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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 805



No. 714 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Regulating pharmacy benefit managers; and providing for powers
     2     and duties of the Insurance Department and for enforcement.

     3                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     4  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
     5  Section 101.  Short title.
     6  Section 102.  Purpose and intent.
     7  Section 103.  Definitions.
     8  Section 104.  Applicability and scope.
     9  Chapter 3.  Regulation of Pharmacy Benefit Managers
    10  Section 301.  Certificate of authority to act as PBM.
    11  Section 302.  Fidelity bond.
    12  Section 303.  Disclosure of ownership or affiliation.
    13  Section 304.  Records.
    14  Section 305.  Financial statement, filing fee and notice
    15                 requirements.
    16  Section 306.  Agreements between PBM and insurer.
    17  Section 307.  Agreements between PBM and pharmacist.

     1  Section 308.  Medication reimbursement costs; use of index
     2                 required.
     3  Section 309.  Timely payments to pharmacies and audits.
     4  Section 310.  Notice to covered person.
     5  Section 311.  Adjustment or settlement of claims, compensation
     6                 of PBM.
     7  Chapter 5.  Enforcement
     8  Section 501.  Grounds for suspension or revocation of
     9                 certificate of authority.
    10  Section 502.  Order of suspension or revocation of certificate
    11                 of authority and notice.
    12  Section 503.  Period of suspension, obligations during
    13                 suspension and reinstatement.
    14  Section 504.  Administrative fine in lieu of suspension or
    15                 revocation.
    16  Chapter 21.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    17  Section 2101.  Regulations.
    18  Section 2102.  Applicability of Unfair Trade Practices and
    19                 Consumer Protection Law.
    20  Section 2103.  Effective date.

    21     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    22  hereby enacts as follows:
    23                             CHAPTER 1
    24                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    25  Section 101.  Short title.
    26     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Pharmacy
    27  Benefit Manager Act.
    28  Section 102.  Purpose and intent.
    29     The purpose of this act is to establish standards and

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     1  criteria for regulation and licensing of pharmacy benefit
     2  managers. This act is designed to promote, preserve and protect
     3  the public health, safety and welfare by and through effective
     4  regulation and licensing of pharmacy benefit managers.
     5  Section 103.  Definitions.
     6     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     7  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     8  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     9     "Board."  The State Board of Pharmacy.
    10     "Commissioner."  The Insurance Commissioner of the
    11  Commonwealth.
    12     "Covered person."  A policyholder, subscriber, enrollee or
    13  other individual participating in a health benefit plan.
    14     "Department."  The Insurance Department of the Commonwealth.
    15     "Health benefit plan."  A policy, contract, certificate or
    16  agreement offered or issued by a health carrier to provide,
    17  deliver, arrange for, pay for or reimburse any of the cost of
    18  health care services, including prescription drug benefits.
    19     "Maintenance drug."  A drug prescribed by a practitioner who
    20  is licensed to prescribe drugs and used to treat a medical
    21  condition for a period greater than 30 days.
    22     "Multisource drug."  A drug that is stocked and is available
    23  from three or more suppliers.
    24     "Pharmacist."  Any individual properly licensed as a
    25  pharmacist by the State Board of Pharmacy.
    26     "Pharmacist services."  Includes drug therapy and other
    27  patient care services provided by a licensed pharmacist intended
    28  to achieve outcomes related to the cure or prevention of a
    29  disease, elimination or reduction of a patient's symptoms or
    30  arresting or slowing of a disease process as defined in the
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     1  rules of the State Board of Pharmacy.
     2     "Pharmacy."  Any appropriately licensed place within this
     3  Commonwealth where drugs are dispensed and pharmacist services
     4  are provided.
     5     "Pharmacy benefit management plan."  An arrangement for the
     6  delivery of pharmacist services in which a pharmacy benefit
     7  manager undertakes to pay for or reimburse any of the costs of
     8  pharmacist services for a covered person on a prepaid or insured
     9  basis which meets the following criteria:
    10         (1)  Contains one or more incentive arrangements intended
    11     to influence the cost or level of pharmacist services between
    12     the health benefit plan sponsor and one or more pharmacies
    13     with respect to the delivery of pharmacist services.
