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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 871



No. 744 Session of 2003



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," further providing for powers and
     6     duties of the State Board of Education; establishing the
     7     Board of Community Colleges; providing for the members,
     8     structure, powers and duties and chief executive officer of
     9     the Board of Community Colleges, for a Council of Presidents,
    10     for appropriations and allocation of funds and for audits;
    11     further providing for powers and duties of boards of
    12     trustees, for tuition and for financial program and
    13     reimbursement of payments; and providing for the transfer of
    14     contract obligations, records, property, supplies, equipment
    15     and funds to the Board of Community Colleges.

    16     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    17  hereby enacts as follows:
    18     Section 1.  Section 1901-A of the act of March 10, 1949
    19  (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, is
    20  amended by adding a clause to read:
    21     Section 1901-A.  Definitions.--The following words and

     1  phrases, as used in this article, shall, unless a different
     2  meaning is plainly required by the context, have the following
     3  meaning:
     4     * * *
     5     (11)  "Board of Community Colleges" shall mean the Board of
     6  Community Colleges established by section 1902.1-A.
     7     Section 2.  Section 1902-A(a) and (f) of the act, added July
     8  1, 1985 (P.L.103, No.31), are amended to read:
     9     Section 1902-A.  Powers and Duties of State Board of
    10  Education.--(a)  The State Board of Education shall have the
    11  power, and its duty shall be:
    12     (1)  To adopt such policies, standards, rules and regulations
    13  formulated by the Council of Higher Education, as may be
    14  necessary to provide for the establishment[, operation and
    15  maintenance] of community colleges, including minimum
    16  requirements for physical facilities and equipment, curriculum,
    17  faculty, standards and professional requirements, qualifications
    18  for admission and advancement of students, student enrollment,
    19  student population of the area to be served by the community
    20  college[,] and requirements for satisfactory completion of a
    21  two-year program and the degrees or diplomas or certificates to
    22  be awarded therefor[, means of financing and financial resources
    23  for the establishment and support of the community college, and
    24  all matters necessary to effectuate the purposes of this act].
    25     (2)  To approve or disapprove plans for the establishment or
    26  operation of a community college upon the recommendation of the
    27  Board of Community Colleges.
    28     (3)  To approve or disapprove petitions of school districts
    29  or municipalities applying for participation in an established
    30  community college. No petition may be approved unless it is
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     1  accompanied by the consent of the governing bodies of the
     2  majority of the members of the local sponsor of the established
     3  community college to the participation of the petitioning school
     4  district or municipality.
     5     * * *
     6     (f)  Wherever in this act the approval of the State Board of
     7  Education is required in any matter, the State Board of
     8  Education may require the [Department of Education] Board of
     9  Community Colleges to make and report its findings and
    10  recommendations on such matter to the Council of Higher
    11  Education for the formulation of policies, standards, rules and
    12  regulations for consideration by the State Board of Education.
    13     Section 3.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    14     Section 1902.1-A.  Declaration of Policy; Board of Community
    15  Colleges Established.--(a)  The General Assembly finds and
    16  declares as follows:
    17     (1)  Community colleges have local, regional and Statewide
    18  constituencies. Each institution has different emphases in
    19  accomplishing its mission as a result of individual community
    20  needs and expectations. To accomplish the uniquely local
    21  mission, each community college must continue to have strong
    22  local governance. Each college needs a high level of flexibility
    23  and local autonomy to preserve and expand its abilities to
    24  respond rapidly and effectively to local and regional needs.
    25     (2)  Community colleges have a comprehensive, open-access
    26  mission that includes:
    27     (i)  academic studies that lead to an associate degree for
    28  transfer to baccalaureate degree granting institutions;
    29     (ii)  career and occupational training degrees, certificates
    30  and short courses;
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     1     (iii)  work force and economic development programs and
     2  initiatives;
     3     (iv)  open enrollment with opportunities for developmental
     4  education;
     5     (v)  community services; and
     6     (vi)  partnerships with school districts and other community,
     7  business, educational and governmental entities.
     8     (3)  Community colleges serve as an instrument of public
     9  policy reflecting State priorities and initiatives. As such,
    10  community college services should be available to all residents
    11  of this Commonwealth.
