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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 680



No. 614 Session of 2007



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), entitled
     2     "An act providing for and reorganizing the conduct of the
     3     executive and administrative work of the Commonwealth by the
     4     Executive Department thereof and the administrative
     5     departments, boards, commissions, and officers thereof,
     6     including the boards of trustees of State Normal Schools, or
     7     Teachers Colleges; abolishing, creating, reorganizing or
     8     authorizing the reorganization of certain administrative
     9     departments, boards, and commissions; defining the powers and
    10     duties of the Governor and other executive and administrative
    11     officers, and of the several administrative departments,
    12     boards, commissions, and officers; fixing the salaries of the
    13     Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and certain other executive
    14     and administrative officers; providing for the appointment of
    15     certain administrative officers, and of all deputies and
    16     other assistants and employes in certain departments, boards,
    17     and commissions; and prescribing the manner in which the
    18     number and compensation of the deputies and all other
    19     assistants and employes of certain departments, boards and
    20     commissions shall be determined," establishing the Department
    21     of Drug and Alcohol Programs; repealing related provisions of
    22     the Pennsylvania Drug and Alcohol Abuse and Control Act; and
    23     making editorial changes.

    24     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

     1  hereby enacts as follows:
     2     Section 1.  Section 201 of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177,
     3  No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, amended
     4  December 30, 1984 (P.L.1299, No.245) and repealed in part May
     5  26, 1988 (P.L.414, No.72), is amended to read:
     6     Section 201.  Executive Officers, Administrative Departments
     7  and Independent Administrative Boards and Commissions.--(a)  The
     8  executive and administrative work of this Commonwealth shall be
     9  performed by the Executive Department, consisting of the
    10  Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of the Commonwealth,
    11  Attorney General, Auditor General, State Treasurer, and
    12  Secretary of Education; by the Executive Board, and the
    13  Pennsylvania State Police; by the following administrative
    14  departments: Department of State, Office of Attorney General,
    15  Department of Corrections, Department of the Auditor General,
    16  Treasury Department, Department of Education, Department of
    17  Military Affairs, Insurance Department, Department of Banking,
    18  Department of Agriculture, Department of Transportation,
    19  Department of Health, Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs,
    20  Department of Labor and Industry, Department of Aging,
    21  Department of Public Welfare, Department of General Services,
    22  Department of Revenue, [Department of Commerce, Department of
    23  Community Affairs and Department of Environmental Resources]
    24  Department of Community and Economic Development, Department of
    25  Environmental Protection and Department of Conservation and
    26  Natural Resources; and by the following independent
    27  administrative boards and commissions: Pennsylvania Game
    28  Commission, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, State Civil
    29  Service Commission, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission and
    30  the Pennsylvania Securities Commission.
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     1     (b)  All of the provisions of this act, which apply generally
     2  to administrative departments, or generally except to the
     3  Department of the Auditor General, the Treasury Department and
     4  the Office of Attorney General, shall apply to the Executive
     5  Board and to the Pennsylvania State Police.
     6     Section 2.  Section 202 of the act is amended by adding,
     7  before the last paragraph, a clause to read:
     8     Section 202.  Departmental Administrative Boards,
     9  Commissions, and Offices.--The following boards, commissions,
    10  and offices are hereby placed and made departmental
    11  administrative boards, commissions, or offices, as the case may
    12  be, in the respective administrative departments mentioned in
    13  the preceding section, as follows:
    14     * * *
    15     In the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs,
    16         Bureau of Prevention and Intervention,
    17         Bureau of Treatment,
    18         Bureau of Administration.
    19     All of the foregoing departmental administrative boards and
    20  commissions shall be organized or reorganized as provided in
    21  this act.
