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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 985



No. 850 Session of 2003



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 28, 1953 (P.L.723, No.230), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act relating to counties of the second class
     3     and second class A; amending, revising, consolidating and
     4     changing the laws relating thereto," providing for insurance
     5     and other employee benefits; further providing for authority
     6     of county commissioners to make contracts; amending
     7     provisions relating to acquisition, use, leasing and
     8     disposing of property for county and to construction or
     9     alteration of county buildings; further prohibiting
    10     disorderly conduct in and about courthouses and jails;
    11     further providing for joining with municipality in improving
    12     certain streets and highways and for parks and comfort
    13     houses; amending provisions relating to monuments and
    14     memorials; further providing for acquiring of property for
    15     certain purposes and for authority to provide for morgues;
    16     amending provisions relating to bridges, viaducts, culverts,
    17     roads and recreation places; and making editorial changes.

    18     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    19  hereby enacts as follows:
    20     Section 1.  The act of July 28, 1953 (P.L.723, No.230), known
    21  as the Second Class County Code, is amended by adding a section
    22  to read:
    23     Section 1820.1.  Insurance and Other Employe Benefits.--In
    24  addition to any other authorized compensation, county
    25  commissioners and other county officers and their dependents

     1  shall be eligible for inclusion in group life, health,
     2  hospitalization, medical service and accident insurance plans or
     3  employe benefits, or payments made in lieu of such benefits,
     4  paid in whole or in part by the county, provided such plans,
     5  benefits or payments are offered generally to employes of the
     6  county.
     7     Section 2.  Section 2001 of the act, amended or added July 1,
     8  1978 (P.L.696, No.121), November 26, 1978 (P.L.1268, No.302),
     9  December 10, 1980 (P.L.1165, No.213), December 10, 1982
    10  (P.L.1084, No.254), October 5, 1990 (P.L.519, No.125), January
    11  27, 1998 (P.L.1, No.1) and October 30, 2000 (P.L.616, No.85), is
    12  amended to read:
    13     Section 2001.  County Commissioners to Make Contracts.--The
    14  County Commissioners may make contracts for lawful purposes and
    15  for the purposes of carrying into execution the provisions of
    16  this section and the laws of the Commonwealth.
    17     (a)  Except as provided in subsection (a.1), all contracts or
    18  purchases in excess of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) shall be
    19  in writing and, except those hereinafter mentioned, and except
    20  as provided by the act of October 27, 1979 (P.L.241, No.78),
    21  entitled "An act authorizing political subdivisions,
    22  municipality authorities and transportation authorities to enter
    23  into contracts for the purchase of goods and the sale of real
    24  and personal property where no bids are received," shall not be
    25  made except with and from the lowest responsible and responsive
    26  bidder meeting specifications, after due notice in at least one
    27  newspaper of general circulation, published or circulating in
    28  the county at least [three (3)] two (2) times, at intervals of
    29  not less than three (3) days where daily newspapers of general
    30  circulation are employed for such publication, or in case weekly
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     1  newspapers are employed, then the notice shall be published once
     2  a week for two (2) successive weeks. The first advertisement
     3  shall be published not less than ten (10) days prior to the date
     4  fixed for the opening of bids.
     5     (a.1)  The requirements of this subsection need not be
     6  followed in cases of emergency, but in such cases the actual
     7  emergency shall be declared and stated by resolution of the
     8  commissioners.
     9     (b)  The acceptance of all bids shall be by the controller.
    10  They shall be opened publicly at a time and place to be
    11  designated in the notice. All the figures shall be announced
    12  publicly by the chief clerk or his designee and referred to the
    13  appropriate departments for tabulation without the presence of
    14  the commissioners. Whenever, for any reason, the bid openings
    15  shall not be held, the same business may be transacted at a
    16  subsequent [time, if at least five (5) days notice thereof shall
    17  be published in the newspaper aforesaid.] meeting, the time and
    18  place of which shall have been announced at the previous meeting
    19  held for such openings. The contract shall be awarded or all
    20  bids shall be rejected within thirty (30) days of the opening of
    21  the bids, except for bids subject to 62 Pa.C.S. (relating to
    22  procurement). Thirty-day extensions of the date for the award
    23  may be made by the mutual written consent of the commissioners
    24  and any bidder who wishes to remain under consideration for
    25  award. The commissioners shall excuse from consideration any
    26  bidder not wishing to agree to a request for extension of the
    27  date for the award and shall release such bidder from any bid
    28  bond or similar bid security furnished under subsection (b.1).
    29  All contracts shall be filed with the controller or with the
    30  chief clerk, as the case may be, immediately after their
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     1  execution.
     2     (b.1)  All bids [may] shall if required by the commissioners
     3  be accompanied by cash [or by a certified good faith check], a
     4  certified check, cashier's check, bank good faith check or
     5  irrevocable letter of credit in a reasonable amount drawn upon a
     6  bank authorized to do business in the Commonwealth[, in an
     7  amount not exceeding five per centum (5%) of the bid] or by a
     8  bond with corporate surety [not exceeding five per centum (5%)
     9  of the amount bid] in a reasonable amount. In the event any
    10  bidder shall, upon award of the contract to him, fail to comply
    11  with the requirements hereinafter stated as to [a bond] security
    12  guaranteeing the performance of the contract, or fail or refuse
    13  to enter into a contract, or otherwise fail or refuse to render
    14  the required services, the [good faith deposit by cash,
    15  certified check or bond] security furnished under this
    16  subsection shall be forfeited to the county as liquidated
    17  damages, and the contract subsequently may be awarded to the
    18  next lowest bidder, who shall manifest his acceptance of such
    19  contract by giving a good faith deposit in the amount and manner
    20  set forth in this subsection on or before the third day after
    21  the award of the contract to such bidder and otherwise comply
    22  with the provisions of this section.
    23     (b.2)  The amount or price of the contract shall, in all
    24  cases whether of straight sale price, conditional sale, lease,
    25  lease purchase or otherwise, be the entire amount which the
    26  county pays to the successful bidder, or his assigns, plus the
    27  value of personal property transferred from the county to the
    28  bidder or his assigns at any time during the duration of the
    29  contract, in order to obtain the services or property, or both,
    30  and shall not be construed to mean only the amount which is paid
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     1  to acquire title or to receive any other particular benefit or
     2  benefits of the whole bargain. The value of personal property
     3  transferred to the bidder or his assigns upon execution of the
     4  contract shall be specified in the bid. The method of
     5  determining the value of personal property transferred to the
     6  bidder or his assigns at a time during the duration of the
     7  contract shall be specified in the bid and shall be determined
     8  using generally accepted valuation methods.
     9     (c)  The successful bidder, when [advertising] a formal bid
    10  is required herein, shall be required to furnish a bond [with
    11  suitable reasonable requirements] or irrevocable letter of
    12  credit or other security in an amount sufficient to the
    13  commissioners guaranteeing performance of the contract[, with
    14  sufficient surety in the amount of fifty per centum (50%) of the
    15  amount of the contract,] within thirty (30) days after the
    16  contract has been awarded, unless the commissioners shall
    17  prescribe a shorter period or unless the commissioners shall
    18  waive the bond requirement in the bid specification. The
    19  successful bidder for a contract which involves the
    20  construction, erection, installation, completion, alteration,
    21  repair of or addition to any public work or improvement of any
    22  kind shall furnish security as provided in section 2518.
    23  Performance security for services and contracts for labor and
    24  materials delivered on a periodic basis, including, but not
    25  limited to, food service contracts, home health services and
    26  janitorial services and supplies, may be computed on the
    27  expected average value for one or more months at the discretion
    28  of the commissioners. Upon failure to furnish any required bond
    29  within such time, the previous awards shall be void and the
    30  commissioners may award the contract to the next lowest bidder.
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     1  Deliveries, performances, accomplishment and guarantees may be
     2  required in all cases of expenditures, including the exceptions
     3  herein.
     4     (d)  The contracts or purchases made by the commissioners
     5  involving an expenditure of over ten thousand dollars ($10,000)
     6  which shall not require advertising or bidding as hereinbefore
     7  provided are as follows:
     8     (1)  Those for maintenance, repairs or replacements for
     9  water, electric light, or other public works: Provided, That
    10  they do not constitute new additions, extensions or enlargements
    11  of existing facilities and equipment[, but a bond]. Security may
    12  be required by the county commissioners as in other cases of
    13  work done.
    14     (2)  Those made for improvements, repairs and maintenance of
    15  any kind made or provided by the county through its own
    16  employes[: Provided, That this]. This paragraph shall not apply
    17  to construction materials used in a street improvement.
    18     (3)  Those where particular types, models or pieces of new
    19  equipment, articles, apparatus, appliances, vehicles or parts
    20  thereof are desired by the county commissioners, which are
    21  patented and manufactured products or copyrighted products.
    22     (4)  Those involving any policies of insurance or surety
    23  company bonds, those made for public utility service and
    24  electricity, natural gas or telecommunication services:
    25  Provided, That, in the case of utilities not under tariffs on
    26  file with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission[.] ,
    27  contracts made without advertising and bidding shall be made
    28  only after receiving written or telephonic price quotations from
    29  at least three (3) qualified and responsible contractors or, in
    30  lieu of price quotations, a memorandum shall be kept on file
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     1  showing that fewer than three (3) qualified contractors exist in
     2  the market area within which it is practicable to obtain
     3  quotations. A written record of telephonic price quotations
     4  shall be made and contain at least the date of the quotation,
     5  the name of the contractor and the contractor's representative.
     6     (5)  Those involving personal or professional services[.],
     7  including, but not limited to, services of members of the
     8  medical or legal profession, registered architects, engineers,
     9  certified public accountants or other personal services
    10  involving professional expertise.
    11     (6)  Those involving tangible client services provided by
    12  nonprofit agencies. For the purposes of this clause, the term
    13  "tangible client services" shall mean congregate meals, home-
    14  delivered meals, transportation and chore services provided
    15  through area agencies on aging.
    16     (6.1)  Those involving contracts entered into by nonprofit
    17  cooperative hospital service associations for hospitals and
    18  nursing homes which are part of the institutional district or
    19  which are owned by the county, operated by the county or
    20  affiliated with the county by the purchasing of or participating
    21  in contracts for materials, supplies and equipment.
    22     (7)  Those involving the purchase of milk.
    23     (8)  Those made with any public body, including, but not
    24  limited to, the sale, lease or loan of any supplies or materials
    25  to the county by a public body, provided that the price thereof
    26  shall not be in excess of that fixed by the public body. The
    27  requirements of 53 Pa.C.S. Ch. 23 Subch. A (relating to
    28  intergovernmental cooperation) shall not apply when a county
    29  purchases cooperatively with another public body which has
    30  entered into a contract for supplies or materials. As used in
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     1  this paragraph, "public body" shall mean any of the following:
     2     (i)  the Federal Government;
     3     (ii)  the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania;
     4     (iii)  any other state;
     5     (iv)  a political subdivision, local or municipal authority
     6  or other similar local entity of the Commonwealth or any other
     7  state; or
     8     (v)  an agency of the Federal Government, the Commonwealth or
     9  any other state.
    10     (9)  Those exclusively involving construction management
    11  services.
    12     (10)  Those involving computer software.
    13     (d.1)  Notwithstanding the provisions of this article to the
    14  contrary, the county commissioners shall have authority to enter
    15  into contracts for equipment and services related to technology
    16  and information systems on the basis of best value procurement.
    17  Contracts under best value procurement shall be made only after
    18  the county has solicited proposals based on performance and
    19  outcome specifications developed by the county and describing at
    20  minimum the objectives to be met by the system, the tasks to be
    21  performed by the system, the users of the system, system
    22  security issues, the time frame for system implementation,
    23  potential operating technologies, compatibility with existing
    24  systems, training and maintenance and shall indicate the process
    25  by which the contract shall be awarded. Best value procurement
    26  shall not require a sealed bid process and shall permit the
    27  commissioners to negotiate the terms of the agreement with any
    28  responsive and responsible vendor.
    29     (e)  [Every contract for the construction, reconstruction,
    30  alteration, repair, improvement or maintenance of public works
