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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4091



No. 609 Session of 2000

           O'BRIEN AND BASTIAN, OCTOBER 11, 2000

           OCTOBER 11, 2000

                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Memorializing The Congress of the United States to address the
     2     systemic problems developing in the Medicare+Choice program
     3     for the purpose of stemming the exodus of HMOs participating
     4     in the program.

     5     WHEREAS, The Congress of the United States created the
     6  Medicare+Choice program under the Balanced Budget Act of 1997;
     7  and
     8     WHEREAS, The intent of Congress in creating Medicare+Choice
     9  was to allow beneficiaries to have access to a wide array of
    10  private health plan choices in addition to traditional fee-for-
    11  service Medicare; and
    12     WHEREAS, At the end of 1999, more than 560,000 Pennsylvanians
    13  were enrolled in a Medicare HMO; and
    14     WHEREAS, In late July 2000, the Health Care Financing
    15  Administration (HCFA) released information on Medicare HMO
    16  contract renewals, service area reductions and terminations; and
    17     WHEREAS, In Pennsylvania, these changes will affect
    18  approximately 90,000 beneficiaries Statewide; and

     1     WHEREAS, Almost 15,000 of these individuals must return to
     2  the Medicare fee-for-service program since there is no other
     3  Medicare HMO available in their county of residence; and
     4     WHEREAS, Given the losses Medicare HMOs have experienced over
     5  the past several years, the number of HMOs serving Medicare
     6  beneficiaries continues to decline; and
     7     WHEREAS, The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MEDPAC)
     8  does not support raising the Medicare+Choice floor payment rate
     9  to slow the rate of health plan departures from the program; and
    10     WHEREAS, Medicare+Choice plans are not receiving adequate
    11  resources to provide beneficiaries the benefits they need and
    12  deserve; and
    13     WHEREAS, Medicare beneficiaries value the high quality,
    14  affordable health care coverage they receive through
    15  Medicare+Choice plans; therefore be it
    16     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives memorialize
    17  Congress to enact legislation which strengthens the
    18  Medicare+Choice program by reducing administrative requirements
    19  in the program, increasing payment rates to HMOs to a level
    20  which accurately reflects the costs of providing benefits to
    21  recipients in the program and providing for prescription drug
    22  coverage; and be it further
    23     RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to
    24  the presiding officers of each house of Congress and to each
    25  member of Congress from Pennsylvania.

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