    22     Section 3.  Section 203 of the act, amended December 3, 1970
    23  (P.L.834, No.275), July 22, 1975 (P.L.75, No.45), June 20, 1978
    24  (P.L.477, No.70), December 6, 1982 (P.L.774, No.223) and June
    25  30, 1988 (P.L.475, No.80) and repealed in part April 29, 1988
    26  (P.L.381, No.60) and July 2, 1993 (P.L.439, No.64), is amended
    27  to read:
    28     Section 203.  Advisory Boards and Commissions.--The following
    29  advisory boards and commissions are placed in and made parts of
    30  the respective administrative departments, as follows:
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     1     In the Department of Military Affairs,
     2         State Military Reservation Commission,
     3     In the Department of Environmental [Resources] Protection,
     4         Citizens Advisory Council;
     5     In the Department of Health,
     6         Advisory Health Board;
     7     In the Department of Labor and Industry,
     8         Advisory Council on Affairs of the Handicapped,
     9         Advisory Board on Problems of Older Workers,
    10         Policy, Planning and Evaluation Advisory Committee;
    11     In the Department of Public Welfare,
    12         State Board of Public Welfare,
    13         Advisory Committee for the Blind,
    14         Advisory Committee for General and Special Hospitals,
    15         Advisory Committee for Children and Youth,
    16         Advisory Committee for Public Assistance,
    17         Advisory Committee for Mental Health and Mental
    18             Retardation.
    19     Section 4.  Section 206 of the act, amended December 30, 1984
    20  (P.L.1299, No.245), is amended to read:
    21     Section 206.  Department Heads.--Each administrative
    22  department shall have as its head an officer who shall, either
    23  personally, by deputy, or by the duly authorized agent or
    24  employe of the department, and subject at all times to the
    25  provisions of this act, exercise the powers and perform the
    26  duties by law vested in and imposed upon the department.
    27     The following officers shall be the heads of the
    28  administrative departments following their respective titles:
    29     Secretary of the Commonwealth, of the Department of State;
    30     Auditor General, of the Department of the Auditor General;
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     1     State Treasurer, of the Treasury Department;
     2     Attorney General, of the Office of Attorney General;
     3     Secretary of Education, of the Department of Education;
     4     Adjutant General, of the Department of Military Affairs;
     5     Insurance Commissioner, of the Insurance Department;
     6     Secretary of Banking, of the Department of Banking;
     7     Secretary of Agriculture, of the Department of Agriculture;
     8     Secretary of Transportation, of the Department of
     9         Transportation;
    10     Secretary of Health, of the Department of Health;
    11     Secretary of Drug and Alcohol Programs, of the
    12         Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs;
    13     Secretary of Labor and Industry, of the Department of Labor
    14         and Industry;
    15     Secretary of Aging, of the Department of Aging;
    16     Secretary of Public Welfare, of the Department of Public
    17         Welfare;
    18     Secretary of Revenue, of the Department of Revenue;
    19     [Secretary of Commerce, of the Department of Commerce;
    20     Secretary of Community Affairs, of the Department of
    21         Community Affairs;
    22     Secretary of Environmental Resources, of the Department of
    23         Environmental Resources;]
    24     Secretary of Community and Economic Development, of the
    25         Department of Community and Economic Development;
    26     Secretary of Environmental Protection, of the Department of
    27         Environmental Protection;
    28     Secretary of Conservation and Natural Resources, of the
    29         Department of Conservation and Natural Resources;
    30     Secretary of General Services, of the Department of General
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     1         Services;
     2     Secretary of Corrections, of the Department of Corrections.
     3     Section 5.  Section 207.1(d)(1) of the act, amended December
     4  30, 2002 (P.L.2075, No.231), is amended to read:
     5     Section 207.1.  Gubernatorial Appointments.--* * *
     6     (d)  The Governor shall nominate in accordance with the
     7  provisions of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of
     8  Pennsylvania and, by and with the advice and consent of a
     9  majority of the members elected to the Senate appoint persons to
    10  fill the following positions:
    11     (1)  The Secretary of Education, the Secretary of the
    12  Commonwealth, the Adjutant General, the Insurance Commissioner,
    13  the Secretary of Banking, the Secretary of Agriculture, the
    14  Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of Health, the
    15  Secretary of Drug and Alcohol Programs, the Commissioner of the
    16  State Police, the Secretary of Corrections, the Secretary of
    17  Labor and Industry, the Secretary of Aging, the Secretary of
    18  Public Welfare, the Secretary of General Services, the Secretary
    19  of Revenue, the Secretary of Community and Economic Development,
    20  the Secretary of Environmental Protection and the Secretary of
    21  Conservation and Natural Resources.
    22     * * *
    23     Section 6.  Section 451(b) of the act, amended July 7, 1989
    24  (P.L.241, No.42), is amended to read:
    25     Section 451.  State Planning Board.--* * *
    26     (b)  (1)  The State Planning Board shall consist of fifteen
    27  members to be appointed by the Governor from among the citizens
    28  of the State, who during their terms shall hold no other office
    29  in the executive branch of State Government to which any salary
    30  is attached. In addition to these members, there shall be six ex
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     1  officio members, the Secretary of Agriculture, the [Secretary of
     2  Commerce, the Secretary of Community Affairs, the Secretary of
     3  Environmental Resources] Secretary of Community and Economic
     4  Development, the Secretary of Environmental Protection, the
     5  Secretary of Conservation and Natural Resources, the Secretary
     6  of Public Welfare and the Secretary of Transportation. There
     7  shall also be two members appointed by, and serve at the
     8  pleasure of, the President pro tempore of the Senate, neither of
     9  whom shall be members of the same political party, and two
    10  members appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of, the Speaker
    11  of the House of Representatives, neither of whom shall be
    12  members of the same political party. The terms of office of
    13  those members appointed by the Governor shall be for four years
    14  and until their successors are appointed and have qualified. In
    15  case of a vacancy, the Governor shall make an appointment for
    16  the unexpired portion of the term. The Governor shall designate
    17  the chairman and vice-chairman of the board from among the
    18  members of the board, other than the ex officio and legislative
    19  members.
    20     (2)  Thirteen members of the board shall constitute a quorum.
    21     (3)  The members of the board shall serve without
    22  compensation but shall be entitled to receive traveling and
    23  other reasonable expenses incurred in the discharge of their
    24  duties.
    25     (4)  The board may, with the approval of the Governor,
    26  appoint and fix the compensation of an executive director who
    27  shall be technically qualified for the duties of the office and
    28  who shall act as secretary of the board and conduct the work of
    29  the board under its supervision.
    30     * * *
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     1     Section 7.  Section 1209 introductory paragraph and (b) of
     2  the act, amended February 1, 1966 (1965 P.L.1849, No.582), are
     3  amended to read:
     4     Section 1209.  Local Government Budget and Financial Reports;
     5  Compilation of Statistics.--The Department of Community
     6  [Affairs] and Economic Development shall have power and its duty
     7  shall be:
     8     * * *
     9     (b)  To furnish to the corporate authorities of each county
    10  (except counties of the first class), city of the third class,
    11  borough, incorporated town, township suitable blank forms for
    12  the making of annual reports of the financial condition of their
    13  respective local governments to the department, which forms for
    14  financial report purposes shall be placed by said corporate
    15  authorities into the hands of the director, controller or
    16  auditors who by law are required to make such financial reports
    17  to the department. Such annual financial reports shall be
    18  prepared in cooperation with aforesaid duly authorized
    19  committees of local government officials and shall contain: (1)
    20  a statement of the receipts of the unit of local government from
    21  all sources and of all accounts and revenue which may be due and
    22  uncollected at the close of the fiscal year; (2) a statement of
    23  the disbursements for all the governmental activities of the
    24  unit of local government during the fiscal year; (3) a detailed
    25  statement of the indebtedness of the unit of local government at
    26  the close of the fiscal year, the provisions made for the
    27  payment thereof, together with the purposes for which it was
    28  incurred; (4) a statement of the cost of ownership and operation
    29  of each and every public service industry owned, maintained or
    30  operated by the unit of local government; (5) such further or
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     1  more specific information in relation to the cost of any branch
     2  of the local government and improvements therein as may be
     3  required by the department.
