created in
    22  1920 under the direction of Alice O'Halloran, RN, who served as
    23  Chief Dispensing Nurse in the department from 1905 until her
    24  retirement in 1954, and at a time when the spread of disease and
    25  infection such as poliomyelitis, diphtheria and smallpox was on
    26  the rise, the Bureau of Public Health Nurses emphasized disease
    27  prevention by teaching households about sanitation and personal
    28  hygiene and providing for child health and tuberculosis clinics,
    29  immunizations and medical advice; these activities have served
    30  as a catalyst for today's public health infrastructure under the
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     1  department's Bureau of Community Health Systems; and
     2     WHEREAS, The Bureau of Child and Maternal Health was created
     3  in 1920 primarily to supervise medical evaluations in schools,
     4  including dental hygiene, and implemented the Statewide campaign
     5  against diphtheria in 1921; and
     6     WHEREAS, In 1920 Pennsylvania was the first state to
     7  recognize dental hygiene as an important component of a healthy
     8  lifestyle when the Department of Health established the Bureau
     9  of Dental Health; and
    10     WHEREAS, The Bureau of Field Inspection was organized in 1929
    11  to maintain relations between field staff and Harrisburg staff,
    12  obtain birth and marriage certificates not already forwarded to
    13  Harrisburg, enforce quarantine laws and assist in local
    14  emergencies; the Bureau of Field Inspection reported more than
    15  10,000 unreported births and prosecuted 15 physicians for
    16  failure to report cases of communicable diseases; and
    17     WHEREAS, On January 17, 1935, Dr. Edith MacBride-Dexter was
    18  appointed by Governor Howard Earle as the first, and only,
    19  female Secretary of Health in this Commonwealth; during her
    20  administration, through 1939, Dr. MacBride-Dexter was
    21  instrumental in the development of the first Statewide diabetes
    22  and cancer control plans; and
    23     WHEREAS, The Social Security Act of 1935 broadened the
    24  Department of Health's tasks to include extensive screening
    25  programs and the use of health care facilities and services; and
    26     WHEREAS, In 1937 the Division of Industrial Hygiene was
    27  transferred from the Department of Labor and Industry to the
    28  Department of Health; and
    29     WHEREAS, In 1974 the Division of Vital Records was relocated
    30  from Harrisburg to New Castle in Lawrence County to bring more
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     1  State jobs to economically depressed areas, and in 1979
     2  Pennsylvania began issuing computer-generated certified copies
     3  of birth records and one free complimentary birth record to
     4  parents of newborns; and
     5     WHEREAS, Since its inception in 1974, the Pennsylvania Women,
     6  Infants, and Children Program (WIC) has provided food, education
     7  and referrals to improve the long-term nutrition and health of
     8  63,300,899 women, infants and children in this Commonwealth,
     9  resulting in healthier birth outcomes, lower anemia rates,
    10  increased awareness and support of breastfeeding, and education
    11  to families on healthier eating habits to prevent obesity; and
    12     WHEREAS, In 1978, Executive Order 1978-16 was signed,
    13  establishing the nation's first State Center for Health
    14  Statistics in the Department of Health; and
    15     WHEREAS, The Governor's Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse was
    16  transferred from the Governor's Office to the Department of
    17  Health by Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1981, under which the
    18  council became advisory to the Secretary of Health on issues
    19  relevant to drug and alcohol abuse; and
    20     WHEREAS, Hospital reporting to the Pennsylvania Cancer
    21  Registry was initiated in 1982 and became fully operational
    22  Statewide in 1985; and
    23     WHEREAS, The Federal High Blood Pressure Control Program
    24  expanded in 1988 to include cholesterol screening and education
    25  on risk factors for heart disease and stroke and has served as
    26  the basis for the Department of Health's Heart Disease and
    27  Stroke Program; and
    28     WHEREAS, The Commonwealth's Behavioral Risk Factor
    29  Surveillance System telephone survey, first conducted in 1989,
    30  continues to be conducted annually; the survey provides useful
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     1  baseline information on Pennsylvania's citizens 18 years of age
     2  and older on the prevalence of smoking, overweight, cancer
     3  screening and many other health behaviors; and
     4     WHEREAS, Act 113 of 1992 established the Primary Health Care
     5  Practitioner Program to develop a comprehensive program to
     6  support the supply and distribution of primary care
     7  practitioners and since the inception of Act 113, the Department
     8  of Health has created robust initiatives, such as the Primary
     9  Care Practitioner Loan Repayment, J-1 Visa Waiver Program,
    10  National Interest Waiver and Community Challenge Grants for
    11  Clinic Development, to assist recruitment and retention of
    12  physicians and dentists in rural and urban underserved areas;
    13  and
    14     WHEREAS, Since 1993 the Department of Health's Healthy Woman
    15  Program has screened 43,134 women for breast cancer and cervical
    16  cancer and has provided diagnostic tests and referral for
    17  treatment to 1,023 women diagnosed with breast cancer and 57
