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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 694



No. 621 Session of 2005

           FEBRUARY 16, 2005


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 22, 1933 (P.L.853, No.155), entitled "An
     2     act relating to taxation; designating the subjects, property
     3     and persons subject to and exempt from taxation for all local
     4     purposes; providing for and regulating the assessment and
     5     valuation of persons, property and subjects of taxation for
     6     county purposes, and for the use of those municipal and
     7     quasi-municipal corporations which levy their taxes on county
     8     assessments and valuations; amending, revising and
     9     consolidating the law relating thereto; and repealing
    10     existing laws," further providing for the valuation of
    11     property in counties of the second class A and third class
    12     and for auxiliary boards of assessment appeals; and providing
    13     for refunding of certain unconstitutionally collected
    14     personal property tax.

    15     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    16  hereby enacts as follows:
    17     Section 1.  Section 402(b) of the act of May 22, 1933
    18  (P.L.853, No.155), known as The General County Assessment Law,
    19  amended July 15, 2004 (P.L.746, No.91), is amended to read:
    20     Section 402.  Valuation of Property.--* * *
    21     (b)  (1)  Except as to counties of the first and second class
    22  and except as otherwise provided in clause (3), after any county
    23  makes a county-wide revision of assessment of real property at

     1  values based upon an established predetermined ratio as required
     2  by law or after any county changes its established predetermined
     3  ratio, each political subdivision, which hereafter for the first
     4  time levies its real estate taxes on that revised assessment or
     5  valuation, shall, for the first year, reduce its tax rate, if
     6  necessary, for the purpose of having the total amount of taxes
     7  levied for that year against the real properties contained in
     8  the duplicate for the preceding year, equal, in the case of any
     9  taxing district, the total amount it levied on such properties
    10  the preceding year, notwithstanding the increased valuations of
    11  such properties under the revised assessment. The tax rate shall
    12  be fixed at a figure which will accomplish this purpose.
    13     (2)  After establishing a tax rate under clause (1), a
    14  political subdivision may, by a separate and specific vote,
    15  establish a final tax rate for the first year it levies its real
    16  estate taxes on a revised assessment or valuation. The tax rate
    17  under this clause shall be fixed at a figure which limits the
    18  total amount of taxes levied for that year against the real
    19  properties contained in the duplicate for the preceding year to
    20  not more than ten per centum greater than the total amount it
    21  levied on such properties the preceding year, notwithstanding
    22  the increased valuations of such properties under the revised
    23  assessment.
    24     (2.1)  After a county of the second class A or a county of
    25  the third class makes a county-wide revision of assessment of
    26  real property at values based upon an established predetermined
    27  ratio as required by law or after a county of the second class A
    28  or a county of the third class changes its established
    29  predetermined ratio, each political subdivision, which
    30  thereafter for the first time levies its real estate taxes on
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     1  that revised assessment or valuation, shall for the first year
     2  do the following:
     3     (i)  by a separate specific vote reduce its tax rate, if
     4  necessary, for the purpose of having the total amount of tax
     5  revenues from the tax levied for that year against the real
     6  properties contained in the duplicate for the preceding year,
     7  equal, in the case of any taxing district to the same amount of
     8  tax revenues from the tax levied on such properties in the
     9  preceding year; and
    10     (ii)  if necessary to increase tax revenues after the
    11  reduction under subclause (i), by a second specific vote
    12  increase its tax rate to provide additional tax revenues subject
    13  to the limitation that the total amount of tax revenues from the
    14  tax levied for that year against the real properties contained
    15  in the duplicate for the preceding year equal not more than five
    16  per centum (5%) greater than the total amount of tax revenues
    17  derived from taxes levied on such properties in the preceding
    18  year: Provided, however, That the five per centum (5%)
    19  limitation shall not apply to school districts within second
    20  class A and third class counties that, as of the effective date
    21  of this subclause, have undertaken, by resolution of the board
    22  of school directors, a school construction and renovation
    23  program for which bond indebtedness has been or will be
    24  incurred, in which case a ten per centum (10%) limitation shall
    25  apply. No political subdivision may levy any taxes under this
    26  clause based on an assessment which has been revised within the
    27  last two calendar years, until the taxpayer has been advised by
    28  a written statement as to how the new assessment figures are
    29  calculated. Any program or method used to obtain new assessment
    30  figures shall be explained to the taxpayers in a written
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     1  statement easily understood by the average individual. The
     2  information shall be made available to the taxpayers by the
     3  county commissioners.
     4     (3)  For the purpose of determining the total amount of taxes
     5  to be levied for said first year under clauses (1) [and (2)],
     6  (2) and (2.1), the amount to be levied on newly constructed
     7  buildings or structures or on increased valuations based on new
     8  improvements made to existing houses need not be considered.
