See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 704



No. 637 Session of 1997

           FEBRUARY 26, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Regulating the purchase and sale of visual works of art produced
     2     in multiples; and providing for the disclosure to prospective
     3     art purchasers of information relating to works of art, for
     4     warranties, remedies and enforcement and for certain civil
     5     and criminal penalties.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Short title.
     9     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Art Law.
    10  Section 2.  Definitions.
    11     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    12  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    13  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    14     "Art merchant."  A person who is in the business of dealing,
    15  exclusively or nonexclusively, in the visual art objects
    16  produced in multiples to which this act is applicable, or a
    17  person who by his occupation holds himself out as having

     1  knowledge or skill peculiar to such works, or to whom such
     2  knowledge or skill may be attributed by his employment of an
     3  agent or other intermediary who by his occupation holds himself
     4  out as having such knowledge or skill. The term includes an
     5  auctioneer who sells such works at public auction, but excludes
     6  persons not otherwise defined or treated as art merchants in
     7  this act who are consignors or principals of auctioneers.
     8     "Artist."  The person who conceived or created the image
     9  which is contained in or constitutes the master.
    10     "Consumer Protection Law."  The act of December 17, 1968
    11  (P.L.1224, No.387), known as the Unfair Trade Practices and
    12  Consumer Protection Law.
    13     "Limited edition."  Visual art multiples produced from a
    14  master, all of which are the same image and bear numbers or
    15  other markings to denote the limited production thereof to a
    16  stated maximum number of multiples, or are otherwise held out as
    17  limited to a maximum number of multiples.
    18     "Master."  A printing plate, stone, block, screen,
    19  photographic negative or other like material which contains an
    20  image used to produce visual art objects in multiples.
    21     "Person."  An individual, partnership, corporation,
    22  association or other entity, however organized.
    23     "Print."  In addition to meaning a multiple produced by, but
    24  not limited to, such processes as engraving, etching,
    25  woodcutting, lithography and serigraphy, also means multiples
    26  produced or developed from photographic negatives, or any
    27  combination thereof.
    28     "Proofs."  Multiples which are the same as, and which are
    29  produced from the same master as, the multiples in a limited
    30  edition, but which, whether so designated or not, are set aside
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     1  from and are in addition to the limited edition to which they
     2  relate.
     3     "Signed."  Autographed by the artist's own hand, and not by
     4  mechanical means of reproduction, after the multiple was
     5  produced, whether or not the master was signed or unsigned.
     6     "Visual art multiples" or "multiples."  Prints, photographs
     7  (positive or negative) and similar art objects produced in more
     8  than one copy and sold, offered for sale or consigned in, into
     9  or from this Commonwealth for an amount in excess of $100
    10  exclusive of any frame. The term includes pages or sheets taken
    11  from books and magazines and offered for sale or sold as visual
    12  art objects. The term does not include books and magazines.
    13     "Written instrument."  A written or printed agreement, bill
    14  of sale, invoice, certificate of authenticity, catalogue or any
    15  other written or printed note or memorandum or label describing
    16  the multiple which is to be sold, exchanged or consigned by an
    17  art merchant.
    18  Section 3.  Full disclosure in sale of certain visual art
    19                 objects produced in multiples.
    20     (a)  General rule.--An art merchant shall not sell or consign
    21  a multiple in, into or from this Commonwealth unless a written
    22  instrument is furnished to the purchaser or consignee, at his
    23  request, or in any event prior to a sale or consignment, which
    24  sets forth as to each multiple the descriptive information
    25  required by this act for the appropriate time period. If a
    26  prospective purchaser so requests, the information shall be
    27  transmitted to him prior to the payment or placing of an order
    28  for a multiple. If payment is made by a purchaser prior to
    29  delivery of such an art multiple, this information shall be
    30  supplied at the time of or prior to delivery. With respect to
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     1  auctions, this information may be furnished in catalogues or
     2  other written materials which are readily available for
     3  consultation and purchase prior to sale, provided that a bill of
     4  sale, receipt or invoice describing the transaction is then
     5  provided which makes reference to the catalogue and lot number
     6  in which the information is supplied. Information supplied under
     7  this subsection shall be clearly, specifically and distinctly
     8  addressed to each item as required by this act for any time
     9  period unless the required data is not applicable. This section
    10  is applicable to transactions by and between merchants,
    11  nonmerchants and others considered art merchants for the
    12  purposes of this act.
