No. 593 Session of 1977

           MARCH 14, 1977


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," changing and adding definitions and
     6     further providing for subsidies.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  Clauses (9), (12) and (15) of section 2501, act
    10  of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the "Public School
    11  Code of 1949," clause (9) amended June 12, 1968 (P.L.192,
    12  No.96), clauses (12) and (15) amended June 26, 1974 (P.L.370,
    13  No.125), are amended and the section is amended by adding
    14  clauses to read:
    15     Section 2501.  Definitions.--For the purposes of this article
    16  the following terms shall have the following meanings:
    17     * * *
    18     (9)  ["Valuation."] "Real Property Valuation."  A school
    19  district's or vocational school district's real property

     1  valuation, to be used for purposes of computing the basic
     2  account standard reimbursement fraction, the subsidiary account
     3  reimbursement fraction, and the aid ratio shall be the valuation
     4  placed upon its taxable real property by the State Tax
     5  Equalization Board.
     6     (9.1)  "Personal Income Valuation."  A school district's
     7  personal income valuation for purposes of reimbursement to a
     8  school district under subsections (d), (e), and (f) of section
     9  2502, and section 2592 shall be the valuation of the total
    10  personal income determined under Article III of the act of March
    11  4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the "Tax Reform Code of 1971,"
    12  for each school district each year by the Secretary of Revenue
    13  and certified to the Secretary of Education.
    14     (9.2)  "Equalized Millage."  A school district's tax effort
    15  to be used for purposes of determining the base earned for
    16  reimbursement and used for reimbursement under subsections (d)
    17  and (e) of section 2502, shall be the amount of local school
    18  taxes collected during the year for which reimbursement is being
    19  computed, divided by the most recent real property valuation of
    20  the school district.
    21     (9.3)  "Median Equalized Millage."  For the school year 1976-
    22  1977 and each year thereafter, the Secretary of Education shall
    23  annually calculate the equalized millage for which an equal
    24  number of districts are above and below for that year.
    25     * * *
    26     (12)  "State's Share of Total Cost." For the school year
    27  1966-1967 and each school year thereafter, the State's share of
    28  total reimbursable cost shall be fifty percent (50%). Total
    29  reimbursable cost shall be the lesser of actual expense per WADM
    30  as defined in clause (11.1) or a maximum amount to be fixed by
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     1  the General Assembly [from time to time] each year to represent
     2  the estimated [average actual] median actual instruction expense
     3  per WADM in the year for which the reimbursement is to be
     4  payable. For the school year commencing the first day of July
     5  [1973] 1976  and each school year thereafter the maximum amount
     6  shall be [seven hundred fifty dollars ($750)] the median actual
     7  instruction expense per WADM in the year for which the
     8  reimbursement is to be payable. The Secretary of Education
     9  annually shall calculate the State [average "actual] "median
    10  actual instruction expense per weighted average daily
    11  membership" and shall supply the same to the General Assembly
    12  [to assist the General Assembly in evaluating the adequacy of
    13  such maximum amount].
    14     (12.1)  "Median Actual Instruction Expense Per Weighted
    15  Average Daily Membership." For the school year 1976-1977 and
    16  each school year thereafter, the Secretary of Education shall
    17  annually calculate the actual instruction expense per weighted
    18  average daily membership for which an equal number of districts
    19  are above and below for that year.
