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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 681



No. 615 Session of 2007



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 1, 2004 (P.L.1750, No.226),
     2     entitled "An act providing for economic development districts
     3     in cities of the first class; imposing penalties; and
     4     conferring powers and duties on the Department of Community
     5     and Economic Development and the Department of Revenue,"
     6     further providing for the First Class Cities Economic
     7     Development District Program.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Section 301 of the act of December 1, 2004
    11  (P.L.1750, No.226), known as the First Class Cities Economic
    12  Development District Act, is amended to read:
    13  Section 301.  Program.
    14     (a)  Establishment.--There is established within the
    15  department a program to be known as the First Class Cities
    16  Economic Development District Program. The program shall
    17  encourage development of deteriorated property by providing the
    18  tax exemptions, deductions, abatements or credits provided by
    19  this act to persons who own interests in qualified pass-through
    20  entities and to residents of and qualified businesses located in

     1  economic development districts.
     2     [(b)  Proposal.--On or before July 15, 2005, the Governor
     3  may, by executive order, propose the designation of deteriorated
     4  property within cities of the first class as economic
     5  development districts. The executive order shall specify the
     6  period of time, not to extend beyond December 31, 2018, for
     7  which the tax exemptions, deductions, abatements or credits
     8  provided by this act may be granted. The department shall
     9  immediately notify the owners of the deteriorated property and
    10  the political subdivisions in which the deteriorated property is
    11  located.]
    12     (b.1)  Proposal.--
    13         (1)  On or before July 15, 2007, the Governor may, by
    14     executive order, propose the designation of deteriorated
    15     property within cities of the first class as economic
    16     development districts. The executive order shall specify the
    17     period of time, not to extend beyond December 31, 2020, for
    18     which the tax exemptions, deductions, abatements or credits
    19     provided by this act may be granted. The department shall
    20     immediately notify the owners of the deteriorated property
    21     and the political subdivisions in which the deteriorated
    22     property is located.
    23         (2)  The land identified under Executive Order 2005-04
    24     may not be the property proposed under paragraph (1).
    25     (c)  Application.--Upon receipt of a request from the owners
    26  of deteriorated property notified under subsection [(b)] (b.1),
    27  a city of the first class may apply to the department for
    28  approval of the proposal to designate the deteriorated property
    29  as an economic development district for the period specified
    30  under subsection [(b)] (b.1). The application shall be on a form
    20070H0615B0681                  - 2 -     

     1  provided by the department and shall include a copy of an
     2  ordinance, resolution or other required action from the
     3  governing body of the city of the first class consistent with
     4  the requirements of section 302.
     5     (d)  Designation.--If all political subdivisions within a
     6  proposed economic development district submit timely, completed
     7  applications, the department shall approve the applications and
     8  designate the property identified pursuant to subsection (b.1)
     9  as an economic development district. The State tax exemptions,
    10  deductions, abatements or credits set forth in this act and the
    11  local tax exemptions, deductions, abatements or credits set
    12  forth in this act shall take effect on the date the property is
    13  designated an economic development district. Qualified
    14  businesses and persons who own interests in qualified pass-
    15  through entities within the economic development district shall
    16  be entitled to the State tax exemptions, deductions, abatements
    17  or credits set forth in this act and the local tax exemptions,
    18  deductions, abatements or credits set forth in this act for the
    19  period for which the economic development district has been
    20  designated.
    21     (e)  Limitation.--The aggregate amount of deteriorated
    22  property proposed by the Governor under subsection [(b)] (b.1)
    23  may not exceed 85 acres.
    24     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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