    13     (b)  Notice requirement for catalogue, prospectus, etc.--An
    14  art merchant shall not cause a catalogue, prospectus, flyer or
    15  other written material or advertisement to be distributed in,
    16  into or from this Commonwealth which solicits a direct sale, by
    17  inviting transmittal of payment for a specific multiple, unless
    18  it clearly sets forth, in close physical proximity to the place
    19  in such material where the multiple is described, the
    20  descriptive information required by this act for the appropriate
    21  time period. In lieu of this required information, the written
    22  material or advertising may set forth the material contained in
    23  the following quoted passage, or the passage itself, containing
    24  terms the nonobservance of which shall constitute a violation of
    25  this act, if the art merchant then supplies the required
    26  information prior to or with delivery of the multiple:
    27         "The act of              (P.L.    , No.    ), known as
    28         the Art Law provides for disclosure in writing of certain
    29         information concerning multiples of prints and
    30         photographs when sold for more than $100 each, exclusive
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     1         of any frame, and of sculpture when sold for more than
     2         $1,500, prior to effecting a sale of them. This law
     3         requires disclosure of such matters as the identity of
     4         the artist, the artist's signature, the medium, whether
     5         the multiple is a reproduction, the time when the
     6         multiple was produced, use of the master which produced
     7         the multiple and the number of multiples in a 'limited
     8         edition.' If a prospective purchaser so requests, the
     9         information shall be transmitted to him prior to payment
    10         or the placing of an order for a multiple. If payment is
    11         made by a purchaser prior to delivery of such an art
    12         multiple, this information shall be supplied at the time
    13         of or prior to delivery, in which case the purchaser is
    14         entitled to a refund if, for reasons related to matter
    15         contained in such information, he returns the multiple
    16         substantially in the condition in which received, within
    17         30 days of receiving it. In addition, if, after payment
    18         and delivery, it is ascertained that the information
    19         provided is incorrect, the purchaser may be entitled to
    20         certain remedies."
    21  This requirement is not applicable to general written material
    22  or advertising which does not constitute an offer to effect a
    23  specific sale.
    24     (c)  Posting of notice.--In each place of business in the
    25  state where an art merchant is regularly engaged in sales of
    26  multiples, the art merchant shall post in a conspicuous place, a
    27  sign which, in a legible format, contains the information
    28  included in the following passage:
    29         "The act of              (P.L.    , No.    ), known as
    30         the Art Law provides for disclosure in writing of certain
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     1         information concerning prints, photographs and sculpture.
     2         This information is available to you in accordance with
     3         that law."
     4  Section 4.  Information required.
     5     The following information shall be supplied, as indicated, as
     6  to each multiple produced:
     7         (1)  Artist.--State the name of the artist.
     8         (2)  Signature.--If the artist's name appears on the
     9     multiple, state whether the multiple was signed by the
    10     artist. If not signed by the artist, then state the source of
    11     the artist's name on the multiple, such as whether the artist
    12     placed his signature on the master, whether his name was
    13     stamped or estate stamped on the multiple, or was from some
    14     other source or in some other manner placed on the multiple.
    15         (3)  Medium or process.--
    16             (i)  Describe the medium or process, and where
    17         pertinent to photographic processes the material, used in
    18         producing the multiple, such as whether the multiple was
    19         produced through etching, engraving, lithographic,
    20         serigraphic or a particular method and material used in
    21         the photographic developing processes. If an established
    22         term, in accordance with the usage of the trade, cannot
    23         be employed accurately to describe the medium or process,
    24         a brief, clear description shall be made.
    25             (ii)  If the purported artist was deceased at the
    26         time the master was made which produced the multiple,
    27         this shall be stated.
    28             (iii)  If the multiple or the image on or in the
    29         master constitutes a mechanical, photomechanical,
    30         handmade or photographic type of reproduction, or is a
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     1         reproduction, of an image produced in a different medium,
     2         for a purpose other than the creation of the multiple
     3         being described, this information and the respective
     4         mediums shall be stated.
