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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 849



No. 758 Session of 1989



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of November 30, 1965 (P.L.847, No.356),
     2     entitled "An act relating to and regulating the business of
     3     banking and the exercise by corporations of fiduciary powers;
     4     affecting persons engaged in the business of banking and
     5     corporations exercising fiduciary powers and affiliates of
     6     such persons; affecting the shareholders of such persons and
     7     the directors, trustees, officers, attorneys and employes of
     8     such persons and of the affiliates of such persons; affecting
     9     national banks located in the Commonwealth; affecting persons
    10     dealing with persons engaged in the business of banking,
    11     corporations exercising fiduciary powers and national banks;
    12     conferring powers and imposing duties on the Banking Board,
    13     on certain departments and officers of the Commonwealth and
    14     on courts, prothonotaries, clerks and recorders of deeds;
    15     providing penalties; and repealing certain acts and parts of
    16     acts," providing for certain direct and indirect extensions
    17     of credit to individuals, partnerships and unincorporated
    18     associations; authorizing direct extensions of credit to
    19     finance installment sales of goods and services to be made
    20     through sellers and contractors as intermediaries; providing
    21     special rules for transaction accounts of individuals; and
    22     providing for compliance with Federal law regarding
    23     availability of withdrawal of items deposited.

    24                              FINDINGS
    25     The General Assembly makes the following findings as the

     1  basis for this act:
     2         (1)  The Pennsylvania statutes and regulations which
     3     govern direct and indirect extensions of credit by banks to
     4     individuals and unincorporated entities have become
     5     voluminous and intricate by reason of separate amendments and
     6     supplements over several years and, in conjunction with
     7     Federal statutes and regulations, have failed to provide a
     8     stable basis for the offering of credit by banks. Such
     9     statutes and regulations have imposed a costly, confusing and
    10     needless complexity in the compliance requirements that banks
    11     must satisfy without providing a proportionate benefit to
    12     their customers.
    13         (2)  The interests of the public and the interests of the
    14     State have been adversely affected by economic limitations on
    15     direct and indirect extensions of credit under restrictions
    16     of Pennsylvania law.
    17         (3)  Recent changes in Federal laws regulating interest
    18     payable on deposits have enabled the public to obtain market
    19     rates of interest on funds deposited with banks, and such
    20     rates may be adjusted to reflect interest rate levels in the
    21     national economy. Pennsylvania law generally does not provide
    22     the same flexibility for interest rates on direct and
    23     indirect extensions of credit.
    24         (4)  States contiguous to Pennsylvania, as well as most
    25     other states of the United States, have changed bank lending
    26     laws in order to maintain a consistent availability of
    27     credit. A consequence of these changes has been that
    28     financial institutions located in other states have become
    29     the sources of a substantial and increasing percentage of the
    30     personal credit business in Pennsylvania, detrimentally
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     1     affecting employment, business and tax revenues in this
     2     State.
     3         (5)  The accelerating development of interstate banking
     4     will increase the significance of State laws which govern
     5     bank extensions of credit and their effect on the choice of
     6     places where activities will be located. The loss of jobs in
     7     Pennsylvania directly caused by its outdated credit laws will
     8     inevitably increase with changes in the banking industry
     9     unless those laws offer the same opportunities for
    10     competition by Pennsylvania organizations as do the laws of
    11     other states.
    12         (6)  The interests of individuals and unincorporated
    13     entities in continuing credit availability from banks located
    14     in this State, the interests of the State in augmenting
    15     employment and business of its residents and the interests of
    16     the State and political subdivisions in State and local taxes
    17     resulting from such employment and business will be promoted
    18     by simplification and flexibility of bank lending laws so
    19     that credit can be offered at market rates and competitive
    20     terms.
    21                              PURPOSES
    22     On the basis of these findings, the purposes of this act are
    23  to provide:
    24         (1)  Uniform, adequate and simplified disclosure by
    25     adoption of the comprehensive Federal rules governing
    26     disclosure in consumer credit transactions.
