See other bills
under the
same topic
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 848                       PRINTER'S NO. 1499



No. 757 Session of 1989

           MARCH 14, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the regulation and licensing of mortgage bankers
     2     and mortgage brokers; imposing additional powers and duties
     3     on the Department of Banking; and providing penalties.

     4                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6  Section 2.  Definitions.
     7  Section 3.  License requirements and exemptions.
     8  Section 4.  Application for license.
     9  Section 5.  Annual license fee.
    10  Section 6.  Issuance of license.
    11  Section 7.  License duration.
    12  Section 8.  Licensee requirements.
    13  Section 9.  Licensee limitations.
    14  Section 10.  Authority of department.
    15  Section 11.  Surrender of license.
    16  Section 12.  Suspension, revocation or refusal.
    17  Section 13.  Penalties.

     1  Section 14.  Scope of act.
     2  Section 15.  Effective date.
     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Mortgage
     7  Bankers and Brokers Act.
     8  Section 2.  Definitions.
     9     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    10  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    11  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    12     "Advance fee."  Any funds requested by or to be paid to a
    13  mortgage broker in advance of or during the processing of a
    14  mortgage loan application, excluding those fees paid by an
    15  applicant borrower directly to a credit agency reporting bureau,
    16  title company or real estate appraiser.
    17     "Department."  The Department of Banking of the Commonwealth.
    18     "Licensee."  A person who is licensed under this act.
    19     "Mortgage banker."  A person who directly or indirectly
    20  originates and closes mortgage loans with its own funds in the
    21  primary market.
    22     "Mortgage broker."  A person who directly or indirectly
    23  negotiates or places mortgage loans for others in the primary
    24  market.
    25     "Mortgage loan."  A loan which is secured by a first mortgage
    26  or other similar instrument or document which creates a first
    27  lien on real property, which real property is used as a one-
    28  family to four-family dwelling, a portion of which may be used
    29  for nonresidential purposes.
    30     "Person."  An individual, association, joint venture or
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     1  joint-stock company, partnership, limited partnership, limited
     2  partnership association, business corporation, nonprofit
     3  corporation, or any other group of individuals, however
     4  organized.
     5     "Primary market."  The market wherein mortgage loans are
     6  originated between a lender and a borrower.
     7  Section 3.  License requirements and exemptions.
     8     (a)  License required.--On and after the effective date of
     9  this act, no person shall act as a mortgage banker or mortgage
    10  broker in this Commonwealth without a license as provided for in
    11  this act, provided, however, that any person licensed as a
    12  mortgage banker may also act as a mortgage broker without a
    13  separate license. A person licensed as a mortgage broker may
    14  only perform the services of a mortgage broker as defined in
    15  section 2.
    16     (b)  Exceptions.--The following persons shall not be required
    17  to be licensed under this act in order to conduct the activities
    18  of a mortgage banker or mortgage broker but shall be subject to
    19  the provisions of section 9(a)(4) 9(A)(3) and, in addition, any   <--
    20  other provisions of this act as specifically provided in this
    21  section:
    22         (1)  A State-chartered bank, bank and trust company,
    23     savings bank, private bank or national bank, a State or
    24     federally chartered savings and loan association, a federally
    25     chartered savings bank or a State or federally chartered
    26     credit union.
    27         (2)  An attorney authorized to practice law in this
    28     Commonwealth, who acts as a mortgage broker in negotiating or
    29     placing a mortgage loan in the normal course of legal
    30     practice.
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     1         (3)  A person licensed pursuant to the provisions of the
     2     act of February 19, 1980 (P.L.15, No.9), known as the Real
     3     Estate Licensing and Registration Act, who is principally
     4     engaged in a third-party real estate brokerage business, but
     5     only to the extent that he provides information, verbal or
     6     written, to or negotiates or places a mortgage loan for a
     7     buyer of real estate and is not compensated by the buyer or
     8     any other person for providing such information or
     9     negotiating or placing such mortgage loan. If he is
    10     compensated for providing such information or negotiating or
    11     placing such mortgage loan, he shall be subject to the
    12     provisions of sections 8, 10 and 13(b), excluding section
    13     8(a)(1).