     5             (iv)  If subparagraph (iii) is applicable and the
     6         multiple is not signed, state whether the artist
     7         authorized or approved in writing the multiple or the
     8         edition of which the multiple being described is one.
     9         (4)  Use of master.--
    10             (i)  If the multiple is a "posthumous" multiple, that
    11         is, if the master was created during the life of the
    12         artist but the multiple was produced after the artist's
    13         death, this shall be stated.
    14             (ii)  If the multiple was made from a master which
    15         produced a prior limited edition or from a master which
    16         constitutes or was made from a reproduction of a prior
    17         multiple or of a master which produced prior multiples,
    18         this shall be stated.
    19         (5)  Time produced.--As to multiples produced during or
    20     after 1950, state the year or approximate year the multiple
    21     was produced. As to multiples produced prior to 1950, state
    22     the year, approximate year or period when the master was made
    23     which produced the multiple or when the particular multiple
    24     being described was produced. The requirements of this
    25     paragraph shall be satisfied when the year stated is
    26     approximately accurate.
    27         (6)  Size of the edition.--
    28             (i)  If the multiple being described is offered as
    29         one of a limited edition, this shall be so stated, as
    30         well as the number of multiples in the edition, and
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     1         whether and how the multiple is numbered.
     2             (ii)  Unless otherwise disclosed, the number of
     3         multiples stated under subparagraph (i) shall constitute
     4         an express warranty, as defined in section 7, that no
     5         additional numbered multiples of the same image,
     6         exclusive of proofs, have been produced.
     7             (iii)  The number of multiples stated under
     8         subparagraph (i) shall also constitute an express
     9         warranty, as defined in section 7, that no additional
    10         multiples of the same image, whether designated "proofs"
    11         other than trial proofs, numbered or otherwise, have been
    12         produced in an amount which exceeds the number in the
    13         limited edition by 20 or 20%, whichever is greater.
    14             (iv)  If the number of multiples exceeds the number
    15         in the stated limited edition as provided in subparagraph
    16         (iii), then state the number of proofs other than trial
    17         proofs, or other numbered or unnumbered multiples, in the
    18         same or other prior editions, produced from the same
    19         master as described in paragraph (4)(ii), and whether and
    20         how they are signed and numbered.
    21  Section 5.  Information required for multiples produced during
    22                 certain periods.
    23     (a)  January 1, 1950, to effective date of act.--The
    24  information which shall be supplied as to each multiple produced
    25  during the period from January 1, 1950, to the effective date of
    26  this act shall consist of the information required by section 4
    27  except for section 4(3)(iv), (4)(ii) and (6)(iii) and (iv).
    28     (b)  January 1, 1900, to December 31, 1949.--The information
    29  which shall be supplied as to each multiple produced during the
    30  period from January 1, 1900, to December 31, 1949, shall consist
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     1  of the information required by section 4 except for section
     2  4(3)(ii), (iii) and (iv), (4) and (6).
     3     (c)  Prior to 1900.--The information which shall be supplied
     4  as to each multiple produced prior to 1900 shall consist of the
     5  information required by section 4 except for section 4(2),
     6  (3)(ii), (iii) and (iv), (4) and (6).
     7  Section 6.  Information required for sculptures.
     8     (a)  General rule.--The following information shall be
     9  supplied as indicated in a written instrument as to each
    10  multiple produced, fabricated or carved, on or after the
    11  effective date of this act:
    12         (1)  Artist.--State the name of the artist.
    13         (2)  Title.--State the title of the sculpture.
    14         (3)  Foundry.--State the name, if known, of the foundry
    15     which or person who produced, fabricated or carved the
    16     sculpture.
    17         (4)  Medium.--Describe the medium or process used in
    18     producing the multiple. If an established term, in accordance
    19     with the usage of the trade, cannot be employed accurately to
    20     describe the medium or process, a brief, clear description
    21     shall be made.
    22         (5)  Dimensions.--State the dimensions of the sculpture.
    23         (6)  Time produced.--State the year the sculpture was
    24     cast, fabricated or carved.
    25         (7)  Number cast.--State the number of sculpture casts,
    26     according to the best information available, produced or
    27     fabricated or carved as of the date of the sale.
