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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 611



No. 585 Session of 1999

           M. COHEN AND TRELLO, FEBRUARY 16, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 23, 1931 (P.L.932, No.317), entitled
     2     "An act relating to cities of the third class; and amending,
     3     revising, and consolidating the law relating thereto,"
     4     further defining "common level ratio"; further providing for
     5     board determinations in assessment appeals; providing for
     6     assessment errors and refunds; and further providing for
     7     court determinations in assessment appeals.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  The definition of "common level ratio" in section
    11  2503.1 of the act of June 23, 1931 (P.L.932, No.317), known as
    12  The Third Class City Code, reenacted and amended June 28, 1951
    13  (P.L.662, No.164) and added December 13, 1982 (P.L.1192,
    14  No.273), is amended to read:
    15     Section 2503.1.  Definitions.--The following words and
    16  phrases when used in this act shall have, unless the context
    17  clearly indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this
    18  section:
    19     * * *
    20     "Common level ratio," the ratio of assessed value to current

     1  market value used generally in the county or applicable city as
     2  last determined by the State Tax Equalization Board pursuant to
     3  the act of June 27, 1947 (P.L.1046, No.447), referred to as the
     4  State Tax Equalization Board Law.
     5     * * *
     6     Section 2.  Section 2504(c) of the act, amended December 13,
     7  1982 (P.L.1192, No.273), is amended and the section is amended
     8  by adding subsections to read:
     9     Section 2504.  Assessment of Property; Duties of Assessor.--*
    10  * *
    11     (c)  The board shall assess real property at a value based
    12  upon an established predetermined ratio which [may not exceed]
    13  shall be one hundred per centum of actual value. Such ratio
    14  shall be established and determined by the city council after
    15  proper notice has been given.
    16     * * *
    17     (f)  If a third class city changes its assessment base by
    18  applying a change in the established predetermined ratio, the
    19  board shall apply the percentage change between the existing
    20  established predetermined ratio and the new established
    21  predetermined ratio to the county's common level ratio to
    22  establish the certified revised common level ratio for the year
    23  in which the assessment was revised.
    24     (g)  If a third class city, which assesses property
    25  independently from the county in which it is located, performs a
    26  citywide revision of assessments by revaluing the properties and
    27  applying the city established predetermined ratio, the city
    28  shall utilize its predetermined ratio instead of the city common
    29  level ratio for the year in which the assessment was revised and
    30  until such time as the common level ratio, as determined by the
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     1  board, reflects the revaluing of properties from the revision of
     2  assessments.
     3     Section 3.  Section 2520 of the act, amended December 13,
     4  1982 (P.L.1192, No.273), is amended to read:
     5     Section 2520.  Custody of Assessment Books; Completion of
     6  Work of Board.--(a)  The board of revision of taxes and appeals
     7  shall procure and have the custody and control of all books
     8  relating to assessment of city taxes, and keep them arranged
     9  according to wards and dates, and shall furnish the city
    10  assessor the necessary books for making the assessment, which,
    11  on the completion of such assessment, shall be returned to such
    12  board of revision of taxes and appeals. The board shall complete
    13  its labors, and the hearing and determination of all appeals, on
    14  or before the first day of December of each year, or as soon
    15  thereafter as practicable, after which the assessment shall be
    16  copied, by wards, into a tax duplicate or duplicates for the use
    17  of the city. The assessment, so corrected and copied, shall be
    18  and remain a lawful assessment for the purpose of city taxation
    19  until altered as provided in this article. The board shall give
    20  notice in writing within five days after its disposition of each
    21  appeal, advising the taxable of its decision.
    22     (b)  In any appeal of an assessment the board shall make the
    23  following determinations:
    24     (1)  The [current] market value [for the tax year in
    25  question] as of the date such appeal was filed with the board.
    26     (2)  The common level ratio published by the State Tax
    27  Equalization Board on or before the first day of July of the
    28  year prior to the tax year on appeal before the board.
    29     (c)  The board, after determining the [current] market value
    30  of the property for the tax year in question, shall then apply
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     1  the established predetermined ratio to such value unless the
     2  common level ratio varies by more than fifteen per centum from
     3  the established predetermined ratio, in which case the board
     4  shall apply the common level ratio to the [current] market value
     5  of the property for the tax year in question. As an example, in
     6  the case of an established predetermined ratio of thirty per
     7  centum, the following calculations would be made to determine
     8  the permissible ratio variance:
     9         30% (PDR) x 15% = 4.5%
    10         30% (PDR) + 4.5% = 34.5%
    11         30% (PDR) - 4.5% = 25.5%
    12     (c.1)  If a third class city changes its assessment base by
    13  applying a change in the established predetermined ratio, the
    14  board shall apply the percentage change between the existing
    15  established predetermined ratio and the new established
    16  predetermined ratio to the county's common level ratio to
    17  establish the certified revised common level ratio for the year
    18  in which the assessment was revised.
    19     (c.2)  If a third class city, which assesses property
    20  independently from the county in which it is located, performs a
    21  citywide revision of assessments by revaluing the properties and