    14         (4)  A seller of a dwelling, if he has resided in the
    15     dwelling at least one year and as part of the purchase price
    16     receives a first mortgage executed by the purchaser.
    17         (5)  A person who either originates or negotiates less
    18     than 12 mortgage loans in a calendar year in this
    19     Commonwealth.
    20         (6)  Builders, when obtaining mortgages for their own
    21     construction or for the sale of their own construction.
    22         (7)  Any agency or instrumentality of the Federal
    23     Government or a corporation otherwise created by an act of
    24     the United States Congress, including, but not limited to,
    25     the Federal National Mortgage Association, the Government
    26     National Mortgage Association, the Veterans' Administration,
    27     the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation and the Federal
    28     Housing Administration.
    29         (8)  The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency.
    30         (9)  A licensee under the act of April 8, l937 (P.L.262,
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     1     No.66), known as the Consumer Discount Company Act, except
     2     that any such licensee who makes a mortgage loan other than
     3     under the provisions of that act shall be subject to the
     4     provisions of sections 4(b)(2) and (3), 8, 10 and 13(b) of
     5     this act, excluding section 8(a)(1).
     6         (10)  Except for licensees described in paragraph (9),
     7     subsidiaries and affiliates of the following institutions:
     8     Pennsylvania State-chartered banks, bank and trust companies,
     9     savings banks, private banks, savings and loan associations
    10     and credit unions or national banks, federally chartered
    11     savings and loan associations, federally chartered savings
    12     banks and federally chartered credit unions, provided such
    13     institutions are located in Pennsylvania, except that all
    14     subsidiaries and affiliates of institutions enumerated in
    15     this paragraph shall:
    16             (i)  be subject to the provisions of sections 8,
    17         9(a)(3), 10 and 13(b) of this act excluding section
    18         8(a)(1); and
    19             (ii)  deliver to the department annually copies of
    20         financial reports made to all supervisory agencies.
    21         (11)  Employees of a licensee or excepted persons acting
    22     for their employers.
    23  Section 4.  Application for license.
    24     (a)  Contents.--An application for a license to act as a
    25  mortgage banker or mortgage broker shall be on such forms as may
    26  be prescribed and provided by the department. Each application
    27  shall include the address or addresses where business is to be
    28  conducted, the full name, official title and business address of
    29  each director and principal officer of the business and any
    30  other information that may be required by the department.
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     1     (b)  Mortgage banker's license.--The department shall issue a
     2  mortgage banker's license applied for pursuant to this act if
     3  the applicant establishes that he has met the following
     4  conditions:
     5         (1)  That he is approved by or meets the current criteria
     6     for approval of at least one of the following:
     7             (i)  Federal National Mortgage Association.
     8             (ii)  Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation.
     9             (iii)  Federal Housing Administration.
    10         (2)  That he maintains or is approved for, and will
    11     continue to maintain as a licensee, a line of credit or
    12     equivalent mortgage funding capability of not less than
    13     $1,000,000.
    14         (3)  That he has a minimum tangible net worth of $250,000
    15     at the time of application and will, at all times thereafter,
    16     maintain such minimum net worth, provided, however, that
    17     those applicants who were in business prior to January 1,
    18     1987, may be licensed with a minimum tangible net worth of
    19     $100,000 if, in the opinion of the department, the applicant
    20     has established that it has an otherwise adequate financial
    21     structure and operating history.
    22         (4)  That he will maintain fidelity bond coverage in
    23     accordance with the guidelines established by the Federal
    24     National Mortgage Association or the Federal Home Loan
    25     Mortgage Corporation.
    26     (c)  Mortgage broker's license.--The department shall issue a
    27  mortgage broker's license applied for pursuant to this act if
    28  the applicant establishes that he has met the following
    29  conditions:
    30         (1)  That he is eligible to and will obtain a bond in the
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     1     amount of $100,000, in a form prescribed by the regulations
     2     of the department, prior to the issuance of the license, from
     3     a surety company authorized to do business in this
     4     Commonwealth, which bond shall run to the Commonwealth for
     5     the benefit of any person injured by the wrongful act,
     6     default or misrepresentation of the mortgage broker. No bond
     7     shall comply with the requirements of this section unless it
     8     contains a provision that it shall not be canceled for any
     9     cause unless notice of intention to cancel is given to the
    10     department at least 30 days before the day upon which
    11     cancellation shall take effect.
