See other bills
under the
same topic
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 621, 1625, 1793,         PRINTER'S NO. 4168
        3547, 4050, 4123



No. 558 Session of 1997

           WASHINGTON, FEBRUARY 12, 1997

           NOVEMBER 23, 1998

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of November 24, 1976 (P.L.1182, No.262),
     2     entitled "An act relating to the dispensing and sale of
     3     hearing aids, providing for the registration and regulation
     4     of hearing aid fitters and dealers, making certain acts
     5     illegal, prescribing penalties and making an appropriation,"
     6     further providing for rules and regulations; AND providing     <--
     7     for continuing education, for registration certificate fees,
     8     for disclosure agreements, for return of hearing aid and for
     9     suspension and revocation.; and making a repeal.               <--

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  Section 205 of the act of November 24, 1976
    13  (P.L.1182, No.262), known as the Hearing Aid Sales Registration
    14  Law, is amended to read:
    15     Section 205.  Rules and Regulations.--(a)  The department
    16  shall make and promulgate rules and regulations as may be
    17  necessary to enable it to carry into effect the provisions of
    18  this act. Such rules and regulations shall be adopted, or
    19  repealed, in accordance with the provisions of the act of July

     1  31, 1968 (P.L.769, No.240), known as the "Commonwealth Documents
     2  Law," and, when duly promulgated thereunder, such rules and
     3  regulations shall have the force and effect of the law.
     4     (b)  The department shall promulgate rules and regulations to
     5  enforce and administer sections 207 and 504.1.
     6     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     7     Section 207.  Continuing Education.--The department shall
     8  approve courses of continuing education for registered hearing
     9  aid fitters to include, but not be limited to, the following
    10  areas:
    11     (1)  Hearing evaluation.
    12     (2)  Hearing instrumentation technology.
    13     (3)  Ear mold technology.
    14     (4)  Hearing aid repair and maintenance.
    15     (5)  Technical devices to assist the hearing-impaired.
    16     (6)  Psychology of the hearing-impaired.
    17     (7)  Office procedures and compliance with this act.
    18  Programs held within or outside this Commonwealth may receive
    19  approval.
    20     Section 3.  Sections 311, 312, 314 and 316 of the act are
    21  amended to read:
    22     Section 311.  Expiration Date.--Registration certificates
    23  issued under this act expire at midnight on April 15 of each
    24  year thereafter if not renewed. To renew an unexpired
    25  registration certificate the registrant shall, before the time
    26  at which the certificate would otherwise expire, apply for
    27  renewal on a form prescribed by the secretary and pay the
    28  renewal fee prescribed by this act. Each person who files an
    29  application for renewal of a hearing aid fitter's certificate
    30  must, during the two years immediately preceding the expiration
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     1  date, complete 20 hours of approved continuing education and
     2  submit evidence of the same to the department with the renewal
     3  application. A renewal application will not be considered
     4  complete without evidence of completion of the continuing
     5  education.
     6     Section 312.  Renewal of Registration Certificate.--Except as
     7  otherwise provided in this act, an expired registration
     8  certificate may be renewed at any time within five years after
     9  its expiration on filing of an application for renewal on a form
    10  prescribed by the secretary, [and] payment of the renewal fee
    11  currently in effect [on the last renewal date] and submitting
    12  evidence of completion of continuing education as provided in
    13  section 311. If the registration certificate is renewed more
    14  than 30 days after its expiration, the registrant, as a
    15  condition precedent to renewal, shall also pay the delinquency
    16  fee. Renewal under this section shall be effective on the date
    17  on which the complete application is filed, on the date on which
    18  the renewal fee is paid or whichever last occurs. If so renewed,
    19  the registration certificate shall continue in effect through
    20  the date provided in section 311 which next occurs after the
    21  effective date of the renewal, when it shall expire if it is not
    22  again renewed.
    23     Section 314.  Expiration of Suspended Registration
    24  Certificate.--A registration certificate which has been
    25  suspended is subject to expiration and shall be renewed as
    26  provided in this act, but such renewal does not entitle the
    27  holder of the registration certificate while it remains
    28  suspended and until it is reinstated, to engage in the business
    29  of selling or in the practice of fitting and selling of hearing
    30  aids, or in any other activity or conduct in violation of the
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     1  order or judgment by which the registration certificate was
     2  suspended. A registration certificate which has been revoked is
     3  subject to expiration, but it may not be renewed. If it is
     4  reinstated after its expiration, the registrant as a condition
     5  precedent to its reinstatement, shall pay a reinstatement fee in
     6  an amount equal to the renewal fee currently in effect [on the
     7  last regular renewal date before the date on which it is
     8  reinstated], plus the delinquency fee, if any, accrued at the
