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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 621



No. 559 Session of 1989

           COHEN AND HARPER, FEBRUARY 15, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), entitled "An
     2     act to consolidate, editorially revise, and codify the public
     3     welfare laws of the Commonwealth," further providing for
     4     eligibility for assistance.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Section 408 of the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31,
     8  No.21), known as the Public Welfare Code, amended April 8, 1982
     9  (P.L.231, No.75), is amended to read:
    10     Section 408.  Meeting Special Needs; Encouraging Self-Support
    11  and Employment.--(a)  The department shall take measures not
    12  inconsistent with the purposes of this article; and when other
    13  funds or facilities for such purposes are inadequate or
    14  unavailable to provide for special needs of individuals eligible
    15  for assistance; to relieve suffering and distress arising from

     1  handicaps and infirmities; to promote their rehabilitation; to
     2  help them if possible to become self-dependent; and, to
     3  cooperate to the fullest extent with other public agencies
     4  empowered by law to provide vocational training, rehabilitative
     5  or similar services.
     6     (b)  The department shall conduct an employability assessment
     7  of each individual eligible for assistance to determine what
     8  barriers to employment exist and what steps will be taken to
     9  overcome those barriers.
    10     Section 2.  Section 432 of the act, amended or added April 1,
    11  1976 (P.L.64, No.28) and April 8, 1982 (P.L.231, No.75), is
    12  amended to read:
    13     Section 432.  Eligibility.--Except as hereinafter otherwise
    14  provided, and subject to the rules, regulations, and standards
    15  established by the department, both as to eligibility for
    16  assistance and as to its nature and extent, needy persons of the
    17  classes defined in clauses (1), (2), and (3) shall be eligible
    18  for assistance:
    19     (1)  Persons for whose assistance Federal financial
    20  participation is available to the Commonwealth as aid to
    21  families with dependent children or as other assistance, and
    22  which assistance is not precluded by other provisions of law.
    23     (2)  Persons who are eligible for State supplemental
    24  assistance.
    25     (i)  State supplemental assistance shall be granted to
    26  persons who receive Federal supplemental security income for the
    27  aged, blind and disabled pursuant to Title XVI of the Federal
    28  Social Security Act.
    29     (ii)  State supplemental assistance shall also be granted to
    30  persons who are aged, blind and disabled, as defined in Title
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     1  XVI of the Federal Social Security Act, and whose income,
     2  pursuant to the standards and income disregards of Title XVI of
     3  the Social Security Act, is less than the combined income of the
     4  Federal payments under the supplemental security income program
     5  and the State supplemental assistance payments established
     6  pursuant to the provisions of this act.
     7     (iii)  In establishing the amounts of the State supplemental
     8  assistance, the department shall consider the funds certified by
     9  the Budget Secretary as available for State supplemental
    10  assistance, pertinent Federal legislation and regulation, the
    11  cost-of-living and the number of persons who may be eligible.
    12     (iv)  Beneficiaries of State supplemental assistance shall be
    13  eligible for cash State financial assistance to cover the cost
    14  of special needs as defined by statute and regulations
    15  promulgated under this act.
    16     (v)  After the amounts of assistance payments have been
    17  determined by the department with the approval of the Governor
    18  and General Assembly, the amounts of assistance payments shall
    19  not be reduced as a consequence of benefit increases, including
    20  but not limited to cost-of-living increases, provided through
    21  Federal legislation.
    22     (vi)  After the amounts of assistance payments have been
    23  determined by the department with the approval of the Governor
    24  and General Assembly, the amounts of assistance payments shall
    25  not be increased without the approval of the General Assembly in
    26  accordance with the procedure established by the act of April 7,
    27  1955 (P.L.23, No.8) known as the "Reorganization Act of 1955,"
    28  and a message to the General Assembly from the Governor for the
    29  purposes of executing such function shall be transmitted as in
    30  other cases under the Reorganization Act.
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     1     (3)  Other persons who are citizens of the United States, or
     2  legally admitted aliens and who are chronically needy or
     3  transitionally needy persons.
     4     (i)  Chronically needy persons are those persons chronically
     5  in need who may be eligible for an indeterminate period as a
     6  result of medical, social or related circumstances and shall be
     7  limited to:
     8     (A)  A child who is under age eighteen or who is attending a
     9  secondary or equivalent vocational or technical school full-time
    10  and may reasonably be expected to complete the program before
    11  reaching age nineteen.