    14         (2)  Requires or creates benefit payment differential
    15     incentives for covered persons to use under contract with the
    16     pharmacy benefit manager.
    17     "Pharmacy benefit manager," or "PBM."  A person, business or
    18  other entity and any wholly or partially owned or controlled
    19  subsidiary of a pharmacy benefit manager that administers the
    20  prescription drug and device portion of health benefit plans on
    21  behalf of a third party, including plan sponsors, insurance
    22  companies, unions and health maintenance organizations in
    23  accordance with a pharmacy benefit management plan.
    24     "Usual and customary price."  The price the pharmacist would
    25  have charged a cash-paying patient, but not a patient where
    26  reimbursement rates are set by a contract, for the same services
    27  on the same date inclusive of any discounts applicable.
    28  Section 104.  Applicability and scope.
    29     (a)  Applicability.--This act shall apply to a PBM that
    30  provides claims processing services, other prescription drug or
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     1  device services, or both, to covered persons who are residents
     2  of this Commonwealth.
     3     (b)  Construction.--Nothing in this act shall be construed to
     4  apply to an employee welfare benefit plan as defined in section
     5  3(1) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
     6  (Public Law 93-406, 88 Stat. 829).
     7                             CHAPTER 3
     9  Section 301.  Certificate of authority to act as PBM.
    10     (a)  Certificate of authority required.--No person or
    11  organization shall act or operate as a PBM in this Commonwealth
    12  without a valid certificate of authority issued by the
    13  department. The failure of any person to hold a certificate of
    14  authority while acting as a PBM shall subject the person to a
    15  fine of not less than $5,000 nor more than $10,000 for each
    16  violation.
    17     (b)  Application.--Each person seeking a certificate of
    18  authority to act as a PBM shall file with the department an
    19  application for a certificate of authority upon a form to be
    20  furnished by the department, which application shall include or
    21  have attached the following information and documents:
    22         (1)  All basic organizational documents of the PBM, such
    23     as the articles of incorporation, articles of association,
    24     partnership agreement, trade name certificate, trust
    25     agreement, shareholder agreement and other applicable
    26     documents and all amendments to those documents.
    27         (2)  The bylaws, rules and regulations or similar
    28     documents regulating the conduct or the internal affairs of
    29     the PBM.
    30         (3)  The names, addresses, official positions and
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     1     professional qualifications of the individuals who are
     2     responsible for the conduct of the affairs of the PBM,
     3     including all members of the board of directors, boards of
     4     trustees, executive committee, other governing board or
     5     committee, the principal officers in the case of a
     6     corporation, the partners or members in the case of a
     7     partnership or association and any other person who exercises
     8     control or influence over the affairs of the PBM.
     9         (4)  A certificate issued by the board indicating that
    10     the PBM's plan of operation is consistent with the act of
    11     September 27, 1961 (P.L.1700, No.699), known as the Pharmacy
    12     Act, and any regulations promulgated thereunder.
    13         (5)  Annual statements or reports for the three most
    14     recent years, or any other information as the department may
    15     require in order to review the current financial condition of
    16     the applicant.
    17         (6)  If the applicant is not currently acting as a PBM, a
    18     statement of the amounts and sources of funds available for
    19     organization expenses and the proposed arrangements for
    20     reimbursement and compensation of incorporators or other
    21     principals.
    22         (7)  The name and address of the agent for service of
    23     process in this Commonwealth.
    24         (8)  A detailed description of the claims processing
    25     services, pharmacy services, insurance services, other
    26     prescription drug or device services or other administrative
    27     services to be provided.
    28         (9)  All incentive arrangements or programs such as
    29     rebates, discounts, disbursements or any other similar
    30     financial program or arrangement relating to income or
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     1     consideration received or negotiated, directly or indirectly,
     2     with any pharmaceutical company, that relates to prescription
     3     drug or device services, including, at a minimum, information
     4     on the formula or other method for calculation and amount of
     5     the incentive arrangements, rebates or other disbursements,
     6     the identity of the associated drug or device and the dates
     7     and amounts of disbursements.
