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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 696



No. 629 Session of 1997

           WOJNAROSKI, FEBRUARY 21, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for real estate tax deferrals for senior citizens in
     2     second class counties and for procedures for taxing
     3     authorities with respect to these deferrals.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Second Class
     8  County Senior Citizen Tax Deferral Law.
     9  Section 2.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    11  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Department."  The Department of Aging of the Commonwealth.
    14     "Homestead."  The owner-occupied, primary residence of a
    15  qualified homeowner and includes owner-occupied units in a
    16  condominium, townhouse or similar structure and an owner-
    17  occupied mobile home.
    18     "Income."  The term shall have the meaning described in

     1  section 302 of the act of August 14, 1991 (P.L.342, No.36),
     2  known as the Lottery Fund Preservation Act, and as described in
     3  the applicable regulations of the Department of Aging.
     4     "Mobile home."  Any wheeled vehicle, exceeding either eight
     5  feet in width or 32 feet in length, excluding towing gear and
     6  bumpers, without motive power, which is designed and commonly
     7  used for occupancy by persons for residential purposes, in
     8  either temporary or permanent locations, and which may be drawn
     9  over the public highways by a motor vehicle.
    10     "Qualified homeowner."  A taxpayer who becomes 65 years of
    11  age on or before December 31 of the year for which application
    12  is made for real property tax deferral and who is otherwise
    13  qualified as a low-income homeowner as provided for in this act.
    14     "Qualified property."  The property upon which real estate
    15  taxes may be deferred under this act.
    16     "Real property taxes."  All ad valorem taxes levied on a
    17  homestead or a mobile home, including special assessments.
    18     "Taxpayer."  A person who has filed or whose guardian,
    19  conservator or attorney-in-fact has filed a claim for deferral
    20  under this act, or persons who have jointly filed a claim for
    21  deferral under this act.
    22  Section 3.  Property entitled to deferral.
    23     In order to qualify for real property tax deferral under this
    24  act, the property shall meet all of the following requirements
    25  at the time the claim is filed and so long thereafter as payment
    26  is deferred:
    27         (1)  The property must be the homestead of the taxpayer
    28     claiming the deferral and must be located in any county of
    29     the second class.
    30         (2)  The taxpayer claiming the deferral must, alone or
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     1     jointly with another person residing in the homestead, own
     2     the fee simple estate or be purchasing the fee simple estate
     3     under a recorded instrument of sale, except that nonresidence
     4     of a joint owner shall not prevent the taxpayer from meeting
     5     the requirement of this paragraph.
     6         (3)  The total household income of the residents of the
     7     property must not exceed the sum of $25,000.
     8         (4)  The property for which the deferral is claimed must
     9     not be income producing.
    10         (5)  All real property taxes for years prior to the year
    11     for which the election is made must be paid.
    12         (6)  The cumulative value of the deferral provided under
    13     this act plus the interest accrued on the deferral shall not
    14     exceed the market value of the property less the value of all
    15     mortgages which constitute liens upon the property and any
    16     other liens upon the property filed prior to the date of
    17     recordation of the certificate for deferral.
    18  Section 4.  Application for deferral and recovery agreement.
    19     (a)  Application.--Subject to the provisions of this act, a
    20  taxpayer may, on or before April 1 of each year in which he
    21  claims a deferral, apply to the taxing authority where his
    22  qualified property is located or to the official designated by a
    23  taxing authority to collect special assessments on the qualified
    24  property, as the case may be, for a deferral of all or a part of
    25  any increase of real estate taxes payable during that year for
    26  the preceding year in the case of real estate taxes other than
    27  special assessments, or for a deferral of any installments
    28  payable during that year in the case of special assessments, on
    29  all or part of his qualified property.
    30     (b)  Form.--The application shall be on a form prescribed by
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     1  the department and furnished by the taxing authority, showing
     2  the following:
     3         (1)  The applicant will be 65 years of age or older by
     4     December 31 of the year for which a tax deferral is claimed.
     5         (2)  A description of the property and a verification
     6     that the property is qualified property.
     7         (3)  A certification that the taxpayer has owned and
     8     occupied as his residence the qualified property for at least
     9     the last three years except for any periods during which the
    10     taxpayer may have temporarily resided in a nursing or
    11     sheltered care home.
    12         (4)  A statement specifying whether the deferral is for
    13     all or a part of the tax increase or special assessment and,
    14     if for a part, the amount of deferral applied for.
    15     (c)  Grant of deferral.--The taxing authority shall grant the
    16  tax deferral provided that the owner or owners of the property
    17  have entered into a tax deferral and recovery agreement with the
    18  taxing authority.
    19  Section 5.  Recovery agreement.
    20     The recovery agreement shall specify the following:
    21         (1)  That the total amount of taxes deferred under this
    22     act, plus interest, for the year for which a tax deferral is
    23     claimed as well as for those previous years for which taxes
    24     are not delinquent and for which the deferral has been
    25     claimed may not exceed 80% of the taxpayer's equity interest
    26     in the property for which taxes are to be deferred and that,
    27     if the total deferred taxes plus interest equals 80% of the
    28     taxpayer's equity interest in the property, the taxpayer