    27         (2)  Availability from Pennsylvania banks of credit at
    28     competitive market rates of interest and charges so that
    29     customers may benefit from decreases in market rates and
    30     Pennsylvania banks may continue to offer credit, and compete
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     1     with banks from other states, during periods of both
     2     increases and decreases in interest rates.
     3         (3)  Maintenance of credit services for Pennsylvania
     4     customers at local banks so that customer alternatives will
     5     not be restricted to out-of-state companies as in the case of
     6     past periods of high interest rates.
     7         (4)  Unification and simplification of rules governing
     8     bank credit to promote efficiency and to increase borrower
     9     comprehension of the terms of credit.
    10  The provisions of this statute shall be liberally construed to
    11  accomplish the foregoing purposes.
    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  The act of November 30, 1965 (P.L.847, No.356),
    15  known as the Banking Code of 1965, is amended by adding a
    16  section to read:
    17  Section 322.  Extensions of Credit to Individuals, Partnerships
    18                 and Unincorporated Associations
    19     (a)  Definitions--As used in this section, the following
    20  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    21  subsection:
    22     "Credit device"--any card, check, identification code or
    23  other means of identification contemplated by the agreement
    24  governing a plan.
    25     "Loans"--cash advances or loans to be paid to or for the
    26  account of the customer.
    27     "Plan" or "open-end credit plan"--a plan contemplating the
    28  extension of credit under an account governed by an agreement
    29  between an institution and a customer pursuant to which:
    30         (i)  the institution permits the customer and, if the
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     1     agreement governing the plan so provides, persons acting on
     2     behalf of or with authorization from the customer from time
     3     to time to make purchases or to obtain loans, or both, by use
     4     of a credit device,
     5         (ii)  the amounts of purchases made and loans obtained
     6     are charged to the customer's account under the plan,
     7         (iii)  the customer is required to pay the institution
     8     the amounts of all purchases and loans charged to the
     9     customer's account under the plan but has the privilege of
    10     paying the amounts outstanding from time to time in full or
    11     installments, and
    12         (iv)  interest may be charged and collected by the
    13     institution from time to time on the outstanding unpaid
    14     indebtedness under such plan.
    15     "Purchases"--payments for property of whatever nature, real
    16  or personal, tangible or intangible, and payments for services,
    17  licenses, taxes, official fees, fines, private or governmental
    18  obligations, or any other thing of value.
    19     "Truth in Lending"--the Federal Truth in Lending Act (Public
    20  Law 90-321, 15 U.S.C. § 1601 et seq.) and regulations
    21  promulgated thereunder as in effect from time to time. The terms
    22  "finance charge," "annual percentage rate," "credit card,"
    23  "open-end credit" and "closed-end credit" have the same coverage
    24  and meanings as the definitions of those terms under Truth in
    25  Lending.
    26     (b)  Coverage--This section shall govern all direct and
    27  indirect extensions of credit by an institution for personal,
    28  family, household, business or agricultural purposes to an
    29  individual, a partnership or an unincorporated association,
    30  whether as closed-end credit or open-end credit, except
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     1  extensions of credit:
     2         (i)  which are secured by a first-lien, purchase money,
     3     residential real estate mortgage,
     4         (ii)  which are student loans guaranteed by the
     5     Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency, or
     6         (iii)  which are not subject to a maximum rate of
     7     interest or finance charge, or as to which the pleading of
     8     usury as a defense is prohibited, pursuant to Federal or
     9     State law.
    10     (c)  Disclosures--In connection with an extension of credit,
    11  an institution shall make applicable disclosures required by
    12  Truth in Lending in lieu of any disclosure requirement which may
    13  be imposed by Pennsylvania law.