    28         (8)  Artist deceased.--If the purported artist was
    29     deceased at the time the sculpture was produced, this shall
    30     be stated.
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     1         (9)  Use of master.--State whether the sculpture is
     2     authorized by the artist or, if produced after the artist's
     3     death, whether it was authorized in writing by the artist or
     4     by the estate, heirs or other legal representatives of the
     5     artist. In the event of a sale after the initial sale, the
     6     art merchant may disclose in writing evidence of such
     7     reasonable inquiries as have been made under section 9(b) and
     8     any information imparted as may be relevant in fulfilling the
     9     intent of this paragraph.
    10     (b)  Limited edition sculpture.--For limited edition
    11  sculpture produced on or after the effective date of this act,
    12  in addition to the information required to be provided under
    13  subsection (a), the following items of information shall also be
    14  provided to the purchaser in a written instrument:
    15         (1)  Whether and how the sculpture and the edition is
    16     numbered.
    17         (2)  The size of the edition or proposed edition and the
    18     size of any prior edition or editions of the same sculpture,
    19     regardless of the color or material used.
    20         (3)  Whether additional sculpture casts have been
    21     produced in excess of the stated size of the edition or
    22     proposed edition and, if so, the total number of such excess
    23     casts produced or proposed to be produced and whether and how
    24     they are or will be numbered according to the stated
    25     intention of the artist or a statement that the artist has
    26     not disclosed his intention about the number of additional
    27     casts or their numbering. Additional sculpture casts shall
    28     include all casts from the same master regardless of their
    29     color, material or size.
    30         (4)  Whether the artist has stated in writing a
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     1     limitation on the number of additional sculpture casts to be
     2     produced in excess of the stated size of the edition or
     3     proposed edition and, if so, the total number of such excess
     4     casts produced or proposed to be produced and whether and how
     5     they are or will be numbered according to the stated
     6     intention of the artist or the estate, heirs or other legal
     7     representatives of the artist or a statement that the artist
     8     has not disclosed his intention about the number of
     9     additional casts or their numbering. Additional sculpture
    10     casts shall include all casts from the same master regardless
    11     of their color, material or size.
    12     (c)  Certain sculpture copies.--For copies of sculpture not
    13  made from the master and produced after the effective date of
    14  this act, in addition to the information required to be provided
    15  under subsections (a) and (b), the following items of
    16  information shall also be provided to the purchaser in a written
    17  instrument:
    18         (1)  The means by which the copy was made.
    19         (2)  Whether the copy was authorized by the artist or the
    20     estate, heirs or other legal representatives of the artist.
    21         (3)  Whether the copy is of the same material and size as
    22     the master.
    23  Section 7.  Warranty provisions.
    24     (a)  General rule.--Information provided under this act shall
    25  create and express warranty. When information is not supplied
    26  because it is not applicable, this shall constitute an express
    27  warranty that such required information is not applicable.
    28     (b)  Express warranties.--Notwithstanding any provision of
    29  any other law to the contrary:
    30         (1)  Whenever an art merchant, in selling or exchanging a
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     1     work of fine art, furnishes to a buyer of such work who is
     2     not an art merchant a certificate of authenticity or any
     3     similar written instrument it:
     4             (i)  shall be presumed to be part of the basis of the
     5         bargain; and
     6             (ii)  shall create an express warranty for the
     7         material facts stated as of the date of such sale or
     8         exchange.
     9         (2)  Except as provided in paragraph (4) a warranty shall
    10     not be negated or limited provided that, in construing the
    11     degree of warranty, due regard shall be given the terminology
    12     used and the meaning accorded to that terminology by the
    13     customs and usage of the trade at the time and in the
    14     locality where the sale or exchange took place.
    15         (3)  Language used in a certificate of authenticity or
    16     similar written instrument stating that:
    17             (i)  the work is by a named author or has a named
    18         authorship, without any limiting words, means
    19         unequivocally that the work is by such named author or
    20         has such named authorship;
    21             (ii)  the work is "attributed to a named author"
    22         means a work of the period of the author, attributed to
    23         him, but not with certainty by him; or
    24             (iii)  the work is of the "school of a named author"
    25         means a work of the period of the author or by a pupil or
    26         close follower of the author, but not by the author.
