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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 843



No. 752 Session of 2005


           MARCH 1, 2005

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of September 27, 1961 (P.L.1700, No.699),
     2     entitled "An act relating to the regulation of the practice
     3     of pharmacy, including the sales, use and distribution of
     4     drugs and devices at retail; and amending, revising,
     5     consolidating and repealing certain laws relating thereto,"
     6     further providing for refusal to grant and revocation and
     7     suspension of licenses; and providing for the donation of
     8     unused prescription drugs.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Section 5(a)(9) of the act of September 27, 1961
    12  (P.L.1700, No.699), known as the Pharmacy Act, amended December
    13  20, 1985 (P.L.433, No.111), is amended to read:
    14     Section 5.  Refusal to Grant, Revocation and Suspension.--(a)
    15  The board shall have the power to refuse, revoke or suspend the
    16  license of any pharmacist upon proof satisfactory to it that the
    17  pharmacist:
    18     * * *

     1     (9)  Is guilty of grossly unprofessional conduct. The
     2  following acts on the part of a pharmacist are hereby declared
     3  to constitute grossly unprofessional conduct of a pharmacist:
     4     (i)  Willfully deceiving or attempting to deceive the State
     5  Board of Pharmacy or its agents with respect to any material
     6  matter under investigation by the board;
     7     (ii)  Advertising of prices for drugs and pharmaceutical
     8  services to the public which does not conform to Federal laws or
     9  regulations;
    10     (iii)  The public assertion or implication of professional
    11  superiority in the practice of pharmacy;
    12     (iv)  The engaging by any means in untrue, false, misleading
    13  or deceptive advertising of drugs or devices;
    14     (v)  Paying rebates to physicians or any other persons, or
    15  the entering into any agreement with a medical practitioner or
    16  any other person for the payment or acceptance of compensation
    17  in any form for the recommending of the professional services of
    18  either party;
    19     (vi)  The entering into of any agreement with a licensed
    20  medical practitioner for the compounding or dispensing of secret
    21  formula (coded), prescriptions;
    22     (vii)  The misbranding or adulteration of any drug or device
    23  and the sale, distribution or dispensing of any misbranded or
    24  adulterated drug or device as defined in the act of April 14,
    25  1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as "The Controlled Substance, Drug,
    26  Device and Cosmetic Act";
    27     (viii)  Engaging in the sale or purchase of drugs or devices
    28  whose package bears the inscription "sample" or "not for
    29  resale;"
    30     (ix)  Displaying or permitting the display of his certificate
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     1  of licensure and biennial registration document in a pharmacy of
     2  which he is not the proprietor or in which he is not employed;
     3     (x)  Any holder of a biennial pocket registration card who
     4  fails to have the card available for inspection by an authorized
     5  agent when he is practicing;
     6     (xi)  The acceptance back and redistribution of any unused
     7  drug, or a part thereof, except as authorized under section 9.3
     8  of this act, after it has left the premises of any pharmacy,
     9  whether issued by mistake or otherwise, unless it is in the
    10  original sealed container with the name, lot number and
    11  expiration date on the original intact manufacturer's label. The
    12  pharmacy shall maintain records of all such returns, and a full
    13  refund shall be given to the original purchaser, including a
    14  third-party payor;
    15     (xii)  To accept employment as a pharmacist, or share or
    16  receive compensation in any form arising out of, or incidental
    17  to, his professional activities from any medical practitioner or
    18  any other person or corporation in which one or more medical
    19  practitioners have a proprietary or beneficial interest
    20  sufficient to permit them to exercise supervision or control
    21  over the pharmacist in his professional responsibilities and
    22  duties;
    23     (xiii)  To accept employment as a pharmacist, or share or
    24  receive compensation in any form arising out of, or incidental
    25  to, his professional activities from any person who orders said
    26  pharmacist, directly or indirectly, to engage in any aspect of
    27  the practice of pharmacy in contravention of any provision of
    28  this act.
    29     * * *
    30     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
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     1     Section 9.3.  Donation of Unused Prescription Drugs.--(a)
     2  The Department of Health, the board and the Health Care Cost
     3  Containment Council shall jointly develop and implement a pilot
     4  program consistent with public health and safety through which
     5  unused prescription drugs, other than drugs that are controlled
     6  dangerous substances, may be transferred from nursing facilities
     7  to pharmacies operated by the Commonwealth for the purpose of
     8  distributing the prescription drugs to residents who are
     9  medically indigent.
    10     (b)  The Department of Health, the board, the Health Care
    11  Cost Containment Council, the State Board of Medicine and the
    12  State Board of Osteopathic Medicine shall review and evaluate
    13  the program no later than eighteen months after its
    14  implementation and shall submit a report and any recommendations
    15  to the Governor, the President pro tempore of the Senate, the
    16  Speaker of the House of Representatives and the chairmen of the
    17  appropriate legislative committees.
    18     (c)  The Department of Health, the board and the Health Care
    19  Cost Containment Council shall promulgate rules and establish
    20  procedures necessary to implement the program established by
    21  this section. The rules and procedures shall provide:
    22     (1)  For a formulary for the medications to be distributed
    23  pursuant to the program.
    24     (2)  For the protection of the privacy of the individual for
    25  whom the medication was originally prescribed.
    26     (3)  For the integrity and safe storage and safe transfer of
    27  the medication, which may include, but shall not be limited to,
    28  limiting the drugs made available through the program to those
    29  that were originally dispensed by unit dose or an individually
    30  sealed dose or which remain in intact packaging.
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     1     (4)  For the tracking of and accountability for the
     2  medications.
     3     (5)  For other matters necessary for the implementation of
     4  the program.
     5     (d)  In accordance with the rules and procedures of a program
     6  established pursuant to this section, the resident of a nursing
     7  facility or the representative or guardian of a resident may
     8  donate unused prescription drugs, other than prescription drugs
     9  that are controlled dangerous substances, for dispensation to
    10  residents who are medically indigent.
    11     (e)  No physician, pharmacist and other health care
    12  professional shall be subject to liability for participation in
    13  the program established by this section when acting within the
    14  scope of practice of his license and in good faith compliance
    15  with the rules promulgated pursuant to this section.
    16     (f)  For purposes of this section, "persons who are medically
    17  indigent" means persons who have no health insurance or who
    18  otherwise lack reasonable means to purchase prescribed
    19  medications.
    20     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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