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     1  shall comply with the provisions of the act of March 3, 1978
     2  (P.L.6, No.3), known as the "Steel Products Procurement Act."]
     3  Every contract subject to this article shall comply, as
     4  applicable, with the provisions of:
     5     (1)  The act of August 15, 1961 (P.L.987, No.442), known as
     6  the "Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act."
     7     (2)  The act of December 20, 1967 (P.L.869, No.385), known as
     8  the "Public Works Contractors' Bond Law of 1967."
     9     (3)  The act of January 23, 1974 (P.L.9, No.4), referred to
    10  as the Public Contract Bid Withdrawal Law."
    11     (4)  The act of March 3, 1978 (P.L.6, No.3), known as the
    12  "Steel Products Procurement Act".
    13     (5)  The act of February 17, 1994 (P.L.73, No.7), known as
    14  the "Contractor and Subcontractor Payment Act."
    15     (6)  62 Pa.C.S. Chs. 37 Subch. B (relating to motor
    16  vehicles), 39 (relating to contracts for public works) and 45
    17  (relating to antibid-rigging).
    18     (f)  No person, consultant, firm or corporation contracting
    19  with a county for purposes of rendering personal or professional
    20  services to the county shall share with any county officer or
    21  employe, and no county officer or employe shall accept, any
    22  portion of the compensation or fees paid by the county for the
    23  contracted services provided to the county except under the
    24  following terms or conditions:
    25     (1)  Full disclosure of all relevant information regarding
    26  the sharing of the compensation or fees shall be made to the
    27  board of commissioners.
    28     (2)  The board of commissioners must approve the sharing of
    29  any fee or compensation for personal or professional services
    30  prior to the performance of said services.
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     1     (3)  No fee or compensation for personal or professional
     2  services may be shared except for work actually performed.
     3     (4)  No shared fee or compensation for personal or
     4  professional services may be paid at a rate in excess of that
     5  commensurate for similar personal or professional services.
     6     (g) (1)  The board of commissioners may, in its sole
     7  discretion, elect to use an alternative contracting procedure to
     8  achieve the adaptive reuse of former jail facilities. If the
     9  board of commissioners elects to utilize an alternative
    10  contracting procedure, the board shall adopt a resolution that
    11  the use of an alternative contracting procedure is the most
    12  efficient, economical and timely method to secure an adaptive
    13  reuse of former jail facilities. Upon adoption of a resolution,
    14  the board of commissioners shall request written proposals from
    15  proposers for the adaptive reuse of former jail facilities under
    16  an alternative contracting method. In its request for proposals,
    17  the board shall include such terms, conditions and requirements
    18  which it deems necessary to protect the interests of the county.
    19     (2)  In reviewing and evaluating the proposals for the
    20  adaptive reuse of former jail facilities, the board of
    21  commissioners shall, in addition to compliance with the terms,
    22  conditions and requirements set forth in the request for
    23  proposals, consider the following criteria:
    24     (i)  the cost of the proposer's adaptive reuse proposal;
    25     (ii)  experience of the proposer;
    26     (iii)  preservation of the distinct architectural design and
    27  integrity of the former jail facilities;
    28     (iv)  adherence to prevailing wage laws and other work force
    29  standards;
    30     (v)  commitment to enter into voluntary contract with
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     1  disadvantaged business enterprises.
     2  After due consideration of proposals under the criteria
     3  described above, the board of commissioners may, in its
     4  discretion, select a proposal and award a contract to a
     5  responsible proposer for the adaptive reuse of former jail
     6  facilities under an alternative contracting procedure. The award
     7  of a contract for the adaptive reuse of former jail facilities
     8  need not be awarded to the lowest bidder.
     9     (3)  Any contract for the adaptive reuse for former jail
    10  facilities awarded under this subsection shall be exempt from
    11  and not be subject to sections 2517 and 2520 of this act or the
    12  act of May 1, 1913 (P.L.155, No.104), entitled "An act
    13  regulating the letting of certain contracts for the erection,
    14  construction, and alteration of public buildings."
    15     (4)  As used in this section, the following words and phrases
    16  shall have the meanings given to them in this subsection:
    17     "Adaptive reuse."  The alteration, renovation, remodeling,
    18  modification or reconstruction of former jail facilities for
    19  reuse as courtrooms, office space or such other facilities and
    20  uses as the board of commissioners shall from time to time deem
    21  necessary and appropriate.
    22     "Alternative contracting procedure."  A procedure under which
    23  a proposer would be responsible for all aspects or phases
    24  necessary to achieve the development of a parcel of property.
    25  Such aspects or phases of development shall include, but not
    26  necessarily be limited to, the planning, design, finance,
    27  construction and management of property. The term "alternative
    28  contracting procedure" shall be similar in all respects to the
    29  commonly understood term in the real estate development and
    30  construction industry known as a "turnkey."
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     1     "Former jail facilities."  A building or group of buildings
     2  with related facilities owned by a county of the second class
     3  which are more than one hundred years old and which were
     4  previously used as jail facilities.
     5     "Proposer."  A firm, organization or company or a combination
     6  of firms, organizations or companies acting as a partnership,
     7  joint venture, consortium or similar joint relationship with
     8  sufficient knowledge, expertise and experience in the areas of
     9  architectural design, construction, financing of real estate
    10  development or construction and real estate management.
    11     Section 3.  Section 2505(a) of the act is amended to read:
    12     Section 2505.  Acquiring and Using Real Property; [Court
    13  Approval;] Exceptions.--(a)  The county commissioners may
    14  purchase for not more than fair market value, take by gift,
    15  devise or by the power of eminent domain, in accordance with the
    16  provisions of this act, such real property at the county seat or
    17  in such other places, as may be authorized by law, as they deem
    18  necessary for the purposes of a county courthouse, county jail,
    19  prison, workhouse, detention house or other county building,
    20  either in acquisition of a building suitable for such purposes
    21  or in the construction of a new building, or in the alteration,
    22  including enlargement, of an existing county building. [Any
    23  purchase herein authorized shall be subject to the approval of
    24  the court of common pleas of the county as to purchase price,
    25  and no such contract shall bind the county, nor shall any
    26  conveyance be valid until the court has so approved the purchase
    27  price.] The fair market value of real property in the case of a
    28  purchase valued in excess of ten thousand dollars ($10,000)
    29  shall be determined by the county commissioners in consultation
    30  with two (2) of the following: the county assessor, a licensed
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     1  real estate broker or licensed real estate appraiser doing
     2  business within the county.
     3     * * *
     4     Section 4.  Section 2506.1 of the act, added September 1,
     5  1965 (P.L.431, No.217), is amended to read:
     6     Section 2506.1.  Sale and Lease of Real Property to
     7  Industrial Development Agencies.--(a)  [Subject only to the
     8  provisions of section 2506 of this act with respect to approval
     9  of the court, the] The county may sell to any industrial
    10  development agency designated as such an industrial development
    11  agency, in the manner provided by [the act of May 31, 1956
    12  (P.L.1911), known as the "Industrial Development Assistance
    13  Law,"] Chapter 23 of the act of June 29, 1996 (P.L.434, No.67),
    14  known as the "Job Enhancement Act," with or without
    15  consideration, any lands, easements or rights in land, together
    16  with any improvements, buildings or structures therein or
    17  thereon now owned by the county or hereafter acquired by it for
    18  the purpose of establishing or enlarging any commercial,
    19  industrial or manufacturing enterprise or research and
    20  development center within the county, and make with such
    21  industrial development agency any and all agreements for the
    22  industrial development of such lands, easements or rights in
    23  lands, or may [with approval of the court as provided in section
    24  2506 of this act,] lease to any such industrial development
    25  agency for a term not exceeding ninety-nine years at a nominal
    26  or other rental, as may be determined, any or all lands,
    27  easements or rights in lands, together with any improvements,
    28  structures or buildings therein or thereon now owned by the
    29  county or hereafter acquired by it for the purpose of
    30  establishing or enlarging any commercial, industrial or
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     1  manufacturing enterprise, or research and development center
     2  within the county.
     3     (b)  Any instrument of sale, lease or other agreement made
     4  pursuant to this section may contain provisions regulating the
     5  uses of lands, buildings and structures for trade, industry,
     6  manufacture, research, residence, recreation, water supply,
     7  public activities or other purposes.
     8     Section 5.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     9     Section 2506.2.  Authority to Sell Certain Real Property and
    10  Personal Property as a Single Unit.--Notwithstanding any other
    11  provisions of law, whenever the board of commissioners
    12  determines that the continued ownership and operation of an
    13  institution for the care of dependents is economically
    14  unfeasible, the county commissioners may sell the real property
    15  belonging to the county and being used for such purposes,
    16  together with all of the contents of personal property used in
    17  connection with and incidental to the operation of the
    18  institution, as a single unit. Any such sale of real property
    19  and personal property as a single unit shall be deemed a sale of
    20  real property only and shall comply only with the provisions of
    21  this act relating to the sale of real property.
    22     Section 6.  Sections 2511, 2515 and 2516 of the act are
    23  amended to read:
    24     Section 2511.  Sale of Personal Property; Demolition and
    25  Removal of County Buildings.--(a)  (1)  The county commissioners
    26  may sell at private sale any county owned personal property
    27  valued by the controller at not more than [five hundred dollars
    28  ($500)] one thousand dollars ($1,000), or at public sale, under
    29  conditions prescribed by the commissioners, any county owned
    30  personal property valued [by the controller] in excess of that
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     1  amount.
     2     (2)  The provisions of this section shall be construed to
     3  allow:
     4     (i)  County property to be traded in or exchanged for new
     5  personal property.
     6     (ii)  The sale of personal property with real property as a
     7  single unit.
     8     (b)  Whenever any county owned building [valued by the
     9  controller at not more than one thousand dollars ($1000)] is
    10  deemed by the county commissioners to be no longer suitable for
    11  use by the county, they may cause it to be demolished or removed
    12  from its location by such means or in such manner as they deem
    13  to be in the public interest. [Any such county owned building
    14  valued by the controller in excess of that amount may be so
    15  demolished or removed with the approval of the court of quarter
    16  sessions of the county.]
    17     Section 2515.  Authority for Acquiring, Constructing or
    18  Altering County Buildings; Exception.--[Whenever the board of
    19  commissioners are authorized and required to erect a courthouse,
    20  jail or other county building, they shall submit the plans and
    21  specifications adopted by them to the court of common pleas for
    22  its approval. Upon approval, the county commissioners shall let
    23  the work by contract to the lowest responsible bidder, in
    24  accordance with the provisions of this act.] (a)  The county
    25  commissioners may purchase or take by gift any building at the
    26  county seat or elsewhere as authorized by law deemed suitable
    27  and proper by them for use as a county building.
    28     (b)  The county commissioners may provide, in accordance with
    29  this section, for the construction or alteration, including
    30  enlargement of a county court house, county jail, prison,
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     1  workhouse, detention house and such other county buildings, as
     2  may be required or authorized by law. Such construction or
     3  alteration shall be done at the county seat or elsewhere as
     4  authorized by law. Whenever the county commissioners undertake
     5  any such construction or alteration, they shall cause to be
     6  prepared plans and specifications therefor. The county
     7  commissioners may secure bids for the contract or contracts
     8  involved in the construction or alteration in accordance with
     9  this act. Any such contract or contracts shall be made as
    10  provided by this act.
    11     (c)  Except where another procedure is provided by law with
    12  regard to such construction or alteration of any particular
    13  county building, the county commissioners shall comply with the
    14  provisions of this section for all such purposes.
    15     Section 2516.  Right to Build on Public Squares.--Whenever
    16  the courthouse, jail or other building of the county is located
    17  upon a public square or common in the city, borough or township,
    18  then being the county seat, and a new building is authorized and
    19  required to be erected in place of such courthouse, jail or
    20  other building, the board of county commissioners may erect such
    21  new building upon any other of the public squares or commons of
    22  said city, borough or township, or upon any part thereof[, if
    23  the council of the city, borough or township shall have first
    24  consented to such new location for said building].
    25     Section 7.  Sections 2518 and 2519 of the act are amended to
    26  read:
    27     Section 2518.  Additional Bond to Protect Labor and
    28  Materialmen on Contracts.--[(a)  It shall be the duty of the
    29  county to require any person, copartnership, association or
    30  corporation entering into contract with such county for the
    20030H0850B0985                 - 16 -     