    12     (B)  A person who is over forty-five years of age.
    13     (C)  A person who has a serious physical or mental handicap
    14  which prevents him or her from working in any substantial
    15  gainful activity as determined in accordance with standards
    16  established by the department. The department may require that
    17  documentation of disability be submitted from a physician or
    18  psychologist. The department may also order at the department's
    19  expense a person to submit to an independent examination as a
    20  condition of receiving assistance under this clause. The
    21  department shall determine eligibility within thirty days from
    22  the date of application. Persons discharged from mental
    23  institutions shall be classified as chronically needy in
    24  accordance with department regulations.
    25     (D)  A person who is a caretaker. This category of persons
    26  shall include persons whose presence is required [in the home]
    27  to care for another person as determined in accordance with
    28  department regulations.
    29     (E)  A person suffering from drug or alcohol abuse who is
    30  currently undergoing active treatment in an approved program. No
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     1  individual shall qualify as chronically needy under this clause
     2  for more than nine months.
     3     (F)  A person who is employed [full-time] and who does not
     4  have earnings in excess of current grant levels.
     5     (G)  Any person [who is ineligible for unemployment
     6  compensation and] whose income falls below the assistance
     7  allowance level as a result of a natural disaster as determined
     8  by the department.
     9     (H)  Any person who has previously been employed full time
    10  for at least forty-eight months out of the previous eight years
    11  and has exhausted his or her unemployment compensation benefits
    12  where eligible prior to applying for assistance.
    13     (I)  Any person who does not otherwise qualify as chronically
    14  needy, and who is receiving general assistance on the date this
    15  section is enacted into law and who has not refused a bona fide
    16  job offer or otherwise failed to comply with all employment
    17  requirements of this act and regulations promulgated thereunder.
    18  Such person must comply with all employment requirements of this
    19  act and regulations promulgated thereunder. If after the date
    20  this section is enacted into law a person's general assistance
    21  grants are terminated, then that person may not subsequently
    22  qualify for general assistance under this clause except when
    23  such person has been terminated from employment through no fault
    24  of his own and has not met the minimum credit week
    25  qualifications of the act of December 5, 1936 (2nd Sp.Sess.,
    26  1937 P.L.2897, No.1), known as the "Unemployment Compensation
    27  Law." If it is determined that the classification of persons
    28  according to their status on the date of enactment as provided
    29  in this clause is invalid, then the remainder of this act shall
    30  be given full force and effect as if this clause had been
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     1  omitted from this act, and individuals defined in this clause
     2  shall be considered transitionally needy if otherwise eligible.
     3  No person shall qualify for general assistance under this clause
     4  after December 31, 1982.
     5     (J)  A person who has a physical or mental functional
     6  limitation which seriously impairs his or her ability to seek
     7  and maintain gainful employment in a normal nonsheltered work
     8  environment.
     9     (K)  A person who is a caretaker of a child or children under
    10  eighteen years of age but who does not qualify for aid to
    11  dependent children. A caretaker of a child over six years of age
    12  shall register for work and comply with all work requirements of
    13  this act, unless exempt.
    14     (L)  A pregnant woman until eligible for aid to dependent
    15  children. No separate application for AFDC will be required.
    16     (M)  A person who as a consequence of physical abuse by
    17  spouse, family or household member does not have access to
    18  financial support either because of withholding by the abuser,
    19  separation from the abuser or loss of employment, or who seeks
    20  to recover from or avoid victimization, and who has filed a
    21  petition under the act of October 7, 1976 (P.L.1090, No.218),
    22  known as the "Protection From Abuse Act," or who is receiving
    23  assistance or has received assistance from a spouse abuse or
    24  sexual abuse agency if one is available in the community. An
    25  abuse victim who lives in an area where such abuse services are
    26  not available shall file a petition under the "Protection From
    27  Abuse Act," or establish that he or she is a victim by providing
    28  one form of independent corroboration, such as a statement from
    29  the police, a doctor or hospital or licensed mental health
    30  agency. A person who qualifies under this paragraph shall be
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     1  referred to appropriate employment or training services, where
     2  available, and must comply with all work requirements of this
     3  act, unless exempt. Eligibility for benefits under this
     4  paragraph shall be limited to one year.