    20     * * *
    21     (14.1)  "Market Value/Income Aid Ratio." For purposes of
    22  reimbursement to a school district under subsections (d), (e),
    23  and (f) of section 2502, and section 2592, shall be the
    24  Commonwealth's method of determining the combined market value
    25  and income wealth for each pupil, and shall be computed as
    26  follows:
    27     (a)(i)  Divide the market value per weighted average daily
    28  membership of the district by the market value per weighted
    29  average daily membership of the State;
    30     (ii)  Determine the product of (a)(i) multiplied by the
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     1  district's share of total costs which is .5;
     2     (iii)  Subtract the resultant product in (a)(ii) from 1.000
     3  to determine the market value portion of the aid ratio as
     4  follows:
     5                                 (District Market Value/WADM
     6  Market Value Aid Ratio = 1 -   _________________________  x.5)
     7                                 (State Market Value/WADM
     8     (b)(i)  Divide the income per weighted average daily
     9  membership of the district by the average personal income per
    10  weighted average daily membership of the State;
    11     (ii)  Determine the product of (b)(i) multiplied by the
    12  district's share of total costs which is .5;
    13     (iii)  Subtract the resultant product in (b)(ii) from 1.0000
    14  to determine the income aid ratio as follows:
    15                                 (District Income/WADM
    16      Income Aid Ratio = 1 -     _____________________    x.5)
    17                                 (State Income/WADM
    18     (c)  Add the market value aid ratio to the income aid ratio
    19  and divide the sum by 2 to determine the market value/income aid
    20  ratio as follows:
    21                                 Market Value Aid Ratio + Income
    22  Market Value/Income            Aid Ratio
    23      Aid Radio          =       _______________________________
    24                                                 2
    25     (15)  "Minimum Subsidy."  [In] For the school year 1976-1977
    26  and each school year thereafter, in no case shall a district
    27  receive for each pupil in weighted average daily membership
    28  [through the school year 1969-1970], an amount less than ten
    29  percent (10%) of the actual cost of instruction or [fifty-five
    30  dollars ($55)] ten percent (10%) of the base earned for
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     1  reimbursement whichever is the lesser amount. [For the school
     2  year 1973-1974 and each school year thereafter, in no case shall
     3  a district receive for each pupil in weighted average daily
     4  membership an amount less than ten percent (10%) of the actual
     5  cost of instruction, or seventy-five dollars ($75) whichever is
     6  the lesser amount.] For 1976-1977 and each school year
     7  thereafter, a district whose actual instruction expense per
     8  weighted average daily membership is more than two hundred
     9  dollars ($200) less than the median actual instruction expense
    10  per weighted average daily membership, and whose equalized
    11  millage is within fifteen percent (15%) of the median equalized
    12  millage, the reimbursement shall be two hundred dollars ($200)
    13  below the median actual instruction expense per weighted average
    14  daily membership times the district's aid ratio for each
    15  weighted average daily membership.
    16     * * *
    17     (17.1)  "Base Earned for Reimbursement." Shall be the lesser
    18  of (a) the actual instruction expense per weighted average daily
    19  membership of the district, or (b) the amount earned as follows:
    20     (i)  Where the equalized millage is thirty percent (30%) or
    21  more above the median equalized millage, rounded to a whole
    22  mill, the amount shall be the median actual instruction expense
    23  per weighted average daily membership rounded to the nearest ten
    24  dollars ($10) amount.
    25     (ii)  Where the equalized millage is fifteen percent (15%) or
    26  more and less than thirty percent (30%) above above the median
    27  equalized millage, rounded to a whole mill, the amount shall be
    28  fifty dollars ($50) less than the median actual instruction
    29  expense per weighted average daily membership.
    30     (iii)  Where the equalized millage is less than fifteen
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     1  percent (15%) above or below the median equalized millage,
     2  rounded to a whole mill, the amount shall be one hundred dollars
     3  ($100) less than the median actual instruction expense per
     4  weighted average daily membership.
     5     (iv)  Where the equalized millage is fifteen percent (15%) to
     6  thirty percent (30%) below the median equalized millage, rounded
     7  to a whole mill, the amount shall be one hundred fifty dollars
     8  ($150) less than the median actual instruction expense per
     9  weighted average daily membership.
    10     (v)  Where the equalized millage is more than thirty percent
    11  (30%) below the median equalized millage, the amount shall be
    12  two hundred dollars ($200) less than the median actual
    13  instruction expense per weighted average daily membership.