    27         (4)  (i)  An express warranty and disclaimers intended to
    28         negate or limit the warranty shall be construed wherever
    29         reasonable as consistent with each other but subject to
    30         13 Pa.C.S. § 2202 (relating to final written expression:
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     1         parol or extrinsic evidence), negation or limitation is
     2         inoperative to the extent that such construction is
     3         unreasonable.
     4             (ii)  Such negation or limitation shall be deemed
     5         unreasonable if:
     6                 (A)  the disclaimer is not conspicuous, written
     7             and apart from the warranty, in words which clearly
     8             and specifically apprise the buyer that the seller
     9             assumes no risk, liability or responsibility for the
    10             material facts stated concerning such work of fine
    11             art. Words of general disclaimer are not sufficient
    12             to negate or limit an express warranty;
    13                 (B)  the work of fine art is proved to be a
    14             counterfeit and this was not clearly indicated in the
    15             description of the work; or
    16                 (C)  the information provided is proved to be, as
    17             of the date of sale or exchange, false, mistaken or
    18             erroneous.
    19     (c)  Penalty for falsifying certificates of authenticity or
    20  similar written instrument.--A person who, with intent to
    21  defraud, deceive or injure another, makes, utters or issues a
    22  certificate of authenticity or any similar written instrument
    23  for a work of fine art attesting to material facts which the
    24  work does not in fact possess commits a misdemeanor of the third
    25  degree.
    26     (d)  Express warranties for multiples.--
    27         (1)  When an art merchant furnishes the name of the
    28     artist of a multiple, or otherwise furnishes information
    29     required by this act for any time period as to transactions,
    30     including offers, sales or consignments, the provisions of
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     1     subsection (b) shall apply except that subsection (b) shall
     2     be deemed to include sales to art merchants. The existence of
     3     a reasonable basis in fact for information warranted shall
     4     not be a defense in an action to enforce that warranty,
     5     except in the case of photographs produced prior to 1950, and
     6     multiples produced prior to 1900.
     7         (2)  The provisions of subsection (b)(4) shall apply when
     8     an art merchant disclaims knowledge as to a multiple about
     9     which information is required by this act, provided that, in
    10     addition, such disclaimer shall be ineffective unless
    11     clearly, specifically and categorically stated as to each
    12     item of information and contained in the physical context of
    13     other language setting forth the required information as to a
    14     specific multiple.
    15     (e)  Construction.--
    16         (1)  The rights and liabilities created by this section
    17     shall be construed to be in addition to and not in
    18     substitution, exclusion or displacement of other rights and
    19     liabilities provided by law, including the law of principal
    20     and agent, except where such construction would, as a matter
    21     of law, be unreasonable.
    22         (2)  No art merchant who, as buyer, is excluded from
    23     obtaining the benefits of an express warranty under this act
    24     shall thereby be deprived of the benefits of any other
    25     provision of law.
    26  Section 8.  Construction of act.
    27     (a)  General rule.--The rights, liabilities and remedies
    28  created by this act shall be construed to be in addition to and
    29  not in substitution, exclusion or displacement of other rights,
    30  liabilities and remedies provided by law, except where such
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     1  construction would, as a matter of law, be unreasonable.
     2     (b)  Incurrence of certain obligations.--Whenever an artist
     3  sells or consigns a multiple of his own creation, the artist
     4  shall incur the obligations prescribed by this act for an art
     5  merchant, but an artist shall not otherwise be regarded as an
     6  art merchant.
     7     (c)  Nonliability to purchaser.--An artist or merchant who
     8  consigns a multiple to a merchant for the purpose of effecting a
     9  sale of the multiple shall have no liability to a purchaser
    10  under this act if such consignor, as to the consignee, has
    11  complied with the provisions of this act.
    12     (d)  Incurrence of merchants' liability.--When a merchant has
    13  agreed to sell a multiple on behalf of a consignor, who is not
    14  an art merchant, or when an artist has not consigned a multiple
    15  to a merchant, but the merchant has agreed to act as the agent
    16  for an artist for the purpose of supplying the information
    17  required by this act, such merchant shall incur liabilities of
    18  other merchants prescribed by this act as to a purchaser.