     4     In the case of blank forms for financial reports by townships
     5  of the second class and counties, the same shall be so arranged
     6  that corresponding data and information, required to be reported
     7  by said units of local government to the Department of
     8  [Highways] Transportation or the Department of Public Welfare,
     9  may be used for the information required to be furnished to the
    10  Department of Community [Affairs] and Economic Development under
    11  this section.
    12     * * *
    13     Section 8.  Section 2203-A(a)(11) and (26) of the act,
    14  amended December 15, 1988 (P.L.1244, No.153), are amended to
    15  read:
    16     Section 2203-A.  Powers and Duties in General.-(a)  The
    17  Department of Aging hereinafter referred to in this article as
    18  the department shall, subject to any inconsistent provisions in
    19  this act contained, have the power and its duty shall be to:
    20     * * *
    21     (11)  Promote and support programs, studies and policies, in
    22  cooperation with the Departments of Labor and Industry,
    23  Education, [Commerce] Community and Economic Development, Public
    24  Welfare and other agencies, which will enhance the opportunity
    25  for continued work, education and training for older persons and
    26  for preretirement assistance where appropriate.
    27     * * *
    28     (26)  Review and comment on all rules, regulations,
    29  eligibility or payment standards issued by the Departments of
    30  Public Welfare, Environmental [Resources, Health] Protection or
    20070H0614B0680                  - 9 -     

     1  Labor and Industry relating to the licensure and regulation of
     2  nursing homes, hospitals, and other health facilities; medical
     3  assistance, supplemental security income; homemaking and home-
     4  health care or residential care facilities for older adults.
     5  Said rules, regulations and standards shall not take effect
     6  until they have been submitted to the department for comment.
     7     * * *
     8     Section 9.  The act is amended by adding an article to read:
     9                          ARTICLE XXIII-A
    11                        AND ALCOHOL PROGRAMS
    12     Section 2301-A.  Powers and duties.--The Department of Drug
    13  and Alcohol Programs shall have the power, and its duty shall
    14  be:
    15         (1)  To develop and adopt a State plan for the control,
    16     prevention, intervention, treatment, rehabilitation,
    17     research, education, and training aspects of drug and alcohol
    18     abuse and dependence problems. The State plan shall include,
    19     but not be limited to, provision for:
    20             (i)  Coordination of the efforts of all State
    21         agencies in the control, prevention, intervention,
    22         treatment, rehabilitation, research, education, and
    23         training aspects of drug and alcohol abuse and dependence
    24         problems so as to avoid duplications and inconsistencies
    25         in the efforts of the agencies.
    26             (ii)  Coordination of all health and rehabilitation
    27         efforts to deal with the problem of drug and alcohol
    28         abuse and dependence, including, but not limited to,
    29         those relating to vocational rehabilitation, manpower
    30         development and training, senior citizens, law
    20070H0614B0680                 - 10 -     

     1         enforcement assistance, parole and probation systems,
     2         jails and prisons, health research facilities, mental
     3         retardation facilities and community mental health
     4         centers, juvenile delinquency, health professions,
     5         educational assistance, hospital and medical facilities,
     6         social security, community health services, education
     7         professions development, higher education, Commonwealth
     8         employes health benefits, economic opportunity,
     9         comprehensive health planning, elementary and secondary
    10         education, highway safety and the civil service laws.
    11             (iii)  Encouragement of the formation of local
    12         agencies and local coordinating councils, and promotion
    13         of cooperation, and coordination among such groups, and
    14         encouragement of communication of ideas and
    15         recommendations from such groups to the Pennsylvania
    16         Advisory Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse.
    17             (iv)  Development of model drug and alcohol abuse and
    18         dependence control plans for local government, utilizing
    19         the concepts incorporated in the State plan. The model
    20         plans shall be reviewed on a periodic basis but not less
    21         than once a year, and revised to keep them current. They
    22         shall specify how all types of community resources and
    23         existing Federal and Commonwealth legislation may be
    24         utilized.
