See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3780



No. 706 Session of 2004

           BIANCUCCI, APRIL 15, 2004


                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Calling for a fair process for Waste Management, Inc., employees
     2     in eastern Pennsylvania to choose a union.

     3     WHEREAS, The employees of Waste Management, Inc., of eastern
     4  Pennsylvania do a job which is essential to the health and well-
     5  being of the community; and
     6     WHEREAS, Those employees are hard-working members of the
     7  communities they serve and are raising families in eastern
     8  Pennsylvania; and
     9     WHEREAS, Waste Management, Inc., employees found themselves
    10  with diminishing take-home pay due to the company shifting
    11  health care insurance costs to them; and
    12     WHEREAS, Waste Management, Inc., imposed a family-unfriendly
    13  discipline and attendance system called the points system; and
    14     WHEREAS, Waste Management, Inc., employees engaged in
    15  collective activities addressing the aforementioned grievances,
    16  which is their right under the law; and
    17     WHEREAS, Waste Management, Inc.'s, response was to make the

     1  points system twice as family-unfriendly; and
     2     WHEREAS, Waste Management, Inc., began a campaign of fear in
     3  the workplace, conducting captive audience meetings where
     4  employees are forced to listen to antiunion speeches and threats
     5  of wage, benefit and job loss; and
     6     WHEREAS, A Waste Management, Inc., official told the
     7  employees, many of whom are military veterans, that their rights
     8  ended at the company gate; and
     9     WHEREAS, Waste Management, Inc., has begun to selectively
    10  construct cases for termination against those employees who seek
    11  to organize a union; and
    12     WHEREAS, The right to organize a union is a legal right
    13  which, like the right to vote and the right to free speech,
    14  should never have to be exercised in fear; and
    15     WHEREAS, These tactics on the part of Waste Management, Inc.,
    16  have succeeded in creating an atmosphere of fear in the
    17  workplace, poisoning the conditions necessary for a fair
    18  election; and
    19     WHEREAS, Much of the funding for Waste Management, Inc.'s,
    20  vicious and sophisticated campaign to deny its employees their
    21  right to organize a union comes from public contracts financed
    22  by local taxes; and
    23     WHEREAS, Waste Management, Inc.'s, employees are taxpayers
    24  and are in effect financing the tactics being used against them
    25  by the company; and
    26     WHEREAS, Equitable labor relations in this industry are
    27  necessary to the efficient and safe removal and disposal of
    28  refuse, a function vital to the health of our communities; and
    29     WHEREAS, The situation can only be remedied if Waste
    30  Management, Inc., would agree to a fair process for employees to
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     1  express their desire to organize a union; and
     2     WHEREAS, A number of fair processes are available, including
     3  a card check/neutrality agreement calling for an end to
     4  intimidation of employees and the creation of a safe atmosphere
     5  for employees to exercise their rights; therefore be it
     6     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives call upon Waste
     7  Management, Inc., of eastern Pennsylvania to agree to a fair
     8  process and neutral atmosphere where its employees can freely
     9  exercise their rights under the law to determine whether they
    10  want to work under a union.

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