     9  time of its revocation. The registrants shall also be required
    10  to furnish evidence of completion of the continuing education as
    11  provided in section 311.
    12     Section 316.  Fees.--The amount of fees prescribed by this
    13  act are those fixed in the following schedule:
    14     (1)  The fee for applicants applying for the first time for a
    15  registration certificate is [$100] $200 which shall not be
    16  refunded, except to applicants who are found to be ineligible to
    17  take an examination for a fitter's registration certificate;
    18  those applicants are entitled to a refund of [$75] $150.
    19     (2)  The fee for an applicant for an apprentice fitter's
    20  registration certificate is [$25] $50. The additional fee for
    21  such applicant, upon taking the qualifying examination, is [$75]
    22  $150.
    23     (3)  The fee for applicants for a fitter's registration
    24  certificate who have failed a previous examination is [$25] $50
    25  for each succeeding examination.
    26     (4)  The fee for renewal of a registration certificate is
    27  [$50] $100 for each renewal.
    28     (5)  The initial registration certificate fee is [$100] $200,
    29  unless the initial registration certificate is issued on or
    30  after October 15 of any year. If it is issued on or after
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     1  October 15, the initial registration certificate fee is [$50]
     2  $100.
     3     (6)  The delinquency fee is [$25] $50.
     4     (7)  The fee for issuance of a duplicate registration
     5  certificate for a branch office, or upon loss of an original
     6  registration certificate or upon change of name authorized by
     7  law of a person holding a registration certificate under this
     8  act is [$5] $10.
     9     Section 4.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    10     Section 503.1.  Disclosure Agreement.--(a)  A registrant,
    11  prior to the provision of any service, shall provide to the
    12  consumer a disclosure agreement which shall be explained in
    13  detail by the registrant and shall be signed by the registrant
    14  and the consumer. The disclosure agreement required by this
    15  section shall contain the following:
    16     (1)  A complete description of what the fitting procedure or
    17  process does and does not include.
    18     (2)  An itemization and disclosure of any and all fees
    19  associated with the fitting procedure or process and the sale
    20  and delivery of a hearing aid or similar device including any
    21  cancellation fees authorized pursuant to this act.
    22     (b)  The disclosure agreement required by this section shall
    23  be written in plain language and in a manner that is easily
    24  understood in conformance with the provisions of the act of June
    25  23, 1993 (P.L.128, No.29), known as the "Plain Language Consumer
    26  Contract Act." A disclosure agreement provided pursuant to this
    27  section must be ten-point type or larger.
    28     Section 504.1.  Return of Hearing Aid.--(a)  No hearing aid
    29  shall be sold to any person unless accompanied by a 30-day money
    30  back written guarantee providing that if the person returns the
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     1  hearing aid in the same condition, ordinary wear and tear
     2  excluded, as when purchased within 30 days of the date of
     3  delivery, the customer shall be entitled to the refund of the
     4  purchase price of the hearing aid and accessories as itemized on
     5  the receipt provided under section 504 within 30 days of return
     6  of the hearing aid and accessories.
     7     (b)  A hearing aid that has been refinished and totally
     8  reconditioned by the manufacturer or by the manufacturer's agent
     9  and the manufacturer or manufacturer's agent certifies that the
    10  hearing aid meets all the acoustical standards of a new hearing
    11  aid and is in all other respects the equivalent of a new hearing
    12  aid with all warranties and guarantees that accompany a new
    13  hearing aid, shall be considered to be a new hearing aid and so
    14  designated and shall be subject to the right of refund under
    15  subsection (a).
    16     (c)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), a
    17  hearing aid dealer may retain as a cancellation fee for return
    18  of a hearing aid and accessories a charge not to exceed the
    19  lesser of 10% of the purchase price or $150.
    20     Section 5.  Section 601 of the act is amended by adding a
    21  paragraph to read:
    22     Section 601.  Causes for Denial, Suspension or Revocation of
    23  Certificate.--The secretary may deny, suspend, or revoke a
    24  registration certificate or impose conditions of probation upon
    25  a registrant for any of the following causes:
    26     * * *
    27     (13)  Failure of an applicant for renewal of a registration
    28  certificate to furnish evidence of completion of the continuing
    29  education as provided in section 311.
    30     Section 6.  Section 635 of the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682,   <--
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     1  No.284), known as The Insurance Company Law of 1921, is
     2  repealed.
     3     Section 7.  This act shall take effect as follows:
     4         (1)  Section 6 of this act shall take effect February 16,
     5     1999.
     6         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect in 60
     7     SECTION 6.  THIS ACT SHALL TAKE EFFECT IN 60 days, except      <--
     8  that the continuing education provisions of sections 207, 311,
     9  312, 314 and 601 of the act shall take effect in two years.

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