     8         (10)  A copy of the fidelity bond required under section
     9     302 (relating to fidelity bond).
    10         (11)  Any other information as the commissioner may
    11     require.
    12         (12)  A filing fee of $5,000.
    13     (c)  Availability of contracts.--The applicant shall make
    14  available for inspection by the department copies of all
    15  contracts with insurers or other persons utilizing the services
    16  of the PBM.
    17     (d)  Nonissuance.--The department shall not issue a
    18  certificate of authority if it determines that the PBM or any
    19  principal thereof is not competent, trustworthy, financially
    20  responsible or of good personal and business reputation or has
    21  had an insurance license or pharmacy license denied for cause by
    22  any state.
    23     (e)  Period of validity.--A certificate of authority issued
    24  under this section shall remain valid, unless suspended or
    25  revoked by the department, so long as the PBM continues to do
    26  business in this Commonwealth.
    27  Section 302.  Fidelity bond.
    28     A PBM shall have and keep in full force and effect a fidelity
    29  bond equal to at least 10% of the amount of the funds handled or
    30  managed annually by the PBM. However, the department, after due
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     1  notice to all interested parties and an opportunity for hearing
     2  and after consideration of the record, may require an amount in
     3  excess of $500,000, but not more than 10% of the amount of the
     4  funds handled or managed annually by the PBM.
     5  Section 303.  Disclosure of ownership or affiliation.
     6     Each PBM shall identify to the department any ownership
     7  interest or affiliation of any kind with:
     8         (1)  Any insurance company responsible for providing
     9     benefits directly or through reinsurance to any plan for
    10     which the PBM provides services.
    11         (2)  Any parent companies, subsidiaries and other
    12     entities or businesses relative to the provision of pharmacy
    13     services or other prescription drug or device services.
    14  Section 304.  Records.
    15     (a)  Maintenance of records.--Every PBM shall maintain for
    16  the duration of the written agreement and for five years
    17  thereafter books and records of all transactions between the
    18  PBM, insurers, covered persons and pharmacies.
    19     (b)  Access.--The department shall have access to books and
    20  records maintained by the PBM for the purposes of examination,
    21  audit and inspection. The information contained in the books and
    22  records is confidential. However, the department may use the
    23  information in any proceeding instituted against the PBM or
    24  insurer.
    25     (c)  Financial examination.--The commissioner shall conduct
    26  periodic financial examinations of every PBM in this
    27  Commonwealth to ensure an appropriate level of regulatory
    28  oversight. The PBM shall pay the cost of the examination.
    29  Section 305.  Financial statement, filing fee and notice
    30                 requirements.
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     1     (a)  Financial statement.--Each authorized PBM shall file
     2  with the department a full and true statement of its financial
     3  condition, transactions and affairs.
     4     (b)  Verification.--The annual financial statement shall be
     5  verified by at least two officers of the PBM.
     6     (c)  Filing fee.--At the time of filing its annual statement,
     7  the PBM shall pay a filing fee of $1,000.
     8     (d)  Change of ownership.--The PBM must notify the department
     9  in writing within five calendar days of any material change in
    10  its ownership.
    11  Section 306.  Agreements between PBM and insurer.
    12     (a)  Written agreement required.--No person may act as a PBM
    13  without a written agreement between the PBM and insurer.
    14     (b)  Prescription change.--No agreement shall mandate that a
    15  pharmacist change a covered person's prescription unless the
    16  prescribing physician and the covered person authorize the
    17  pharmacist to make the change.
    18     (c)  Participation by pharmacist.--
    19         (1)  An insurer and PBM may not discriminate with respect
    20     to participation in the network or reimbursement as to any
    21     pharmacist that is acting within the scope of the
    22     pharmacist's license or certification.
    23         (2)  A PBM shall not exclude an otherwise qualified
    24     pharmacist from participation in a particular network solely
    25     because the pharmacist declined to participate in another
    26     plan or network managed by the PBM.
