See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 768



No. 686 Session of 1997



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), entitled
     2     "An act concerning elections, including general, municipal,
     3     special and primary elections, the nomination of candidates,
     4     primary and election expenses and election contests; creating
     5     and defining membership of county boards of elections;
     6     imposing duties upon the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
     7     courts, county boards of elections, county commissioners;
     8     imposing penalties for violation of the act, and codifying,
     9     revising and consolidating the laws relating thereto; and
    10     repealing certain acts and parts of acts relating to
    11     elections," providing for primary ballot forms, for marking
    12     ballots, for manner of voting, for canvassing, for
    13     computation and certification of returns.

    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16     Section 1.  Section 1002(a) and (b) of the act of June 3,
    17  1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election
    18  Code, amended December 22, 1971 (P.L.613, No.165) and December
    19  2, 1976 (P.L.1221, No.269), are amended to read:
    20     Section 1002.  Form of Official Primary Ballot.--(a)  At
    21  primaries separate official ballots shall be prepared for each
    22  party which shall be in substantially the following form:
    23       Official.................................. Primary Ballot.

     1                     (Name of Party)
     2  ........District,........Ward, City of.......................,
     3  County of............................, State of Pennsylvania
     4  ........Primary election held on of........., 19...
     5     Make a cross (X) or check ( ) in the square to the right of
     6  each candidate for whom you wish to vote. If you desire to vote
     7  for a person whose name is not on the ballot, write, print or
     8  paste his name in the blank space provided for that purpose. To
     9  indicate support for none of the candidates listed for any one
    10  office, mark a cross (X) or check( ) in the square to the right
    11  of the statement "none of the above" where it appears. Mark
    12  ballot only in black lead pencil, indelible pencil or blue,
    13  black or blue-black ink in fountain pen or ball point pen. Use
    14  the same pencil or pen for all markings you place on the ballot.
    15                  President of the United States.
    16                           (Vote for one)
    17  John Doe
    18  Richard Roe
    19  John Stiles
    20  None of the Above
    21                       United States Senator.
    22                           (Vote for one)
    23  John Doe
    24  Richard Roe
    25  John Stiles
    26  None of the Above
    27                             Governor.
    28                           (Vote for one)
    29  John Doe
    30  Richard Roe
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     1  John Stiles
     2  None of the Above
     3                         Attorney General.
     4                           (Vote for one)
     5  John Doe
     6  Richard Roe
     7  John Stiles
     8  None of the Above
     9                          Auditor General.
    10                           (Vote for one)
    11  John Doe
    12  Richard Roe
    13  John Stiles
    14  None of the Above
    15                             Treasurer.
    16                           (Vote for one)
    17  John Doe
    18  Richard Roe
    19  John Stiles
    20  None of the Above
    21              Representative in Congress....District.
    22                           (Vote for one)
    23  John Doe
    24  Richard Roe
    25  John Stiles
    26  None of the Above
    27             Delegates at Large to National Convention.
    28                          (Vote for.....)
    29  John Doe
    30     (Committed to Jeremiah Smith)
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     1  John Stiles
     2     (Uncommitted)
     3           Delegate to National Convention.....District.
     4                          (Vote for.....)
     5  John Doe
     6     (Committed to Jeremiah Smith)
     7  John Stiles
     8     (Uncommitted)
     9           Senator in the General Assembly.....District.
    10                           (Vote for one)
    11  John Doe
    12  Richard Roe
    13  John Stiles
    14  None of the Above
    15        Representative in the General Assembly.....District.
    16                           (Vote for one)
    17  John Doe
    18  Richard Roe
    19  John Stiles
    20  None of the Above
    21                     Member of State Committee.
    22                           (Vote for one)
    23  John Doe
    24  Richard Roe
    25  John Stiles
    26                        Party Committeemen.
    27                          (Vote for.....)
