See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 715



No. 657 Session of 2007



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing and directing the Department of General Services,
     2     with the approval of the Governor, to grant and convey to
     3     Somerset County certain lands situated in Somerset Township,
     4     Somerset County.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Coneyance of lands in Somerset Township, Somerset
     8                 County.
     9     The Department of General Services, with the approval of the
    10  Governor, is hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the
    11  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant and convey to the County
    12  of Somerset certain land situated in Somerset Township, Somerset
    13  County, for $290,000.
    14  Section 2.  Description of land.
    15     The property to be conveyed pursuant to section 1 consists of
    16  approximately 108.122-acres +/- and more particularly described
    17  as follows:
    18  BEGINNING at an existing concrete monument (found), a common

     1  corner of the parcel herein described and lands of now or
     2  formerly Gregory A. Maust and on line along lands now or
     3  formerly of Donald Gene and Mary Elizabeth Snyder, thence along
     4  the line of lands now or formerly of Donald Gene and Mary
     5  Elizabeth Snyder, South 74 degrees 29 minutes 51 seconds West a
     6  distance of 1260.20 feet to an existing concrete monument
     7  (found); thence along the same North 69 degrees 54 minutes 10
     8  seconds West a distance of 845.12 feet to an existing concrete
     9  monument (found); then along the same, South 31 degrees 06
    10  minutes 41 seconds West a distance of 90.39 feet to an existing
    11  concrete monument (found) on the north right of way line of
    12  lands now or formerly of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission;
    13  thence along said right of way line, North 66 degrees 09 minutes
    14  13 seconds West a distance of 1300.93 feet to a set iron
    15  pin/cap, a common corner on the north right of way line of lands
    16  now or formerly of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission and the
    17  east right of way line of State Route 219; thence along the east
    18  right of way line of said State Route 219, North 24 degrees 09
    19  minutes 48 seconds East a distance of 935.02 feet to a set iron
    20  pin/cap; thence along same, North 27 degrees 03 minutes 27
    21  seconds East a distance of 751.38 feet, passing through a set
    22  iron pin/cap at 640.00 feet, to a point at the centerline of
    23  State Route 31 (Glades Pike); thence along centerline of said
    24  road, South 82 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds East a distance of
    25  239.33 feet to a point; thence by an arc to the right along the
    26  centerline of said road having a radius of 2864.93 feet and an
    27  arc distance of 497.52 feet to a point; thence along centerline
    28  of said road, South 72 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds East a
    29  distance of 1168.95 feet to a point, a common corner with lands
    30  now or formerly of the Borough of Somerset; thence along lands
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     1  now or formerly of the Borough of Somerset, South 04 degrees 41
     2  minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 197.99 feet to an existing
     3  bent 3/4 inch rebar (found); thence along same by an arc to the
     4  left having a radius of 160.00 feet and an arc distance of
     5  164.41 feet to a set iron pin/cap; thence along same, South 63
     6  degrees 33 minutes 31 seconds East a distance of 224.06 feet to
     7  an existing iron pin/cap (found) on line in common with lands
     8  now or formerly of Robert E. and Naomi J. Sheeler; thence along
     9  lands now or formerly of Robert E. and Naomi J. Sheeler, now or
    10  formerly of Arnold W. and Susan K. Berkebile and now or formerly
    11  of Gregory A. Maust, South 20 degrees 48 minutes 07 seconds East
    12  a distance of 1069.20 feet, passing through an existing iron
    13  pin/cap at 42.26 feet and an existing iron pin/cap at 588.21
    14  feet, to an existing concrete monument, the place of BEGINNING.
    15     Containing 108.122-acres more or less.
    16  Section 3.  Easements.
    17     The conveyance shall be made under and subject to all lawful
    18  and enforceable easements, servitudes and rights of others,
    19  including, but not confined to, streets, roadways and rights of
    20  any telephone, telegraph, water, electric, gas or pipeline
    21  companies, as well as under and subject to any lawful and
    22  enforceable estates or tenancies vested in third persons
    23  appearing of record, for any portion of the land or improvements
    24  erected thereon.
    25  Section 4.  Restrictions.
    26     Any conveyance authorized under this act shall be made under
    27  and subject to the condition, which shall be contained in the
    28  deed of conveyance, that no portion of the property conveyed
    29  shall be used as a licensed facility, as defined in 4 Pa.C.S. §
    30  1103 (relating to definitions), or any other similar type of
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     1  facility authorized under the laws of this Commonwealth. The
     2  condition shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be
     3  binding upon the Grantee, its successors and assigns. Should the
     4  grantee, its successors or assigns, permit any portion of the
     5  property authorized to be conveyed in this act to be used in
     6  violation of this section, the title shall immediately revert to
     7  and revest in the grantor.
     8  Section 5.  Special Warranty Deed.
     9     The deed of conveyance shall be by Special Warranty Deed and
    10  shall be executed by the Secretary of General Services in the
    11  name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    12  Section 6.  Costs and fees.
    13     Costs and fees incidental to this conveyance shall be borne
    14  by the grantee.
    15  Section 7.  Other costs and fees.
    16     All costs and fees incurred by the Department of Corrections
    17  in replacing a storage building located on the property to be
    18  conveyed herein, shall be paid from the purchase price and that
    19  amount shall be an executively authorized augmentation to the
    20  appropriation from which the costs and fees were paid by the
    21  Department of Corrections. The balance of the proceeds of the
    22  sale shall be deposited in the General Fund.
    23  Section 8.  Effective date.
    24     This act shall take effect immediately.

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