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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 827



No. 699 Session of 2003



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 11, 1990 (P.L.465, No.113), entitled
     2     "An act providing for the creation of tax increment
     3     districts; providing for additional powers and duties to be
     4     exercised by redevelopment authorities and by industrial and
     5     commercial development authorities; authorizing the creation
     6     and approval of project plans for tax increment financing;
     7     providing for the establishment of a tax increment base;
     8     allocating the payment of positive tax increments; providing
     9     for the financing of project costs; and providing for the
    10     issuance of tax increment bonds and notes," further providing
    11     for the definitions of "tax increment" and "tax increment
    12     base."

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15     Section 1.  The definitions of "tax increment" and "tax
    16  increment base" in section 3 of the act of July 11, 1990
    17  (P.L.465, No.113), known as the Tax Increment Financing Act,
    18  amended December 16, 1992 (P.L.1240, No.164), are amended to
    19  read:
    20  Section 3.  Definitions.
    21     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    22  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the

     1  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     2     * * *
     3     "Tax increment."  Generally, the incremental tax revenues,
     4  determined with reference to the tax increment base, resulting
     5  from the increase in property values or from the increase in
     6  commercial activity as a result of a project. More specifically,
     7  the term includes the following:
     8         (1)  The incremental tax revenues resulting from an
     9     increase in the total market value of taxable real property
    10     situated in a tax increment district and an increase in the
    11     [business] use and occupancy of such [taxable] real property.
    12     This paragraph applies only to ad valorem taxes on real
    13     property and [tax] taxes imposed by the governing body on the
    14     use and occupancy of real property, including a parking tax.
    15         (2)  The payment in lieu of taxes assigned to or agreed
    16     to be paid by governmental entities or nonprofit
    17     organizations with property situated or otherwise assignable
    18     to a tax increment district. Whether all or only a portion of
    19     this payment is to be considered part of the tax increment
    20     shall be determined at the time the tax increment district is
    21     created.
    22         (3)  The incremental tax revenues resulting from an
    23     increase in total taxable sales and rentals of tangible
    24     personal property and in the rendition of taxable services by
    25     vendors located in a tax increment district. This paragraph
    26     applies only to a sales tax levied by a governing body.
    27         (4)  The incremental tax revenues resulting from an
    28     increase in total gross receipts or gross or net profits or
    29     income realized by persons or entities from business
    30     conducted in a tax increment district. This paragraph applies
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     1     only to those taxes levied under the authority of the act of
     2     August 5, 1932 (Sp.Sess., P.L.45, No.45), referred to as the
     3     Sterling Act, the act of December 31, 1965 (P.L.1257,
     4     No.511), known as The Local Tax Enabling Act, and the act of
     5     May 30, 1984 (P.L.345, No.69), known as the First Class City
     6     Business Tax Reform Act.
     7     "Tax increment base."  The term means one or more of the
     8  following, as appropriate:
     9         (1)  The aggregate market value of all taxable real
    10     property located within a tax increment district on the date
    11     the district is created.
    12         (2)  In a district where the governing body has levied a
    13     tax on the business use and occupancy of real estate, the
    14     average aggregate market value of real property located
    15     within the district and used or occupied for business
    16     purposes during the last available 12-month period preceding
    17     the date of creation of the district.
    18         (3)  In a district where the governing body has levied a
    19     sales, use or parking tax, the total amount of taxable sales,
    20     rentals [and], services and transactions subject to the
    21     [sales] tax [of the Commonwealth] and occurring within the
    22     district during the last calendar year or the last available
    23     12-month period preceding the date of creation of the
    24     district.
    25         (4)  In a district where the governing body has levied a
    26     mercantile license tax, business privilege tax, net profits
    27     tax or similar tax for the privilege of engaging in business
    28     within the district, the total amount of taxable gross
    29     receipts, net income or net profits, as the case may be,
    30     realized by taxpayers at locations within the district during
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     1     their last taxable period which ended before the date of
     2     creation of the district.
     3     * * *
     4     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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