See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 812



No. 728 Session of 2001

           FEBRUARY 14, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for bed and breakfast establishment safety
     2     regulations.

     3                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     4  Section 1.  Short title.
     5  Section 2.  Definitions.
     6  Section 3.  Conversion requirements.
     7  Section 4.  Accessibility requirement.
     8  Section 5.  Smoke detector requirement.
     9  Section 6.  Window requirement.
    10  Section 7.  Corridor requirement.
    11  Section 8.  Emergency lighting requirement.
    12  Section 9.  Door requirement.
    13  Section 10.  Handrail and guardrail requirement.
    14  Section 11.  Transom requirement.
    15  Section 12.  Stairway requirement.

     1  Section 13.  Separation and mixed occupancy requirement.
     2  Section 14.  Hazard requirement.
     3  Section 15.  Travel distance to exit requirement.
     4  Section 16.  Ramp requirement.
     5  Section 17.  Fire extinguisher requirement.
     6  Section 18.  Carbon monoxide requirement.
     7  Section 19.  Certificate of occupancy.
     8  Section 20.  Applicability.
     9  Section 21.  Effective date.
    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12  Section 1.  Short title.
    13     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Bed and
    14  Breakfast Establishment Safety Act.
    15  Section 2.  Definitions.
    16     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    17  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    18  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    19     "Bed and breakfast homestead or inn."  A private residence
    20  which accommodates 7 to 16 guests and is used for providing
    21  overnight accommodations to the public and in which breakfast is
    22  the only meal served and is included in the charge for the room.
    23     "Division D-H hazardous occupancy."  An occupancy involving
    24  highly combustible, explosive or unstable products or materials
    25  that constitute a special fire, life or toxic hazard because of
    26  the forms, characteristics or volume of the materials used.
    27     "Historic property."  A property listed or determined
    28  eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic
    29  Places.
    30     "NFPA 70."  An ANSI accredited document, which, as such, may
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     1  be updated periodically for the construction and subsequent
     2  inspection of electrical facilities and equipment and known as
     3  the National Electric Code.
     4     "Required window size."  A window having a minimum size of
     5  4.5 square feet with neither dimension smaller than 20 inches.
     6  Section 3.  Conversion requirements.
     7     A private residence being utilized for a bed and breakfast
     8  homestead or inn shall comply with requirements set forth in
     9  this act.
    10  Section 4.  Accessibility requirement.
    11     Except as otherwise provided in this section, every story of
    12  a bed and breakfast homestead or inn utilized for guest
    13  occupancy shall be provided with a minimum of two exits and
    14  shall comply with the following:
    15         (1)  A fire escape shall be accepted as providing one of
    16     the required means of egress if it can safely be used under
    17     emergency exiting conditions. All occupants shall have
    18     unobstructed access to the fire escape without having to pass
    19     through a room subject to locking. Access to a fire escape
    20     shall be through a door, except that window access shall be
    21     permitted from guest rooms.
    22         (2)  In buildings having a single exit, no additional
    23     exit shall be required if the following conditions are met:
    24             (i)  at all locations in the story at the level of
    25         discharge, the exit access travel distance shall not
    26         exceed 75 feet;
    27             (ii)  except as otherwise provided in subparagraph
    28         (iii), no part of the building open to guests shall be on
    29         a floor that is more than 16 feet above exterior grade;
    30         or
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     1             (iii)  in buildings where guests do not have access
     2         to rooms above the second story from floors that are more
     3         than 16 feet above grade, where there are not more than
     4         four guest rooms per floor and the exit access travel
     5         distance does not exceed 50 feet, the exit shall be
     6         enclosed with construction and opening protection
     7         providing a one-hour fire-resistance rating.
     8         (3)  In bed and breakfast establishments having guest
     9     rooms on the third floor the stairway requirements of section
    10     12 apply.
    11         (4)  In a building not meeting the requirements of
    12     section 12(1), (2) or (3), a second floor corridor exceeding
    13     eight feet in length requires a one-hour barrier protecting
    14     only one staircase if the following conditions are met:
    15             (i)  each sleeping room has a window meeting the
    16         minimum size requirements defined in section 2 and having
    17         a sill height not more than 44 inches;
    18             (ii)  no second floor sleeping room is more than 16
    19         feet above grade; or
    20             (iii)  any second floor sleeping room more than 16
    21         feet above grade has direct access to a fire escape or
    22         other approved secondary exit.