    27         (3)  A PBM shall not require a pharmacist or pharmacy to
    28     participate in one contract in order to participate in
    29     another contract.
    30     (d)  Transfer of health benefit plan.--A PBM may not transfer
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     1  a health benefit plan to another payment network unless it
     2  receives written authorization from the insurer.
     3     (e)  Nonliability.--The written agreement between an insurer
     4  and PBM shall not provide that the pharmacist is responsible for
     5  the actions of the insurer or PBM.
     6     (f)  Payments.--All agreements shall provide that when a PBM
     7  receives payment for the services of the pharmacist that the PBM
     8  shall act as a fiduciary of the pharmacy who provided the
     9  services. The PBM shall distribute the funds in accordance with
    10  the time frames provided in section 309 (relating to timely
    11  payments to pharmacies and audits).
    12     (g)  Maintenance of records.--Written agreements shall be
    13  retained as part of the official records of both the PBM and the
    14  insurer for the duration of the agreement and for five years
    15  thereafter.
    16  Section 307.  Agreements between PBM and pharmacist.
    17     (a)  Prohibitions.--A pharmacist may not be terminated or
    18  penalized by a PBM solely because of:
    19         (1)  Filing a complaint, grievance or appeal as permitted
    20     under this act.
    21         (2)  Expressing disagreement with the PBM's decision to
    22     deny or limit benefits to a covered person.
    23         (3)  Assisting a covered person who is seeking
    24     reconsideration of the PBM's decision.
    25         (4)  Discussing alternative medications with a covered
    26     person.
    27     (b)  Notice of termination.--Prior to the terminating of a
    28  pharmacy from the network, a PBM must provide the pharmacy a
    29  written explanation of the reason for the termination at least
    30  30 days prior to the termination date unless the termination is
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     1  based on the loss of the pharmacy's license to practice pharmacy
     2  or cancellation of professional liability insurance or
     3  conviction of fraud.
     4  Section 308.  Medication reimbursement costs; use of index
     5                 required.
     6     PBMs shall use a current and nationally recognized benchmark
     7  to base the reimbursement paid to network pharmacies for
     8  medications and products. The reimbursement must be determined
     9  as follows:
    10         (1)  For brand or single-source products, the average
    11     wholesale price as listed in First DataBank or Facts &
    12     Comparisons correct and current on the date of service
    13     provided shall be used as an index.
    14         (2)  For generic drug or multisource products, maximum
    15     allowable cost shall be established by referencing First
    16     DataBank or Facts & Comparisons Baseline Price. Only products
    17     that are compliant with pharmacy laws as equivalent and
    18     generically interchangeable with a Food and Drug
    19     Administration Orange Book rating of "A-B" may be reimbursed
    20     from a maximum allowable cost price methodology. If a
    21     multisource product has no baseline price, then it shall be
    22     treated as a single-source branded drug for the purpose of
    23     determining reimbursement.
    24  Section 309.  Timely payments to pharmacies and audits.
    25     (a)  Electronic payment.--If a PBM processes claims via
    26  electronic review then it shall electronically transmit payment
    27  within 14 calendar days of the claim's transmission to the
    28  pharmacist. Specific time limits for the PBM to pay the
    29  pharmacist for all other services rendered must be set forth in
    30  the agreement.
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     1     (b)  Retroactive decisions.--Claims paid by the PBM shall not
     2  be retroactively denied or adjusted after seven days from
     3  adjudication of the claims except as provided in paragraph (c).
     4  In no case shall acknowledgment of eligibility be retroactively
     5  reversed.
     6     (c)  Exceptions.--The PBM may retroactively deny or adjust in
     7  the event:
     8         (1)  the original claim was submitted fraudulently;
     9         (2)  the original claim payment was incorrect because the
    10     provider was already paid for services rendered; or
    11         (3)  the services were not rendered by the pharmacist.
    12     (d)  Extrapolation audits.--The PBM may not require
    13  extrapolation audits as a condition of participating in the
    14  contract, network or program.