     1  construction, erection, installation, completion, alteration,
     2  repair of or addition to any public work or improvement, of any
     3  kind whatsoever, where the amount of such contract is in excess
     4  of five hundred dollars ($500), before commencing work under
     5  such contract, to execute and deliver to such county, in
     6  addition to any other bond which may now or hereafter be
     7  required by law to be given in connection with such contract, an
     8  additional bond for the use of any and every person,
     9  copartnership, association or corporation interested, in a sum
    10  not less than fifty per centum and not more than one hundred per
    11  centum of the contract price, as such county may prescribe. Such
    12  bond shall have as surety thereon one or more surety companies
    13  legally authorized to do business in this Commonwealth, and
    14  shall be conditioned for the prompt payment for all material
    15  furnished and labor supplied or performed in the prosecution of
    16  the work, whether or not the said material or labor enter into
    17  and become component parts of the work or improvement
    18  contemplated.
    19     (b)  Such additional bond shall be deposited with and held by
    20  the county for the use of any party interested therein.
    21     (c)  Every such additional bond shall provide that every
    22  person, copartnership, association or corporation who, whether
    23  as subcontractor or otherwise, has furnished material or
    24  supplied or performed labor in the prosecution of the work, as
    25  above provided, and who has not been paid therefor, may sue in
    26  assumpsit on said additional bond, in the name of the county,
    27  for his, their or its use, and prosecute the same to final
    28  judgment for such sum or sums as may be justly due him, them or
    29  it, and have execution thereon, but the county shall not be
    30  liable for the payment of any costs or expense of any suit.
    20030H0850B0985                 - 17 -     