    12     (4)  In order to assist community colleges in fulfilling
    13  their mission and to facilitate coordination and cooperation
    14  among community colleges, the General Assembly finds that there
    15  is a need to establish an independent Board of Community
    16  Colleges as further provided in this act.
    17     (b)  Subject to the regulatory powers conferred by law upon
    18  the State Board of Education, there is hereby established a body
    19  corporate and politic constituting a public corporation and
    20  government instrumentality, independent of the Department of
    21  Education, which shall be known as the Board of Community
    22  Colleges. The Board of Community Colleges is established to more
    23  effectively maximize the capacity of the community colleges of
    24  this Commonwealth to serve their communities by doing all of the
    25  following:
    26     (1)  Advancing the development of the community colleges'
    27  mission and provision of services to be readily accessible by
    28  all Pennsylvanians.
    29     (2)  Promoting initiatives and innovation in the community
    30  college sector.
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     1     (3)  Promoting collaborations within the community college
     2  sector, with the other sectors of higher education and with
     3  elementary and secondary education systems.
     4     Section 1902.2-A.  Qualifications and Appointment of Board
     5  Members.--(a)  The Board of Community Colleges shall consist of
     6  individuals who:
     7     (1)  Understand and support the purpose and mission of
     8  community colleges.
     9     (2)  Understand the educational and work force needs of the
    10  Commonwealth.
    11     (3)  Will devote their energies to advocating for community
    12  college services.
    13     (b)  The membership of the Board of Community Colleges shall
    14  be representative of the State geographically and
    15  demographically. Of the members appointed by the Governor, at
    16  least one appointee shall be from a rural area and one from an
    17  urban area. At least one of the Governor's appointees shall be a
    18  member of a labor organization and at least one shall be an
    19  employer or management-level employe. Members shall be citizens
    20  of the United States and residents of this Commonwealth. No
    21  appointee shall be an officer, employe or member of a board of
    22  any community college. No appointee shall be engaged in
    23  providing, or employed by a person or company whose primary
    24  function is to provide, work force development services and
    25  activities.
    26     (c)  The Board of Community Colleges shall be comprised of
    27  fifteen members and established as follows:
    28     (1)  Eleven members who shall be appointed by the Governor
    29  with approval of the Senate.
    30     (2)  Two senators, one appointed by the President pro tempore
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     1  of the Senate and one appointed by the Minority Leader of the
     2  Senate.
     3     (3)  Two members of the House of Representatives, one
     4  appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and one
     5  appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of
     6  Representatives.
     7     Section 1902.3-A.  Board Structure.--(a)  Except as provided
     8  in subsection (b), all members of the Board of Community
     9  Colleges appointed by the Governor shall serve for terms of four
    10  years and shall be eligible for reappointment to no more than
    11  one additional four-year term. Members of the Board of Community
    12  Colleges appointed from the General Assembly shall serve for a
    13  term of office concurrent with their respective terms as members
    14  of the General Assembly. Terms are on a fiscal year basis,
    15  commencing July 1. Vacancies may be filled at any time, with the
    16  term concluding on June 30 of the unexpired term.
    17     (b)  The initial terms of members appointed by the Governor
    18  shall be staggered to provide for continuity in future
    19  appointments as follows:
    20     (1)  Three members shall be appointed for terms not to exceed
    21  two years.
    22     (2)  Four members shall be appointed for terms not to exceed
    23  three years.
    24     (3)  Four members shall be appointed for terms not to exceed
    25  four years.
    26     (c)  A chairperson shall be elected by the members of the
    27  Board of Community Colleges and shall serve in that capacity for
    28  a period of one year. The Board of Community Colleges shall
    29  elect the chairperson annually in a manner prescribed by the
    30  board.
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     1     (d)  Nine members of the Board of Community Colleges
     2  attending shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of
     3  conducting official business, which will be conducted in accord
     4  with applicable open meetings statutes.
     5     (e)  The Board of Community Colleges shall meet at least
     6  quarterly with one meeting being designated as the annual
     7  meeting and occurring between April 1 and June 30 for the
     8  purpose of electing officers.
     9     (f)  The Board of Community Colleges may establish
    10  committees, appoint members and delegate duties to committees as
    11  the chairperson deems necessary to fulfill the board's
    12  responsibilities. Each committee shall be chaired by a member of
    13  the Board of Community Colleges.
