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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 602



No. 554 Session of 2005

           FEBRUARY 15, 2005


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 66 (Public Utilities) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, providing for the election of
     3     commission members.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Section 301 of Title 66 of the Pennsylvania
     7  Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:
     8  § 301.  Establishment, members, qualifications and chairman.
     9     (a)  [Appointment] Election and terms of members.--The
    10  Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, established by the
    11  former act of March 31, 1937 (P.L.160, No.43), as an independent
    12  administrative commission, is hereby continued as such. [Prior
    13  to the third Tuesday in January of 1987, the commission shall
    14  consist of five members who shall be appointed by the Governor,
    15  by and with the advice and consent of two-thirds of all the
    16  members of the Senate, for a term of ten years, provided that
    17  the term of any member appointed to fill a vacancy existing on
    18  the effective date of this amendatory act and prior to the third

     1  Tuesday in January of 1987 shall expire on March 31, 1987.
     2  Vacancies on April 1, 1987, shall be filled as follows: One term
     3  shall be until April 1, 1990, and one term shall be until April
     4  1, 1992. Confirmation of such gubernatorial appointees shall be
     5  by a majority of the members of the Senate. If other vacancies
     6  occur between the effective date of this amendatory act and
     7  April 1, 1987, the term shall be the balance of the term to
     8  which the predecessor had been appointed. Vacancies after April
     9  1, 1987, shall be filled for the balance of the term to which a
    10  predecessor had been appointed. Thereafter, the commission shall
    11  consist of five members appointed by the Governor, by and with
    12  the advice and consent of a majority of the members of the
    13  Senate, for a term of five years. The Governor may submit the
    14  nomination to the Senate within 60 days prior to the expiration
    15  of the term or the effective date of the resignation of the
    16  member whom the nominee would replace and shall submit that
    17  nomination no later than 90 days after the expiration of the
    18  term or the effective date of the resignation. A commissioner
    19  may continue to hold office for a period not to exceed six
    20  months beyond the expiration of his term if his successor has
    21  not been duly appointed and qualified according to law.] The
    22  commission shall consist of five elected members.
    23     (b)  Qualifications and restrictions.--Each commissioner, at
    24  the time of his [appointment] election and qualification, shall
    25  be a resident of this Commonwealth and shall have been a
    26  qualified elector therein for a period of at least one year next
    27  preceding his [appointment] election, and shall also be not less
    28  than 25 years of age. No person shall be [appointed] elected a
    29  member of the commission or hold any place, position or office
    30  under it, who occupies any official relation to any public
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     1  utility or who holds any other appointive or elected office of
     2  the Commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof.
     3  Commencing July 1, 1977, commissioners shall devote full time to
     4  their official duties. No commissioner shall hold any office or
     5  position, the duties of which are incompatible with the duties
     6  of his office as commissioner, or be engaged in any business,
     7  employment or vocation, for which he shall receive any
     8  remuneration, except as provided in this chapter. No employee,
     9  appointee or official engaged in the service of or in any manner
    10  connected with, the commission shall hold any office or
    11  position, or be engaged in any employment or vocation, the
    12  duties of which are incompatible with his employment in the
    13  service of or in connection with the work of the commission. No
    14  commissioner shall be paid or accept for any service connected
    15  with the office, any fee or emolument other than the salary and
    16  expenses provided by law. No commissioner shall participate in
    17  any hearing or proceeding in which he has any direct or indirect
    18  pecuniary interest. Within 90 days of confirmation, each
    19  commissioner shall disclose, at that time and thereafter
    20  annually, the existence of all security holdings in any public
    21  utility or its affiliates held by such commissioner, his or her
    22  spouse and any minor or unemancipated children and must either
    23  divest or place in a blind trust such securities. As used in
    24  this part, blind trust means a trust over which neither the
    25  commissioners, their spouses, nor any minor or unemancipated
    26  children shall exercise any managerial control, and from which
    27  neither the commissioners, their spouses, nor any minor or
    28  unemancipated children shall receive any income from the trust
    29  during the commissioner's tenure of office. Such disclosure
    30  statement shall be filed with the secretary of the commission
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     1  and shall be open to inspection by the public during the normal
     2  business hours of the commission during the tenure of the
     3  commissioner. Every commissioner, and every individual or
     4  official, employed or appointed to office under, in the service
     5  of, or in connection with, the work of the commission, is
     6  forbidden, directly or indirectly, to solicit or request from,
     7  or to suggest or recommend to any public utility, or to any
     8  officer, attorney, agent or employee thereof, the appointment of
     9  any individual to any office, place or position in, or the
    10  employment of any individual in any capacity by, such public
    11  utility. Every commissioner, every bureau or office director and
    12  every administrative law judge elected, employed or appointed to
    13  office under, in the service of or in connection with the work
    14  of the commission, is prohibited from accepting employment with
    15  any public utility subject to the rules and regulations of the
    16  commission for a period of one year, and every commissioner is
    17  prohibited from appearing before the commission on behalf of any
    18  public utility subject to the rules and regulations of the
    19  commission for a period of three years, after terminating
    20  employment or service with the commission. If any person
    21  elected, employed or appointed in the service of the commission
    22  violates any provision of this section, the commission shall
    23  forthwith remove him from the office or employment held by him.