    25             (v)  Assistance and consultation to local
    26         governments, public and private agencies, institutions,
    27         and organizations, and individuals with respect to the
    28         prevention and treatment of drug and alcohol abuse and
    29         dependence, including coordination of programs among
    30         them.
    20070H0614B0680                 - 11 -     

     1             (vi)  Cooperation with organized medicine to
     2         disseminate medical guidelines for the use of drugs and
     3         controlled substances in medical practice.
     4             (vii)  Coordination of research, scientific
     5         investigations, experiments, and studies relating to the
     6         cause, epidemiology, sociological aspects, toxicology,
     7         pharmacology, chemistry, effects on health, dangers to
     8         public health, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of
     9         drug and alcohol abuse and dependence.
    10             (viii)  Investigation of methods for the more precise
    11         detection and determination of alcohol and controlled
    12         substances in urine and blood samples, and by other
    13         means, and publication on a current basis of uniform
    14         methodology for such detections and determinations.
    15             (ix)  Use of any information obtained through
    16         scientific investigation or research conducted by the
    17         department in ways so that no name or identifying
    18         characteristics of any person shall be divulged without
    19         the approval of the department and the consent of the
    20         person concerned. Persons engaged in research pursuant to
    21         this section shall protect the privacy of individuals who
    22         are the subject of such research by withholding from all
    23         persons not connected with the conduct of such research
    24         the names or other identifying characteristics of such
    25         individuals. Persons engaged in such research shall
    26         protect the privacy of such individuals and may not be
    27         compelled in any State, civil, criminal, administrative,
    28         legislative, or other proceeding to identify such
    29         individuals.
    30             (x)  Establishment of training programs for
    20070H0614B0680                 - 12 -     

     1         professional and nonprofessional personnel with respect
     2         to drug and alcohol abuse and dependence, including the
     3         encouragement of such programs by local governments.
     4             (xi)  Development of a model curriculum, including
     5         the provision of relevant data and other information, for
     6         utilization by elementary and secondary schools for
     7         instructing children, and for parent-teachers'
     8         associations, adult education centers, private citizen
     9         groups, or other State and local sources, for instruction
    10         of parents and other adults, about drug and alcohol abuse
    11         and dependence.
    12             (xii)  Preparation of a broad variety of educational,
    13         prevention and intervention material for use in all
    14         media, to reach all segments of the population, that can
    15         be utilized by public and private agencies, institutions,
    16         and organizations in educational programs with respect to
    17         drug and alcohol abuse and dependence.
    18             (xiii)  Establishment of educational courses,
    19         including the provision of relevant data and other
    20         information, on the causes and effects of, and treatment
    21         for, drug and alcohol abuse and dependence, for law
    22         enforcement officials (including prosecuting attorneys,
    23         court personnel, the judiciary, probation and parole
    24         officers, correctional officers and other law enforcement
    25         personnel), welfare, vocational rehabilitation, and other
    26         State and local officials who come in contact with drug
    27         abuse and dependence problems.
    28             (xiv)  Recruitment, training, organization and
    29         employment of professional and other persons, including
    30         former drug and alcohol abusers and dependent persons, to
    20070H0614B0680                 - 13 -     

     1         organize and participate in programs of public education.
     2             (xv)  Treatment and rehabilitation services for male
     3         and female juveniles and adults who are charged with,
     4         convicted of, or serving a criminal sentence for any
     5         criminal offense under the law of this Commonwealth.
     6         Provision of similar services shall be made for juveniles
     7         adjudged to be delinquent, dependent or neglected. These
     8         services shall include but are not limited to emergency
     9         medical services, inpatient services and intermediate
    10         care, rehabilitative and outpatient services.