    14     (d)  Agreements for extension of credit--An institution may
    15  extend credit pursuant to this section on the basis of a written
    16  agreement. Such agreement, including related statements, notices
    17  and documents (a completed copy of each of which shall be given
    18  to the customer), shall have the form and contents required by
    19  Truth in Lending and shall, in addition, provide if applicable:
    20         (i)  the amounts of available credit and the procedure or
    21     means by which it may be obtained,
    22         (ii)  maturity provisions, installment payment
    23     requirements, prepayment privileges and rebates of unearned
    24     interest upon prepayment,
    25         (iii)  either the amounts or rates of interest, which may
    26     be fixed or variable rates, or the basis for determining such
    27     amounts or rates, subject to subsection (m),
    28         (iv)  the method of determining balances of unpaid
    29     indebtedness to which periodic rates of interest are
    30     applicable which, in the case of an open-end credit plan,
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     1     may, if the agreement governing the plan so provides, include
     2     the amount of any interest and other charges, including
     3     delinquency charges, which have accrued in the account,
     4         (v)  charges which may be imposed in addition to
     5     interest, in such amounts as the agreement provides, or as
     6     established in the manner the agreement provides, such as,
     7     but not limited to, minimum charges, check charges and
     8     maintenance charges related to extensions of credit pursuant
     9     to overdraft check plans, delinquency charges for each
    10     installment or payment which is in default and fees,
    11     extension charges and charges that may be incurred on
    12     default, including attorney fees, court and other collection
    13     costs. Such additional charges may include a daily, weekly,
    14     monthly, annual or other periodic charge for the privileges
    15     made available to the customer under an open-end credit plan,
    16     transaction charges for each separate purchase or loan under
    17     the plan and a minimum charge for each scheduled billing
    18     period under the plan, during any portion of which there is
    19     an outstanding unpaid indebtedness under the plan,
    20         (vi)  collateral security and provisions relating
    21     thereto, except that there may not be any authorization for
    22     entry of judgment by confession, and
    23         (vii)  insurance coverages and premiums therefor.
    24  Such agreements shall be valid and enforceable and an
    25  institution may impose and collect the interest and other
    26  charges provided therein.
    27     (e)  Computation of interest--A fixed rate of interest
    28  included in a finance charge shall be computed either on a
    29  simple interest basis by a generally accepted actuarial method,
    30  including a method permitted for determination of an annual
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     1  percentage rate under Truth in Lending or, as to an extension of
     2  credit with an initial maturity of not more than sixty months,
     3  which is made within two years after the effective date of this
     4  section, on an add-on or discount basis. The maximum amount that
     5  may be charged on the basis of a variable rate of interest shall
     6  be computed in accordance with or with reference to a schedule
     7  or formula, at the times and for the periods provided in the
     8  agreement. The periodic rate of interest, as so varied, will be
     9  applicable to all outstanding unpaid indebtedness under the
    10  agreement from the effective date of the variation if so
    11  provided in the agreement.
    12     (f)  Changes in terms--An institution may change the terms of
    13  the agreement if:
    14         (i)  the agreement so provides,
    15         (ii)  there is compliance with applicable notice
    16     requirements of Truth in Lending prior to the effective date
    17     of the change,
    18         (iii)  such notice states that a customer for whose
    19     account a change in terms does not become effective may pay
    20     all outstanding amounts pursuant to the agreement as in
    21     effect prior to the notice, and
    22         (iv)  in the case of an increase in a fixed rate of
    23     interest or other charges payable by the customer under an
    24     open-end credit plan, the customer incurs additional
    25     indebtedness after the effective date of the change of terms.
    26  If the agreement governing the plan so provides, a change of
    27  terms pursuant to this subsection may, on and after the date it
    28  becomes effective as to an account, apply to all then
    29  outstanding unpaid indebtedness. A change in the amount of
    30  interest imposed in accordance with or with reference to a
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     1  schedule or formula for a variable rate of interest shall not be
     2  deemed to be a change in terms but a change in such schedule or
     3  formula shall be deemed to be a change in terms. No change may
     4  be made in a fixed rate of interest or other charges payable
     5  with respect to the outstanding balance of indebtedness or in
     6  the amount or due dates of required installment payments on
     7  closed-end credit unless there is written consent of the
     8  customer at the time of the change except for an extension of
     9  any due date or an option granted by the institution to the
    10  customer to omit payments and except as may be otherwise
    11  provided in an agreement for an extension of credit which is not
    12  for personal, family or household purposes.
    13     (g)  Prepayment--
    14         (i)  A borrower or buyer may prepay an extension of
    15     credit in full at any time without any prepayment charge.