     1     (d)  Any contract executed in violation of the provisions of
     2  this section shall be null and void.]
     3     (e)  Unless covered under the bonding requirements of the act
     4  of December 20, 1967 (P.L.869, No.385), known as the "Public
     5  Works Contractors' Bond Law of 1967," for construction contracts
     6  awarded for amounts between twenty-five thousand dollars
     7  ($25,000) and one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), the
     8  successful bidder shall furnish a bond guaranteeing performance
     9  of the contract, in an amount as determined by the board of
    10  commissioners at the time of advertising for bids which shall be
    11  not less than ten per centum nor more than one hundred per
    12  centum of the amount of the contract, within thirty (30) days
    13  after the contract is awarded. When a construction contract is
    14  awarded in excess of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000),
    15  the following bonds shall be delivered to the county and shall
    16  be binding on the parties upon the execution of the contract:
    17     (1)  A performance bond, executed by a surety company
    18  authorized to do business in this Commonwealth and made payable
    19  to the county in an amount as determined by the county
    20  commissioners at the time of advertising for bids which shall be
    21  not less than fifty per centum nor more than one hundred per
    22  centum of the price specified in the contract and conditioned
    23  upon the faithful performance of the contract in accordance with
    24  the plans, specifications and conditions of the contract.
    25     (2)  A payment bond, executed by a surety company authorized
    26  to do business in this Commonwealth and made payable to the
    27  county in an amount equal to one hundred per centum of the price
    28  specified in the contract and conditioned upon the prompt
    29  payment for all materials furnished or labor supplied or
    30  performed in the prosecution of the work. Labor or materials
    20030H0850B0985                 - 18 -     