    12         (2)  In lieu of the bond required by subsection (c)(1),
    13     the applicant may deposit, with the department or with the
    14     State Treasurer, bonds, notes, debentures or other
    15     obligations of the United States or any agency or
    16     instrumentality thereof if guaranteed by the United States,
    17     or such bonds, notes, debentures or other obligations of the
    18     Commonwealth or of a political subdivision thereof having a
    19     market value of at least $100,000; and it shall be the
    20     obligation of the licensee to see to it that the securities
    21     on deposit shall have a market value of at least $100,000 at
    22     all times. The depositor shall be entitled to receive all
    23     interest and dividends thereon, and shall have the right,
    24     with the approval of the department, to substitute other
    25     securities for those deposited. Should the securities on
    26     deposit at any time have a market value of less than
    27     $100,000, the department may revoke the license as
    28     hereinafter provided. All securities deposited shall be held
    29     under the same conditions and subject to the same right of
    30     execution as the bond provided for in subsection (c)(1).
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     1         (3)  Mortgage brokers who can demonstrate to the
     2     satisfaction of the department that they do not accept
     3     advance fees shall be exempt from the requirement of this
     4     subsection.
     5     (d)  Foreign corporation.--If the applicant is a foreign
     6  corporation, that corporation shall be authorized to do business
     7  in this Commonwealth in accordance with the law of this
     8  Commonwealth regulating corporations and shall maintain at least
     9  one office in this Commonwealth which is the office that shall
    10  be licensed as the principal place of business for the purposes
    11  of this act. The corporation shall file with the application an
    12  irrevocable consent, duly acknowledged, that suits and actions
    13  may be commenced against that licensee in the courts of this
    14  Commonwealth by the service of process of any pleading upon the
    15  department in the usual manner provided for service of process
    16  and pleadings by the statutes and court rules of this
    17  Commonwealth. The consent shall provide that this service shall
    18  be as valid and binding as if service had been made personally
    19  upon the licensee in this Commonwealth. In all cases where
    20  process or pleadings are served upon the department pursuant to
    21  the provisions of this section, such process or pleadings shall
    22  be served in triplicate; one copy shall be filed in the Office
    23  of the Secretary of Banking and the others shall be forwarded by
    24  the department, by certified or registered mail, return receipt
    25  requested, to the last known principal place of business in the
    26  Commonwealth and to the corporation's principal place of
    27  business.
    28  Section 5.  Annual license fee.
    29     An applicant shall pay to the department at the time an
    30  application is filed an initial license fee of $500 for the
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     1  principal place of business and an additional license fee of $50
     2  for each branch office in this Commonwealth. On or before July 1
     3  of each year and thereafter, a licensee shall pay a license
     4  renewal fee of $200 for the principal place of business and an
     5  additional license renewal fee of $25 for each branch office in
     6  this Commonwealth. No abatement of any license fee shall be made
     7  if the license is issued for a period of less than one year. The
     8  department shall be entitled to recover any cost of
     9  investigation in excess of license or renewal fees from the
    10  licensee or from any person who is not licensed under this act
    11  but who is presumed to be engaged in business contemplated by
    12  this act.
    13  Section 6.  Issuance of license.
    14     (a)  Time limit.--Within 60 days after an application is
    15  received, the department shall either issue a license or, for
    16  any reason for which the department may suspend, revoke or
    17  refuse to renew a license as provided for by section 12, refuse
    18  to issue a license.
    19     (b)  Appeal of denial.--If the department refuses to issue a
    20  license, it shall notify the applicant, in writing, of the
    21  denial and the reason therefor and of the applicant's right to
    22  appeal from such action to the Commonwealth Court. An appeal
    23  from the department's refusal to approve an application for a
    24  license shall be filed by the applicant within 30 days of notice
    25  thereof.