    23  Section 5.  Smoke detector requirement.
    24     AC-powered interconnected smoke detectors with battery back-
    25  up shall be installed in a bed and breakfast homestead or inn
    26  and shall be in accordance with the building subcode in the
    27  locations listed in this section. Fixed temperature or rate-of-
    28  rise and fixed temperature heat detectors may be substituted for
    29  smoke detectors in those locations where frequent nuisance
    30  alarms would be likely to occur. At least one portable visual
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     1  alarm-type smoke detector for the deaf or hearing-impaired shall
     2  be available. Notification of the availability of such devices
     3  shall be provided to each occupant. Installation shall be
     4  required:
     5         (1)  In all guest rooms, AC-powered interconnected smoke
     6     detectors with battery back-up or battery powered smoke
     7     detectors shall be installed.
     8         (2)  On each story in common areas.
     9         (3)  In basements and attics.
    10  Section 6.  Window requirement.
    11     Every sleeping room of a bed and breakfast homestead or inn
    12  shall be provided with a window meeting the minimum size
    13  requirements defined in section 2 and having a sill height of
    14  not more than 44 inches. Such window shall have no obstacles
    15  placed in front of or around it that will prevent egress, shall
    16  be easily released from the inside, and shall contain no
    17  obstructions such as a grille or screen.
    18  Section 7.  Corridor requirement.
    19     Dead-end corridors in a bed and breakfast homestead or inn
    20  shall not exceed 35 feet.
    21  Section 8.  Emergency lighting requirement.
    22     (a)  Common egress areas.--Emergency egress lighting shall be
    23  provided in a bed and breakfast homestead or inn between all
    24  guest rooms and emergency egress areas and shall be connected to
    25  an emergency electrical system conforming to NFPA 70 to assure
    26  continued illumination for a duration of not less than one hour,
    27  in case of primary power loss, or this lighting may be self-
    28  illuminating, in which case it shall be mounted at or near floor
    29  level and shall not require an emergency electrical system.
    30     (b)  Exit signs.--In all buildings, rooms or spaces required
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     1  to have more than one exit or exit access, all required means of
     2  egress shall be indicated either with approved self-luminous
     3  signs, or with approved internally illuminated signs connected
     4  to an emergency electrical system to assure continued
     5  illumination for not less than one hour in case of primary power
     6  loss. Exit signs shall not be required if the second means of
     7  egress is a fire escape or through main exterior doors that are
     8  obviously utilized for exits.
     9     (c)  Guest rooms.--A battery-powered handheld emergency light
    10  shall be the minimum allowance available in each guest room.
    11  Section 9.  Door requirement.
    12     Means of egress doors in a bed and breakfast homestead or inn
    13  shall comply with the following:
    14         (1)  All doors opening into an exit stair shall be self-
    15     closing or automatic-closing.
    16         (2)  All guest-room doors shall be at least equivalent to
    17     a 15-minute fire rating which may be achieved by various
    18     options. Guest room doors shall also be equipped with door
    19     latches and shall be reasonably tight-fitting. Replacement
    20     doors shall be equivalent to a 20-minute fire rating which
    21     may be reached by various options.
    22  Section 10.  Handrail and guardrail requirement.
    23     Existing handrails and guardrails provided for stairways and
    24  open-sided floor areas in a bed or breakfast homestead or inn
    25  shall be permitted to remain in place, provided they are
    26  structurally sound. When handrails or guardrails do not exist in
    27  locations where the building code requires them, or where
    28  handrails or guardrails are in danger of collapse when used
    29  under emergency conditions, handrails and guardrails complying
    30  with the building subcode shall be provided.
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     1  Section 11.  Transom requirement.
     2     Transoms in a bed and breakfast homestead or inn shall be
     3  either glazed with 1/4-inch wire glass set in metal frames and
     4  permanently secured in the closed position and may be provided
     5  from the interior of the room. Transoms may also be sealed with
     6  materials consistent with the corridor construction.
