PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 878, 1110                PRINTER'S NO. 1354



No. 760 Session of 1973

           CRAWFORD AND MR. GEISLER, APRIL 9, 1973


                                     AN ACT

     1  Relating to the right to practice medicine and surgery in the
     2     Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; and establishing means and
     3     methods whereby the right to practice medicine and surgery
     4     and any of its branches and limited right to practice
     5     medically related acts may be obtained, and exemptions
     6     therefrom; imposing powers and duties on the State Board of
     7     Medical Education and Licensure; providing for appropriation
     8     of board fees to carry out the provisions thereof, and for
     9     the granting, revocation and suspension of licenses;
    10     providing penalties for violations; and making repeals.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  Short Title.--This act shall be known and may be
    14  cited as "The Medical Practice Act of 1973."
    15     Section 2.  Definitions.--As used in this act, the following
    16  terms shall have the following meanings ascribed to them in this
    17  section unless the context clearly determines otherwise:
    18     (1)  "Board."  The State Board of Medical Education and
    19  Licensure, established by section 412 of the act of April 9,
    20  1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as "The Administrative Code of

     1  1929," and its amendments.
     2     (2)  "Medical college."  An institution of higher learning
     3  which has been fully accredited by the Association of American
     4  Medical Colleges, its successors or assigns, or the American
     5  Medical Association, either directly or through their respective
     6  accrediting bodies, as an agency to provide courses in the arts
     7  and sciences of medicine and related subjects and empowered by
     8  the Commonwealth to grant Academic Degrees in Medicine.
     9     (3)  "Medicine and surgery."  The art and science having for
    10  its object the cure of the diseases of and the preservation of
    11  the health of man including all practice of the healing art with
    12  or without drugs, except healing by spiritual means or prayer.
    13     (4)  "Physician."  A person who has received formal and
    14  recognized training in the art and science of medicine and is
    15  qualified to seek or has acquired a license to practice medicine
    16  and surgery.
    17     (5)  "Healing art."  The science and skill of diagnosis and
    18  treatment in any manner whatsoever of disease or any ailment of
    19  the human body.
    20     (6)  "Intern" or "resident."  A physician who is receiving
    21  supervised graduate medical training at an approved hospital or
    22  its legal affiliate.
    23     (7)  "Clinical clerk."  An undergraduate student in a medical
    24  college, who is assigned under the auspices of the school in
    25  which he is currently enrolled to make notes upon patient
    26  histories and physical examinations and to perform certain
    27  procedures and laboratory tests for the sole purpose of
    28  instruction and experience or who may make notes which become
    29  official only when edited and countersigned by a member of the
    30  hospital staff. Nothing contained in this act shall be construed
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     1  to entitle a clinical clerk to practice medicine and surgery or
     2  to prescribe drugs.
     3     (8)  "Hospital."  An institution fully accredited by the
     4  Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals or licensed by
     5  the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to render health care.
     6     (9)  "Approved hospital."  A hospital which has been approved
     7  by the board for providing supervised graduate medical training.
     8     (10)  "Affiliate."  A member of a group of two or more fully
     9  accredited health care institutions legally united by an
    10  agreement of affiliation, conceived to enhance the potential of
    11  all participants in the provision of health care and medical
    12  education.