    26     (c)  Contents of license.--Each license issued by the
    27  department shall specify:
    28         (1)  The name and address of the licensee, the address so
    29     specified to be that of the licensee's principal place of
    30     business within this Commonwealth.
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     1         (2)  The licensee's reference number, which may remain
     2     the same from year to year despite variations in annual
     3     license numbers which may result from the renewal of licenses
     4     by mechanical techniques.
     5         (3)  Such other information as the department shall
     6     require to carry out the purposes of this act.
     7  Section 7.  License duration.
     8     A license issued by the department shall:
     9         (1)  Be renewed on July 1 of each year upon payment of
    10     the annual renewal fee and after a determination that the
    11     licensee is conducting business in accordance with the
    12     provisions of this act is made by the department. No refund
    13     of any portion of the license fee shall be made if the
    14     license is voluntarily surrendered to the department or
    15     suspended or revoked by the department prior to its
    16     expiration date.
    17         (2)  Be invalid if the mortgage banker's corporate
    18     charter is voided in accordance with the provisions of any
    19     law of this Commonwealth or any other state.
    20         (3)  Not be assignable by operation of law or otherwise
    21     without the written consent of the department.
    22  Section 8.  Licensee requirements.
    23     (a)  Requirements on licensee.--A licensee shall:
    24         (1)  Conspicuously display its license at each licensed
    25     place of business.
    26         (2)  Maintain, at its principal place of business within
    27     this Commonwealth, or at such place within or outside this
    28     Commonwealth, if agreed to by the Secretary of Banking,
    29     either the original or a copy of such books, accounts,
    30     records and documents, or electronic or other similar access
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     1     thereto, of the business conducted under the license as may
     2     be prescribed by the department to enable it to determine
     3     whether the business of the licensee is being conducted in
     4     accordance with the provisions of this act and the orders,
     5     rules and regulations issued under this act.
     6         (3)  Annually, before May 1, file a report with the
     7     department which shall set forth such information as the
     8     department shall require concerning the business conducted as
     9     a licensee during the preceding calendar year. The report
    10     shall be in writing, under oath, and on a form provided by
    11     the department.
    12         (4)  Be subject to examination by the department at the
    13     discretion of the department at which time the department
    14     shall have free access, during regular business hours, to the
    15     licensee's place or places of business in this Commonwealth
    16     and to all instruments, documents, accounts, books and
    17     records which pertain to a licensee's mortgage loan business.
    18     The department may examine a licensee at any time if the
    19     department deems such examination to be necessary or
    20     desirable. The cost of any such examination shall be borne by
    21     the licensee.
    22         (5)  Comply with all provisions of the act of January 30,
    23     1974 (P.L.13, No.6), referred to as the Loan Interest and
    24     Protection Law, provided, however, that this shall not be
    25     deemed an override of section 501 of the Depository
    26     Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980
    27     (94 Stat. 161, 12 U.S.C. § 1735f-7 note).
    28         (6)  Comply with the provisions of the act of December
    29     23, 1983 (P.L.385, No.91), entitled "An act amending the act
    30     of December 3, 1959 (P.L.1688, No.621), entitled, as amended,
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     1     'An act to promote the health, safety and welfare of the
     2     people of the Commonwealth by broadening the market for
     3     housing for persons and families of low and moderate income
     4     and alleviating shortages thereof, and by assisting in the
     5     provision of housing for elderly persons through the creation
     6     of the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency as a public
     7     corporation and government instrumentality; providing for the
     8     organization, membership and administration of the agency,
     9     prescribing its general powers and duties and the manner in
    10     which its funds are kept and audited, empowering the agency
    11     to make housing loans to qualified mortgagors upon the
    12     security of insured and uninsured mortgages, defining
    13     qualified mortgagors and providing for priorities among
    14     tenants in certain instances, prescribing interest rates and
    15     other terms of housing loans, permitting the agency to
    16     acquire real or personal property, permitting the agency to
    17     make agreements with financial institutions and Federal
    18     agencies, providing for the purchase by persons of low and
    19     moderate income of housing units, and approving the sale of
    20     housing units, permitting the agency to sell housing loans,
    21     providing for the promulgation of regulations and forms by
    22     the agency, prescribing penalties for furnishing false
    23     information, empowering the agency to borrow money upon its
    24     own credit by the issuance and sale of bonds and notes and by
    25     giving security therefor, permitting the refunding,
    26     redemption and purchase of such obligations by the agency,
    27     prescribing remedies of holders of such bonds and notes,
    28     exempting bonds and notes of the agency, the income
    29     therefrom, and the income and revenues of the agency from
    30     taxation, except transfer, death and gift taxes; making such
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     1     bonds and notes legal investments for certain purposes; and
     2     indicating how the act shall become effective,' providing for
     3     homeowner's emergency assistance."