    24     (c)  Chairman.--A member designated by the [Governor]
    25  commissioners shall be the chairman of the commission during
    26  such member's term of office.[, except that within 120 days
    27  following the third Tuesday in January 1987, and, every four
    28  years thereafter, the Governor shall designate a chairman. The
    29  commissioners shall annually elect a member to serve as the vice
    30  chairman of the commission.] The chairman shall designate a
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     1  member to serve as vice chairman of the commission at the
     2  pleasure of the chairman. When present, the chairman shall
     3  preside at all meetings, but in his absence the vice chairman
     4  or, in his absence, a member, designated by the chairman, shall
     5  preside and shall exercise, for the time being, all the powers
     6  of the chairman. The chairman shall have such powers and duties
     7  as authorized by the commission as provided in section 331(b)
     8  (relating to powers of commission and administrative law
     9  judges).
    10     (d)  Quorum.--A majority of the members of the commission
    11  serving in accordance with law shall constitute a quorum and
    12  such majority, acting unanimously, shall be required for any
    13  action, including the making of any order or the ratification of
    14  any act done or order made by one or more of the commissioners.
    15  No vacancy in the commission shall impair the right of a quorum
    16  of the commissioners to exercise all the rights and perform all
    17  the duties of the commission.
    18     (e)  Compensation.--Each of the commissioners shall receive
    19  an annual salary of [$55,000] $97,787, except the chairman, who
    20  shall receive an annual salary of [$57,500] $100,361.
    21     (f)  Open proceedings.--The proceedings of the commission
    22  shall [be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the act
    23  of July 19, 1974 (P.L.486, No.175), referred to as the Public
    24  Agency Open Meeting Law] comply with the provisions of 65
    25  Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 (relating to open meetings).
    26     (g)  Monitoring cases.--Each commissioner shall be
    27  responsible for monitoring specified cases as shall be assigned
    28  to him in a manner determined by the commission. All proceedings
    29  properly before the commission shall be assigned immediately
    30  upon filing.
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     1     Section 2.  Title 66 is amended by adding sections to read:
     2  § 301.1.  Districts and elections.
     3     (a)  Public utility commissioner districts.--The Commonwealth
     4  shall be divided into five public utility commissioner
     5  districts, which shall be composed of compact and contiguous
     6  territory as nearly equal in population as practicable. Each
     7  district shall elect one commissioner. Unless absolutely
     8  necessary, no county, city, incorporated town, borough, township
     9  or ward shall be divided in forming a district. Apportionment
    10  shall be conducted by the Legislative Reapportionment Commission
    11  in the manner provided by law for the apportionment of
    12  legislative districts.
    13     (b)  Election.--Commissioners shall be elected in even-
    14  numbered years. The term of office shall begin on the second
    15  Monday of the January following election and shall continue for
    16  four years. However, for the first election of public utility
    17  commissioners, commissioners from odd-numbered districts shall
    18  be elected to a term of four years and commissioners from even-
    19  numbered districts shall be elected to a term of two years.
    20  Thereafter, all terms shall be for four years.
    21     (c)  Vacancies.--In the event of a vacancy, the Governor
    22  shall appoint a person to serve for the remainder of the term in
    23  cases where less than two years of service remain in the term
    24  that became vacant. In cases where more than two years of
    25  service remain in a vacated term, the Governor shall appoint a
    26  person to fill the vacancy until the next general election to be
    27  held that is more than 90 days after the vacancy occurs, at
    28  which time a commissioner shall be elected to fill the vacancy
    29  for the remainder of the term. A commissioner so elected shall
    30  assume his office 30 days after being elected, at which time the
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     1  term of service of the commissioner appointed by the Governor to
     2  fill the vacancy shall end.