    13     Section 3.  Practice of Medicine and Surgery without License
    14  Prohibited; Penalties.--It shall be unlawful for any person in
    15  the Commonwealth to engage in the practice of medicine and
    16  surgery, or pretend to a knowledge of any branch or branches of
    17  medicine and surgery, or to hold himself or herself forth as a
    18  practitioner in medicine and surgery, or to assume the title of
    19  doctor of medicine and surgery or doctor of any specific
    20  disease, or to diagnose diseases, or to treat diseases by the
    21  use of medicines and surgery as defined in clause (3) of section
    22  2 of this act or by any other means, or to sign any death
    23  certificate, unless otherwise authorized by law or to hold
    24  himself or herself forth as able to do so, excepting those
    25  hereinafter exempted, unless he or she has first fulfilled the
    26  requirements of this act and has received a certificate of
    27  licensure from the board, which license shall be properly
    28  recorded in the office of the board. Acts of medical diagnosis
    29  or prescription of medical therapeutic or corrective measures
    30  may be performed by persons licensed pursuant to the act of May
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     1  22, 1951 (P.L.317, No.69), known as "The Professional Nursing
     2  Law," if authorized by rules and regulations jointly promulgated
     3  by the board and the Pennsylvania Board of Nursing. On first
     4  offense any person wilfully violating the provisions of this
     5  section of this act shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a
     6  misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine of not more than one
     7  thousand dollars ($1,000) or imprisonment for not more than six
     8  months in the county prison, or both, at the discretion of the
     9  court; on second offense shall be subject to a fine of not less
    10  than two thousand dollars ($2,000) and imprisonment of not less
    11  than six months or more than one year, at the discretion of the
    12  court.
    13     Section 4.  Acts and Services Performed by an Assistant to a
    14  Physician.--The board shall have the power to adopt and revise
    15  regulations governing allied medical personnel who assist
    16  physicians if such allied medical personnel are not at the
    17  effective date of this act otherwise controlled by law or
    18  regulation. In the absence of standards established by the
    19  board, nothing in this act shall be construed as to prohibit
    20  services and acts rendered by a physician's technician,
    21  assistant and/or other allied medical person if such services
    22  and acts are rendered under the supervision, direction and/or
    23  control of a licensed physician.
    24     Section 5.  The Board's Power to Grant License.--The board
    25  may grant the following licenses:
    26     (1)  License.  License for the practice of medicine and
    27  surgery without restriction.
    28     (2)  Temporary License.  A graduate of a medical school who
    29  qualifies under section 7 of this act, may, on receiving his
    30  medical degree, apply to the board for a temporary license upon
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     1  presenting a completed application form issued by the board and
     2  paying a reasonable registration fee in an amount as determined
     3  from time to time by the board.
     4     A temporary license shall be valid for twelve consecutive
     5  months and shall be recognized only as conferring upon the
     6  licensee the right to participate in approved graduate medical
     7  training within the complex of the hospital to which he is
     8  assigned. Temporary licenses will become null and void after
     9  twelve months, at which time they shall be surrendered to the
    10  board. The board may extend the validity of a temporary license
    11  when such action is warranted.
    12     (3)  Limited License.  A limited license may be granted by
    13  the board to graduates of foreign medical schools who have
    14  attained through professional growth and teaching experience the
    15  true status of teacher, or its equivalent, for the purpose of
    16  teaching and/or practicing medicine and surgery in one of the
    17  medical schools or in any of its affiliates within the
    18  Commonwealth. Persons granted limited licenses who subsequently
    19  desire to obtain a license for the practice of medicine and
    20  surgery without restriction shall be required to meet all of the
    21  standard requirements for such license as set forth in this act.
    22     (4)  Midwifery, Physical Therapy and Drugless Therapy.
    23  Nothing in this act shall be construed to preclude the board
    24  from continuing to license, register and regulate persons
    25  engaged in the practice of midwifery and/or physical therapy or
    26  to register or regulate persons engaged in the practice of
    27  drugless therapy in accordance with existing rules and
    28  regulations lawfully promulgated by said board prior to the
    29  effective date of this act.
    30     Section 6.  Standards for Medical Training and Facilities.--
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     1  (a) The educational qualifications for acceptance as a
     2  matriculant in a medical college incorporated within the
     3  Commonwealth and the curricula and training to be offered by
     4  such medical colleges shall meet the requirements set by the
     5  Liaison Committee on Medical Education of the American Medical
     6  Association and the Association of American Medical Colleges, or
     7  any other accrediting body which from time to time may be
     8  recognized by the board.
     9     (b)  It shall be the duty of the board, in its discretion,
    10  periodically to ascertain the character of the instruction and
    11  the facilities possessed by each of the medical colleges and
    12  hospitals offering or desiring to offer medical training in
    13  accordance with the requirements of this act. It shall further
    14  be the duty of the board, by inspection and otherwise, to
    15  ascertain the facilities and qualifications of medical
    16  institutions, colleges, or hospitals, outside this Commonwealth,
    17  whose graduates or trainees desire to obtain medical licensure
    18  or graduate medical training in this Commonwealth.