     4         (7)  Provide for periodic accounting of any escrow
     5     accounts held by the licensee to the borrowers not less than
     6     annually, showing the amounts received from the borrower and
     7     the amounts disbursed.
     8         (8)  Refund all fees, other than those fees paid by the
     9     licensee to a third party, paid by an applicant borrower when
    10     a mortgage loan is not produced within the time specified by
    11     the mortgage banker or mortgage broker at the rate, term and
    12     overall cost agreed to by the borrower, provided, however,
    13     that this provision shall not apply when the failure to
    14     produce a loan is due solely to the borrower's negligence,
    15     his refusal to accept and close on a loan commitment or his
    16     refusal or inability to provide information necessary for
    17     processing, including, but not limited to, employment
    18     verifications and verifications of deposits. The licensee
    19     shall disclose to the borrower, in writing, at the time of a
    20     loan application which fees paid or to be paid are
    21     nonrefundable.
    22     (b)  Accounting records.--After the effective date of this
    23  act, the licensee's accounting records must be constructed and
    24  maintained in compliance with generally accepted accounting
    25  principles, and all of the aforementioned instruments,
    26  documents, accounts, books and records shall be kept separate
    27  and apart from the records of any other business conducted by
    28  the licensee and shall be preserved and kept available for
    29  investigation or examination by the department for at least two
    30  years after a mortgage loan has been paid in full. The
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     1  provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any instrument,
     2  document, account, book or record that is assigned, sold or
     3  transferred to another person, nor shall the two-year
     4  requirement apply to an instrument or document which must be
     5  returned to a borrower at the time a mortgage loan is paid in
     6  full.
     7     (c)  Copies.--If copies of instruments, documents, accounts,
     8  books or records are maintained under subsection (a)(2), they
     9  may be photostatic, microfilm or electronic copies or copies
    10  provided in some other manner approved by the Secretary of
    11  Banking, as long as access to information required by the
    12  secretary exists electronically at all times within this
    13  Commonwealth.
    14  Section 9.  Licensee limitations.
    15     (a)  Prohibitions.--A licensee shall not:
    16         (1)  Transact any business subject to the provisions of
    17     this act under any other name except those designated in its
    18     license. A licensee that changes its name or place or places
    19     of business shall immediately notify the department, which
    20     shall issue a certificate, if appropriate, to the licensee
    21     which shall specify the licensee's new name or address.
    22         (2)  Conduct any business other than any business
    23     regulated by the department in any place of business licensed
    24     pursuant to this act without at least 90 days prior written
    25     notification to the department.
    26         (3)  Pay a finder's fee, service fee or any other
    27     compensation to any person in connection with any transaction
    28     if that person is receiving compensation from any other
    29     person for any services in connection with the same
    30     transaction or the real estate transfer leading to such
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     1     transaction.
     4     CASHIER'S CHECK.
     5     (b)  Authority to close loans in attorneys' and title
     6  insurance companies or agencies' offices.--Nothing contained in
     7  this act shall prohibit any licensee or person exempt from
     8  licensure hereunder from closing any loans made under the
     9  provisions of this act in the offices of attorneys-at-law
    10  licensed by and located in this Commonwealth and title insurance
    11  companies or agencies licensed by and located in this
    12  Commonwealth.
    13  Section 10.  Authority of department.
    14     The department shall have the authority to:
    15         (1)  Issue rules and regulations and orders as may be
    16     necessary for the proper conduct of the business of a
    17     mortgage banker or a mortgage broker and for the enforcement
    18     of this act.
