See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 675



No. 573 Session of 2003



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 21, 1943 (P.L.571, No.254), entitled, as
     2     amended, "An act relating to assessment for taxation in
     3     counties of the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth
     4     classes; designating the subjects, property and persons
     5     subject to and exempt from taxation for county, borough,
     6     town, township, school, except in cities and county
     7     institution district purposes; and providing for and
     8     regulating the assessment and valuation thereof for such
     9     purposes; creating in each such county a board for the
    10     assessment and revision of taxes; defining the powers and
    11     duties of such boards; providing for the acceptance of this
    12     act by cities; regulating the office of ward, borough, town
    13     and township assessors; abolishing the office of assistant
    14     triennial assessor in townships of the first class; providing
    15     for the appointment of a chief assessor, assistant assessors
    16     and other employes; providing for their compensation payable
    17     by such counties; prescribing certain duties of and certain
    18     fees to be collected by the recorder of deeds and municipal
    19     officers who issue building permits; imposing duties on
    20     taxables making improvements on land and grantees of land;
    21     prescribing penalties; and eliminating the triennial
    22     assessment," further providing for removal permits, transfer
    23     of ownership certificates and tax lien certificates; and
    24     imposing a penalty.

    25     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    26  hereby enacts as follows:
    27     Section 1.  Section 617.1 of the act of May 21, 1943