     1  include public utility services and reasonable rentals of
     2  equipment for the periods when the equipment is actually used at
     3  the site.
     4     (f)  A performance bond shall be solely for the protection of
     5  the county. A payment bond shall be solely for the protection of
     6  claimants supplying labor or materials to the prime contractor
     7  to whom the contract was awarded or to any of its subcontractors
     8  in the prosecution of the work provided for in the contract,
     9  whether or not the labor or materials constitutes a component
    10  part of the construction.
    11     (g)  Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the
    12  authority of the commissioners to require a performance bond,
    13  payment bond or other security in addition to those bonds or in
    14  circumstances other than specified in subsection (e).
    15     (h)  Actions on payment bonds shall be pursuant to the
    16  following:
    17     (1)  Subject to paragraph (2), any claimant who has performed
    18  labor or furnished material in the prosecution of the work
    19  provided for in any contract for which a payment bond has been
    20  given under subsection (e) and who has not been paid in full
    21  before the expiration of ninety (90) days after the day on which
    22  the claimant performed the last of the labor or furnished the
    23  last of the materials for which it claims payments may bring an
    24  action on the payment bond in its own name, in assumpsit, to
    25  recover any amount due it for the labor or material and may
    26  prosecute the action to final judgment and have execution on the
    27  judgment.
    28     (2)  Any claimant who has a direct contractual relationship
    29  with any subcontractor of the prime contractor who gave the
    30  payment bond but has no contractual relationship, express or
    20030H0850B0985                 - 19 -     