    19         (2)  Examine any instrument, document, account, book,
    20     record or file of a licensee or any other person, or make
    21     such other investigation as may be necessary to administer
    22     the provisions of this act.
    23         (3)  Conduct administrative hearings on any matter
    24     pertaining to this act, issue subpoenas to compel the
    25     attendance of witnesses and the production of instruments,
    26     documents, accounts, books and records at any such hearing,
    27     which may be retained by the department until the completion
    28     of all proceedings in connection with which they were
    29     produced, and administer oaths and affirmations to any person
    30     whose testimony is required. In the event a person fails to
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     1     comply with a subpoena issued by the department or to testify
     2     on any matter concerning which he may be lawfully
     3     interrogated, on application by the department, the
     4     Commonwealth Court may issue an order requiring the
     5     attendance of such person, the production of instruments,
     6     documents, accounts, books or records or the giving of
     7     testimony.
     8  Section 11.  Surrender of license.
     9     Upon satisfying the department that all creditors have been
    10  paid or that other arrangements satisfactory to the creditors
    11  and the department have been made, a licensee shall surrender
    12  its license to the department by delivering its license to the
    13  department with written notice that the license is being
    14  voluntarily surrendered, but such an action by a licensee shall
    15  not affect the licensee's civil or criminal liability for acts
    16  committed.
    17  Section 12.  Suspension, revocation or refusal.
    18     (a)  Departmental action.--The department may suspend, revoke
    19  or refuse to renew any license issued pursuant to this act after
    20  giving 30 days' written notice forwarded to the licensee's
    21  principal place of business, by registered or certified mail,
    22  return receipt requested, stating the contemplated action and
    23  the reason therefor, if the department shall find, after the
    24  licensee has had an opportunity to be heard, that the licensee
    25  has:
    26         (1)  Made any material misstatement in his application.
    27         (2)  Failed to comply with or violated any provision of
    28     this act or any rule, regulation or order promulgated by the
    29     department pursuant to this act.
    30         (3)  If licensed under section 4(c)(3), accepts an
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     1     advance fee.
     2  The hearing and notice provisions of this section shall not
     3  apply if the licensee's corporate charter is voided in
     4  accordance with the provisions of any law of this or any other
     5  state, in which event the department may suspend or revoke the
     6  license.
     7     (b)  Reinstatement.--The department may subsequently
     8  reinstate a license which has been suspended or revoked or renew
     9  a license which had previously been refused for renewal if the
    10  condition which warranted the original action has been corrected
    11  and the department has reason to believe that such condition is
    12  not likely to occur again and the licensee satisfies the
    13  requirements of this act.
    14  Section 13.  Penalties.
    15     (a)  Nonlicensees.--Any person who is not licensed by the
    16  department or is not exempted from the licensing requirements in
    17  accordance with the provisions of this act and who engages in
    18  the business of a mortgage banker or mortgage broker commits a
    19  felony of the third degree.
    20     (b)  Nonlicensees subject to the provisions of this act.--Any
    21  person who is subject to the provisions of this act, even though
    22  not licensed hereunder, who violates any of the provisions to
    23  which it is subject shall be subject to a fine levied by the
    24  department of up to $2,000 for each offense. Any such
    25  nonlicensed person who commits three or more offenses may, at
    26  the discretion of the department, be prohibited from engaging in
    27  the business of a mortgage broker or mortgage banker unless
    28  licensed under this act.
    29     (c)  Violations by licensees.--Any person licensed under the
    30  provisions of this act or any director, officer, employee or
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     1  agent of a licensee who shall violate the provisions of this act
     2  or shall direct or consent to such violations shall be subject
     3  to a fine levied by the department of up to $2,000 for each
     4  offense.
     5  Section 14.  Scope of act.
     6     The provisions of this act shall apply to any mortgage loan
     7  which is:
     8         (1)  negotiated, offered or otherwise transacted within
     9     this Commonwealth, in whole or in part, whether by the
    10     ultimate lender or any other person;
    11         (2)  made or executed within this Commonwealth; or
    12         (3)  notwithstanding the place of execution, secured by
    13     real property located in this Commonwealth.
    14  Section 15.  Effective date.
    15     This act shall take effect in 180 days.

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