    14     (g)  Members shall receive no compensation but shall be
    15  entitled to receive an allowance for expenses incurred in the
    16  performance of duties.
    17     Section 1902.4-A.  Power and Duties of Board of Community
    18  Colleges.--The Board of Community Colleges shall have the
    19  following powers and duties:
    20     (1)  To adopt such policies, rules, regulations and standards
    21  as necessary to implement this section and other provisions
    22  under this act related to the Board of Community Colleges and to
    23  effectively provide for community college services in this
    24  Commonwealth, subject to the regulatory powers conferred by law
    25  upon the State Board of Education.
    26     (2)  To advance the ability of community colleges to carry
    27  out their individual and collective comprehensive missions.
    28     (3)  To foster and promote the local autonomy and flexibility
    29  necessary for community colleges to succeed.
    30     (4)  To promote and strengthen the development of community
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     1  colleges as the primary network for meeting the needs of
     2  Pennsylvania's work force by actively working with the business,
     3  industry and government sectors to provide high-quality training
     4  and education and to increase the capacity of community colleges
     5  to provide work force training.
     6     (5)  To provide Statewide leadership, coordination, support
     7  and technical assistance to the community colleges.
     8     (6)  To strengthen the ability of community colleges to
     9  articulate seamlessly associate and baccalaureate degree
    10  programs, especially with the other publicly supported colleges
    11  and universities.
    12     (7)  To advocate for State resources that are fair, equitable
    13  and that enable community colleges to fulfill their mission and
    14  Commonwealth priorities.
    15     (8)  To annually submit to the Governor and General Assembly
    16  consolidated operating and capital budget requests on behalf of
    17  the community colleges.
    18     (9)  To allocate and distribute State funds in accordance
    19  with the legislative appropriation and the relevant allocation
    20  formula.
    21     (10)  To develop and administer a uniform process for
    22  coordinating, reviewing and approving the capital expenditure
    23  requests of the community colleges.
    24     (11)  To facilitate Statewide and regional initiatives
    25  including those involving elementary and secondary schools,
    26  community colleges and other sectors of higher education.
    27     (12)  To develop an effective information database and common
    28  definitions that can be used to make informed decisions about
    29  community college policy and assess the impact such information
    30  provides.
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     1     (13)  To develop benchmarks and performance indicators that
     2  assess the collective impact of community colleges.
     3     (14)  To strengthen the capacity and ability of community
     4  colleges to extend educational and training services to all
     5  regions of this Commonwealth, and to provide technical
     6  assistance to local endeavors to create new community college
     7  services.
     8     (15)  To serve as a coordinated information source regarding
     9  this Commonwealth's community colleges.
    10     (16)  To develop alliances and cooperative agreements among
    11  community colleges for joint development of courses and course
    12  materials, procurement of commodities, equipment and resources,
    13  and sharing of expertise and staff development.
    14     (17)  To accept and expend grants, gifts, contributions,
    15  endowments or other money for the purposes of this article.
    16     (18)  To recommend appropriate rules, regulations and
    17  policies to the State Board of Education as provided for under
    18  this act.
    19     (19)  Unless otherwise specified by applicable law, to make
    20  all reports on behalf of community colleges which may be
    21  required by Federal or State agencies.
    22     (20)  To assist the State Board of Education in developing
    23  the community college portion of any State plan required for the
    24  dissemination of Federal funds for which community colleges may
    25  be eligible.
    26     (21)  To develop a long-range strategic plan for community
    27  colleges which the State Board of Education shall consider in
    28  developing the State master plan for higher education.
    29     (22)  To distribute Federal vocational education funding
    30  provided under the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied
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     1  Technology Education Act (Public Law 88-210, 20 U.S.C. § 2301 et
     2  seq.).
     3     Section 1902.5-A.  Chief Executive Officer.--The Board of
     4  Community Colleges shall appoint a chief executive officer and
     5  may employ such other staff as it shall deem appropriate. The
     6  chief executive officer shall have the following
     7  responsibilities:
     8     (1)  To assist the Board of Community Colleges and to carry
     9  out functions as delegated by the Board of Community Colleges.
    10     (2)  To implement the Commonwealth's public policy agenda as
    11  it relates to community colleges.