     1  implied, with the prime contractor may bring an action on the
     2  payment bond only if it has given written notice to the
     3  contractor within ninety (90) days from the date on which the
     4  claimant performed the last of the labor or furnished the last
     5  of the materials for which it claims payment, stating with
     6  substantial accuracy the amount and the name of the person for
     7  whom the work was performed or to whom the material was
     8  furnished.
     9     (3)  Notice shall be served by registered mail in an envelope
    10  addressed to the contractor at any place where its office is
    11  regularly maintained for the transaction of business or served
    12  in any manner in which legal process may be served in the manner
    13  provided by law for the service of a summons except that the
    14  service need not be made by a public officer.
    15     (i)  The dollar threshold set forth in subsection (e) shall
    16  be adjusted annually to reflect the annual percentage change in
    17  the Composite Construction Cost Index of the United States
    18  Department of Commerce occurring in the one-year period ending
    19  December 31 of each year.
    20     Section 2519.  Compliance with Workmen's Compensation Law.--
    21  (a)  All contracts executed by the board of commissioners which
    22  shall involve the construction or doing of any work involving
    23  the employment of labor shall contain a provision that the
    24  contractor shall accept, in so far as the work covered by any
    25  such contract is concerned, the provisions of the [Workmen's
    26  Compensation Act] act of June 2, 1915 (P.L.736, No.338), known
    27  as the "Workers' Compensation Act," and any reenactments,
    28  supplements or amendments thereto, and that the said contractor
    29  will insure his liability thereunder or file with the board of
    30  commissioners a certificate of exemption from insurance from the
    20030H0850B0985                 - 20 -     

     1  Department of Labor and Industry of the Commonwealth.
     2     (b)  The board of commissioners, before signing on behalf of
     3  the county any contract, requiring in its performance the
     4  employment of labor, shall require proof that the said
     5  contractor with whom the contract is made shall have accepted
     6  the [Workmen's] Workers' Compensation Act and any reenactments,
     7  supplements or amendments thereto, and proof that the said
     8  contractor has insured his liability thereunder in accordance
     9  with the terms of said act or that the contractor has had issued
    10  to him a certificate of exemption from insurance from the
    11  Department of Labor and Industry.
    12     (c)  Any contract executed in violation of the provisions of
    13  this section shall be null and void.
    14     Section 8.  Section 2520 of the act is repealed.
    15     Section 9.  Sections 2529, 2545 and 2550 of the act are
    16  amended to read:
    17     Section 2529.  Disorderly Conduct In and About Courthouses
    18  and Jails Prohibited.--It is unlawful for any person to cause
    19  any outcry or disorder, or be guilty of any indecent or
    20  unbecoming conduct tending to disturb the peace and good order,
    21  in the county courthouse, jail or other county buildings, or to
    22  wilfully or carelessly defile, deface or injure the floors,
    23  walls or any other portion of said buildings, or fences or
    24  railings surrounding the same, or the carpets, furniture or
    25  other articles or things used in or about said buildings,
    26  belonging to the county. [Any person violating any of the
    27  provisions of this section shall make restitution for damages
    28  arising therefrom and shall, upon summary conviction thereof, be
    29  sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding fifty dollars ($50). In
    30  case such person shall neglect or refuse to pay the same, he or
    20030H0850B0985                 - 21 -     

     1  she shall suffer an imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30)
     2  days.] Any person violating any of the provisions of this
     3  section commits a summary offense and, upon conviction, shall
     4  make restitution for damages arising therefrom.
     5     Section 2545.  Joining With [City] Municipality in Improving
     6  Certain Streets and Highways.--(a)  The board of commissioners
     7  of the county may erect public buildings in any [city, with the
     8  approval of the court of common pleas] municipality. The county
     9  may join with the proper authorities of such [city] municipality
    10  in the grading, regrading, paving, re-paving and improvement of
    11  so much of the streets and highways as are in, upon or alongside
    12  of the grounds upon which said public buildings stand.
    13     (b)  The commissioners may enter into contract with any such
    14  [city authorities] municipality for the payment of a just
    15  proportion of the expense of said grading, re-grading, paving,
    16  re-paving and improvement of said streets and highways, and may
    17  appropriate from the county treasury sufficient funds for this
    18  purpose. They may act with any committee or committees which may
    19  be appointed by such [city authorities] municipality to
    20  establish grades, determine the kind and quality of paving
    21  materials to be used, and ratify the contracts entered into by
    22  said [city authorities] municipality in the course of said
    23  improvements.
    24     (c)  No obligation shall rest upon the county for any
    25  proportion of the expenses of such improvements until the
    26  selection of grades and paving materials and the acceptance of
    27  bids by said [city authorities] municipality shall have been
    28  ratified by the board of commissioners [and approved by the
    29  court of common pleas].
    30     Section 2550.  Parks and Comfort Houses.--(a)  The
    20030H0850B0985                 - 22 -     

