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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 810



No. 719 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 20, 2002 (P.L.154, No.13), entitled
     2     "An act reforming the law on medical professional liability;
     3     providing for patient safety and reporting; establishing the
     4     Patient Safety Authority and the Patient Safety Trust Fund;
     5     abrogating regulations; providing for medical professional
     6     liability informed consent, damages, expert qualifications,
     7     limitations of actions and medical records; establishing the
     8     Interbranch Commission on Venue; providing for medical
     9     professional liability insurance; establishing the Medical
    10     Care Availability and Reduction of Error Fund; providing for
    11     medical professional liability claims; establishing the Joint
    12     Underwriting Association; regulating medical professional
    13     liability insurance; providing for medical licensure
    14     regulation; providing for administration; imposing penalties;
    15     and making repeals," providing for pre-trial screening of
    16     medical professional malpractice actions; and imposing duties
    17     on the Insurance Department.

    18     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    19  hereby enacts as follows:
    20     Section 1.  The act of March 20, 2002 (P.L.154, No.13), known
    21  as the Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error (Mcare)
    22  Act, is amended by adding a section to read:
    23  Section 517.  Preadjudication screening panels.
    24     (a)  Establishment of panels.--The department shall establish
    25  three-person panels to conduct preadjudication screening of

     1  medical professional liability actions. The department shall
     2  determine the number of panels to be established in each
     3  territory. Each panel shall be:
     4         (1)  Composed of a retired judge, an attorney and a
     5     physician.
     6         (2)  Permanent in nature and panelists shall be full-time
     7     employees of the department.
     8         (3)  Assigned exclusively to one of the territories
     9     utilized by the department in setting rates for medical
    10     professional liability insurance.
    11     (b)  Mandatory screening.--The plaintiff, claimant or other
    12  moving party, including a defendant or additional defendant
    13  making a claim against another defendant or against an
    14  additional defendant, shall submit to the department within 30
    15  days after filing a medical professional liability action,
    16  claim, counterclaim or cross-claim with a court, arbitration
    17  panel or other adjudicative body, in a format to be determined
    18  by the department:
    19         (1)  A synopsis of the action or claim made along with
    20     such supporting documentation as the department allows.
    21         (2)  The names and addresses of each defendant,
    22     additional defendant, respondent and other nonmoving party.
    23     (c)  No participation by non-moving parties.--Except as
    24  provided in subsection (e), no nonmoving party may respond to a
    25  submission made pursuant to subsection (b) or to otherwise
    26  participate in the screening process relating to that
    27  submission.
    28     (d)  Determination by panel.--Upon receipt of a submission
    29  pursuant to subsection (b), the department shall immediately
    30  assign it to an appropriate panel which, within 120 days of the
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     1  submission, shall issue a written determination as to whether
     2  the action or claim is frivolous or nonfrivolous. No written
     3  explanation or other commentary concerning the basis of the
     4  determination of the merits of the action or claim shall
     5  accompany or be part of the determination. A copy of the
     6  determination shall be delivered to the plaintiff, claimant or
     7  other moving party and to each defendant, additional defendant,
     8  respondent or other nonmoving party.
     9     (e)  Conflict of interest.--No panel member may participate
    10  in the determination of a case as to which a direct conflict of
    11  interest exists. Except when attempting to establish the
    12  existence of a direct conflict of interest, no party may
    13  challenge the choice of panel made by the department.
    14     (f)  Admissibility of determination.--The determination of a
    15  panel pursuant to subsection (d) shall be admissible in evidence
    16  at trial, during arbitration or in connection with any other
    17  proceeding during which the action or claim is being
    18  adjudicated.
    19     (g)  Regulations.--The department shall promulgate such
    20  regulations as it deems necessary to implement this section.
    21     Section 2.  This act shall not apply to medical professional
    22  liability actions and claims filed before the effective date of
    23  this section.
    24     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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