    19     (e)  Incorrect information.--When an art merchant or merchant
    20  is liable to a purchaser under this act, as a result of
    21  providing information in the situations referred to in
    22  subsections (a), (b), (c) and (d), as well as when a merchant
    23  purchased a multiple from another merchant, if the merchant or
    24  art merchant can establish that his liability results from
    25  incorrect information which was provided by the consignor,
    26  artist or merchant to him in writing, the merchant who is liable
    27  in good faith relied on such information, the consignor, artist
    28  or merchant shall similarly incur liabilities as to the
    29  purchaser and the merchant.
    30  Section 9.  Remedies and enforcement.
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     1     (a)  Merchant's liability.--An art merchant, including a
     2  merchant consignee, who offers or sells a multiple in, into or
     3  from this Commonwealth without providing the information
     4  required by this act for the appropriate time period, or who
     5  provides required information which is mistaken, erroneous or
     6  untrue, except for harmless errors such as typographical errors,
     7  shall be liable to the purchaser to whom the multiple was sold.
     8  The merchant's liability shall consist of the consideration paid
     9  by the purchaser with interest from the time of payment at the
    10  statutory rate, upon the return of the multiple in substantially
    11  the same condition in which received by the purchaser. This
    12  remedy shall not bar or be deemed inconsistent with a claim for
    13  damages or with the exercise of additional remedies otherwise
    14  available to the purchaser.
    15     (b)  Disclaimer of knowledge.--In any proceeding in which an
    16  art merchant relies upon a disclaimer of knowledge as to any
    17  relevant information required by this act for the appropriate
    18  time period, the disclaimer shall be effective only if it
    19  complies with section 8, unless the claimant is able to
    20  establish that the merchant failed to make reasonable inquiries,
    21  according to the custom and usage of the trade, to ascertain the
    22  relevant information or that such relevant information would
    23  have been ascertained as a result of such reasonable inquiries.
    24     (c)  Multiples.--
    25         (1)  The purchaser of such a multiple may recover from
    26     the art merchant an amount equal to three times the amount
    27     recoverable under subsection (a) if an art merchant offers,
    28     consigns or sells a multiple and:
    29             (i)  willfully fails to provide the information
    30         required by this act for the appropriate time period;
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     1             (ii)  knowingly provides false information; or
     2             (iii)  the purchaser can establish that the merchant
     3         willfully and falsely disclaimed knowledge as to any
     4         required information.
     5         (2)  Pursuant to paragraph (1)(i) and (iii), a merchant
     6     may introduce evidence of the relevant usage and custom of
     7     the trade in any proceeding in which such treble damages are
     8     sought.
     9     (d)  Costs and expenses.--In any action to enforce any
    10  provision of this act, the court may allow the prevailing
    11  purchaser the costs of the action, together with reasonable
    12  attorney and expert witness fees. In the event, however, the
    13  court determines that an action to enforce was brought in bad
    14  faith, it may allow such expenses to the art merchant as it
    15  deems appropriate.
    16     (e)  Period of limitations.--Any action to enforce any rights
    17  under this act shall be brought within the period prescribed for
    18  such actions by 13 Pa.C.S. Div. 2 (relating to sales).
    19  Section 10.  Enjoining violations.
    20     Any violation of this act shall be deemed to be unlawful and
    21  a violation of the Consumer Protection Law. The Attorney General
    22  may bring an action pursuant to the Consumer Protection Law to
    23  enjoin violations of this act and seek restitution for any
    24  person so entitled. In any such action or proceeding, the
    25  Attorney General may recover, in addition to any other relief
    26  provided in the Consumer Protection Law, a civil penalty of not
    27  more than $500 to be forfeited to the Commonwealth. In
    28  connection with any proposed action or proceeding, the Attorney
    29  General is authorized to gather evidence and make a
    30  determination of the relevant facts and to issue subpoenas in
    19970H0637B0704                 - 17 -

     1  accordance with the applicable rules of court.
     2  Section 11.  Repeals.
     3     All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as they are
     4  inconsistent with this act.
     5  Section 12.  Effective date.
     6     This act shall take effect in 120 days.

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