    12     (3)  To employ and direct staff as necessary and appropriate
    13  to carry out the duties and responsibilities of the Board of
    14  Community Colleges.
    15     (4)  To serve as a liaison on behalf of the community
    16  colleges to State agencies and other community, business,
    17  educational and governmental entities.
    18     (5)  To represent the Board of Community Colleges before
    19  legislative bodies.
    20     (6)  To represent the Board of Community Colleges at State
    21  and national organizations.
    22     Section 1902.6-A.  Council of Presidents.--A Council of
    23  Presidents shall be established by the Board of Community
    24  Colleges to recommend policies for community colleges and act in
    25  an advisory capacity to the chief executive officer and the
    26  board. All community college presidents shall be members of the
    27  Council of Presidents. The council shall elect a chairperson
    28  annually. The council shall meet quarterly or at the call of the
    29  chairperson of the council.
    30     Section 1902.7-A.  Appropriations; Allocation of Funds.--(a)
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     1  The Board of Community Colleges shall consolidate the annual
     2  capital and operating budget requests submitted by the community
     3  colleges for State funding. The Board of Community Colleges
     4  shall present the consolidated annual budgets with comments to
     5  the Secretary of Education for presentation to the State Board
     6  of Education. The State Board of Education shall return such
     7  budget requests, recommending approval or disapproval with
     8  comments, if any, to the Secretary of Education prior to their
     9  submission to the Secretary of the Budget. The Board of
    10  Community Colleges may also submit its budget recommendations
    11  and findings to the General Assembly subsequent to the
    12  submission of the Governor's budget to the General Assembly.
    13     (b)  The General Assembly shall annually appropriate to the
    14  Board of Community Colleges such amounts as may be necessary and
    15  appropriate for its operations. In addition, the General
    16  Assembly shall annually appropriate to the Board of Community
    17  Colleges amounts as may be necessary and appropriate for the
    18  operations of the various community colleges and for their
    19  eligible capital expenses. The Board of Community Colleges shall
    20  allocate and disburse all funds appropriated for the operations
    21  and capital expense of community colleges in accordance with the
    22  requirements of this act and the relevant allocation formula.
    23     (c)  The Board of Community Colleges shall adopt by
    24  regulation a formula or other methodology for allocating
    25  available capital funds to the various community colleges. The
    26  allocation methodology shall include the following criteria:
    27     (1)  Enrollment.
    28     (2)  Population in the area served.
    29     (3)  Age of facilities.
    30     (4)  Square footage.
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     1     (5)  Acreage.
     2     (6)  Other relevant objective criteria.
     3     (d)  Within two years after the effective date of this
     4  section, the Board of Community Colleges shall make
     5  recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly to
     6  revise or replace the current methodologies for allocation and
     7  payment of all funds appropriated by the General Assembly for
     8  the operations of community colleges.
     9     Section 1902.8-a.  Audits.--The activities of the Board of
    10  Community Colleges shall be subject to the audit of the
    11  Department of Auditor General, but the Board of Community
    12  Colleges shall not be required to pay a fee for any such audit.
    13     Section 4.  Sections 1905-A(a) and 1908-A(e) of the act,
    14  added July 1, 1985 (P.L.103, No.31), are amended to read:
    15     Section 1905-A.  Powers and Duties of Board of Trustees.--(a)
    16  The affairs of any community college established under this act
    17  shall be administered and supervised by a board of trustees.
    18  Subject to any law and to any policies, standards, rules and
    19  regulations adopted by the State Board of Education or the Board
    20  of Community Colleges provided for community colleges, the
    21  [board] State Board of Education shall, for the purpose of
    22  establishing, operating and maintaining a community college,
    23  have the power, and its duty shall be:
    24     (1)  To appoint and fix the salary of a president.
    25     (2)  To hold, rent, lease, sell, purchase and improve land,
    26  buildings, furnishings, equipment, materials, books and
    27  supplies.
    28     (3)  To enter into contracts for services with schools,
    29  colleges or universities, or with school districts or
    30  municipalities, to effectuate the purposes of this act.
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     1     (4)  To accept and receive gifts of real and personal
     2  property and Federal, State and local moneys and grants, and to
     3  expend the same.