    15     (e)  Board review.--The PBM shall not recoup any moneys that
    16  it believes are due as a result of the audit by setoff until the
    17  pharmacist has the opportunity to review the PBM's findings and
    18  concurs with the results. If the parties are unable to agree,
    19  then the audit shall be subject to review by the board.
    20  Section 310.  Notice to covered person.
    21     (a)  General rule.--When the services of a PBM are utilized,
    22  the PBM must provide a written notice approved by the insurer to
    23  covered persons advising them of the identity of and
    24  relationship among the PBM, the insured and the covered person.
    25     (b)  Rights of covered person.--The notice must contain a
    26  statement advising the covered person of the person's right to
    27  file a complaint, appeal or grievance with the department
    28  concerning the PBM.
    29     (c)  Language.--The notice must be written in plain English,
    30  using terms that will be generally understood by the prudent
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     1  layperson.
     2     (d)  Copy of notice.--A copy of the notice shall be provided
     3  to each pharmacy participating in the network.
     4  Section 311.  Adjustment or settlement of claims, compensation
     5                 of PBM.
     6     Compensation to a PBM for any claim that the PBM adjusts or
     7  settles on behalf of an insurer shall in no way be contingent on
     8  claims experience. This section does not prohibit the
     9  compensation of a PBM based on total number of claims paid or
    10  processed.
    11                             CHAPTER 5
    12                            ENFORCEMENT
    13  Section 501.  Grounds for suspension or revocation of
    14                 certificate of authority.
    15     (a)  Mandatory suspension or revocation.--The certificate of
    16  authority of a PBM shall be suspended or revoked if the
    17  department determines that the PBM:
    18         (1)  Is in an unsound financial condition.
    19         (2)  Has used or is using methods or practices in the
    20     conduct of its business so as to render its further
    21     transaction of business in this Commonwealth hazardous or
    22     injurious to insured persons or the public.
    23         (3)  Has failed to pay any judgment rendered against it
    24     in this Commonwealth within 60 days after the judgment has
    25     become final.
    26     (b)  Department discretion.--The department may, in its
    27  discretion, suspend or revoke the certificate of authority of a
    28  PBM if it finds that the PBM:
    29         (1)  Has violated any lawful rule or order of the
    30     department or any provision of this chapter.
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     1         (2)  Has refused to be examined or to produce its
     2     accounts, records and files for examination, or if any of its
     3     officers has refused to give information with respect to its
     4     affairs or has refused to perform any other legal obligation
     5     as to examination, when required by the department.
     6         (3)  Has, without just cause, refused to pay proper
     7     claims or perform services arising under its contracts or
     8     has, without just cause, compelled covered persons to accept
     9     less than the amount due them or to employ attorneys or bring
    10     suit against the PBM to secure full payment or settlement of
    11     claims.
    12         (4)  Has failed to reimburse pharmacists in a timely
    13     manner as required by this act.
    14         (5)  Has failed to pay any fees or other financial
    15     requirements levied by the department.
    16         (6)  Is or was affiliated with and under the same general
    17     management or interlocking directorate or ownership as
    18     another PBM which transacts business in this Commonwealth
    19     without having a certificate of authority.
    20         (7)  At any time fails to meet any qualification for
    21     which issuance of the certificate could have been refused had
    22     the failure then existed and had been known to the
    23     department.
    24         (8)  Has or any person on its behalf has advertised or
    25     merchandised its services in an untrue, misrepresentative,
    26     misleading, deceptive or unfair manner.
    27         (9)  Has been convicted of or has entered a plea of
    28     guilty or nolo contendere to a felony relating to the
    29     business of insurance or insurance administration in this
    30     Commonwealth or in any other state without regard to whether
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     1     adjudication was withheld.
     2         (10)  Is under suspension or revocation in another state.
     3     (c)  Grounds for immediate suspension.--The department may,
     4  in its discretion, and without advance notice or hearing thereon
     5  immediately suspend the certificate of any PBM if it finds that
     6  one or more of the following circumstances exist:
     7         (1)  The PBM is insolvent or impaired.