    16         (ii)  If interest has been precomputed, then, in the
    17     event of prepayment of an extension of credit, the
    18     institution shall refund to the customer the unearned portion
    19     of the precomputed interest. The refund shall be in an amount
    20     not less than the amount of the unearned precomputed interest
    21     calculated in accordance with a generally accepted actuarial
    22     method including a method permitted for determination of an
    23     annual percentage rate under Truth in Lending, except that
    24     the amount of the unearned interest on an extension of credit
    25     with an initial maturity of not more than sixty months which
    26     is made within two years after the effective date of this
    27     section for which interest is computed on an add-on or
    28     discount basis as permitted by subsection (e) may be
    29     calculated in accordance with the "sum of the balances"
    30     method, and except that the customer shall not be entitled to
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     1     a refund which results in a net minimum charge of less than
     2     an amount equal to the interest that would accrue in the
     3     first month the extension of credit was scheduled to be
     4     outstanding. The institution shall not be required to refund
     5     the unearned portion of the interest if such amount is less
     6     than one dollar ($1).
     7         (iii)  The amount of a refund under the "sum of the
     8     balances" method is determined by multiplying the precomputed
     9     interest by a fraction, the numerator of which is the sum of
    10     the balances, including interest, of the extension of credit
    11     scheduled to be outstanding after deducting the first of the
    12     payments scheduled to be made on or after the date of
    13     prepayment, and the denominator of which is the sum of all
    14     the unpaid balances, including interest, of the extension of
    15     credit scheduled to be outstanding from its inception to, and
    16     including the maturity of the final installment. Intervals
    17     between scheduled payments must be regular periods of one
    18     month or less except that the interval between the inception
    19     of an extension of credit and the due date of the first
    20     scheduled payment may be:
    21             (A)  one month and fifteen days when the regular
    22         payment interval is a month,
    23             (B)  one month when the regular payment interval is
    24         less than a month but more than a week, or
    25             (C)  eleven days when the regular payment interval is
    26         a week or less.
    27     (h)  Insurance--The agreement may provide for life, health,
    28  accident, loss-of-income or other permissible insurance related
    29  to an extension of credit under a group or individual policy
    30  subject to the option of the customer to furnish required
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     1  insurance through an authorized insurer of the customer's choice
     2  as provided in section 11 of the act of September 2, 1961
     3  (P.L.1232, No.540), known as the "Model Act for the Regulation
     4  of Credit Life Insurance and Credit Accident and Health
     5  Insurance," and, if premiums for such insurance are paid to the
     6  institution, provisions shall be made for rebates of unearned
     7  premiums, if any, upon prepayment. An institution may require
     8  that insurance be maintained, from an insurer acceptable to the
     9  institution, against loss or damage to property which is
    10  collateral security for the extension of credit and against
    11  liability arising out of the ownership or use of such property.
    12  An institution may grant an extension of credit to finance the
    13  premiums for such insurance.
    14     (i)  Extensions of credit through intermediaries--An
    15  extension of credit to finance a sale of a motor vehicle, other
    16  than through an open-end credit plan, may be made by an
    17  institution through a seller licensed as an installment seller
    18  under the act of June 28, 1947 (P.L.1110, No.476), known as the
    19  "Motor Vehicle Sales Finance Act," as an intermediary if:
    20         (i)  the agreement governing the extension of credit
    21     conspicuously provides that the extension of credit is made
    22     by the institution to the buyer and is subject to the
    23     provisions of this section, and
    24         (ii)  either the institution has made a commitment to
    25     make the extension of credit or the agreement is subject to
    26     acceptance by the institution within two business days after
    27     the date of the agreement and the institution upon such
    28     acceptance sends written notice thereof to the buyer. The
    29     terms and conditions under which the seller acts as an
    30     intermediary between the institution and the buyer shall be
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     1     determined by written agreement between the institution and
     2     the seller.