    29     shall thereafter pay the annual interest due on such deferred
    30     taxes plus interest so that total deferred taxes plus
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     1     interest will not exceed such 80% of the taxpayer's equity
     2     interest in the property.
     3         (2)  That any real estate taxes deferred under this act
     4     and any interest accrued thereon at the rate of 4%,
     5     compounded annually, are a lien on the real estate and
     6     improvements thereon until paid. No sale or transfer of the
     7     real property may be legally closed and recorded until the
     8     taxes which would otherwise have been due on the property,
     9     plus accrued interest, have been paid, unless the taxing
    10     authority certifies in writing that an arrangement for prompt
    11     payment of the amount due has been made. This provision shall
    12     apply if the property is to be made the subject of a contract
    13     of sale.
    14         (3)  That upon the death of the taxpayer claiming the
    15     deferral, the heirs-at-law, assignees or legatees shall have
    16     first priority to the real property upon which taxes have
    17     been deferred by paying in full the total taxes which would
    18     otherwise have been due, plus interest. However, if such
    19     heir-at-law, assignee or legatee is a surviving spouse, the
    20     tax deferred status of the property shall be continued during
    21     the life of that surviving spouse if the spouse is 55 years
    22     of age or older within six months of the date of death of the
    23     taxpayer and enters into a tax deferral and recovery
    24     agreement before the time when deferred taxes become due
    25     under this section. Any additional taxes deferred, plus
    26     interest, on the real property under a tax deferral and
    27     recovery agreement signed by a surviving spouse shall be
    28     added to the taxes and interest which would otherwise have
    29     been due, and the payment of which has been postponed during
    30     the life of such surviving spouse, in determining the 80%
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     1     equity requirement provided by this section.
     2         (4)  That if the taxes due, plus interest, are not paid
     3     by the heir-at-law, assignee or legatee or if payment is not
     4     postponed during the life of the surviving spouse, the
     5     deferred taxes and interest shall be recovered from the
     6     estate of the taxpayer within one year of the date of death.
     7     In addition, deferred real estate taxes and any interest
     8     accrued thereon are due within 90 days after any tax-deferred
     9     property ceases to be qualified property. If payment is not
    10     made when required by this section, tax sale proceedings may
    11     be instituted by the taxing authority.
    12         (5)  That any joint owner has given written prior
    13     approval for the agreement, which written approval shall be
    14     made a part of the agreement.
    15         (6)  That a guardian for a person under legal disability
    16     appointed for a taxpayer who otherwise qualifies under this
    17     act may act for the taxpayer in complying with this act.
    18         (7)  That a taxpayer or his agent has provided to the
    19     satisfaction of the taxing authority sufficient evidence that
    20     the qualified property on which the taxes are to be deferred
    21     is insured against fire or casualty loss for at least the
    22     total amount of taxes which have been deferred.
    23  Section 6.  Statement for lien.
    24     (a)  Recording.--In the case of each tax deferral and
    25  recovery agreement entered into between a taxing authority and
    26  owner or owners of qualified property, the taxing authority
    27  shall forthwith cause to be recorded with the recorder of deeds
    28  of the county in which the qualifying property is located a
    29  statement of their action which shall constitute a lien upon the
    30  real estate and improvements thereon covered by the agreement
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     1  for those taxes as have been deferred under this act plus
     2  accrued interest as provided for by section 4. The statement
     3  shall name the owner or owners and shall include a description
     4  of the property adequate for identification. The filing fee for
     5  this statement shall be paid by the taxing authority and shall
     6  be added to and become a part of the deferred taxes due.
     7     (b)  Listing of property.--The taxing authority shall, in
     8  subsequent years, continue to list the property as tax-deferred.
     9  The lien for deferred taxes and interest shall attach on the
    10  date of recordation of the certificate for deferral, shall be
    11  junior to any mortgage or deed of trust recorded prior to the
    12  date of recording of such certificate, and shall have priority
    13  over all liens attaching subsequent to the date of recording of
    14  such certificate.
    15  Section 7.  Payment of deferred taxes; release of liens.
    16     If payment of the deferred taxes is tendered to the taxing
    17  authority, it shall accept payment, give a receipt therefor and
    18  promptly issue a release of the deferred tax lien, which release
    19  shall be given or sent to the person making payment.
    20  Section 8.  Notice to taxpayer regarding duty to claim deferral
    21                 annually.
    22     At the time the taxing authority sends the annual real
    23  property tax notice to any taxpayer who has claimed a deferral
    24  of property taxes in the previous calendar year, it shall
    25  enclose a deferral notice, advising the taxpayer that he must
    26  renew a claim for deferral annually and that if he fails to do
    27  so, the real property taxes shall become due and payable in
    28  accordance with the schedule set out in the enclosed tax notice,
    29  and that failure to receive notice provided for in this act is
    30  not a defense in any proceeding for the collection of taxes or
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     1  for the foreclosure of a tax lien. Any officer or employee of
     2  the taxing authority is not personally liable for failure to
     3  give this notice.
     4  Section 9.  Repeal.
     5     All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as they are
     6  inconsistent with this act.
     7  Section 10.  Effective date.
     8     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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