    19     (c)  Any medical institutions empowered by the Commonwealth
    20  to confer academic degrees in medicine which in the judgment of
    21  the board fail to provide proper facilities, or to maintain the
    22  minimum requirements for accreditation shall be duly notified of
    23  such failure. Until such deficiencies are corrected, graduates
    24  of such institutions shall be ineligible for licensure and/or
    25  graduate medical training.
    26     Section 7.  Qualifications for License.--(a) A graduate of a
    27  United States or Canadian medical college who seeks licensure by
    28  the board shall furnish the board with evidence, prior to any
    29  examination, that he is of legal age, is of good moral
    30  character, and is not addicted to the intemperate use of alcohol
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     1  or the habitual use of narcotics or other habit-forming drugs,
     2  and that he has completed the educational requirements
     3  prescribed by the board.
     4     (b)  Foreign medical school graduates, except graduates of
     5  Canadian medical colleges, who seek licensure by the board,
     6  shall in addition to the foregoing requirements present evidence
     7  of certification by the Educational Council for Foreign Medical
     8  Graduates, its successors or assigns.
     9     (c)  Each application to the board shall have attached
    10  thereto the affidavit or affirmation of the applicant as to its
    11  verity. Any applicant who knowingly or wilfully makes a false
    12  statement of fact in his application shall be subject to
    13  prosecution.
    14     Section 8.  Certification of Licenses.--The fact of licensure
    15  to practice medicine and surgery in the Commonwealth shall be
    16  certified to by the board to other jurisdictions upon formal
    17  application and by payment by the licensee of a reasonable fee
    18  in an amount as determined from time to time by the board
    19  providing that the licensee at such time is in good standing.
    20     Section 9.  Meetings of the Board; Examinations.--(a) The
    21  board shall hold two stated meetings each year at a place within
    22  the Commonwealth as determined by the board for the transaction
    23  of its business, and may hold special meetings upon giving due
    24  notice thereof. The board shall hold at least two examinations
    25  for applicants for licensure under clause (1) of section 5 of
    26  this act each year.
    27     (b)  Such examinations conducted by the board shall be in the
    28  English language. Special examinations can be designated by the
    29  board. The examinations shall be held at such times and places
    30  as designated by the board.
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     1     (c)  In case of failure at any such examination the applicant
     2  shall have, after the expiration of six months and within two
     3  years, the privilege of a second examination by the board. In
     4  case of failure in a second examination the applicant must enter
     5  de novo and only after a year of graduate study approved by the
     6  board, and qualify under the conditions obtaining at the time of
     7  his application.
     8     (d)  Applicants for a license to practice medicine and
     9  surgery who have been successfully examined by any agency
    10  considered competent by the board and who can, in addition,
    11  present to the board satisfactory evidence of having in every
    12  way fulfilled all the scholastic and other requirements of this
    13  act and applicable regulations of the board, may, without
    14  further examination, receive from the board, in its discretion,
    15  a license conferring all the rights accorded by this act,
    16  provided the applicant has paid a reasonable fee in an amount as
    17  determined from time to time by the board, and further provided
    18  that such applicant has not previously failed a licensing
    19  examination given by the board.
    20     (e)  For the purpose of conducting all examinations the board
    21  shall have the privilege of calling to its aid medical
    22  consultants, who shall be compensated for their services at a
    23  reasonable rate in an amount as determined from time to time by
    24  the board in addition to all incurred expenses.
    25     Section 10.  Reciprocity or Endorsement.--Reciprocity or
    26  endorsement may be established at the discretion of the board.
