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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 840



No. 713 Session of 2003

           YOUNGBLOOD, MARCH 6, 2003

           MARCH 6, 2003

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 27, 1905 (P.L.312, No.218), entitled
     2     "An act creating a Department of Health, and defining its
     3     powers and duties," further providing for State health
     4     centers.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Section 8 of the act of April 27, 1905 (P.L.312,
     8  No.218), entitled "An act creating a Department of Health and
     9  defining its powers and duties," amended July 2, 1996 (P.L.518,
    10  No.87), is amended to read:
    11     Section 8.  (a)  It shall be the duty of the Department of
    12  Health to protect the health of the people of the State, and to
    13  determine and employ the most efficient and practical means for
    14  the prevention and suppression of disease.
    15     (b)  The Secretary of Health shall cause examination to be
    16  made of nuisances or questions affecting the security of life

     1  and health in any locality, and for that purpose the secretary,
     2  and any person authorized by him so to do, may, without fee or
     3  hindrance, enter, examine and survey all grounds, vehicles,
     4  apartments, buildings, and places within the State, and all
     5  persons so authorized by him shall have the powers and authority
     6  conferred by law upon constables.
     7     [(c)  (1)  With the exception of the three State health
     8  centers selected for the review program established in paragraph
     9  (2), the department shall operate those public State health
    10  centers and provide at a minimum those public health services in
    11  effect as of July 1, 1995. Except as provided in paragraph (2),
    12  the department shall not enter into contracts with any
    13  additional private providers that would result in the
    14  elimination of any State health center nor reduce the scope of
    15  services currently provided nor reduce the number of centers.
    16     (2)  The department shall establish a review program to
    17  determine the feasibility and effectiveness of entering into
    18  contracts with local health care providers for the operation of
    19  State health centers or the provision of equivalent services.
    20  The program shall utilize the equivalent services provided by
    21  three existing State health centers on the effective date of
    22  this act, one of which shall be in an urban area of this
    23  Commonwealth, one of which shall be in a suburban area of this
    24  Commonwealth and one of which shall be in a rural area of this
    25  Commonwealth, as determined by the department. The review
    26  program shall begin on November 1, 1996, and shall continue for
    27  a period of twelve months.
    28     (3)  The department shall identify the State health centers
    29  under paragraph (2) and contract with one or more local health
    30  care providers for the operation of the centers or for the
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     1  provision of equivalent services. The contract shall be
     2  effective November 1, 1996, and shall be for a period of twelve
     3  months. The contract shall provide for oversight by the
     4  department of all services provided under the review program.
     5     (4)  On or before December 31, 1997, the department shall
     6  submit a report to the General Assembly, which shall include,
     7  but not be limited to, the following:
     8     (i)  A review and analysis of the three health care centers
     9  or of the provision of equivalent services in the review
    10  program, including patient utilization and services provided.
    11     (ii)  An analysis of the performance of each local health
    12  care provider, including patient satisfaction with the provision
    13  of services.
    14     (iii)  A review of other delivery systems for health services
    15  in the community, both public and private.
    16     (iv)  A comparison of the cost and effectiveness of the
    17  operation of each of the three health care centers by the
    18  Commonwealth with the cost of the provision of equivalent
    19  services by local health care providers.
    20     (v)  Recommendations regarding continuation of the provision
    21  of the services previously provided by the three health care
    22  centers included in the study program by local health care
    23  providers.
    24     (vi)  Recommendations regarding the public and private
    25  operation of all remaining health care centers or the provision
    26  of equivalent services in this Commonwealth.]
    27     (b.1)  WHEREAS, The Department of Health has responsibility
    28  to protect the health of the citizens of the Commonwealth of
    29  Pennsylvania; and
    30     WHEREAS, Recent events show that terrorism may pose a threat
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     1  to the public safety and welfare of citizens; and
     2     WHEREAS, The use of anthrax as a weapon of terrorism infected
     3  the mail system in areas of the United States and caused the
     4  deaths of individuals in Florida, New York and Connecticut; and
     5     WHEREAS, The deaths raised concerns throughout the
     6  Commonwealth regarding the proper procedures that residents need
     7  to follow to protect themselves; and
     8     WHEREAS, Residents in every county in this Commonwealth
     9  require assistance in the event of terrorism attacks, while many
    10  also need basic health care services such as immunizations,
    11  sexually transmitted disease testing, HIV/AIDS testing and
    12  counseling and tuberculosis testing; and
    13     WHEREAS, Health care centers throughout this Commonwealth had
    14  provided efficient and effective services and information
    15  regarding health and other threats in order to assist residents
    16  with their concerns and needed services; and
    17     WHEREAS, Reestablishing health care centers in counties
    18  throughout this Commonwealth would ensure that residents can
    19  immediately and easily access health care information and
    20  services.
    21     (c)  The department shall establish public State health
    22  centers in the county seats of each county in this Commonwealth
    23  to ensure that residents may receive basic health care services
    24  provided by those State health centers in effect as of July 1,
    25  1995, including, but not limited to, immunizations, sexually
    26  transmitted disease testing and counseling, tuberculosis
    27  screening, and other services for the prevention and suppression
    28  of disease and to assist local public officials in providing
    29  information and coordinating the response and services regarding
    30  incidents or concerns with bioterrorism.
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     1     (d)  The department shall maintain and operate a State Public
     2  Health Laboratory that shall assure the availability of reliable
     3  clinical laboratory services and laboratory-based information
     4  that are needed by clinicians and other health providers for
     5  proper diagnosis and treatment, prevention of disease and
     6  promotion of the health of the citizens of this Commonwealth.
     7  The State Public Health Laboratory shall arrange for and perform
     8  clinical tests to identify diseases and provide epidemiological
     9  and surveillance support. The State Public Health Laboratory
    10  shall not contract with outside laboratories to perform testing
    11  in rabies, measles, rubella, Lyme disease, influenza and
    12  tuberculosis identification. The State Public Health Laboratory
    13  shall be administered and maintained in a manner in effect as of
    14  July 1, 1995.
    15     (e)  The department shall apportion this Commonwealth into
    16  dental health districts administered by a public health dentist
    17  within the department, who shall implement dental health
    18  policies and programs for the various counties and political
    19  subdivisions within this Commonwealth.
    20     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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