    22  applying the city established predetermined ratio, the board
    23  shall utilize the city's established predetermined ratio instead
    24  of the city common level ratio for the year in which the
    25  assessment was revised and until such time as the common level
    26  ratio, as determined by the board, reflects the revaluing of
    27  properties from the revision of assessments.
    28     (d)  Nothing herein shall prevent any appellant from
    29  appealing any base year valuation without reference to ratio.
    30     Section 4.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
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     1     Section 2520.1.  Error in Assessment; Refunds.--(a)  If,
     2  through mathematical or clerical error, an assessment is greater
     3  than it should have been and taxes are paid in accordance with
     4  the incorrect assessment, the board of revision of taxes and
     5  appeals shall inform the appropriate individuals and shall make
     6  a refund to the taxpayer for whichever of the following is less:
     7     (1)  The overage of taxes paid during the period of time the
     8  error existed.
     9     (2)  The overage of taxes paid during the six years preceding
    10  the date the board discovers the error.
    11     (b)  A taxpayer may petition the board to determine if there
    12  has been an error in the assessment of the taxpayer's property.
    13     (c)  Reassessment which results from a judgment of the board
    14  that is based on the method of assessment utilized does not
    15  constitute an error under this section.
    16     Section 5.  Section 2521 of the act, amended December 13,
    17  1982 (P.L.1192, No.273), is amended to read:
    18     Section 2521.  Appeals from Decisions of Board; Costs.--(a)
    19  Any owner of taxable property who may feel aggrieved by the
    20  decision of the board of revision of taxes and appeals as to the
    21  assessment or valuation of his taxable property may appeal from
    22  the decision of the board of revision of taxes and appeals to
    23  the court of common pleas of the county within which such
    24  property is situated, and, for that purpose, may present to said
    25  court, or file in the prothonotary's office, within sixty days
    26  after mailing notice to him that the board of revision of taxes
    27  and appeals have held the appeals provided for by law and acted
    28  on the said assessments and valuations, a petition signed by
    29  him, his agent, or attorney, setting forth the facts of the
    30  case. The court shall thereupon, after notice to the said board
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     1  of revision of taxes and appeals, hear the said appeal and the
     2  proofs in the case, and make such orders and decrees touching
     3  the matter complained of as to the judges of said court may seem
     4  just and equitable, having due regard to the valuation and
     5  assessment made of other property in such city. The costs of the
     6  appeal and hearing shall be apportioned or paid as the court may
     7  direct. The said appeals shall not, however, prevent the
     8  collection of the taxes complained of, but in case the same
     9  shall be reduced, then the excess shall be returned to the
    10  person or persons who shall have paid the same.
    11     (b)  In any appeal of an assessment the court shall make the
    12  following determinations:
    13     (1)  The [current] market value [for the tax year in
    14  question] as of the date such appeal was filed before a city
    15  council acting in its capacity as board of revision of taxes and
    16  appeals. In the event subsequent years have been made a part of
    17  an appeal, the court shall determine the respective market value
    18  for each such year.
    19     (2)  The common level ratio which was applicable in an appeal
    20  to a city council acting in its capacity as board of revision of
    21  taxes and appeals. In the event subsequent years have been made
    22  a part of an appeal to the court, the court shall determine the
    23  respective common level ratio for each such year published by
    24  the State Tax Equalization Board on or before the year prior to
    25  the tax year being appealed.
    26     (c)  The court, after determining the [current] market value
    27  of the property [for the tax year in question] under subsection
    28  (b)(1), shall then apply the established predetermined ratio to
    29  such value unless the corresponding common level ratio
    30  determined under subsection (b)(2) varies by more than fifteen
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     1  per centum from the established predetermined ratio, in which
     2  case the court shall apply the respective common level ratio to
     3  the [current] corresponding market value of the property [for
     4  the tax year in question]. As an example, in the case of an
     5  established predetermined ratio of thirty per centum, the
     6  following calculations would be made to determine the
     7  permissible ratio variance:
     8         30% (PDR) x 15% = 4.5%
     9         30% (PDR) + 4.5% = 34.5%
    10         30% (PDR) - 4.5% = 25.5%
    11     (c.1)  If a third class city changes its assessment base by
    12  applying a change in the established predetermined ratio, the
    13  court shall apply the percentage change between the existing
    14  established predetermined ratio and the new established
    15  predetermined ratio to the county's common level ratio to
    16  establish the certified revised common level ratio for the year
    17  in which the assessment was revised.
    18     (c.2)  If a third class city, which assesses property
    19  independently from the county in which it is located, performs a
    20  citywide revision of assessments by revaluing the properties and
    21  applying the city established predetermined ratio, the court
    22  shall utilize the city's predetermined ratio instead of the city
    23  common level ratio for the year in which the assessment was
    24  revised and until such time as the common level ratio, as
    25  determined by the board, reflects the revaluing of properties
    26  from the revision of assessment.
    27     (d)  Nothing herein shall prevent any appellant from
    28  appealing any base year valuation without reference to ratio.
    29     Section 6.  This act shall take effect January 1, 2000.

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