     5     (N)  A person who is thirty-five years of age or older and
     6  who has worked without pay as a homemaker for his or her family
     7  in the family home: is not gainfully employed; has had or would
     8  have difficulty finding employment due to lack of vocational
     9  skills or recent work experience; and who has depended on the
    10  income attributable to a family member and has lost that income
    11  as the result of separation, divorce or the death or disability
    12  of that family member. A person eligible for benefits under this
    13  paragraph shall be referred to appropriate employment or
    14  training services where available and shall comply with all the
    15  work requirements of this act. Eligibility for benefits under
    16  this paragraph shall be limited to two years.
    17     (O)  Parents with children in foster care for whom a family
    18  service plan with a goal of return to the home exists and who
    19  comply with the family service plan developed by the County
    20  Children and Youth Agency. Eligibility for benefits under this
    21  paragraph shall be limited to one year.
    22     (P)  Veterans who are ineligible for unemployment
    23  compensation.
    24     (Q)  Persons awaiting an employability assessment.
    25     (R)  Persons actively engaged in training programs approved
    26  by the department.
    27     (ii)  Assistance for chronically needy persons shall continue
    28  as long as the person remains eligible. Redeterminations shall
    29  be conducted on at least an annual basis and persons capable of
    30  work, even though otherwise eligible for assistance to the
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     1  chronically needy, would be required to register for employment
     2  and accept employment if offered as a condition of eligibility
     3  except as otherwise exempt under section 405.1.
     4     (iii)  Transitionally needy persons are those persons who are
     5  otherwise eligible for general assistance but do not qualify as
     6  chronically needy. Assistance for transitionally needy persons
     7  shall be authorized only once in any twelve-month period in an
     8  amount not to exceed the amount of ninety days' assistance.
     9     (4)  Assistance shall not be granted (i) to or in behalf of
    10  any person who disposed of his real or personal property, of the
    11  value of five hundred dollars ($500), or more, without fair
    12  consideration, within two years immediately preceding the date
    13  of application for assistance unless he is eligible for State
    14  supplemental assistance; or (ii) to an inmate of a public
    15  institution.
    16     (5)  Assistance may be granted only to or in behalf of a
    17  resident of Pennsylvania. Needy persons who do not meet the
    18  residence requirements stated in this clause and who are
    19  transients or without residence in any state, may be granted
    20  assistance up to seven days in the form of vendor payments, all
    21  in accordance with rules, regulations, and standards established
    22  by the department.
    23     (6)  Aid to families with dependent children shall not be
    24  paid to any family for any month in which any caretaker relative
    25  with whom the child is living is, on the last day of such month,
    26  participating in a strike, and no individual's needs shall be
    27  included in determining the amount of aid payable for any month
    28  to a family if, on the last day of such month, such individual
    29  is participating in a strike.
    30     (7)  No person shall be terminated from aid to families with
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     1  dependent children or general assistance if otherwise eligible
     2  solely because the department fails to offer a community work
     3  assignment to an individual required under section 405.2 to
     4  participate in the community work program, but individuals may
     5  be terminated for failure to comply with other rules and
     6  regulations under section 405.2.
     7     (8)  (i)  Persons who are eligible for emergency assistance
     8  are those individuals and families who meet the income and
     9  resource requirements for cash assistance and who have an
    10  emergency as defined in subclause (iv).
    11     (ii)  The department shall make a determination of
    12  eligibility and authorize payment to an individual or family
    13  found eligible within three days of application.
    14     (iii)  To the extent that Federal funds are available for any
    15  of the assistance provided under this act, the department shall
    16  make timely application for Federal reimbursement.
    17     (iv)  As used in this clause, "emergency" means a situation
    18  where an individual or a family is deprived or is soon to be
    19  deprived of shelter. The cause of the emergency shall not be
    20  relevant in deciding whether an emergency exists.
    21     (v)  The department may limit to no less than two the number
    22  of emergency assistance grants an individual or family may
    23  receive in a twelve-month period.
    24     (vi)  The department shall promulgate regulations setting
    25  forth the maximum amount and the methodology for determining the
    26  actual amount to be paid to any individual or family at any one
    27  time as emergency assistance. However, in no event shall the
    28  amount be less than five hundred dollars ($500).
    29     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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