     8         (2)  The fidelity bond required by section 302 (relating
     9     to fidelity bond) is not maintained.
    10         (3)  A proceeding for receivership, conservationship,
    11     rehabilitation or other delinquency proceeding regarding the
    12     PBM has been commenced in any state.
    13         (4)  The financial condition or business practices of the
    14     PBM otherwise poses an imminent threat to the public health,
    15     safety or welfare of the residents of this Commonwealth.
    16  Section 502.  Order of suspension or revocation of certificate
    17                 of authority and notice.
    18     (a)  Order.--The suspension or revocation of a certificate of
    19  authority of a PBM shall be affected by order of the department
    20  mailed to the PBM by registered, certified or overnight mail.
    21     (b)  Notice.--In its discretion, the department may cause
    22  notice of the revocation or suspension to be published in one or
    23  more newspapers of general circulation published in this
    24  Commonwealth.
    25  Section 503.  Period of suspension, obligations during
    26                 suspension and reinstatement.
    27     (a)  Period of suspension.--A certificate of authority of a
    28  PBM shall be suspended for a period not to exceed one year as is
    29  fixed in the order of suspension, unless the suspension or the
    30  order upon which the suspension is based is modified, rescinded
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     1  or reversed.
     2     (b)  Obligations during suspension.--During the period of
     3  suspension, the PBM shall file its annual statement and pay fees
     4  as required under this act as if the certificate had continued
     5  in full force.
     6     (c)  Reinstatement.--Upon expiration of the suspension
     7  period, if within the period the certificate has not otherwise
     8  terminated, the certificate shall automatically be reinstated,
     9  unless the causes of the suspension have not been removed or the
    10  PBM is otherwise not in compliance with the requirements of this
    11  act.
    12  Section 504.  Administrative fine in lieu of suspension or
    13                 revocation.
    14     (a)  Fine.--If the department finds that one or more grounds
    15  exist for the suspension or revocation of a certificate of
    16  authority issued under this act, the department may in lieu of
    17  the suspension or revocation impose a fine upon the PBM.
    18     (b)  Unintentional violation.--With respect to any
    19  unintentional violation, the fine may not exceed $1,000 per
    20  violation. In no event may the fine exceed an aggregate amount
    21  of $5,000 for all unintentional violations arising out of the
    22  same action. When a PBM discovers an unintentional violation,
    23  the PBM shall correct the violation and, if restitution is due,
    24  the restitution shall include interest at the rate of 12% per
    25  year from either the date of the violation or the date of
    26  inception of the policy of the affected person, at the option of
    27  the PBM.
    28     (c)  Willful violation.--With respect to any knowing and
    29  willful violation of a lawful order or rule of the department or
    30  this act, the department may impose a fine upon the PBM in an
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     1  amount not to exceed $5,000 for each violation. In no event may
     2  the fine exceed an aggregate amount of $25,000 for all knowing
     3  and willful violations arising out of the same action. In
     4  addition to the fine, the PBM shall make restitution when due in
     5  accordance with subsection (b).
     6     (d)  Failure to make restitution.--The failure of a PBM to
     7  make restitution when due as required under this section
     8  constitutes a willful violation of this act. However, if a PBM
     9  in good faith is uncertain as to whether any restitution is due
    10  or as to the amount of restitution due, it shall promptly notify
    11  the department of the circumstances and the failure to make
    12  restitution pending a determination of whether restitution is
    13  due or the amount of restitution due will not constitute a
    14  violation of this act.
    15                             CHAPTER 21
    16                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    17  Section 2101.  Regulations.
    18     The department may promulgate regulations to carry out this
    19  act. The regulations shall be subject to review in accordance
    20  with the act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as the
    21  Regulatory Review Act.
    22  Section 2102.  Applicability of Unfair Trade Practices and
    23                 Consumer Protection Law.
    24     A violation of this act shall be deemed to be a violation of
    25  the act of December 17, 1968 (P.L.1224, No.387), known as the
    26  Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law.
    27  Section 2103.  Effective date.
    28     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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