     1  commissioners may purchase land to be used for park purposes or
     2  for the erection thereon of public comfort houses. The land
     3  purchased for such purposes shall lie within the limits of [such
     4  county and shall be contiguous to or in the vicinity of a county
     5  road and shall be outside the corporate limits of any city or
     6  borough. The amount that may be expended for such purposes shall
     7  not exceed the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) in
     8  any one year, nor the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000) for
     9  any single park or any single comfort house. The board of
    10  commissioners shall agree with the owner or owners of the land
    11  selected upon a reasonable price to be paid therefor.] the
    12  county. The county may erect and maintain on the land such
    13  buildings as are necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the
    14  land was acquired.
    15     (b)  The commissioners may adopt reasonable rules and
    16  regulations necessary for preservation, management and control
    17  of parks and public comfort houses so established and
    18  maintained, and provide penalties for the breach thereof. All
    19  rules adopted by the board of commissioners shall, before
    20  becoming operative, be published once a week for three
    21  consecutive weeks in [three newspapers] a newspaper of general
    22  circulation in the county[, and shall be recorded in the office
    23  of the recorder of deeds in the county].
    24     (c)  Any person violating any rules so adopted shall[, upon
    25  summary conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than
    26  five dollars ($5) nor more than twenty-five dollars ($25), which
    27  shall be payable to the county treasurer, who shall add the fine
    28  to the fund for the improvement of county roads] be guilty of a
    29  summary offense.
    30     Section 10.  Section 2555 of the act, amended April 20, 1956
    20030H0850B0985                 - 23 -     

     1  (1955 P.L.1481, No.490), is amended to read:
     2     Section 2555.  Monuments and Memorials to War Veterans.--The
     3  commissioners may appropriate money for and provide for the
     4  erection of monuments or memorials commemorating the services of
     5  any person who has served in the armed forces of the United
     6  States or in any women's organization officially connected
     7  therewith during any part of any war or armed conflict in which
     8  the United States has been or may hereafter be engaged. [The
     9  style and character of such monuments or memorials shall be
    10  approved by the State Art Commission.]
    11     Section 11.  Section 2556 of the act is amended to read:
    12     Section 2556.  Assistance to Private or Municipal Agencies.--
    13  The commissioners may, in order to prevent duplication,
    14  appropriate money to assist any individual, private corporation,
    15  city, borough or township in the erection of any monument or
    16  memorial for said soldiers, sailors and marines. [Before any
    17  such appropriation is made, the style and character of such
    18  monument or memorial shall be approved by the State Art
    19  Commission.]
    20     Section 12.  Sections 2557 and 2558 of the act are repealed.
    21     Section 13.  Section 2577(b) of the act is amended to read:
    22     Section 2577.  Acquiring of Property.--* * *
    23     (b)  Counties may appropriate money from the public funds or
    24  by issuance of bonds in accordance with [the Municipal Borrowing
    25  Law] 53 Pa.C.S. Pt. VII, Subpt. B (relating to indebtedness and
    26  borrowing) for the erection on said property taken, purchased or
    27  acquired through condemnation proceedings, public auditoriums,
    28  public libraries, public memorial buildings and monuments. They
    29  may appropriate moneys for the operation and maintenance of such
    30  public auditoriums, public libraries, memorials, buildings and
    20030H0850B0985                 - 24 -     

     1  monuments.
     2     Section 14.  Section 2579 of the act is repealed.
     3     Section 15.  Section 2590 of the act is amended to read:
     4     Section 2590.  Authority to Provide; Approval.--The county
     5  commissioners of each county may[, upon presentment of two
     6  successive grand juries of the county,] buy or lease land and
     7  construct and maintain thereon, at the expense of the county, a
     8  morgue for the reception and care of the bodies of all unclaimed
     9  deceased persons upon whom it may be necessary to hold a
    10  coroner's inquest and such other bodies as the coroner of the
    11  county may, by written order, direct to be received therein. The
    12  location of such morgue shall be determined by the county
    13  commissioners, subject to the approval of [a judge of the court
    14  of common pleas and] the coroner of the county.
    15     Section 16.  Sections 2706, 2707, 2708, 2709, 2710 and 2711
    16  of the act are repealed.
    17     Section 17.  Sections 2712, 2713(a), 2714, 2715 and 2717 of
    18  the act are amended to read:
    19     Section 2712.  Building or Rebuilding in Emergencies.--When a
    20  county bridge wholly within the county or on the boundary line
    21  between any two counties has been or shall hereafter be
    22  destroyed or partially destroyed, or rendered impassable, or
    23  becomes insufficient or inadequate to accommodate public travel,
    24  or in any other case of emergency it becomes necessary to
    25  construct or reconstruct any such bridge, the county
    26  commissioners of the county or of any two counties, in case of a
    27  joint county bridge, may[, upon the approval of the court or
    28  courts of quarter sessions of such county or counties,] erect
    29  and construct a new bridge, or reconstruct any partially
    30  destroyed, insufficient or inadequate bridge, to take the place
    20030H0850B0985                 - 25 -     

     1  of such wholly or partially destroyed or insufficient or
     2  inadequate bridge.
     3     Section 2713.  Bridges on Boundary Between Two Counties.--(a)
     4  Whenever any bridge contemplated by any of the provisions of
     5  this article is on the boundary line between two counties or
     6  within one-fourth of a mile therefrom and necessary for the
     7  accommodation of the inhabitants of both counties, the
     8  commissioners of such counties shall act jointly in the exercise
     9  of all powers conferred upon them and in the performance of all
    10  duties imposed upon them. [Whenever a petition of residents or
    11  taxpayers is required, such petition shall be made by the
    12  required number of petitioners in each county to the court of
    13  quarter sessions or the court of common pleas, as the case may
    14  be, of their county. Whenever any other petitions are required,
    15  such petitions shall be made to each of such courts. Each of the
    16  courts shall act on such petitions and shall communicate its
    17  approval or disapproval to the other court.]
    18     * * *
    19     Section 2714.  Payment of Cost[; Tolls; Rentals].--(a)  All
    20  expenses in connection with any matters affecting any such
    21  bridge shall be borne by the two counties jointly in equal
    22  proportions or in any other proportions, as the commissioners of
    23  the several counties may agree upon.
    24     [(b)  Whenever it is necessary for any counties, in the
    25  construction of any joint county bridge or in joint acquisition
    26  of any toll bridge, to issue bonds in payment of such
    27  construction, erection or acquisition, including the approaches
    28  thereto, the damages sustained by the owner or owners of lands
    29  taken in the construction thereof and including reasonable fees
    30  for necessary legal services required in such construction,
    20030H0850B0985                 - 26 -     

