1Amending Title 4 (Amusements) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
2Statutes, further providing for local share assessment and
3for establishment of State Gaming Fund and net slot machine
4revenue distribution.

5The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
6hereby enacts as follows:

7Section 1. Sections 13A63(b)(4) and 1403(c)(2)(iv) of Title
84 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended to read:

9§ 13A63. Local share assessment.

10* * *

11(b) Distributions to counties.--The department shall make
12quarterly distributions from the local share assessments
13deposited into the fund under subsection (a) to counties,
14including home rule counties, hosting a licensed facility
15authorized to conduct table games under this chapter in
16accordance with the following:

17* * *

18(4) The following apply:

19(i) If the facility is a Category 3 licensed

1facility located in a county of the second class A: 50%
2of the licensed facility's local share assessment shall
3be [deposited into a restricted receipts account to be
4established in the Commonwealth Financing Authority to be
5used exclusively for grants or guarantees for projects in
6the county that qualify under 64 Pa.C.S. §§ 1551
7(relating to Business in Our Sites Program), 1556
8(relating to Tax Increment Financing Guarantee Program)
9and 1558 (relating to Water Supply and Waste Water
10Infrastructure Program).] distributed as follows:

11(A) Seventy-five percent shall be deposited to
12the county hosting the licensed facility from each
13such licensed facility for the purpose of supporting
14the maintenance and refurbishment of the Parks and
15Heritage sites throughout the county in which the
16licensee is located.

17(B) Twelve and one-half percent shall be
18deposited to the county hosting the licensed facility
19from each such licensed facility for the purpose of
20supporting a child advocacy center located within the
21county in which the licensee is located.

22(C) Twelve and one-half percent shall be
23deposited to the county hosting the licensed facility
24from each such licensed facility for the purpose of
25supporting an organization providing comprehensive
26support services to victims of domestic violence,
27including legal and medical aid, shelters,
28transitional housing and counseling located within
29the county in which the licensee is located.

30(ii) Except as provided in subparagraph (i), if the

1facility is a Category 3 licensed facility in a county of
2any class: 50% of the licensed facility's local share
3assessment shall be added to the funds in the restricted
4receipts account established under section 1403(c)(2)(iv)
5for distribution with those funds.

6* * *

7§ 1403. Establishment of State Gaming Fund and net slot machine
8revenue distribution.

9* * *

10(c) Transfers and distributions.--The department shall:

11* * *

12(2) From the local share assessment established in
13subsection (b), make quarterly distributions among the
14counties hosting a licensed facility in accordance with the
15following schedule:

16* * *

17(iv) (A) Except as provided in clause (B) or (C), 
18if the facility is a Category 3 licensed facility, 2% 
19of the gross terminal revenue from the licensed 
20facility shall be deposited into a restricted 
21receipts account established in the Department of 
22Community and Economic Development to be used 
23exclusively for grants to the county, to economic 
24development authorities or redevelopment authorities 
25within the county for grants for economic development 
26projects, community improvement projects and other 
27projects in the public interest.

28(B) If the facility is a Category 3 licensed
29facility located in a county of the second class A,
302% of the gross terminal revenue [from the licensed

1facility shall be deposited into a restricted
2receipts account to be established in the
3Commonwealth Financing Authority to be used
4exclusively for grants or guarantees for projects in
5the host county that qualify under 64 Pa.C.S. §§ 1551
6(relating to Business in Our Sites Program), 1556
7(relating to Tax Increment Financing Guarantee
8Program) and 1558 (relating to Water Supply and
9Wastewater Infrastructure Program).] to the county 
10hosting the licensed facility from each such licensed 
11facility shall be deposited as follows:

12(I) Seventy-five percent shall be deposited
13for the purpose of supporting the maintenance and
14refurbishment of the Parks and Heritage sites
15throughout the county in which the licensee is

17(II) Twelve and one-half percent shall be
18deposited for the purpose of supporting a child
19advocacy center located within the county in
20which the licensee is located.

21(III) Twelve and one-half percent shall be 
22deposited for the purpose of supporting an 
23organization providing comprehensive support 
24services to victims of domestic violence, 
25including legal and medical aid, shelters, 
26transitional housing and counseling located 
27within the county in which the licensee is 

29(C) If the facility is a Category 3 licensed
30facility located in a county of the fifth class that

1is contiguous to a county of the seventh class, 2% of
2the gross terminal revenue from the licensed facility
3shall be deposited into a restricted receipts account
4to be established in the Commonwealth Financing
5Authority to be used exclusively for grants within
6the county for economic development projects,
7infrastructure projects, community improvement
8projects and other projects in the public interest
9within the county and for infrastructure projects
10within a 20-mile radius of the licensed facility in a
11contiguous county of the seventh class.

12* * *

13Section 2. This act shall take effect in 60 days.