     4     (5)  To make policies providing for the admission and
     5  expulsion of students, the courses of instruction, the tuition
     6  and fees to be charged and for all matters related to the
     7  government and administration of the college.
     8     (6)  To submit to the State Board of Education for its
     9  approval proposed amendments to the community college plan.
    10     (7)  To enter into contracts for services to high schools of
    11  member districts to provide area vocational-technical education
    12  services.
    13     (8)  To exercise such other powers and perform such other
    14  duties as are necessary to carry into effect the purposes of
    15  this act.
    16     * * *
    17     Section 1908-A.  Tuition.--* * *
    18     (e)  A student who is not a resident of the Commonwealth and
    19  who is enrolled in a community college in accordance with the
    20  policies, standards, rules and regulations of the State Board of
    21  Education shall pay such tuition charge as is approved by the
    22  [Department of Education] Board of Community Colleges.
    23     Section 5.  Section 1913-A(b)(1.2) and (3), (c), (d), (e),
    24  (f), (h), (i), (j) and (k) of the act, amended or added July 1,
    25  1985 (P.L.103, No.31), October 20, 1988 (P.L.827, No.110), June
    26  7, 1993 (P.L.49, No.16) and June 22, 2001 (P.L.530, No.35), are
    27  amended to read:
    28     Section 1913-A.  Financial Program; Reimbursement of
    29  Payments.--* * *
    30     (b)  * * *
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     1     (1.2)  The [Secretary of Education] Board of Community
     2  Colleges, in consultation with the community colleges, shall
     3  promulgate standards for credit courses and for noncredit
     4  courses that will be eligible for Commonwealth reimbursement.
     5  The standards shall specifically exclude from eligibility for
     6  reimbursement any course or program in avocational or
     7  recreational pursuits. [The standards shall be promulgated by
     8  the beginning of the 1994-1995 fiscal year. Until such standards
     9  are promulgated, no community college will be reimbursed for any
    10  credit course which was offered by such college as a noncredit
    11  course during the college's 1992-1993 fiscal year.]
    12     * * *
    13     (3)  The [Secretary of Education] Board of Community Colleges
    14  annually shall establish criteria to be used to determine
    15  eligibility of programs for each of the above stipend
    16  categories, shall approve programs for funding in the following
    17  fiscal year according to these criteria and shall submit to
    18  chairmen of the committees of education in the House of
    19  Representatives and Senate a report setting forth the
    20  established criteria, any programs approved for funding under
    21  these criteria and the recipient community colleges.
    22     * * *
    23     (c)  Capital expenses shall mean only such expenses as are
    24  incurred with the approval of the [Department of Education]
    25  Board of Community Colleges for amortization of the purchase of
    26  lands; purchase, construction or improvement of buildings for
    27  administrative and instructional purposes, including libraries;
    28  the lease of lands or buildings, or for rentals to an authority
    29  for the same purpose; and for the purchase, lease or rental of
    30  capital equipment and furniture used for instructional or
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     1  administrative purposes. Capital expenses shall include library
     2  books and complementary audio-visual equipment purchased during
     3  the first five years after establishment. For the purpose of
     4  calculating the Commonwealth's share of operating, and capital
     5  costs incurred prior to the actual admission of students to a
     6  community college, all such costs shall be interpreted as
     7  capital costs. No costs and expenses incurred in the
     8  establishment, construction, operation or maintenance of
     9  dormitories, or the equipment or furnishings for such purposes,
    10  shall be included in capital expenses or operating costs for
    11  purposes of Commonwealth reimbursement. The provisions of this
    12  subsection shall not prevent the Commonwealth from reimbursing a
    13  community college for capital expenses incurred prior to the
    14  effective date of this act. [Such reimbursement must have
    15  approval of the Secretary of Education.]
    16     (d)  The [State Board of Education] Board of Community
    17  Colleges shall adopt policies, standards, rules and regulations
    18  for determining reimbursable capital expenses and operating
    19  costs, and the [Department of Education] Board of Community
    20  Colleges shall approve such expenses and costs for the purpose
    21  of reimbursement by the Commonwealth.