    11             (xvi)  Giving priority to developing community-based
    12         drug or alcohol abuse treatment services in a cooperative
    13         manner among State and local governmental agencies and
    14         departments and public and private agencies, institutions
    15         and organizations. Consideration shall be given to
    16         supportive medical care, services, or residential
    17         facilities for drug or alcohol dependent persons for whom
    18         treatment has repeatedly failed and for whom recovery is
    19         unlikely.
    20             (xvii)  Establishment of a system of emergency
    21         medical services for persons voluntarily seeking
    22         treatment, for persons admitted and committed to
    23         treatment facilities according to the procedural
    24         admission and commitment provisions of the act of July 9,
    25         1976 (P.L.817, No.143), known as the Mental Health
    26         Procedures Act, and for persons charged with a crime
    27         under Pennsylvania law. Upon the establishment of such
    28         emergency medical services, the Department of Drug and
    29         Alcohol Programs, by regulation, shall require that
    30         appropriate emergency medical services be made available
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     1         to all drug and alcohol abusers who are arrested for a
     2         crime under Pennsylvania law.
     3             (xviii)  Providing standards for the approval by the
     4         relevant State agency for all private and public
     5         treatment and rehabilitative facilities, which may
     6         include but are not limited to State hospitals and
     7         institutions, public and private general hospitals,
     8         community mental health centers or their contracting
     9         agencies, and public and private drug or alcohol
    10         dependence and drug and alcohol abuse and dependence
    11         treatment and rehabilitation centers.
    12             (xix)  Grants and contracts for the prevention,
    13         intervention and treatment of drug and alcohol
    14         dependence. The grants and contracts may include
    15         assistance to local governments and public and private
    16         agencies, institutions, and organizations for prevention,
    17         intervention, treatment, rehabilitation, research,
    18         education and training aspects of the drug and alcohol
    19         abuse and dependence problems with the Commonwealth. Any
    20         grant made or contract entered into by the Department of
    21         Drug and Alcohol Programs shall be pursuant to the
    22         functions allocated to it by the State plan.
    23             (xx)  Preparation of general regulations for, and
    24         operation of, programs supported with assistance.
    25             (xxi)  Establishment of priorities for deciding
    26         allocation of the funds.
    27             (xxii)  Review the administration and operation of
    28         programs, including the effectiveness of such programs in
    29         meeting the purposes for which they are established and
    30         operated, and make annual reports of its findings.
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     1             (xxiii)  Evaluate the programs and projects carried
     2         out and disseminate the results of such evaluations.
     3             (xxiv)  Establish such advisory committees as deemed
     4         necessary to assist the department in fulfilling its
     5         responsibilities.
     6         (2)  In developing the State plan initially, and prior to
     7     its amendment annually, to hold a public hearing at least 30
     8     days prior to the adoption of the initial State plan and
     9     subsequent amendments and shall afford thereby all interested
    10     persons an opportunity to present their views thereon either
    11     orally or in writing. The Department of Drug and Alcohol
    12     Programs, through its staff, shall consult and collaborate
    13     with appropriate Federal and State and local departments,
    14     boards, agencies and governmental units, and with appropriate
    15     public and private agencies, institutions, groups and
    16     organizations. Otherwise the promulgation of the State plan
    17     shall conform to the procedure contained in the Commonwealth
    18     Documents Law.
    19         (3)  In accordance with the State plan, to allocate the
    20     responsibility for all services, programs and other efforts
    21     provided for therein among the appropriate departments,
    22     agencies and other State personnel. The department, through
    23     its employees, shall have the power and its duty shall be to
    24     implement compliance with the provisions of the State plan
    25     and to coordinate all such efforts.
    26         (4)  To gather and publish statistics pertaining to drug
    27     and alcohol abuse and dependence and promulgate regulations,
    28     specifying uniform statistics to be obtained, records to be
    29     maintained and reports to be submitted, by public and private
    30     departments, agencies, organizations, practitioners, and
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     1     other persons with respect to drug and alcohol abuse and
     2     dependence, and related problems. Such statistics and reports
     3     shall not reveal the identity of any patient or drug or
     4     alcohol dependent person or other confidential information.