     7  Section 12.  Stairway requirement.
     8     Interior stairways and other vertical openings connecting
     9  more than six floor levels in a bed and breakfast homestead or
    10  inn shall be enclosed with approved assemblies having a two-hour
    11  fire-resistance rating. Those connecting four to six floor
    12  levels shall be enclosed with approved assemblies having a one-
    13  hour fire-resistance rating. A minimum one-hour fire barrier
    14  shall be provided to protect all interior stairways and other
    15  vertical openings not exceeding three stories. Such fire barrier
    16  may be omitted provided that:
    17         (1)  the building is provided throughout with an approved
    18     automatic fire suppression system;
    19         (2)  in buildings where the building is protected
    20     throughout by an automatic fire alarm system complying with
    21     the building subcode; or
    22         (3)  the following conditions are met:
    23             (i)  each sleeping room has an approved window with a
    24         sill height of not more than 44 inches;
    25             (ii)  each sleeping room above the second floor is
    26         approved with direct access to a fire escape or other
    27         approved secondary exit; or
    28             (iii)  any exit-access corridor exceeding eight feet
    29         in length which serves two means of egress, at least one
    30         of which is an unprotected vertical opening, shall be
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     1         separated from the vertical opening by a one-hour fire
     2         barrier.
     3  Section 13.  Separation and mixed occupancy requirement.
     4     When a bed and breakfast homestead or inn shares a structure
     5  with one or more occupancy groups, as defined in 34 Pa. Code §
     6  50.1 (relating to occupancy groups), the structure shall be
     7  governed in one of the following manners:
     8         (1)  When each occupancy is separated from other
     9     occupancies by fire walls, each portion thus separated shall
    10     be considered a separate building, and limitations for
    11     separate buildings shall govern.
    12         (2)  Structures with multiple occupancies which are not
    13     separated shall be considered mixed occupancies and shall be
    14     governed by the most restrictive of the various limitations
    15     of the occupancies.
    16  Section 14.  Hazard requirement.
    17     Division D-H hazardous occupancies shall not be permitted in
    18  a bed and breakfast homestead or inn.
    19  Section 15.  Travel distance to exit requirement.
    20     Exits in a bed and breakfast homestead or inn shall be
    21  arranged so that the total length of travel from any point to
    22  reach an exit shall not exceed 200 feet. Exits shall be so
    23  arranged that one exit is not more than 200 feet from another
    24  exit.
    25  Section 16.  Ramp requirement.
    26     (a)  General rule.--A ramp in a bed and breakfast homestead
    27  or inn shall be permitted as a means of egress when it conforms
    28  to the following table:
    29  Minimum clear width in inches             40 inches
    30  Maximum slope                             1 inch per foot
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     1                                            (8.33%)
     2  Maximum length between landings           30 feet
     3     (b)  Direction of travel.--Changes in direction of travel
     4  shall be made only at landings.
     5     (c)  Connecting ramps.--Ramps which connect two or more floor
     6  levels shall comply with the same door, handrail and enclosure
     7  requirements as stair towers.
     8     (d)  Sloped surfaces.--Sloped surfaces of less than 5% shall
     9  not be considered ramps.
    10  Section 17.  Fire extinguisher requirement.
    11     The following conditions shall apply to a bed and breakfast
    12  homestead or inn:
    13         (1)  Fire extinguishers with a minimum 2-A rating shall
    14     be provided.
    15         (2)  There shall be a minimum of one fire extinguisher
    16     per floor including basement.
    17         (3)  Fire extinguishers shall be located so that it shall
    18     not be necessary to travel more than 100 feet in any
    19     direction to reach the nearest unit.
    20         (4)  A fire extinguisher with a minimum 10-B rating shall
    21     be provided in each kitchen.
    22         (5)  Where fire extinguishers are installed in a closet
    23     or recessed in a wall or obscured from view, there shall be
    24     provided adjacent thereto a self-luminous fire extinguisher
    25     sign or a constant blue light of not less than 25-watt
    26     capacity.
    27  Section 18.  Carbon monoxide requirement.
    28     When a bed and breakfast homestead or inn has a potential
    29  danger of carbon monoxide, there shall be one carbon monoxide
    30  alarm per floor in a common area.
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     1  Section 19.  Certificate of occupancy.
     2     A bed and breakfast homestead or inn meeting the requirements
     3  of this act shall be entitled to a certificate of occupancy for
     4  use group R-1. The certificate of occupancy shall be subject to
     5  the condition that it be valid for a bed and breakfast homestead
     6  or inn use only.
     7  Section 20.  Applicability.
     8     This act shall not apply to bed and breakfast homesteads or
     9  inns:
    10         (1)  For which certification has been obtained from the
    11     Department of Labor and Industry or local municipality prior
    12     to the effective date of this act.
    13         (2)  That accommodate fewer than seven or more than 16
    14     guests.
    15         (3)  That are considered to be historic properties as
    16     defined in section 2.
    17  Section 21.  Effective date.
    18     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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