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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 889



No. 762 Session of 2003

           AND BELFANTI, MARCH 6, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 31, 1965 (P.L.1257, No.511),
     2     entitled "An act empowering cities of the second class,
     3     cities of the second class A, cities of the third class,
     4     boroughs, towns, townships of the first class, townships of
     5     the second class, school districts of the second class,
     6     school districts of the third class and school districts of
     7     the fourth class including independent school districts, to
     8     levy, assess, collect or to provide for the levying,
     9     assessment and collection of certain taxes subject to maximum
    10     limitations for general revenue purposes; authorizing the
    11     establishment of bureaus and the appointment and compensation
    12     of officers, agencies and employes to assess and collect such
    13     taxes; providing for joint collection of certain taxes,
    14     prescribing certain definitions and other provisions for
    15     taxes levied and assessed upon earned income, providing for
    16     annual audits and for collection of delinquent taxes, and
    17     permitting and requiring penalties to be imposed and
    18     enforced, including penalties for disclosure of confidential
    19     information, providing an appeal from the ordinance or
    20     resolution levying such taxes to the court of quarter
    21     sessions and to the Supreme Court and Superior Court,"
    22     further providing for payment of tax to other political
    23     subdivisions or states as credit or deduction.

    24     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    25  hereby enacts as follows:
    26     Section 1.  Section 14 of the act of December 31, 1965

     1  (P.L.1257, No.511), known as The Local Tax Enabling Act, amended
     2  October 26, 1972 (P.L.1043, No.261), is amended to read:
     3     Section 14.  Payment of Tax to Other Political Subdivisions
     4  or States as Credit or Deduction; Withholding Tax.--Payment of
     5  any tax to any political subdivision pursuant to an ordinance or
     6  resolution passed or adopted prior to the effective date of this
     7  act shall be credited to and allowed as a deduction from the
     8  liability of taxpayers for any like tax respectively on
     9  salaries, wages, commissions, other compensation or on net
    10  profits of businesses, professions or other activities and for
    11  any income tax imposed by any other political subdivision of
    12  this Commonwealth under the authority of this act.
    13     Payment of any tax on salaries, wages, commissions, other
    14  compensation or on net profits of business, professions or other
    15  activities to a political subdivision by residents thereof
    16  pursuant to an ordinance or resolution passed or adopted under
    17  the authority of this act shall be credited to and allowed as a
    18  deduction from the liability of such persons for any other like
    19  tax respectively on salaries, wages, commissions, other
    20  compensation or on net profits of businesses, professions or
    21  other activities imposed by any other political subdivision of
    22  this Commonwealth under the authority of this act.
    23     Payment of any tax on income to any political subdivision by
    24  residents thereof pursuant to an ordinance or resolution passed
    25  or adopted under the authority of this act shall, to the extent
    26  that such income includes salaries, wages, commissions, other
    27  compensation or net profits of businesses, professions or other
    28  activities, but in such proportion as hereinafter set forth, be
    29  credited to and allowed as a deduction from the liability of
    30  such persons for any other tax on salaries, wages, commissions,
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     1  other compensation or on net profits of businesses, professions,
     2  or other activities imposed by any other political subdivision
     3  of this Commonwealth under the authority of this act.
     4     Payment of any tax on income to any state or to any political
     5  subdivision thereof by residents thereof, pursuant to any State
     6  or local law, may, at the discretion of the Pennsylvania
     7  political subdivision imposing such tax, to the extent that such
     8  income includes salaries, wages, commissions, or other
     9  compensation or net profits of businesses, professions or other
    10  activities but in such proportions as hereinafter set forth, be
    11  credited to and allowed as a deduction from the liability of
    12  such person for any other tax on salaries, wages, commissions,
    13  other compensation or net profits of businesses, professions or
    14  other activities imposed by any political subdivision of this
    15  Commonwealth under the authority of this act, if residents of
    16  the political subdivision in Pennsylvania receive credits and
    17  deductions of a similar kind to a like degree from the tax on
    18  income imposed by the other state or political subdivision
    19  thereof.
    20     Payment of any tax on income to any State other than
    21  Pennsylvania or to any political subdivision located outside the
    22  boundaries of this Commonwealth, by residents of a political
    23  subdivision located in Pennsylvania [shall] may, to the extent
    24  that such income includes salaries, wages, commissions, or other
    25  compensation or net profits of businesses, professions or other
    26  activities but in such proportions as hereinafter set forth, be
    27  credited to and allowed as a deduction from the liability of
    28  such person for any other tax on salaries, wages, commissions,
    29  other compensation or net profits of businesses, professions or
    30  other activities imposed by any political subdivision of this
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     1  Commonwealth under the authority of this act.
     2     Where a credit or a deduction is allowable in any of the
     3  several cases hereinabove provided, it shall be allowed in
     4  proportion to the concurrent periods for which taxes are imposed
     5  by the other state or respective political subdivisions, but not
     6  in excess of the amount previously paid for a concurrent period.
     7     No credit or deduction shall be allowed against any tax on
     8  earned income imposed under authority of this act to the extent
     9  of the amount of credit or deduction taken for the same period
    10  by the taxpayer against any income tax imposed by the
    11  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania under section 314 of the act of
    12  March 4, 1971 (P.L.6) known as the "Tax Reform Code of 1971," on
    13  account of taxes imposed on income by other states or by their
    14  political subdivisions.
    15     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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