     9     (4)  With the approval of the court of common pleas, upon
    10  good cause shown, any such political subdivision may increase
    11  the tax rate herein prescribed, notwithstanding the provisions
    12  of this subsection.
    13     * * *
    14     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    15     Section 511.1.  Appointment of Auxiliary Board of Assessment
    16  Appeals.--(a)  In conjunction with a county-wide revision of
    17  assessments involving either a change in the established
    18  predetermined ratio or revaluing the properties and applying the
    19  predetermined ratio, the county commissioners of a county of the
    20  fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh or eighth class may,
    21  notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary,
    22  create up to four temporary auxiliary appeal boards, each to be
    23  known as an auxiliary appeal board. The county commissioners
    24  shall establish the term of existence for an auxiliary appeal
    25  board not to exceed eighteen months. An auxiliary appeal board
    26  shall be composed of three members who shall be appointed by the
    27  county commissioners to serve for the time that the auxiliary
    28  appeal board is in existence. Members of an auxiliary appeal
    29  board shall be competent and qualified residents of the county.
    30  Vacancies on an auxiliary appeal board shall be filled by
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     1  appointment by the county commissioners for the duration of the
     2  auxiliary appeal board's existence. Any salary of members of an
     3  auxiliary appeal board shall be fixed by the salary board of the
     4  county. The authority of an auxiliary appeal board shall be
     5  limited to hearing and determining appeals from assessments in
     6  accordance with applicable provisions of law. After one or more
     7  auxiliary appeal boards have been established in accordance with
     8  this section, additional auxiliary appeal boards may be
     9  established only in conjunction with a succeeding county-wide
    10  revision of assessments.
    11     (b)  Subject to the approval of the county commissioners, the
    12  authority in the county responsible for assessment appeals may
    13  adopt, amend, alter and rescind rules and regulations for the
    14  administration of, and the conduct of business and proceedings
    15  for, itself and for auxiliary appeal boards. The rules and
    16  regulations may require a witness providing testimony at a
    17  hearing relative to any aspect of the value of the real estate
    18  which is the subject of the assessment or reassessment appeal to
    19  disclose, under oath, whether any compensation paid for the
    20  testimony is contingent on the result obtained. The rules and
    21  regulations shall be in writing and shall be a public record
    22  open to examination, inspection and copying in accordance with
    23  the act of June 21, 1957 (P.L.390, No.212), referred to as the
    24  Right-to-Know Law.
    25     (c)  For the purpose of this section, an "auxiliary appeal
    26  board" shall mean an auxiliary board of assessment appeals in
    27  counties of the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh or eighth class
    28  created in accordance with this section.
    29     Section 3.  (a)  Notwithstanding the provisions of the act of
    30  May 21, 1943 (P.L.349, No.162), entitled "An act requiring
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     1  political subdivisions to refund certain taxes, license fees,
     2  penalties, fines or moneys paid thereto, and providing procedure
     3  for obtaining such refunds," to the contrary, if the tax imposed
     4  under the act of June 17, 1913 (P.L.507, No.335), referred to as
     5  the Intangible Personal Property Tax Law, is held by final
     6  judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction to be
     7  unconstitutional in whole or in part, a county of the second,
     8  second class A or third through eighth classes including home
     9  rule counties of such classification and a city of the first
    10  class coterminous with a county of the first class, imposing or
    11  having imposed that tax shall be responsible for refund of only
    12  the money attributable to the unconstitutional taxes levied and
    13  assessed in 2000 or thereafter.
    14     (b)  Within 60 days of the final judgment of a court as
    15  referred to in subsection (a), the taxing authority taking
    16  authority shall send notice of the availability of refund,
    17  together with the appropriate forms to request a refund, to each
    18  taxpayer, at the taxpayer's address of record, who paid the
    19  personal property tax levied and assessed in 1998 or thereafter.
    20  The notice shall include notice of the deadline for filing a
    21  refund request.
    22     (c)  Refund requests must be returned to the taxing authority
    23  or postmarked within 90 days of the mailing of the notice.
    24  Failure of a taxpayer to file on a timely basis shall relieve
    25  the taxing authority from liability for payment of a refund.
    26     (d)  The taxing authority shall make the appropriate refund
    27  within 90 days of the receipt of the taxpayer request. If the
    28  taxing authority, for reasonable cause, is not able to make a
    29  refund within the time limit specified the taxing authority may
    30  establish a repayment schedule of equal installments of up to
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     1  three years and, in such circumstance, shall make payment
     2  together with interest on the sums at the same rate and in the
     3  same manner as the Commonwealth is required to pay under section
     4  806.1 of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as
     5  The Fiscal Code.
     6     Section 4.  The amendment of section 402 of the act shall be
     7  retroactive to January 1, 2005.
     8     Section 5.  This act shall take effect as follows:
     9         (1)  The amendment of section 402 of the act shall take
    10     effect in 60 days.
    11         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect
    12     immediately.

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