1Amending the act of February 9, 1999 (P.L.1, No.1), entitled "An
2act providing for borrowing for capital facilities;
3conferring powers and duties on various administrative
4agencies and officers; making appropriations; and making
5repeals," further providing for reports related to
6redevelopment assistance capital projects and for funding and
7administration of redevelopment assistance capital projects.

8The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
9hereby enacts as follows:

10Section 1. Section 313.1 of the act of February 9, 1999
11(P.L.1, No.1), known as the Capital Facilities Debt Enabling
12Act, added December 22, 2005 (P.L.454, No.87), is amended to

14Section 313.1. Reports related to redevelopment assistance
15capital projects.

16(a) Quarterly report.--The Secretary of the Budget shall,
17within ten days of the expiration of each quarter of each fiscal
18year, provide to the Governor, Auditor General, chairman and
19minority chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate

1and the chairman and minority chairman of the Appropriations
2Committee of the House of Representatives a report relating to
3redevelopment assistance capital projects which addresses at
4least all of the following materials:

5(1) An itemized list of the redevelopment assistance
6capital projects approved for release and construction in the
7preceding quarter.

8(2) An estimate of the amount of funds remaining under
9the cap provided in section 317(b).

10(3) An estimate of the total amount of outstanding debt
11related to redevelopment assistance capital projects.

12(4) An estimate of the amount of outstanding debt
13related to redevelopment assistance capital projects which
14will be paid or refinanced in the succeeding four quarters.

15(b) Five-year report.--The Secretary of the Budget shall,
16every five years, or at the request of the Governor or Auditor
17General, provide to the Governor, Auditor General, chairman and
18minority chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate
19and the chairman and minority chairman of the Appropriations
20Committee of the House of Representatives a report relating to
21redevelopment assistance capital projects that addresses at
22least all of the following materials:

23(1) An itemized list of the redevelopment assistance
24capital projects approved for release and construction in the
25preceding five years.

26(2) An estimate of the amount of funds remaining under
27the cap provided in section 317(b).

28(3) An estimate of the total amount of outstanding debt
29related to redevelopment assistance capital projects.

30(4) An estimate of the amount of outstanding debt

1related to the redevelopment assistance capital projects that
2will be paid or refinanced in the succeeding five years.

3(c) Internet access to reports.--The Secretary of the Budget
4shall make all information provided under subsections (a) and
5(b) and all contracts for redevelopment assistance capital
6projects that constitute a public record as defined in section
7102 of the act of February 14, 2008 (P.L.6, No.3), known as the
8Right-to-Know Law, available on the Office of the Budget's
9publicly accessible Internet website.

10Section 2. Section 318 of the act is amended by adding
11subsections to read:

12Section 318. Funding and administration of redevelopment
13assistance capital projects.

14* * *

15(j) Public notification.--No less than 45 days prior to
16execution of a contract:

17(1) The Secretary of the Budget shall notify, in
18writing, the State senator and State representative in whose
19districts the redevelopment assistance capital project is

21(2) At least one public informational meeting regarding
22the redevelopment assistance capital project shall be held
23within a ten-mile radius of the redevelopment assistance
24capital project site. If no suitable venue is available
25within a ten-mile radius of the redevelopment assistance
26capital project site, the Secretary of the Budget, in
27consultation with the applicant, the State senator and the
28State representative may expand the radius by a reasonable
29distance. Any expenses for the public informational meeting
30shall be paid by the applicant.

1(k) Moratorium.--If the Governor-elect is not currently
2holding the office of Governor as a result of a general election
3at which a Governor is elected, no redevelopment assistance
4capital project may be approved in the period between the date
5of the general election at which the Governor-elect was elected
6and the third Tuesday of January next following the election.

7Section 3. This act shall take effect in 60 days.