1Commemorating the 65th anniversary of the Universal Declaration
2of Human Rights and recognizing December 10, 2013, as
3"International Human Rights Day in Pennsylvania."

4WHEREAS, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was
5adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10,
61948, in order to sufficiently define the rights referenced in
7the United Nations Charter; and

8WHEREAS, As chair of the United Nations Commission on Human
9Rights, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt was instrumental in the
10drafting process of the declaration; and

11WHEREAS, The Preamble of the Declaration proclaims,
12"Disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in
13barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind,
14and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy

1freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has
2been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people";

4WHEREAS, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been
5referred to as "the international Magna Carta for all mankind"
6due to its intent to clarify the rights of all human beings; and

7WHEREAS, Each year, December 10th is observed by individuals,
8communities, religious groups, human rights organizations,
9governments and the United Nations as a day to promote human
10rights awareness throughout the world; and

11WHEREAS, December 10, 2013, marks the 65th anniversary of the
12United Nations General Assembly adopting the Universal
13Declaration of Human Rights; therefore be it

14RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives commemorate the
1565th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
16and be it further

17RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives recognize
18December 10, 2013, as "International Human Rights Day in