    22     (e)  The State Board of Education shall apply for, receive
    23  and administer, subject to any applicable regulations or laws of
    24  the Federal Government or any agency thereof, any Federal
    25  grants, appropriations, allocations and programs to fulfill the
    26  purpose of this act. The State Board of Education shall
    27  cooperate with the Board of Community Colleges in applying for
    28  and administering all funds available from the Federal
    29  Government and from any private, nongovernmental source.
    30     (f)  All administrative personnel, faculty, and other
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     1  employes of the community colleges in the Commonwealth shall be
     2  eligible for inclusion in the Public School Employees'
     3  Retirement System of Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania State
     4  Employees' Retirement System, or any independent retirement
     5  program approved by the Board of Trustees of a community
     6  college, and the [Secretary of Education] Board of Community
     7  Colleges.
     8     * * *
     9     (h)  In all cases where the board of trustees of any
    10  community college fails to pay or provide for the payment of any
    11  rental or rentals due the State Public School Building Authority
    12  or any municipality authority for any period in accordance with
    13  the terms of any lease entered into between the board of
    14  trustees of any community college and the State Public School
    15  Building Authority or any municipality authority, or fails to
    16  pay or to provide for the payment of any other indebtedness when
    17  due, upon written notice thereof from the State Public School
    18  Building Authority or any municipality authority, or in such
    19  cases where an audit reveals any unpaid indebtedness due, the
    20  [Secretary of Education] Board of Community Colleges shall
    21  notify the board of trustees of its obligation and shall
    22  withhold out of any State appropriation that may be due to such
    23  community college an amount equal to the amount of rental or
    24  rentals owing by such board of trustees to the State Public
    25  School Building Authority or any municipality authority, or an
    26  amount equal to the amount of any other indebtedness owing by
    27  such board of trustees, and shall pay over the amount or amounts
    28  so withheld to the State Public School Building Authority or any
    29  municipality authority or to whomsoever any other indebtedness
    30  is due and owing.
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     1     (i)  The amount payable to each community college Board of
     2  Trustees on behalf of the sponsor shall be paid in the year in
     3  which the costs and expenses are incurred in quarterly
     4  installments and the [Secretary of Education] Board of Community
     5  Colleges shall draw [his] its requisition quarterly upon the
     6  State Treasurer in favor of each community college for the
     7  amount of reimbursement to which it is entitled. Reimbursement
     8  or payment by the Commonwealth for the operational expenses and
     9  capital equipment and the furnishings shall be made on or before
    10  the end of the fiscal quarters ended on September 30, December
    11  31, March 31 and June 30 of each Commonwealth fiscal year.
    12  Reimbursements or payments shall be made semi-annually for the
    13  Commonwealth's share of the annual rentals to an authority or
    14  the sponsor or sinking fund or debt-service payments and other
    15  leases upon submission of a community college requisition in the
    16  form required by the Commonwealth, the reimbursement or payment
    17  to be made from funds appropriated for that purpose. Money that
    18  is appropriated under this subsection but not expended by a
    19  community college Board of Trustees shall not be distributed to
    20  a local sponsor. Any funds payable to a community college for
    21  operational expenses but not expended for that purpose may be
    22  reallocated to pay any capital expenses of that community
    23  college with the approval of the Board of Community Colleges.
    24     (j)  In no event shall the payments or final reimbursement
    25  made by the [department] Board of Community Colleges following
    26  audit exceed the appropriation available for community colleges.
    27     (k)  (1)  Unless otherwise prescribed by the State Board of
    28  Education, the Commonwealth's fiscal audits of community
    29  colleges under this section shall be conducted in accordance
    30  with "Government Auditing Standards," latest revision,
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     1  promulgated by the United States General Accounting Office.
     2  Written audit reports will be produced and will be sent to the
     3  community college by the [Commissioner of Postsecondary/Higher
     4  Education] Board of Community Colleges. Any cost disallowed
     5  under findings contained in the audit report shall be considered
     6  an adjudication within the meaning of 2 Pa.C.S. (relating to
     7  administrative law and procedure) and regulations promulgated
     8  thereunder.
     9     (2)  The [Secretary of Education] Board of Community Colleges
    10  is hereby specifically authorized and shall be required to
    11  resolve audit findings involving disallowed costs that are
    12  contested by community colleges except for audit findings that
    13  involve mathematical errors, violation of regulations or alleged
    14  illegal activities. The proposed resolution of the [Secretary of
    15  Education] Board of Community Colleges shall not be subject to
    16  the provisions of 2 Pa.C.S. The [Secretary of Education's]
    17  notice to resolve audit findings shall be sent to the community
    18  college in writing. The [Secretary of Education] Board of
    19  Community Colleges may resolve the audit findings by reducing
    20  the disallowed costs related thereto in whole or in part.