    27     Section 11.  Licenses; Exemptions, Non-resident
    28  Practitioners; Graduate Students; Biennial Registration.--(a)
    29  All physicians who have complied with the requirements of the
    30  board, and who shall have passed a final examination, and who
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     1  have otherwise complied with the provisions of this act, shall
     2  receive from the Commissioner of Professional and Occupational
     3  Affairs in the Department of State, acting for the board, a
     4  license entitling them to the right to practice medicine and
     5  surgery without restriction in this Commonwealth. Each such
     6  license shall be duly recorded in the office of the board, in a
     7  record to be properly kept for that purpose which shall be open
     8  to public inspection; and a certified copy of said record shall
     9  be received as evidence in all courts in this Commonwealth in
    10  the trial of any case: Provided, That this section relating to
    11  licenses to practice medicine and surgery shall not apply to
    12  medical officers in the medical service of the Armed Forces of
    13  the United States, or the United States Public Health Service,
    14  or Veterans Administration, or physicians employed within
    15  Federal services, while in discharge of their official duties;
    16  or to any one who may be a duly licensed practitioner of
    17  medicine in any state or commonwealth who may be called upon by
    18  a licensed physician of this Commonwealth to consult with him in
    19  a case under treatment; or to physicians of other jurisdictions
    20  who are training for certification in special departments of
    21  medicine and surgery under subsection (b) of this section; or
    22  anyone while actually serving as a clinical clerk under the
    23  supervision of the medical or surgical staff in any hospital.
    24  Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to entitle
    25  a clinical clerk to practice medicine and surgery or to
    26  prescribe drugs: And provided further, That any duly licensed
    27  physician residing in or maintaining his office of practice in
    28  any state near the boundary line between said state and this
    29  Commonwealth whose practice extends into this Commonwealth shall
    30  have the right to practice in this Commonwealth, at the
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     1  discretion of the board, provided he files with the secretary of
     2  the board a certified copy of his license in the state where he
     3  resides, and provided that the board of examiners of the
     4  adjoining state reciprocates by extending the same privilege to
     5  physicians in this Commonwealth when he shall receive from the
     6  secretary of the board a license which shall be automatically
     7  revoked if he changes his said residence or office of practice.
     8  A record of all persons so licensed shall be kept in the office
     9  of the board and shall have the standing before the law of any
    10  other license issued by the board.
    11     (b)  Physicians who are legally authorized to practice
    12  medicine and surgery in other states or territories of the
    13  United States and the Dominion of Canada, and who apply for
    14  training and certification in special departments of medicine
    15  and surgery in institutions in this Commonwealth recognized
    16  either by the board or the various examining boards in medical
    17  specialties approved by the Council on Medical Education of the
    18  American Medical Association as proper for such training, shall
    19  receive a graduate certificate that is limited to said training
    20  within the complex of the hospital and its affiliates where he
    21  is engaged in such training. This training experience shall not
    22  be converted into a staff service. It shall be valid for one
    23  year but may be renewed from year to year. Any person who has
    24  been certified in a specialty discipline recognized by the
    25  American Medical Association and the board, and who makes an
    26  application for licensure to practice medicine and surgery
    27  without restriction in the Commonwealth, upon the payment of a
    28  reasonable fee as determined from time to time by the board and
    29  at the discretion of the board may be given a qualifying
    30  examination. Such examination shall emphasize the subject matter
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     1  of the specialty discipline for which the applicant has been
     2  trained but may also include material from the general field of
     3  medical science.
     4     (c)  It shall be the duty of all persons now licensed to
     5  practice medicine and surgery without restriction, or who shall
     6  hereafter be so licensed by the board to engage in such practice
     7  in the Commonwealth to be registered with the board, and
     8  thereafter to register in like manner biennially on or before
     9  the first day of January of each succeeding biennium. The form
    10  and method of such registration shall be provided for by the
    11  board in such manner as will enable the board to carry into
    12  effect the purposes of this act.
    13     (d)  Each person so registering with the board shall pay, for
    14  each biennial registration, a reasonable fee as determined from
    15  time to time by the board which fee shall accompany the
    16  application for such registration.
    17     (e)  Upon receiving a proper application for such
    18  registration accompanied by the fee above provided for, the
    19  board shall issue its certificate of registration to the
    20  applicant. Said certificate together with its renewals shall be
    21  good and sufficient evidence of registration under the
    22  provisions of this act.