    18  women diagnosed with cervical cancer; and
    19     WHEREAS, In 1995 the Department of Health implemented a
    20  system to allow hospitals to electronically file birth
    21  certificates, and today all hospitals and several birthing
    22  centers in this Commonwealth use the system as an efficient,
    23  time-saving method for registering births; and
    24     WHEREAS, In 1998 the Bureau of Health Statistics and Research
    25  first released statistical aggregate information via the
    26  Internet on the Department of Health's website, and in 2003 the
    27  Bureau of Health Statistics and Research implemented an
    28  interactive health statistics Internet tool, the Epidemiologic
    29  Query and Mapping System (EpiQMS), to assist health data users
    30  to better obtain useful health statistical information; and
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     1     WHEREAS, Act 77 of 2001 authorized the Department of Health
     2  to establish the Commonwealth Universal Research Enhancement
     3  Program (CURE), which awards more than $50 million each year in
     4  grants to Pennsylvania research institutions for health services
     5  and for clinical and biomedical research projects; and
     6     WHEREAS, In 2001 the Department of Health began a Statewide
     7  Immunization Information System to ensure that all children in
     8  this Commonwealth receive adequate protection against vaccine-
     9  preventable disease; and
    10     WHEREAS, In 2001 the Department of Health initiated an
    11  unprecedented partnership to develop and implement the first-
    12  ever Pennsylvania Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan to reduce
    13  the burden of cancer in this Commonwealth; the plan was released
    14  in December 2003 and serves as a Statewide blueprint for all
    15  sectors of Pennsylvania to work together against the growing
    16  challenge of cancer; and
    17     WHEREAS, In 2002 the Department of Health began a partnership
    18  with the University of Pittsburgh to conduct research in
    19  biomedical informatics, including further development of the
    20  electronic surveillance system known as the Real-Time Outbreak
    21  and Disease Surveillance System (RODS), which permits real-time
    22  analysis of symptom data from emergency departments through
    23  geographical information system (GIS) mapping and provides
    24  alerts to designated public health officials; and
    25     WHEREAS, On November 16, 2003, the Department of Health
    26  initiated a cornerstone in bioterrorism preparedness and
    27  response through implementation of the Pennsylvania National
    28  Electronic Disease Surveillance System (PA-NEDSS), which
    29  improves the timeliness and accuracy of disease reporting and
    30  expands the public health infrastructure for response to
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     1  possible bioterrorism attacks, and the department received the
     2  2005 Davies Award of Excellence recognizing "a public health
     3  program which improves the health of a defined community through
     4  health information and management for PA-NEDSS"; and
     5     WHEREAS, The Department of Health released its first
     6  Arthritis Burden Report and Pennsylvania Osteoporosis Prevention
     7  and Education Strategic Plan in 2004 to improve outreach,
     8  education and response efforts to arthritis and osteoporosis
     9  health needs; and
    10     WHEREAS, In September 2004 the Department of Health was one
    11  of five states in the nation to be awarded a five-year grant
    12  from the United States Department of Health and Human Services
    13  under the Steps to a HealthierUS initiative, a community-based
    14  effort to reduce the burden of asthma, diabetes and obesity by
    15  focusing on modifiable risk factors--poor nutrition, physical
    16  inactivity and tobacco use--in Fayette, Luzerne and Tioga
    17  Counties; and
    18     WHEREAS, In 2004 the Department of Health joined four other
    19  Commonwealth agencies (the Department of Aging, the Insurance
    20  Department, the Department of Public Welfare and the Department
    21  of General Services) to establish the Health and Human Services
    22  Call Center, which provides services for all different age
    23  groups within the family, from infancy to elderly parent, and
    24  responds to their needs through 15 health and human services
    25  programs on eight toll-free lines; since its inception, the
    26  Health and Human Services Call Center has received more than
    27  89,000 calls; and
    28     WHEREAS, Over the past 100 years, the Department of Health's
    29  primary responsibilities have expanded from protecting the
    30  safety of water and natural resources, maintaining vital records
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     1  and controlling communicable diseases to fulfilling a wide range
     2  of health education, promotion and protection activities today;
     3  and
     4     WHEREAS, The current mission of the Department of Health is
     5  to promote healthy lifestyles, prevent injury and disease and
     6  assure the safe delivery of quality health care services for all
     7  Pennsylvanians; therefore be it
     8     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives congratulate the
     9  Pennsylvania Department of Health on the centennial celebration
    10  of its founding and recognize the department for its everyday
    11  work protecting and promoting the health of citizens in every
    12  corner of this Commonwealth.

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