     3     (d)  Initial districts.--Initial districts for the purposes
     4  of this section shall exist until the reapportionment of
     5  districts pursuant to the 2000 Federal Decennial Census. These
     6  districts shall be as follows:
     7         (1)  District I shall consist of the following counties:
     8     Allegheny, Beaver, Crawford, Erie, Greene, Lawrence, Mercer
     9     and Washington; and the following municipalities of Venango
    10     County: Canal Township, Franklin City, Frenchcreek Township,
    11     Oil City, Polk Borough, Sandycreek Township, Sugarcreek
    12     Borough and Utica Borough.
    13         (2)  District II shall consist of the following counties:
    14     Adams, Armstrong, Bedford, Blair, Butler, Cambria, Cameron,
    15     Centre, Clarion, Clearfield, Clinton, Cumberland, Elk,
    16     Fayette, Forest, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Indiana,
    17     Jefferson, Juniata, McKean, Mifflin, Perry, Snyder, Somerset,
    18     Union, Warren and Westmoreland; and the following
    19     municipalities of Venango County: Allegheny Township,
    20     Barkeyville Borough, Cherrytree Township, Clinton Township
    21     Clintonville Borough, Cooperstown Borough, Cornplanter
    22     Township, Cranberry Township, Emlenton Borough, Irwin
    23     Township, Jackson Township, Mineral Township, Oakland
    24     Township, Oilcreek Township, Pinegrove Township,
    25     Pleasantville Borough, Plum Township, President Township,
    26     Richland Township, Rockland Township, Rouseville Borough,
    27     Scrubgrass Township and Victory Township.
    28         (3)  District III shall consist of the following
    29     counties: Berks, Bradford, Carbon, Columbia, Lackawanna,
    30     Lehigh, Luzerne, Lycoming, Monroe, Montour, Northampton,
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     1     Northumberland, Pike, Potter, Schuylkill, Sullivan,
     2     Susquehanna, Tioga, Wayne and Wyoming; and the following
     3     municipalities of Lebanon County: Annville Township, Bethel
     4     Township, Cleona Borough, East Hanover Township, Heidelberg
     5     Township, Jackson Township, Jonestown Borough, Lebanon City,
     6     Millcreek Township, Myerstown Borough, North Annville
     7     Township, North Cornwall Township, North Lebanon Township,
     8     Richland Borough, South Annville Township, South Lebanon
     9     Township, Swatara Township, Union Township, West Cornwall
    10     Township and West Lebanon Township.
    11         (4)  District IV shall consist of the following counties:
    12     Chester, Dauphin, Lancaster, Montgomery and York; the
    13     following municipalities of Bucks County: Bedminster
    14     Township, Bridgeton Township, Buckingham Township, Chalfont
    15     Borough, Doylestown Borough, Doylestown Township, Dublin
    16     Borough, Durham Township, East Rockhill Township, Haycock
    17     Township, Hilltown Township, Ivyland Borough, Lower Makefield
    18     Township, Milford Township, New Britain Borough, New Britain
    19     Township, New Hope Borough, Newtown Borough, Newtown
    20     Township, Nockamixon Township, Northampton Township, Perkasie
    21     Borough, Plumstead Township, Quakertown Borough, Richland
    22     Township, Richlandtown Borough, Riegelsville Borough,
    23     Sellersville Borough, Silverdale Borough, Solebury Township,
    24     Springfield Township, Telford Borough, Tinicum Township,
    25     Trumbauersville Borough, Upper Makefield Township, Upper
    26     Southampton Township, Warminster Township, Warrington
    27     Township, Warwick Township, West Rockhill Township,
    28     Wrightstown Township and Yardley Borough; and the following
    29     municipalities of Lebanon County: Cornwall Borough, Mt.
    30     Gretna Borough, North Londonderry Township, Palmyra Borough
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     1     and South Londonderry Township.