    28  John Doe
    29  Richard Roe
    30  John Stiles
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     1     (b)  On the back of each ballot shall be printed in prominent
     2  type the words "OFFICIAL PRIMARY BALLOT OF ........PARTY FOR"
     3  followed by the designation of the election district for which
     4  it is prepared, the date of the primary and the facsimile
     5  signatures of the members of the county board of elections. The
     6  names of candidates shall in all cases be arranged under the
     7  title of the office for which they are candidates, and be
     8  printed thereunder in the order determined by the casting of
     9  lots as provided by this act. Under the title of such offices
    10  where more than one candidate is to be voted for, shall be
    11  printed "Vote for not more than ........" (the blank space to
    12  indicate the number of candidates to be voted for the particular
    13  office.) At the right of the name of each candidate there shall
    14  be a square of sufficient size for the convenient insertion of a
    15  cross (x) or check ( ) mark. There shall be left at the end of
    16  the list of candidates for each office (or under the title of
    17  the office itself in case there be no candidates who have filed
    18  nomination petitions therefor) as many blank spaces as there are
    19  persons to be voted for, for such office, in which space the
    20  elector may insert the name of any person whose name is not
    21  printed on the ballot as a candidate for such office.
    22  Immediately following the blank spaces which are left at the end
    23  of each group of candidates seeking one of the executive or
    24  legislative offices shall be printed, on a separate line, "none
    25  of the above" and, at the right of this statement, a square of
    26  sufficient size for the convenient insertion of a cross (X) or
    27  check ( ) mark. For purposes of this subsection, the term
    28  "candidates seeking one of the executive or legislative offices"
    29  shall include persons seeking any of the following offices:
    30  President of the United States, United States Senator, Governor,
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     1  Attorney General, Auditor General, Treasurer, Representative in
     2  Congress, and Senator or Representative in the General Assembly.
     3  Opposite or under the name of each candidate, except candidates
     4  for the office of President of the United States and candidates
     5  for delegate or alternate delegate to a National Party
     6  Convention, who is to be voted for by the electors of more than
     7  one county, shall be printed the name of the county in which
     8  such candidate resides; and opposite or under the name of each
     9  candidate except candidates for delegate or alternate delegate
    10  to a National Party Convention who is to be voted for by the
    11  electors of an entire county or any congressional, senatorial or
    12  representative district within the county, shall be printed the
    13  name of the city, borough, township or ward, as the case may be,
    14  in which such candidate resides.
    15     * * *
    16     Section 2.  Section 1003(a) and (e) of the act, amended April
    17  24, 1947 (P.L.68, No.33) and December 10, 1974 (P.L.835,
    18  No.280), are amended to read:
    19     Section 1003.  Form of Official Election Ballot.--
    20     (a)  The official ballots for general, municipal and special
    21  elections shall be in substantially the following form:
    22                          OFFICIAL BALLOT
    23  ........... District, ........... Ward, City of ...............,
    24  County of ................., State of Pennsylvania ............
    25  Election held on the ..... day of .........., 19.. A cross (X)
    26  or check ( ) mark in the square opposite the name of any
    27  candidate indicates a vote for that candidate.
    28     To vote a straight party ticket, mark a cross (X) or check
    29  ( ) in the square, in the Party Column, opposite the name of the
    30  party of your choice. To vote for an individual candidate of
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     1  another party after making a mark in the party square, mark a
     2  cross (X) or check ( ) opposite his name. For an office where
     3  more than one candidate is to be voted for, the voter, after
     4  marking in the party square, may divide his vote by marking a
     5  cross (X) or check ( ) to the right of each candidate for whom
     6  he or she desires to vote. For such office votes shall not be
     7  counted for candidates not individually marked.
     8     To vote for a person whose name is not on the ballot, write,
     9  print or paste his name in the blank space provided for that
    10  purpose. To indicate support for none of the candidates listed
    11  for an office, mark a cross (X) or check ( ) opposite the
    12  statement " none of the above" where it appears. A cross (X) or
    13  check ( ) mark in the square opposite the names of the
    14  candidates of any party for President and Vice-President of the
    15  United States indicates a vote for all the candidates of that
    16  party for presidential elector. To vote for individual
    17  candidates for presidential elector, write, print or paste their
    18  names in the blank spaces provided for that purpose under the
    19  title "Presidential Electors." Mark ballot only in black lead
    20  pencil, indelible pencil or blue, black or blue-black ink, in
    21  fountain pen or ball point pen; use the same pencil or pen for
    22  all markings you place on the ballot.