    23     Section 12.  Violation of Act.--Any person, or the
    24  responsible officer or employe of any corporation or
    25  partnership, institution or association, violating any of the
    26  provisions other than section 3 of this act shall upon summary
    27  conviction be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than one
    28  hundred dollars ($100) and not more than five hundred dollars
    29  ($500).
    30     Section 13.  Examination Fees.--The board shall have the
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     1  power to charge a reasonable fee for all examinations, as
     2  determined from time to time by the board.
     3     Section 14.  Fees and Fines for Board.--All fees and fines
     4  collected under the provisions of this act are hereby             <--
     5  specifically appropriated for exclusive use by the board in
     6  carrying out the provisions of this act. SHALL BE PAID INTO THE   <--
     8     Section 15.  Automatic Suspension.--A license issued under
     9  this act shall automatically be suspended upon the legal
    10  commitment to an institution of a licensee because of mental
    11  incompetency from any cause upon filing with the board a
    12  certified copy of such commitment. Restoration of such license
    13  shall be made as hereinafter provided as in the case of
    14  revocation or suspension of such license.
    15     Section 16.  Reasons for Refusal; Revocation or Suspension of
    16  License.--(a) The board shall have authority to refuse, revoke
    17  or suspend the license of a physician for any or all of the
    18  following reasons:
    19     (1)  Failing to demonstrate the qualifications or standards
    20  for a license contained in this act or regulations of the board,
    21  in which proceeding the burden of proof shall be upon the
    22  applicant.
    23     (2)  Making misleading, deceptive, untrue or fraudulent
    24  representations in the practice of medicine; practicing fraud or
    25  deceit in obtaining a license to practice medicine and surgery;
    26  or making a false or deceptive biennial registration with the
    27  board.
    28     (3)  Being convicted of a felony in the courts of this
    29  Commonwealth or any other state, territory or country.
    30  Conviction as used in this paragraph shall include a criminal
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     1  proceeding in which a finding or verdict of guilt is made or
     2  returned but the adjudication of guilt is either withheld or not
     3  entered thereon.
     4     (4)  Having his license to practice medicine and surgery
     5  revoked or suspended or having other disciplinary action taken,
     6  or his application for a license refused, revoked or suspended
     7  by the proper licensing authority of another state, territory or
     8  country.
     9     (5)  Being unable to practice medicine with reasonable skill
    10  and safety to patients by reason of illness, drunkenness,
    11  excessive use of drugs, narcotics, chemicals, or any other type
    12  of material, or as a result of any mental or physical condition.
    13     In enforcing this clause (5), the board shall, upon probable
    14  cause, have authority to compel a physician to submit to a
    15  mental or physical examination by physicians designated by it.
    16  Failure of a physician to submit to such examination when
    17  directed shall constitute an admission of the allegations
    18  against him unless failure is due to circumstances beyond his
    19  control, consequent upon which a default and final order may be
    20  entered without the taking of testimony or presentation of
    21  evidence. A physician affected under this paragraph shall at
    22  reasonable intervals be afforded an opportunity to demonstrate
    23  that he can resume a competent practice of medicine with
    24  reasonable skill and safety to patients.
    25     (6)  Violating a lawful regulation promulgated by the board
    26  or violating a lawful order of the board, previously entered by
    27  the board in a disciplinary proceeding.
    28     (7)  Knowingly maintaining a professional connection or
    29  association with any person who is in violation of this act or
    30  regulations of the board or knowingly aiding, assisting,
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     1  procuring or advising any unlicensed person to practice medicine
     2  contrary to this act, or regulations of the board.
     3     (8)  Being guilty of immoral or unprofessional conduct.
     4  Unprofessional conduct shall include any departure from, or the
     5  failure to conform to, the minimal standards of acceptable and
     6  prevailing medical practice, in which proceeding actual injury
     7  to a patient need not be established.
     8     (b)  When the board finds any person unqualified or guilty of
     9  any of the grounds set forth above, it may enter its order,
    10  imposing one or more of the following to:
    11     (1)  Deny the application for a license.
