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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3562



No. 699 Session of 2008

           REICHLEY AND SURRA, APRIL 7, 2008

           APRIL 7, 2008

                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Recommending to the Congress of the United States that the cap
     2     on the Crime Victims Fund be eliminated and that the entire
     3     amount of funds deposited into the fund be distributed
     4     annually.

     5     WHEREAS, The Victims of Crime Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-473,
     6  42 U.S.C. § 10601 et seq.) established the Crime Victims Fund,
     7  which is one of the main sources of money and support for crime
     8  victims and crime victims services; and
     9     WHEREAS, The Crime Victims Fund provides critical funding for
    10  formula grants to states for victim compensation and victim
    11  assistance and for Federal discretionary grants, in addition to
    12  earmarks for Federal victim assistance within the United States
    13  Attorneys' Offices, FBI and Victim Notification System and the
    14  Children's Justice Act; and
    15     WHEREAS, State compensation programs pay directly for medical
    16  care, counseling, lost wages and funerals for victims of
    17  domestic violence, child abuse, rape and homicide; and

     1     WHEREAS, State assistance programs provide services,
     2  including crisis intervention, counseling, emergency shelter,
     3  child care and emergency transportation; and
     4     WHEREAS, Discretionary grants awarded to organizations fund
     5  demonstration projects, training and other assistance to expand
     6  and improve the delivery of services to crime victims; and
     7     WHEREAS, All funds placed in the Crime Victims Fund are
     8  derived from criminal fines, forfeited bail bonds, penalty fees
     9  and special assessments collected by the United States
    10  Attorneys' Offices, the United States courts and the Bureau of
    11  Prisons and does not rely on any tax-generated revenues; and
    12     WHEREAS, States may utilize compensation grants and victim
    13  assistance grants over a four-year period, thus enabling them to
    14  plan and manage the distribution of funds over time; and
    15     WHEREAS, In 2000, Congress began capping annual spending from
    16  the fund; and
    17     WHEREAS, Congress has placed a budgetary cap on the fund for
    18  eight successive years thereby holding back more than
    19  $1,430,000,000 collected for the fund; and
    20     WHEREAS, Congress has repeatedly affirmed that the cap was
    21  imposed to ensure that a stable level of funding remains
    22  available for use to fund crime victim programs in future years;
    23  and
    24     WHEREAS, In 2008, spending from the fund is capped at 590
    25  million dollars, 35 million dollars less than in 2007; and
    26     WHEREAS, The fund's balance is currently 2.024 billion
    27  dollars; and
    28     WHEREAS, The Bush Administration's proposed fiscal year 2009
    29  Federal budget would once again cap spending from the fund at
    30  590 million dollars and would rescind the fund's balance of
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     1  2.024 billion dollars to offset spending in other program areas;
     2  and
     3     WHEREAS, A rescission of the fund balance would result in no
     4  available funding for the formula or discretionary grant
     5  programs at the start of fiscal year 2009; therefore be it
     6     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the
     7  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania recommend to Congress that the cap
     8  on the Crime Victims Fund be eliminated and that the entire
     9  amount of funds deposited into the fund be distributed annually;
    10  and be it further
    11     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the
    12  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania recommend to Congress that they
    13  oppose the Bush Administration's proposal to rescind the Crime
    14  Victims Fund; and be it further
    15     RESOLVED, That the Chief Clerk of the House of
    16  Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania transmit
    17  copies of this resolution to the President pro tempore of the
    18  United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of
    19  Representatives, the Pennsylvania Congressional Delegation and
    20  the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency.

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