    23     Before leaving the voting compartment, fold this ballot,
    24  without displaying the markings thereon, in the same way it was
    25  folded when received, then leave the compartment and exhibit the
    26  ballot to one of the election officers who shall ascertain by an
    27  inspection of the number appearing upon the right hand corner of
    28  the back of the ballot whether the ballot so exhibited to him is
    29  the same ballot which the elector received before entering the
    30  voting compartment. If it is the same, the election officer
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     1  shall direct the elector, without unfolding the ballot, to
     2  remove the perforated corner containing the number, and the
     3  elector shall immediately deposit the ballot in the ballot box.
     4  Any ballot deposited in a ballot box at any primary or election
     5  without having the said number torn off shall be void and shall
     6  not be counted.
     7          Party Column                 Presidential Electors
     8  To Vote a Straight Party Ticket    (Vote for the candidates of
     9  Mark a Cross (X) or Check ( ) in   one party for President and
    10  this Column.                       Vice-President, or insert the
    11                                     names of candidates.)
    12                                       For
    13          Democratic                 John Stiles
    14                                       and
    15                                     Richard Doe,
    16                                     Democratic ..................
    17                                       For
    18          Republican                 John Doe
    19                                       and
    20                                     Richard Roe,
    21                                     Republican ..................
    22                                       For
    23          Socialist                  John Smith
    24                                       and
    25                                     William Jones,
    26                                     Socialist ...................
    27                                     None of the Above
    28          Citizens
    29                       United States Senator.
    30                           (Vote for one)
    19970H0686B0768                  - 8 -

     1  Richard Roe ...................................... Democratic
     2  John Doe ......................................... Republican
     3  Richard Stiles ................................... Socialist
     4  None of the Above
     5                             Governor.
     6                           (Vote for one)
     7  Richard Roe ...................................... Democratic
     8  John Doe ......................................... Republican
     9  Richard Stiles ................................... Socialist
    10  None of the Above
    11                         Attorney General.
    12                           (Vote for one)
    13  Richard Roe ...................................... Democratic
    14  John Doe ......................................... Republican
    15  Richard Stiles ................................... Socialist
    16  None of the Above
    17                          Auditor General.
    18                           (Vote for one)
    19  Richard Roe ...................................... Democratic
    20  John Doe ......................................... Republican
    21  Richard Stiles ................................... Socialist
    22  None of the Above
    23                             Treasurer.
    24                           (Vote for one)
    25  Richard Roe ...................................... Democratic
    26  John Doe ......................................... Republican
    27  Richard Stiles ................................... Socialist
    28  None of the Above
    29                    Representative in Congress,
    30                         ....... District.
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     1                           (Vote for one)
     2  Richard Roe ...................................... Democratic
     3  John Doe ......................................... Republican
     4  Richard Stiles ................................... Socialist
     5  None of the Above
     6                  Senator in the General Assembly,
     7                         ....... District.
     8                           (Vote for one)
     9  John Doe ........................................ Democratic
    10  Richard Roe ..................................... Republican
    11  None of the Above
    12              Representative in the General Assembly,
    13                         ....... District.
