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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 769



No. 663 Session of 2003



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 22, 1970 (P.L.378, No.122), entitled
     2     "An act concerning nursing homes; providing for the licensing
     3     of persons charged with the general administration of such
     4     homes; prescribing the powers and duties of the State Board
     5     of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators; fixing fees and
     6     making certain acts unlawful," further providing for
     7     functions and duties of the board.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Section 4 of the act of June 22, 1970 (P.L.378,
    11  No.122), known as the Nursing Home Administrators License Act,
    12  amended December 20, 1985 (P.L.375, No.106) and July 7, 1987
    13  (P.L.218, No.38), is amended to read:
    14     Section 4.  Functions and Duties of the Board.--(a)  It shall
    15  be the function and duty of the board:
    16     (1)  To develop, impose, and enforce standards which shall be
    17  met by individuals in order to receive a license as a nursing
    18  home administrator, which standards shall be designed to insure
    19  that nursing home administrators will be individuals who are of

     1  good character and are otherwise suitable, and who, by training
     2  or experience, which may include a requirement for supervised
     3  experience prior to licensure, in the field of institutional
     4  administration, are qualified to serve as nursing home
     5  administrators.
     6     (2)  To develop and apply appropriate techniques, including
     7  examinations and investigations, for determining whether an
     8  individual meets such standards.
     9     (3)  To issue licenses and registrations to individuals
    10  determined, after application of such techniques, to meet such
    11  standards, and revoke or suspend licenses or registrations
    12  previously issued by the board in any case where the individual
    13  holding any such license or registration is determined to have
    14  failed to conform to the requirements of such standards.
    15     (4)  To establish and carry out procedures designed to insure
    16  that individuals licensed as nursing home administrators will,
    17  during any period that they serve as such, comply with the
    18  requirements of such standards.
    19     (5)  To receive, investigate, and take appropriate action
    20  with respect to, any charge or complaint filed with the board to
    21  the effect that any individual licensed as a nursing home
    22  administrator has failed to comply with the requirements of such
    23  standards.
    24     (6)  To conduct in cooperation with the appropriate State
    25  agency having facility approval or licensure responsibility a
    26  continuing study of nursing homes and administrators of nursing
    27  homes within the State with a view to the improvement of the
    28  standards imposed for the licensing of such administrators and
    29  of procedures and methods for the enforcement of such standards
    30  with respect to administrators of nursing homes who have been
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     1  licensed as such.
     2     (7)  To submit annually to the Appropriations Committees of
     3  the House of Representatives and the Senate, fifteen days after
     4  the Governor has submitted his budget to the General Assembly, a
     5  copy of the budget request for the upcoming fiscal year which
     6  the board previously submitted to the Department of State.
     7     (8)  To submit annually a report, to the Professional
     8  Licensure Committee of the House of Representatives and to the
     9  Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee of the
    10  Senate, containing a description of the types of complaints
    11  received, status of cases, board action which has been taken and
    12  the length of the time from the initial complaint to final
    13  disposition.
    14     (9)  To develop standards of professional practice and
    15  standards of professional conduct appropriate to establish and
    16  maintain a high level of integrity and performance in the
    17  practice of nursing home administration. The board shall, not
    18  later than July 1, 1988, initiate the promulgation of
    19  regulations establishing such standards of professional practice
    20  and standards of professional conduct, provided that nothing in
    21  this clause shall restrict the imposition of penalties or
    22  disciplinary action pursuant to section 11 or 12 prior to final
    23  approval of such regulations pursuant to the act of June 25,
    24  1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as the "Regulatory Review Act."
    25     (b)  The board or any committee or member thereof, acting in
    26  an official capacity, shall have the authority to issue
    27  subpoenas, compel the attendance of witnesses, administer oaths
    28  and take testimony concerning all matters within the
    29  jurisdiction of the board. Such board shall not be bound by the
    30  strict rules of evidence in the conduct of its proceedings but
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     1  any determinations made shall be founded upon sufficient legal
     2  evidence to sustain them. The right of appeal from decisions of
     3  the board shall be in accordance with [the provisions of the act
     4  of June 4, 1945 (P.L.1388), known as the "Administrative Agency
     5  Law."] 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. A (relating to practice and
     6  procedure of Commonwealth agencies) and Ch. 7 Subch. A (relating
     7  to judicial review of Commonwealth agency action).
     8     (c)  The board shall also have the authority to make rules
     9  and regulations, not inconsistent with law, as may be necessary
    10  for the proper performance of its duties, and to take such other
    11  actions as may be necessary to enable the Commonwealth to meet
    12  the requirements set forth in appropriate Federal law, and other
    13  pertinent Federal authority. The rules, regulations and actions
    14  authorized under this subsection shall address, inter alia, the
    15  following:
    16     (1)  Treatment of nursing home occupants, including paying
    17  attention to their complaints.
    18     (2)  Possession of occupants' possessions and removal of
    19  belongings by theft or otherwise.
    20     (3)  Personal bank accounts of occupants.
    21     (4)  Accounting of occupants' retirement and Social Security
    22  payments.
    23     (5)  Burial expenses, including prepayment requirements.
    24     (6)  Exercise of occupants, especially where needed for
    25  health purposes.
    26     (7)  Proper attention to bed-ridden occupants to avoid
    27  bedsores.
    28     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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