     2         (5)  District V shall consist of the following counties:
     3     Delaware and Philadelphia; and the following municipalities
     4     of Bucks County: Bensalem Township, Bristol Borough, Bristol
     5     Township, Falls Township, Hulmeville Borough, Langhorne
     6     Borough, Langhorne Manor Borough, Lower Southampton Township,
     7     Middletown Township, Morrisville Borough, Penndel Borough and
     8     Tullytown Borough.
     9     (e)  Nominations.--Candidates for nomination to the office of
    10  commissioner shall present a nominating petition containing
    11  2,000 signatures of registered and enrolled members of the
    12  appropriate party and district. The filing fee shall be $100,
    13  payable as provided in section 913(b.1) of the act of June 3,
    14  1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election
    15  Code.
    16  § 301.2.  Campaigns.
    17     (a)  General rule.--Campaigns to elect public utility
    18  commissioners may be conducted by candidates with moneys from a
    19  public utility campaign financing fund. A public utility
    20  campaign financing fund committee shall be selected to supervise
    21  the collection, administration and distribution of moneys to
    22  candidates.
    23     (b)  Committee.--The committee shall consist of the Majority
    24  and Minority Leaders of the Senate and the Majority and Minority
    25  Leaders of the House of Representatives, or their designated
    26  representatives, and a chairman who shall be a resident of this
    27  Commonwealth and appointed by the Governor. The committee
    28  members shall serve for two-year terms, which terms shall run
    29  concurrently with the legislative session. Committee members
    30  shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred while
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     1  conducting official business of the committee.
     2     (c)  Tax.--In order to create and maintain the fund, an
     3  annual 0.5% tax is hereby imposed on the gross profits of each
     4  public utility company. Public utility companies shall not pass
     5  the cost of this tax on to their customers. The allowable rate
     6  of return granted to a public utility shall be adjusted downward
     7  to reflect the reduction in gross profits of a public utility as
     8  a result of this tax. Funds not used in an election shall be
     9  placed in an interest-bearing account to be available for use in
    10  the next election.
    11     (d)  Availability of moneys.--
    12         (1)  Campaign financing moneys shall be available to
    13     primary election candidates who are registered with a
    14     political party which is legally recognized and which may
    15     nominate candidates in a primary election. These candidates
    16     shall, when filing their nominating petitions, file a
    17     security deposit with the committee in the amount of 10% of
    18     the moneys they will receive from the fund, as follows:
    19             (i)  Documentation indicating the source of the
    20         security deposit moneys, including the name, address,
    21         occupation and employment of each source and the date
    22         received by the candidate, shall be filed with the
    23         Department of State and with the committee.
    24             (ii)  Within ten days of depositing the security
    25         deposit and qualifying as a candidate for the primary,
    26         candidates shall receive 20¢ for each voter registered in
    27         their district in the candidate's political party
    28         according to the voter registration for the November
    29         election immediately preceding the primary.
    30             (iii)  Candidates who receive at least 15% of the
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     1         total votes cast in the primary election shall have their
     2         security deposits refunded by the committee. Each
     3         candidate shall return contributions used to make his
     4         security deposit to contributors in the exact amount
     5         contributed by each. Those who do not receive at least
     6         15% of the vote shall lose the security deposit, and the
     7         moneys forfeited shall be added to the fund.
     8             (iv)  Candidates who wish to receive moneys from the
     9         fund may, from the time of the commencement of any action
    10         in furtherance of their candidacy, spend up to $10,000 of
    11         private campaign contributions and shall file a source
    12         and expenditure disclosure statement, indicating the
    13         sources of private contributions, with the nominating
    14         petition. No private contributions from a public utility
    15         political action committee or public utility employees
    16         shall be accepted by the candidate.
    17         (2)  As used in this subsection, the term "action in
    18     furtherance of their candidacy" means any action taken by, or
    19     on behalf of a candidate, with the candidate's knowledge and
    20     consent, to promote his candidacy for the Pennsylvania Public
    21     Utility Commission and includes, but is not limited to:
    22             (i)  Circulating petitions bearing the candidate's
    23         name.
    24             (ii)  Raising funds totaling $1,000 or more for a
    25         campaign.
    26             (iii)  Expending funds of $1,000 or more.
    27     (e)  Payments to candidates.--To conduct their campaigns for
    28  the general election, successful candidates in the primary
    29  election shall automatically receive campaign financing fund
    30  moneys amounting to 15¢ for each voter registered in their
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     1  district, with registration being computed according to the
     2  number of voters registered at the time of the most recently
     3  held primary election. A check in the proper amount shall be
     4  sent to the candidates within ten days of the certification of
     5  the primary election results.
