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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 623



No. 560 Session of 1997

           FEBRUARY 12, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 21, 1943 (P.L.571, No.254), entitled, as
     2     amended, "An act relating to assessment for taxation in
     3     counties of the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth
     4     classes; designating the subjects, property and persons
     5     subject to and exempt from taxation for county, borough,
     6     town, township, school, except in cities and county
     7     institution district purposes; and providing for and
     8     regulating the assessment and valuation thereof for such
     9     purposes; creating in each such county a board for the
    10     assessment and revision of taxes; defining the powers and
    11     duties of such boards; providing for the acceptance of this
    12     act by cities; regulating the office of ward, borough, town
    13     and township assessors; abolishing the office of assistant
    14     triennial assessor in townships of the first class; providing
    15     for the appointment of a chief assessor, assistant assessors
    16     and other employes; providing for their compensation payable
    17     by such counties; prescribing certain duties of and certain
    18     fees to be collected by the recorder of deeds and municipal
    19     officers who issue building permits; imposing duties on
    20     taxables making improvements on land and grantees of land;
    21     prescribing penalties; and eliminating the triennial
    22     assessment," further providing for appeal notices.

    23     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    24  hereby enacts as follows:
    25     Section 1.  Section 701(a) and (b) of the act of May 21, 1943
    26  (P.L.571, No.254), known as The Fourth to Eighth Class County
    27  Assessment Law, amended December 13, 1982 (P.L.1173, No.270),

     1  are amended to read:
     2     Section 701.  Appeal Notices.--(a)  (1)  Upon receipt of the
     3  assessment roll from the assessor, or as soon thereafter as
     4  possible, the board shall examine and inquire whether the
     5  assessments and valuations have been made in conformity with the
     6  provisions of this act, and shall revise the same, increasing or
     7  decreasing the assessments and valuations as in their judgment
     8  may seem proper, and shall add thereto such property or subjects
     9  of taxation as may have been omitted. The board may revise and
    10  decrease the assessment and valuation of real property the
    11  buildings of which are completely destroyed or razed, taking
    12  into account the loss in value of the property for that part of
    13  the assessment year subsequent to the destruction. The board
    14  shall, on or before the fifteenth day of July prepare an
    15  assessment roll or list of persons and property subject to local
    16  taxation, together with the value placed upon each person and
    17  each parcel or tract of real property. The board shall at the
    18  same time prepare a list of all property exempted by law from
    19  taxation. It shall cause to be mailed or delivered to each owner
    20  of property or person assessed, and taxing district having an
    21  interest therein, the actual value of whose property or personal
    22  assessment has been changed from that fixed in the preceding
    23  assessment roll as corrected after revision or the value of
    24  whose property or personal assessment has not theretofore been
    25  separately fixed, or when the established predetermined ratio
    26  has been changed within the county, at his last known address, a
    27  notice of such change, the amount of the present assessment,
    28  valuation and ratio if the property or personal assessment was
    29  previously separately assessed and the amount of such new
    30  assessment, valuation and ratio. Said notice shall be mailed
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     1  within five days from the date the board made such change or
     2  added said property to the roll and shall state that any person
     3  aggrieved by such change or by any assessment, and the said
     4  taxing districts may appeal to the board for relief by filing
     5  with the board within forty days of the date of such notice or
     6  an earlier date if the option provided in clause (2) of this
     7  subsection is exercised, a statement in writing of such
     8  intention to appeal, designating the assessment or assessments
     9  by which such person is aggrieved, and the address to which
    10  notice of when and where to appear for hearing of the appeal
    11  shall be mailed[.];
    12     (2)  The county commissioners may designate a date no earlier
    13  than the first day of August as the date on or before which any
    14  person desiring to appeal from any assessment shall file with
    15  the board an appeal, in writing, designating the assessment
    16  appealed from: Provided, That the notice by publication required
    17  under clause (1) of this subsection is given at least two weeks
    18  prior to the date designated in accordance with this clause.
    19     * * *
    20     (b)  Any person aggrieved by any assessment whether or not
    21  the value thereof shall have been changed since the preceding
    22  annual assessment, or any taxing district having an interest
    23  therein, may appeal to the board for relief. Any person or such
    24  taxing districts desiring to make an appeal shall, on or before
    25  the first day of September or the date designated by the county
    26  commissioners if the option under clause (2), subsection (a) of
    27  this section is exercised, file with the board an appeal,
    28  setting forth:
    29     (1)  The assessment or assessments by which such person feels
    30  aggrieved;
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     1     (2)  The address to which the board shall mail notice of when
     2  and where to appear for hearing.
     3     * * *
     4     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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