    12     (2)  Permanently withhold issuance of a license.
    13     (3)  Administer a public or private reprimand.
    14     (4)  Suspend or limit or restrict a license as determined by
    15  the board.
    16     (5)  Revoke a license.
    17     (6)  Require a licensee to submit to the care, counseling, or
    18  treatment of a physician or physicians designated by the board.
    19     (7)  Impose a judgment and penalty but suspend enforcement
    20  thereof and place a licensee on probation with the right to
    21  vacate the probationary order for noncompliance.
    22     (8)  Restore or reissue, in its discretion, a license to
    23  practice medicine and surgery, and may impose any disciplinary
    24  or corrective measure which it might originally have imposed.
    25     (c)  All actions of the board shall be taken subject to the
    26  right of notice, hearing and adjudication and the right of
    27  appeal therefrom in accordance with the provisions of the act of
    28  June 4, 1945 (P.L.1388, No.442), known as the "Administrative
    29  Agency Law."
    30     Section 17.  Regulatory Powers of the Board.--The board in
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     1  the exercise of its duties under this act shall have the power
     2  to adopt and revise such regulations as are reasonably necessary
     3  to carry out the purposes of this act in conformity with the
     4  provisions of the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.769, No.240), known
     5  as the "Commonwealth Documents Law." The board is authorized to
     6  establish, by agreement with the Pennsylvania Board of Nursing,
     7  a Joint Committee on Allied Health Care Personnel. Such joint
     8  committee shall consider, and recommend to each board for
     9  adoption, appropriate regulations defining the jurisdiction of
    10  each board over the activities of allied health care personnel.
    11     Section 18.  Applicability of Act.--(a) The provisions of
    12  this act shall not apply either directly or indirectly, by
    13  intent or purpose, to affect the practice of:
    14     (1)  Pharmacy as authorized by the acts approved April 14,
    15  1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as "The Controlled Substance, Drug,
    16  Device and Cosmetic Act," and September 27, 1961 (P.L.1700,
    17  No.699), known as the "Pharmacy Act."
    18     (2)  Dentistry as authorized by the act approved May 1, 1933
    19  (P.L.216, No.76), known as "The Dental Law."
    20     (3)  Optometry, as authorized by the act approved March 30,
    21  1917 (P.L.21, No.10), entitled, "An act defining optometry; and
    22  relating to the right to practice optometry in the Commonwealth
    23  of Pennsylvania, and making certain exceptions; and providing a
    24  Board of Optometrical Education, Examination, and Licensure, and
    25  means and methods whereby the right to practice optometry may be
    26  obtained; and providing for the means to carry out the
    27  provisions of this act; and providing for revocation or
    28  suspension of licenses given by said board, and providing
    29  penalties for violations thereof; and repealing all acts or
    30  parts of acts inconsistent therewith."
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     1     (4)  Chiropractic, as authorized by the act of August 10,
     2  1951 (P.L.1182, No.264), known as the "Chiropractic Registration
     3  Act of 1951."
     4     (5)  Podiatry, as authorized by the act of March 2, 1956
     5  (P.L.1206, No.375), known as the "Podiatry Act of 1956."
     6     (6)  Osteopathy, as authorized by the act of March 19, 1909
     7  (P.L.46, No.29), entitled, as amended, "An act to regulate the
     8  practice of osteopathy and surgery in the State of Pennsylvania;
     9  to provide for the establishment of a State Board of Osteopathic
    10  Examiners; to define the powers and duties of said Board of
    11  Osteopathic Examiners; to provide for the examining and
    12  licensing of osteopathic physicians and surgeons in this State;
    13  and to provide penalties for the violation of this act."
    14     (b)  This act shall not be construed so as to give the Board
    15  of Medical Education and Licensure any jurisdiction over any of
    16  the schools or colleges of the methods exempted in this section.
    17     Section 19.  Specific Repeals.--(a) The act of June 3, 1911
    18  (P.L.639, No.246), known as the "Medical Practice Act," is
    19  repealed absolutely.
    20     (b)  All other acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith
    21  are repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.

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