    14                           (Vote for one)
    15  John Doe ........................................ Democratic
    16  Richard Roe ..................................... Republican
    17  None of the Above
    18     * * *
    19     (e)  There shall be left at the end of the group of
    20  candidates for President and Vice-President of the United States
    21  under the title "Presidential Electors," as many blank spaces as
    22  there are presidential electors to be elected, in which spaces
    23  the elector may insert the names of any individual candidates
    24  for presidential electors for whom he desires to vote. There
    25  shall also be left at the end of each group of candidates for
    26  each other office (or under the title of the office itself in
    27  case no candidates have been nominated therefor), as many blank
    28  spaces as there are persons to be voted for for such office, in
    29  which space the elector may insert the name of any person or
    30  persons whose name is not printed on the ballot as a candidate
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     1  for such office. Immediately following the blank spaces which
     2  are left at the end of each group of candidates seeking one of
     3  the executive or legislative offices shall be printed, on a
     4  separate line, "none of the above" and, at the right of this
     5  statement, a square of sufficient size for the convenient
     6  insertion of a cross (X) or check ( ) mark. For purposes of this
     7  subsection, the term "candidates seeking one of the executive or
     8  legislative offices" shall include any of the following offices:
     9  President of the United States, United States Senator, Governor,
    10  Attorney General, Auditor General, Treasurer, Representative in
    11  Congress and Senator or Representative in the General Assembly.
    12     * * *
    13     Section 3.  Section 1215(c) of the act, amended January 8,
    14  1959 (P.L.2142, No.790), is amended and the section is amended
    15  by adding a subsection to read:
    16     Section 1215.  Method of Marking Ballots and Depositing Same
    17  in Districts in Which Ballots are Used.--* * *
    18     (c) At elections, the elector shall prepare his ballot in the
    19  following manner: He may vote for the candidates of his choice
    20  for each office to be filled according to the number of persons
    21  to be voted for by him for each office, by making a cross (X) or
    22  check ( ) mark in the square opposite the name of the candidate,
    23  or he may insert by writing, stamping or sticker, in the blank
    24  spaces provided therefor, any name not already printed on the
    25  ballot, and such insertion shall count as a vote without the
    26  making of a cross (X) or check ( ) mark[.], or he may vote
    27  against all of the candidates listed for an office set forth in
    28  subsection (e), by making a cross (X) or check ( ) mark in the
    29  square opposite the statement "none of the above" where it
    30  appears. If he desires to vote for every candidate of a
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     1  political party or political body, except its candidates for
     2  offices as to which he votes for individual candidates in the
     3  manner hereinafter provided, he may make a cross (X) or check (
     4  ) mark in the square opposite the name of the party or political
     5  body of his choice in the party column on the left of the
     6  ballot, and every such cross (X) or check ( ) mark shall be
     7  equivalent to and be counted as a vote for every candidate of a
     8  party or political body so marked, including its candidates for
     9  presidential electors, except for those offices as to which he
    10  has indicated a choice for individual candidates of the same or
    11  another party or political body, by making a cross (X) or check
    12  ( ) mark opposite their names in the manner hereinabove
    13  provided, as to which offices his ballot shall be counted only
    14  for the candidates which he has thus individually marked,
    15  notwithstanding the fact that he made a mark in the party
    16  column, and even though in the case of an office for which more
    17  than one candidate is to be voted for, he has not individually
    18  marked for such office the full number of candidates for which
    19  he is entitled to vote. If he desires to vote for the entire
    20  group of presidential electors nominated by any party or
    21  political body, he may make a cross (X) or check
    22  ( ) mark in the appropriate square at the right of the names of
    23  the candidates for President and Vice-President of such party or
    24  body. If he desires to vote a ticket for presidential electors
    25  made up of the names of persons nominated by different parties
    26  or political bodies, or partially of names of persons so in
    27  nomination and partially of names of persons not in nomination
    28  by any party or political body, or wholly of names of persons
    29  not in nomination by any party or political body, he shall
    30  insert the names of the candidates for presidential electors for
    19970H0686B0768                 - 12 -

     1  whom he desires to vote in the blank spaces provided therefor
     2  under the title of the office "Presidential Electors." In case
     3  of a question submitted to the vote of the electors, he may make
     4  a cross (X) or check ( ) mark in the appropriate square opposite
     5  the answer which he desires to give.