     3  An extension of credit made through an intermediary pursuant to
     4  this section shall be subject to this act and other acts
     5  governing transactions between banks and their customers and
     6  shall not be subject to the provisions or requirements of any
     7  other regulatory statute, rule or regulation and neither a
     8  seller who acts as an intermediary for an institution with
     9  respect to such an extension of credit nor an institution which
    10  makes such an extension of credit through a seller as an
    11  intermediary shall be deemed to be in violation of licensing or
    12  other requirements of any other regulatory statute, rule or
    13  regulation that would be applicable to extensions of credits by
    14  such a seller or contractor to its customers.
    15     (j)  Right of rescission--A person whose ownership interest
    16  in that person's principal dwelling is subject to a lien or
    17  security interest as collateral security for an extension of
    18  credit subject to this section shall have a right of rescission
    19  for the same types of transactions, on the same terms and
    20  conditions and for the same time periods as those provided for
    21  the right of rescission under Truth in Lending.
    22     (k)  Statement of account--Upon the written request of the
    23  customer, an institution shall provide, within ninety days after
    24  the end of each calendar year, a statement of the customer's
    25  account showing payments made during such year, the amount
    26  applied to interest and the balance of the account at the end of
    27  such year.
    28     (l)  Waiver of provisions--No provision of this section which
    29  confers rights on the customer or any other person may be waived
    30  or modified except to the extent and in the circumstances in
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     1  which Truth in Lending permits a consumer to waive or modify the
     2  right of rescission.
     3     (m)  Maximum rates of interest for credit card purchases--The
     4  maximum rate of interest from time to time that may be imposed
     5  on amounts charged to a credit card account for purchases shall
     6  be the index rate under this subsection in effect at the time
     7  the interest is charged to the account and shall be applicable
     8  to all balances in the account for purchases and, if the
     9  agreement governing the account so provides, to interest and
    10  other charges accrued on unpaid balances for purchases. The
    11  index rate shall be determined for each calendar quarter
    12  commencing on the first day of January, April, July and October
    13  of each year. For the first calendar quarter which commences not
    14  less than ninety days after the date of approval of this
    15  subsection, the index rate shall be the sum of the average
    16  annual percentage yield on U.S. Government securities for a
    17  constant three-year maturity as published by the Board of
    18  Governors of the Federal Reserve System rounded to the nearer
    19  quarter of one percent ("U.S. Government three-year rate") for
    20  the first full calendar month after such date of approval plus
    21  eight percent. For each successive calendar quarter, the index
    22  rate shall be the average U.S. Government three-year rate for
    23  the second calendar month preceding such quarter plus eight
    24  percent. The index rate for a calendar quarter shall be the
    25  maximum rate of interest imposed in each billing cycle which
    26  begins in such calendar quarter on balances subject to this
    27  subsection. Notwithstanding any provision in this section or any
    28  other act to the contrary, there shall be no limitation on the
    29  rate, amount or manner of assessing or adjusting service
    30  charges, finance charges, interest, annual or other periodic
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     1  fees or any other fees or charges imposed in connection with
     2  credit cards issued by any bank, savings bank or savings and
     3  loan association located in Pennsylvania to cardholders
     4  domiciled outside Pennsylvania: Provided, however, That the
     5  rate, amount and manner of assessing and adjusting such service
     6  charges, finance charges, interest, fees and charges shall be
     7  set forth in writing and agreed to by the credit care issuer and
     8  the cardholder. This subsection (m), the annual or other
     9  periodic fees and any additional fees and charges, other than
    10  the service charge, finance charge or interest, shall all be
    11  deemed to be material to the determination of the rate of the
    12  service charge, finance charge and interest for purposes of
    13  Federal law. In determining whether a cardholder is domiciled in
    14  Pennsylvania, a credit card issuer may conclusively assume that
    15  such cardholder is domiciled outside Pennsylvania if the issuer
    16  has not mailed any solicitation to the cardholder at a
    17  Pennsylvania address, has not entered into a credit card
    18  agreement with a cardholder pursuant to a personal meeting at an
    19  office of the issuer in Pennsylvania and does not mail the
    20  cardholder's monthly billing statements to a Pennsylvania
    21  address.