     6     (f)  Limits on spending.--Candidates accepting moneys from
     7  the fund shall not spend more in their campaign than the amount
     8  given to them from the fund, plus that portion of $10,000 which
     9  the candidate raised from private sources as permitted by
    10  subsection (d)(1)(iv).
    11     (g)  Formula for payments.--Candidates of political bodies,
    12  as defined in the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known
    13  as the Pennsylvania Election Code, other than political parties
    14  may receive moneys from the fund for the general election
    15  calculated by the same formula as is used for party candidates
    16  receiving campaign financing fund moneys in the general
    17  election, except that, when political body candidates file their
    18  nominating petitions, they shall deposit a security deposit
    19  representing 10% of the moneys they will receive based on the
    20  general election formula of 15¢ per voter registered at the time
    21  of the most recently held primary election. They shall receive
    22  these moneys within ten days after primary election results are
    23  certified. If the candidate receives 15% of the total vote cast
    24  in the election, the security deposit shall be refunded to him,
    25  and he, in turn, shall return the moneys to those persons who
    26  contributed it. If the candidate does not receive 15% of the
    27  vote, the security deposit shall be forfeited by the candidate
    28  to the committee, which shall deposit the forfeited sum in the
    29  fund.
    30     (h)  Repayment to fund.--All campaign financing fund moneys
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     1  distributed to candidates, but not used by them during their
     2  primary or general campaigns, shall be returned to the committee
     3  within 30 days of the election for which the moneys were
     4  distributed.
     5     (i)  Requirements of Pennsylvania Election Code, etc.--Those
     6  candidates who do not accept moneys from the campaign financing
     7  fund shall adhere to the requirements of Article XVI of the
     8  Pennsylvania Election Code and the regulations promulgated
     9  thereunder. A violation of Article XVI or regulations shall also
    10  constitute a violation of this section. The candidate is subject
    11  to the following additional restrictions:
    12         (1)  No public utility political action committee (PAC)
    13     money shall be accepted nor shall any individual contribution
    14     by any public utility employee be accepted.
    15         (2)  Individual contributions, except those made by the
    16     candidate to himself, shall not exceed $100 per contributor.
    17     Permitted PAC contributions are limited to $500 per PAC. Any
    18     contribution exceeding $50 must be reported in a manner which
    19     indicates the contributor's occupation and employer.
    20         (3)  Privately financed candidates must report each
    21     contribution within seven days of its receipt to both the
    22     committee and the Bureau of Commissions, Elections and
    23     Legislation of the Department of State.
    24     (j)  Advertisements.--Any political campaign advertisements
    25  sponsored, financed or underwritten by a public utility or by a
    26  public utility PAC shall address only the issues of a particular
    27  campaign and shall not name or in any way promote any candidate
    28  for the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.
    29     (k)  Violations.--Any candidate who violates the provisions
    30  of this section may, at the discretion of the committee, be
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     1  required to return all, or a portion of, public financing moneys
     2  received to the fund, and the committee may impose additional
     3  civil penalties of not more than $25,000 per occurrence. In
     4  addition, any willful violation of this section by any person
     5  shall be considered a misdemeanor of the third degree and
     6  prosecuted accordingly.
     7     (l)  Regulations.--The committee shall promulgate regulations
     8  providing for the investigation of alleged violations of this
     9  section and for the establishment of a fair hearing procedure to
    10  determine the extent of the violation and the appropriate
    11  penalties. In addition, any information regarding willful
    12  violations of this section shall be reported immediately by the
    13  committee to the Attorney General.
    14     (m)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    15  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    16  subsection:
    17     "Gross profits."  The gross receipts of a public utility for
    18  the fiscal year, minus the operating expenses for the fiscal
    19  year, that are included in the base rate.
    20     Section 3.  In the general election of the first even-
    21  numbered year following the effective date of this act, all five
    22  public utility commissioners will be elected. To finance this
    23  campaign only, moneys from the General Fund shall be used if
    24  necessary, in addition to moneys from the public utility
    25  campaign financing fund.
    26     Section 4.  Terms of public utility commissioners appointed
    27  before the date when commissioners elected under this act assume
    28  office shall terminate at noon of the second Monday of January
    29  following the first general election in which commissioners are
    30  elected.
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     1     Section 5.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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