     6     * * *
     7     (e) Any elector may cast a vote for "none of the above" for
     8  any of the following offices: President of the United States,
     9  United States Senator, Governor, Attorney General, Treasurer,
    10  Representative in Congress, and Senator or Representative in the
    11  General Assembly.
    12     Section 4.  Section 1216(d) of the act is amended and the
    13  section is amended by adding a subsection to read:
    14     Section 1216.  Instructions of Voters and Manner of Voting in
    15  Districts in Which Voting Machines are Used.--
    16     * * *
    17     (d) At primaries, he shall vote for each candidate
    18  individually by operating the key, handle, pointer or knob, upon
    19  or adjacent to which the name of such candidate is placed. At
    20  elections, he may vote for each candidate individually by
    21  operating the key, handle, pointer or knob, upon or adjacent to
    22  which the names of candidates of his choice are placed, or he
    23  may vote a straight political party ticket in one operation by
    24  operating the straight political party lever of the political
    25  party or political body of his choice, if such machine has
    26  thereon a separate lever for all the candidates of the political
    27  body. He may also, after having operated the straight party
    28  lever, and before recording his vote, cancel the vote for any
    29  candidate of such political party or political body by replacing
    30  the individual key, handle, pointer or knob of such candidate,
    19970H0686B0768                 - 13 -

     1  and may thereupon vote for a candidate of another party, or
     2  political body for the same office by operating the key, handle,
     3  pointer or knob, upon or adjacent to which the name of such
     4  candidate appears. The elector may, at any primary or election,
     5  indicate his support for none of the candidates listed for an
     6  office set forth in subsection (h) by operating the key, handle,
     7  pointer or knob, upon or adjacent to which the statement "none
     8  of the above" is placed. In the case of a question submitted to
     9  the vote of the electors, the elector shall operate the key,
    10  handle, pointer or knob corresponding to the answer which he
    11  desires to give.
    12     * * *
    13     (h) Any elector may cast a vote for "none of the above" for
    14  any of the following offices: President of the United States,
    15  United States Senator, Governor, Attorney General, Auditor
    16  General, Treasurer, Representative in Congress, and Senator or
    17  Representative in the General Assembly.
    18     Section 5.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    19     Section 1231.  Count, Canvass and Certification of Votes Cast
    20  for "None of the Above."--Any vote cast for "none of the above,"
    21  in accordance with sections 1215 and 1216 of this act, shall be
    22  canvassed, certified, computed, counted recanvassed, recorded,
    23  tabulated, tallied and otherwise treated as any vote cast for a
    24  candidate is canvassed, certified, computed, counted,
    25  recanvassed, recorded, tabulated, tallied and otherwise treated,
    26  as prescribed in this article.
    27     Section 1419.  Votes Cast for "None of the Above" Outnumber
    28  Votes for Candidates; Special Election to be Held.--In an
    29  election for President of the United States, United States
    30  Senator, Governor, Attorney General, Auditor General, Treasurer,
    19970H0686B0768                 - 14 -

     1  Representative in Congress, or Senator or Representative in the
     2  General Assembly, if the category of "none of the above"
     3  receives more votes than each candidate for that office, the
     4  Secretary of the Commonwealth shall not issue a certificate of
     5  election to any candidate for that office, but shall schedule a
     6  special election to be held in the appropriate voting districts
     7  at least sixty days after certification of the election returns.
     8  Any special election required by this section shall be conducted
     9  in accordance with section 1229 of this act. None of the
    10  unsuccessful candidates in the initial election shall be
    11  eligible to become a candidate in a subsequent special election
    12  required by this section.
    13     Section 1420.  Certification of Returns; Votes Cast for "None
    14  of the Above."--Except as provided in section 1419 of this act,
    15  any vote or votes cast for "none of the above," in accordance
    16  with sections 1215 and 1216 of this act, shall be canvassed,
    17  certified, computed, counted, recanvassed, recorded, tabulated,
    18  tallied and otherwise treated as any vote or votes cast for a
    19  candidate is canvassed, certified, computed, counted,
    20  recanvassed, recorded, tabulated, tallied and otherwise treated,
    21  as prescribed in this article.
    22     Section 6.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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