    22     Section 2.  Section 506(a)(vi), (vii) and (viii) of the act,
    23  amended December 21, 1988 (P.L.1416, No.173), are amended and
    24  the subsection is amended by adding a clause to read:
    25  Section 506.  Lending Powers; Direct Leasing of Personal
    26                 Property
    27     (a)  A savings bank may:
    28         * * *
    29         (vi)  in the case of a savings bank which has elected to
    30     exercise the conditional powers provided in section 513, make
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     1     secured or unsecured loans for personal, family or household
     2     purposes, including loans reasonably incident to the
     3     provision of such credit, and subject to regulation by the
     4     department, issue credit cards, extend credit in connection
     5     therewith, and otherwise engage in or participate in credit
     6     card operations, except that the total amount of such loans
     7     or extensions of credit shall not exceed thirty percent of
     8     the assets of such savings bank[. In any loan or extension of
     9     credit made under the authority of this clause a savings bank
    10     may charge or impose any rate or charge which could be
    11     imposed by a bank in connection with any such loan or
    12     extension of credit and shall be subject to the same
    13     restrictions and limitations imposed upon a bank in
    14     connection with such loan or extension of credit];
    15         (vii)  make overdraft loans specifically related to
    16     deposits which are subject to withdrawal by check or by
    17     negotiable order of withdrawal; [and]
    18         (viii)  make loans for the payment of educational
    19     expenses; and
    20         (ix)  in any loan or extension of credit made under the
    21     authority of this section, charge or impose any rate or
    22     charge which could be imposed by a bank in connection with
    23     any such loan or extension of credit, make agreements in the
    24     same manner and with the same terms, provisions and
    25     conditions as a bank and, in addition to the restrictions of
    26     this section, shall be subject only to the same disclosure
    27     and other requirements, restrictions and limitations imposed
    28     upon a bank in connection with such loan or extension of
    29     credit.
    30  [A savings bank may not lend money or discount or purchase
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     1  evidences of indebtedness or agreements for the payment of money
     2  except as provided in sections 504 and 505 and in this
     3  subsection (a).]
     4     * * *
     5     Section 3.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     6  Section 611.  Compliance with Federal Law Regarding Availability
     7                 of Withdrawal of Items Deposited
     8     An institution shall comply with the "Expedited Funds
     9  Availability Act" (Public Law 100-86, 12 U.S.C. § 4001 et seq.)
    10  and any amendments thereof and any regulations, interpretations
    11  and rulings issued thereunder from the effective date thereof.
    12     Section 4.  The provisions of this act shall only govern
    13  transactions between banks or savings banks and their customers
    14  and, by reason of the references to "interest, finance charge,
    15  rate, and/or terms" in section 701(a)(26) of the act of December
    16  14, 1967 (P.L.746, No.345), known as the Savings Association
    17  Code of 1967, transactions between savings associations and
    18  their customers, and shall not affect acts and parts of acts
    19  governing other creditors or sellers or contractors for goods or
    20  services, or acts or parts of acts governing such other
    21  creditors or sellers as to installment sales or contracts for
    22  goods or services, including, but not limited to the act of June
    23  28, 1947 (P.L.1110, No.476), known as the Motor Vehicle Sales
    24  Finance Act, the act of August 14, 1963 (P.L.1082, No.464),
    25  known as the Home Improvement Finance Act and the act of October
    26  28, 1966 (Sp.Sess., P.L.55, No.7), known as the Goods and
    27  Services Installment Sales Act, or acts and parts of acts
    28  governing rights, duties and procedures for enforcement of
    29  obligations upon default on an extension of credit, or acts and
    30  parts of acts governing credit life insurance or the act of
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     1  December 17, 1968 (P.L.1224, No.387), known as the Unfair Trade
     2  Practices and Consumer Protection Law, or 13 Pa.C.S. (relating
     3  to commercial code). This act shall not repeal any act governing
     4  criminal usury, extortionate extensions of credit or
     5  racketeering activity or repeal or affect any law relating to
     6  the preservation against an assignee of a consumer's claims and
     7  defenses arising out of an agreement for the purchase of goods
     8  or services.
     9     Section 5.  All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar
    10  as they are inconsistent with the provisions of this act.
    11     Section 6.  This amendatory act shall be known and may be
    12  cited as the Simplification and Availability of Bank Credit Act.
    13     Section 7.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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