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same topic
                                 SENATE AMENDED
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 752                      PRINTER'S NO.  2100



No. 679 Session of 2001


           JUNE 5, 2001

                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing the Department of General Services, with the
     2     approval of the Governor and the Department of Conservation
     3     and Natural Resources, to grant and convey a sanitary sewer
     4     right-of-way over certain State land to Penn Township, York
     5     County, Pennsylvania.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  (a)  Authorization and description.--The
     9  Department of Conservation and Natural Resources GENERAL          <--
    10  SERVICES, with the approval of the Governor AND THE DEPARTMENT    <--
    11  OF CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES, is hereby authorized and
    12  directed on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant
    13  and convey to Penn Township, York County, for a consideration of
    14  $1, a sanitary sewer right-of-way on a parcel of land situate in
    15  Penn Township, York County, Pennsylvania, being bounded and
    16  described as follows:
    17     All that certain area to be used as a sanitary sewer easement
    18  and access easement, extending in a southeasterly direction from
    19  the northern property line of lands of the grantor to the

     1  northern existing right-of-way line of Pumping Station Road, T-
     2  309, situated partly in Penn Township and partly in West Manheim
     3  Township, York County, Pennsylvania, said area being more
     4  particularly bounded and described as follows:
     5     Beginning at a corner of lands of the grantor, said point
     6  being a corner of Lot No. 12, as shown on a Final Subdivision
     7  Plan For Wentz, recorded in Plan Book V, on Page 199, lands of
     8  Barry and Christine Fisher, said point also being the northwest
     9  corner of the hereon described area; thence along lands of Barry
    10  and Christine Fisher, North 59 degrees 55 minutes 14 seconds
    11  East a distance of 30.09 feet to a point; thence crossing the
    12  lands of the grantor the six following courses and distances:
    13  (1) South 34 degrees 23 minutes 46 seconds East a distance of
    14  127.36 feet to a point; (2) North 55 degrees 36 minutes 14
    15  seconds East a distance of 20.00 feet to a point; (3) South 34
    16  degrees 23 minutes 46 seconds East a distance of 35.60 feet to a
    17  point; (4) South 55 degrees 36 minutes 14 seconds West a
    18  distance of 20.00 feet to a point; (5) South 34 degrees 23
    19  minutes 46 seconds East a distance of 145.73 feet to a point;
    20  (6) South 61 degrees 20 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of
    21  29.75 feet to a point, said point being on the northern right-
    22  of-way line of Pumping Station Road, T-309 (50 feet wide right-
    23  of-way); thence along the northern right-of-way line of Pumping
    24  Station Road, South 28 degrees 39 minutes 13 seconds West a
    25  distance of 30.00 feet to a point; thence crossing the lands of
    26  the grantor, North 61 degrees 20 minutes 47 seconds West a
    27  distance of 36.93 feet to a point, said point being on line of
    28  lands of Lot No. 1, as shown on a Final Plan for Pugh, recorded
    29  in Plan Book JJ, on Page 313, lands of Stephen and Vicki Briggs;
    30  thence along lands of Stephen and Vicki Briggs, North 34 degrees
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     1  23 minutes 46 seconds West a distance of 318.14 feet to the
     2  point of beginning.
     3  Containing An Area Of 11,114 Sq. Ft. (0.255 Acres).
     4     (b)  Easement.--The conveyance shall be made under and
     5  subject to all easements, servitudes and rights of others,
     6  including, but not confined to, streets, roadways and rights of
     7  any telephone, telegraph, water, electric, sewer, gas or
     8  pipeline companies, as well as under and subject to any
     9  interest, estates or tenancies vested in third persons, whether
    10  or not appearing of record, for any portion of the land or
    11  improvements erected thereon.
    12     (c)  Proceeds.--The proceeds of this sale shall be paid into
    13  the General Fund.
    14     (d)  Deed.--The deed of conveyance shall be approved as
    15  provided by law and shall be executed by the Secretary of
    16  General Services in the name of the Commonwealth of
    17  Pennsylvania.
    18     (e)  Costs.--Costs and fees incidental to this conveyance
    19  shall be borne by the grantee.
    20     Section 3 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.          <--

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