    14     Section 2.  Subsections (d), (f) and (g) of section 2502 of
    15  the act, subsection (d), amended June 26, 1974 (P.L.370,
    16  No.125), and subsections (f) and (g) amended August 18, 1971
    17  (P.L.339, No.88), are amended to read:
    18     Section 2502.  Payments on Account of Instruction.--
    19     * * *
    20     (d)  For the school year [commencing the first day of July
    21  within the year of the effective date of this amendment] 1976-
    22  1977 and each school year thereafter, each school district shall
    23  be paid by the Commonwealth on account of instruction of the
    24  district's pupils an amount to be determined by multiplying the
    25  market value/income aid ratio times the actual instruction
    26  expense per weighted average daily membership or by [five
    27  hundred fifty dollars ($550),] the base earned for
    28  reimbursement, whichever is less, and by the weighted average
    29  daily membership for the district. [For the school year 1973-
    30  1974 and each school year thereafter, each school district shall
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     1  be paid by the Commonwealth on account of instruction of the
     2  district's pupils an amount to be determined by multiplying the
     3  aid ratio times the actual instruction expense per weighted
     4  average daily membership or by seven hundred fifty dollars
     5  ($750), whichever is less.] For the school year 1976-1977 any
     6  school district which, as a result of the impact on payments
     7  under subsections (d), (e) and (f) and under section 2592 by
     8  reason of the market value/income aid ratio or the application
     9  of equalized millage to the base earned for reimbursement, shall
    10  suffer a reduction in subsidy entitlement, shall be held
    11  harmless from this impact and shall receive an amount which is
    12  no less than that received for 1976-1977 under such subsections
    13  and under section 2592.
    14     * * *
    15     (f)  For the school year commencing the first day of July
    16  within the year of the effective date of this amendment, and
    17  each school year thereafter, each school district so entitled
    18  shall be paid, in addition to any other subsidy to which it is
    19  entitled, an amount for density or sparsity of population.
    20  Except as provided in clause (17) of section 2501 and as
    21  provided below, this amount shall be paid on account of
    22  expenditures in excess of four hundred dollars ($400) per
    23  weighted average daily membership, not to exceed for the school
    24  year 1966-1967 one hundred dollars ($100), for the school year
    25  1967-1968 one hundred fifty dollars ($150), for the school year
    26  1968-1969 two hundred dollars ($200), for the school year 1969-
    27  1970 and each school year thereafter two hundred fifty dollars
    28  ($250), an amount to be determined by multiplying the excess
    29  expenditures by the market value/income aid ratio or by three
    30  hundred seventy-five thousandths (.375) whichever is greater,
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     1  and by the number of weighted average daily membership, such
     2  amount to be in addition to any other payment for such pupils:
     3  Provided, however, a school district entitled to additional
     4  payment for density or sparsity of population may, in lieu of
     5  the above payment, elect for any school year to be paid and the
     6  Commonwealth shall pay such additional entitlement on account of
     7  excess expenditures per weighted average daily membership in
     8  excess of four hundred dollars ($400) a sum of thirty dollars
     9  ($30) per weighted average daily membership, such amount to be
    10  in addition to any other payments for such pupils.
    11     The payment for the density factor for those qualifying
    12  school districts with a WADM in excess of fifty thousand
    13  (50,000) shall be the actual cost of instruction per WADM
    14  multiplied by fifteen percent (15%) through the 1969-1970 school
    15  year or by nineteen percent (19%) for the 1970-1971 school year
    16  and thereafter and by the WADM of the district.
    17     (g)  It is hereby stated to be the objective of the
    18  Commonwealth to provide to each child educated in the schools of
    19  Pennsylvania, a minimum [education of five hundred fifty dollars
    20  ($550) per pupil in weighted average daily membership.
    21     To this end, and except as hereinafter provided, for the
    22  1970-1971 school year, each district whose actual cost of
    23  instruction per weighted average daily membership is less than
    24  five hundred fifty dollars ($550), shall receive an additional
    25  payment (provided such amount is positive) by subtracting from
    26  the product of five hundred fifty dollars ($550) times the WADM,
    27  the sum of the payment provided in section 2502(d) plus the
    28  payment for density or sparsity under subsection (f) of section
    29  2502, plus the payment for poverty under section 2502.3 and the
    30  product of the most recent market value of the district as
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     1  released by the State Tax Equalization Board multiplied by
     2  sixteen and twenty-four one-hundredths mills (.01624)]
     3  educational imput that is within two hundred dollars ($200) of
     4  the median actual instruction expense per WADM, for the school
     5  year 1976-1977 and each school year thereafter.
     6     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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