     1  (P.L.571, No.254), known as The Fourth to Eighth Class County
     2  Assessment Law, amended December 15, 1969 (P.L.362, No.158), is
     3  amended to read:
     4     Section 617.1.  Mobilehomes and House Trailers to Be Assessed
     5  in Name of Owner.--(a)  All mobilehomes or house trailers which
     6  are subject to taxation as real estate as provided herein shall
     7  be assessed and taxed in the name of the then owner or owners of
     8  such mobilehome or house trailer, who shall be the person or
     9  persons named in the title for such mobilehome or house trailer,
    10  irrespective of whether the title is issued by this Commonwealth
    11  or another state.
    12     (b)  Each person in whose name a mobilehome or house trailer
    13  is assessed, rated or valued as provided in this act, shall be
    14  notified in writing by the [assessor] mobilehome court operator
    15  that it shall be unlawful for any person to [remove the
    16  mobilehome or house trailer from the taxing district without
    17  first having obtained removal permits from the local tax
    18  collector.] do any of the following:
    19     (1)  Remove the mobilehome or house trailer from the taxing
    20  district without first having obtained a permit of removal
    21  and/or transfer of ownership, pursuant to this act, from the
    22  municipal treasurer, local tax collector or officer responsible
    23  for code enforcement, as designated by the governing body of the
    24  municipality where the mobilehome or house trailer is currently
    25  located. No permit for removal or transfer of ownership shall be
    26  issued without receipt of a tax certification verifying payment
    27  of taxes levied and assessed on the mobilehome or house trailer
    28  from the municipal treasurer or local tax collector and a lien
    29  certificate from the county tax claim bureau for delinquent
    30  taxes.
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     1     (2)  Sell or transfer title of ownership of the mobilehome or
     2  house trailer without first having obtained a permit of removal
     3  and/or transfer of ownership, pursuant to this act, from the
     4  municipal treasurer, local tax collector or officer responsible
     5  for code enforcement, as designated by the governing body of the
     6  municipality where the mobilehome or house trailer is currently
     7  located. No permit for removal or transfer of ownership shall be
     8  issued without receipt of a tax certification verifying payment
     9  of taxes levied and assessed on the mobilehome or house trailer
    10  from the municipal treasurer or local tax collector and a lien
    11  certificate from the county tax claim bureau for delinquent
    12  taxes.
    13     (b.1)  It shall be unlawful to install a mobilehome or house
    14  trailer without first obtaining an installation permit from the
    15  local tax collector, municipal treasurer or the municipal
    16  officer responsible for code enforcement as provided in this
    17  act.
    18     [(c)  The local tax collector shall issue removal permits
    19  upon application therefor whenever a fee of two dollars and all
    20  taxes levied and assessed on the mobilehome or house trailer to
    21  be moved are paid.
    22     (d)  Any person who moves a mobilehome or house trailer from
    23  the territorial limits of the taxing district without first
    24  having obtained a removal permit issued under this act shall,
    25  upon summary conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of
    26  one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution or undergo
    27  imprisonment for not more than thirty days, or both.]
    28     (c)  The municipal treasurer, local tax collector or officer
    29  responsible for code enforcement, as designated by the governing
    30  body of the municipality where the mobilehome or house trailer
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     1  is currently located, shall issue permits of installation,
     2  removal and/or transfer of ownership, pursuant to this act, upon
     3  application therefor whenever a fee of five dollars ($5) is paid
     4  to the issuing entity and all taxes levied and assessed on the
     5  mobilehome or house trailer to be installed, removed, sold, or
     6  title thereof transferred, are paid. The county tax claim bureau
     7  shall issue lien certificates, pursuant to this section, upon
     8  application to the county tax claim bureau and all delinquent
     9  taxes levied against the mobilehome or house trailer are paid.
    10  The issuing entity shall forward to the county assessment office
    11  a copy of each permit of installation, removal or transfer of
    12  ownership issued within thirty days.
    13     (c.1)  The Department of Community and Economic Development
    14  shall promulgate, approve and furnish a Statewide uniform permit
    15  of removal and/or transfer of ownership to each county to be
    16  duplicated and utilized by the municipal treasurers or local tax
    17  collectors of the county, pursuant to this section. The permit
    18  shall require the owner of the mobilehome or house trailer to
    19  furnish the following information:
    20     (1)  Name of the assessed.
    21     (2)  Address of the assessed.
    22     (3)  Taxing district.
    23     (4)  Lot or code number.
    24     (5)  Mobilehome or house trailer size, color, make, model and
    25  year.
    26     (6)  Vehicle identification number (VIN).
    27     (7)  Date of removal or sale.
    28     (8)  Name of new owner.
    29     (9)  Address of new owner.
    30     (10)  The taxing district, street address, municipality and
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     1  county to which the mobilehome or house trailer is being
     2  removed.
     3     (11)  A listing of current taxes levied or assessed on the
     4  mobilehome or house trailer, if any, with proof of payment.
     5     (c.2)  The Department of Community and Economic Development
     6  shall promulgate, approve and furnish a Statewide uniform lien
     7  certificate to each county to be duplicated and utilized by the
     8  county tax claim bureau which shall require the county tax claim
     9  bureau to furnish a listing of delinquent taxes levied or
    10  assessed on the mobilehome or house trailer, if any, with proof
    11  of payment.
    12     (c.3)  The Department of Community and Economic Development
    13  shall promulgate, approve and furnish a Statewide uniform permit
    14  of installation to each county to be duplicated and utilized by
    15  the municipal treasurer, local tax collector or officer
    16  responsible for code enforcement under this act. The permit
    17  shall require the owner of the mobilehome or house trailer to
    18  furnish the following information:
    19     (1)  Name of the titled owner of the mobilehome or house
    20  trailer.
    21     (2)  Address of the owner of the mobilehome or house trailer.
    22     (3)  Taxing district in which the mobilehome or house trailer
    23  is being installed.
    24     (4)  Lot or pad number.
    25     (5)  Mobilehome or house trailer size, color, make, model and
    26  year.
    27     (6)  Vehicle identification number (VIN).
    28     (7)  A listing of current taxes levied and assessed on the
    29  mobilehome or house trailer, if any, with proof of payment.
    30     (c.4)  The Department of Community and Economic Development
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     1  shall, in addition to the information above, include on the
     2  uniform permit and certificate any additional information it
     3  deems necessary to accomplish the purposes, and to carry out the
     4  provisions of this section.
     5     (d)  Any person who installs a mobilehome or house trailer
     6  within territorial limits of the taxing district or removes a
     7  mobilehome or house trailer from the territorial limits of the
     8  taxing district and/or transfers title of ownership of a
     9  mobilehome or house trailer without first having obtained a
    10  permit of installation, removal and/or transfer of ownership and
    11  a lien certificate, pursuant to this section, upon summary
    12  conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of one
    13  hundred dollars ($100) and costs of prosecution or undergo
    14  imprisonment for not more than thirty days, or both.
    15     Section 2.  This act shall take effect January 1, 2004.

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