     5         (5)  To establish an information center, which will
     6     attempt to gather and contain all available published and
     7     unpublished data and information on the problems of drug and
     8     alcohol abuse and dependence. All Commonwealth departments
     9     and agencies shall send any data and information pertinent to
    10     the cause, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of drug and
    11     alcohol abuse and dependence, and the toxicology,
    12     pharmacology, effects on the health of drug and alcohol
    13     abusers and danger to the public health of alcohol, drugs and
    14     controlled substances, and the Department of Drug and Alcohol
    15     Programs shall make such data and information widely
    16     available.
    17         (6)  To require all appropriate State and local
    18     departments, agencies, institutions and others engaged in
    19     implementing the State plan to submit as often as necessary,
    20     but no less often than annually, reports detailing the
    21     activities and effects of the efforts of the aforementioned
    22     and recommending appropriate amendments to the State plan.
    23     The department may direct a performance audit of any activity
    24     engaged in pursuant to the State plan.
    25         (7)  To submit an annual report to the General Assembly
    26     which shall specify the actions taken and services provided
    27     and funds expended and an evaluation of their effectiveness,
    28     and which shall contain the current State plan. The
    29     Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs shall submit such
    30     additional reports as may be requested by the General
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     1     Assembly and such recommendations as will further the
     2     prevention, treatment, and control of drug and alcohol abuse
     3     and dependence.
     4         (8)  To make provision for facilities in each city or
     5     region or catchment area which shall provide information
     6     about the total Commonwealth drug and alcohol abuse and drug
     7     and alcohol dependency programs and services.
     8     Section 10.  All personnel, allocation, appropriations,
     9  equipment, files, records, contracts, agreements, obligations
    10  and other material which are used, employed or expended in
    11  connection with the powers, duties or functions of the
    12  Department of Health concerning drug or alcohol abuse are hereby
    13  transferred to the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs
    14  established by this act with the same force and effect as if the
    15  appropriations had been made to and said items had been the
    16  property of the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs in the
    17  first instance, and as if said contracts, agreements and
    18  obligations had been incurred or entered into by the Department
    19  of Drug and Alcohol Programs. The personnel, appropriations,
    20  equipment and other items and material transferred by this
    21  section shall include Federal grants and funds and other
    22  benefits from any Federal program. All personnel transferred
    23  pursuant to this act shall retain any civil service employment
    24  status assigned to said personnel.
    25     Section 11.  All positions in the Department of Drug and
    26  Alcohol Programs shall be deemed to be "classified service" as
    27  defined in section 3(d) of the act of August 5, 1941 (P.L.752,
    28  No.286), known as the Civil Service Act, and the provisions and
    29  benefits of that act shall be applicable to the employees of,
    30  and positions in, the department.
    20070H0614B0680                 - 18 -     

     1     Section 12.  All orders, permits, regulations, decisions and
     2  other actions of the Department of Health or any department,
     3  board, commission or agency whose functions have been
     4  transferred by this act to the Department of Drug and Alcohol
     5  Programs shall remain in full force and effect until modified,
     6  repealed, superseded in or otherwise changed by appropriate
     7  action of the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs.
     8     Section 13.  The Pennsylvania Advisory Council on Drug and
     9  Alcohol Abuse established in section 3 of the act of April 14,
    10  1972 (P.L.221, No.63), known as the Pennsylvania Drug and
    11  Alcohol Abuse Control Act, shall be recognized as the advisory
    12  council to the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs.
    13     Section 14.  (a)  The General Assembly finds that the repeal
    14  in subsection (b) is necessary to effectuate this act.
    15     (b)  Section 4 of the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.221, No.63),
    16  known as the Pennsylvania Drug and Alcohol Abuse Control Act, is
    17  repealed.
    18     (c)  All other acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as
    19  they are inconsistent with this act.
    20     Section 15.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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