    21     (3)  The [Secretary of Education's] notice to resolve an
    22  audit finding by reducing or eliminating the disallowed costs
    23  must be made contingent upon the community college developing
    24  and implementing a corrective action plan to address the audit
    25  finding. The community college must submit a corrective action
    26  plan to the [Secretary of Education] Board of Community Colleges
    27  within [60] sixty (60) business days after receipt of the
    28  [Secretary of Education's] written notice to resolve the audit
    29  finding. The [Secretary of Education] Board of Community
    30  Colleges shall approve, reject or alter the plan submitted by
    20030H0744B0871                 - 18 -     

     1  the community college within thirty (30) days of submission.
     2  After the community college receives written notice of approval
     3  or agrees in writing to [the Secretary of Education's] any
     4  alterations of the corrective action plan, said plan shall be
     5  implemented and shall be binding on the community college.
     6  Implementation of the approved or agreed upon corrective action
     7  plan will be verified by an audit conducted by the [department]
     8  Board of Community Colleges no later than the end of the fiscal
     9  year following the fiscal year during which the plan is
    10  implemented. If no agreed upon corrective action plan is in
    11  place within one year after the date of the [Secretary of
    12  Education's] written notice to resolve audit findings or if the
    13  agreed upon corrective action has not been implemented within
    14  one year after the date of the [Secretary of Education's]
    15  written notice to resolve the audit findings, then the
    16  [Secretary of Education] Board of Community Colleges is
    17  authorized to adjust payments to the community college to
    18  collect any amounts due based upon the findings contained in the
    19  audit report that was issued to the college [by the
    20  commissioner].
    21     (4)  The [department] Board of Community Colleges shall
    22  deduct any amounts due the Commonwealth as a result of audit
    23  findings that are resolved under this subsection from any future
    24  payment due to the community college from the Commonwealth. The
    25  [Secretary of Education] Board of Community Colleges is
    26  authorized to approve a payment schedule in cases where
    27  immediate repayment of the full amount due the Commonwealth
    28  would jeopardize the ability of the community college to
    29  continue operations.
    30     (5)  Resolution authority provided to the [Secretary of
    20030H0744B0871                 - 19 -     

     1  Education] Board of Community Colleges in this subsection shall
     2  be limited to disallowed cost findings relating to policy and/or
     3  administrative practices. The resolution authority shall not be
     4  used for audit findings in which the audited community college
     5  data and documentation is in error, where a violation of
     6  applicable law or regulation is found or where criminal
     7  violations are suspected by the Commonwealth auditors and
     8  brought to the [Secretary of Education's] attention of the Board
     9  of Community Colleges in writing. [Notwithstanding the
    10  limitations of this subsection, until June 30, 1995, the
    11  Secretary of Education is authorized to resolve audit findings
    12  involving disallowed costs for fiscal years prior to and
    13  including 1992-1993 when such disallowed costs result from
    14  violation of regulations.]
    15     (6)  The [department, through the Secretary of Education,]
    16  Board of Community Colleges is authorized to issue guidelines
    17  for the operation of the community college educational and
    18  financial programs. The [department shall amend these]
    19  guidelines may be amended on an annual basis to reflect the
    20  [department's] position of the Board of Community Colleges on
    21  issues that require resolution under this subsection.
    22     (7)  The provisions of subsection (d) are repealed insofar as
    23  they are inconsistent with the provisions of this subsection.
    24     * * *
    25     Section 6.  There are hereby transferred from the Department
    26  of Education to the Board of Community Colleges to be used,
    27  employed and expended in connection with the functions, powers
    28  and duties established by this act, contract obligations, if
    29  any, records, files, property, supplies and equipment now being
    30  used or held in connection with such functions, powers and
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     1  duties and the unexpended balances of appropriations,
     2  allocations and other funds available or to be made available
     3  for use in connection with such functions, powers and duties.
     4     Section 7.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2003, or
     5  immediately, whichever is later.

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