     1  erection and acquisition, the commissioners of said counties
     2  may, with the consent of the State Department of Highways, if
     3  the cost of such bridge was in excess of four hundred thousand
     4  dollars ($400,000), assess, supervise and collect such tolls for
     5  the use of said bridge for all traffic as may be necessary, to
     6  pay the interest on said bonds and to create a sinking fund for
     7  the payment and redemption of the same within thirty years from
     8  the date of the issue thereof, and to pay also the costs and
     9  expenses of operating and maintaining such bridge between the
    10  time of construction thereof and the date of the redemption of
    11  the last of said bonds to be redeemed by such tolls.
    12     (c)  The tolls so collected shall be distributed between such
    13  counties in proportion to the amount paid in by each county in
    14  the original construction or acquisition, and in no case shall
    15  any tolls be collected after the redemption of the original
    16  bonds issued. All moneys received from rentals for special use
    17  shall be divided between them in the same proportion. Such
    18  bridge shall be a joint county bridge.]
    19     Section 2715.  Management, Maintenance and Policing of Joint
    20  County [Toll Bridges; Turning over to the Department of
    21  Highways] Bridges.--(a)  Such joint county bridge shall be
    22  managed, controlled, maintained, repaired, operated and lighted
    23  by the commissioners of the said counties, acting as a joint
    24  county bridge commission, who are hereby authorized to act
    25  jointly in the employment of such [workmen, collectors of tolls
    26  and other] employes and fix their wages, salaries and
    27  compensation, and to incur such other expenses in the
    28  construction and operation of such bridge, including the
    29  compensation of such attorneys as in their judgment shall be
    30  requisite and necessary. All decisions of such commission shall
    20030H0850B0985                 - 27 -     

     1  require a majority vote of all the members thereof.
     2     (b)  The commissioners of said counties, acting jointly,
     3  shall have power to adopt such rules and regulations as they
     4  deem expedient for the proper government and management of said
     5  bridge and for the preservation of good order, safe traffic and
     6  proper conduct thereon. [Said commissioners are further
     7  authorized and empowered to make arrests for evasion or attempts
     8  to evade the payment of tolls which may be fixed or may have
     9  been fixed for passage over said bridge.]
    10     (c)  For any violations thereof, the offender or offenders
    11  shall be [subject to a fine or penalty of not less than ten
    12  dollars ($10) or more than twenty-five dollars ($25), together
    13  with costs, to be adjudged by a justice of the peace or alderman
    14  of either of said counties, and on default of payment of such
    15  fine or penalty, then to imprisonment of not less than ten (10)
    16  days or more than thirty (30) days in the county prison of
    17  either of said counties] guilty of a summary offense.
    18     [(d)  Said powers and duties of said commissioners, acting as
    19  a joint commission, shall continue until the redemption of the
    20  last of said bonds to be redeemed by such tolls, whereupon said
    21  bridge shall be turned over as a free bridge to the
    22  Commonwealth, if such bridge crosses a river and is located on a
    23  State highway route or connects two State highway routes.
    24  Thereafter, such bridge shall be maintained by the Highway
    25  Department at the expense of the Commonwealth.]
    26     Section 2717.  Dykes, Banks, Causeways and Sluiceways for
    27  Protection of Bridges and Highways.--The board of commissioners,
    28  for the purpose of protecting any county bridge or bridges, the
    29  abutments thereof and approaches thereto and any public highway
    30  adjacent to the same from the incursions of floods or waters of
    20030H0850B0985                 - 28 -     

     1  any creek, rivulet or other stream, and so as to prolong the
     2  life of said structures, may erect and maintain dykes, banks,
     3  causeways and sluiceways over, on and across any creek, rivulet
     4  or other stream not navigable, and which creek, rivulet or other
     5  stream is affected by the rise and fall of the tide, floods or
     6  waters of any creek, rivulet or other stream, and secure a right
     7  of way for proper ingress and egress thereto, and in connection
     8  with such activities, to take, injure and destroy any necessary
     9  land or property, in accordance with Article XXVI. Any such
    10  change in an existing stream channel under the provisions of
    11  this or the preceding section shall first be approved by the
    12  [Department of Forests and Waters] Department of Environmental
    13  Protection.
    14     Section 18.  Sections 2718, 2721, 2722, 2723, 2724, 2725 and
    15  2726 of the act are repealed.
    16     Section 19.  Sections 2729, 2730, 2731 and 2734 of the act
    17  are amended to read:
    18     Section 2729.  Rebuilding Insufficient Bridge.--Whenever it
    19  shall appear to the commissioners that any county bridge is not
    20  sufficient for any cause to accommodate the public travel, they
    21  may[, upon the approval of the court of quarter sessions as
    22  hereinafter provided,] erect and construct a new and sufficient
    23  bridge to take the place of the insufficient, destroyed or
    24  partially destroyed bridge, or may widen and straighten county
    25  bridges where deemed necessary to accommodate the public travel.
    26  Such new bridge when constructed shall be a county bridge.
    27     Section 2730.  Rebuilding Bridges Wholly or Partly
    28  Destroyed.--(a)  The county commissioners shall rebuild and
    29  reconstruct all bridges heretofore built or that may hereafter
    30  be erected by the county commissioners, whether constructed
    20030H0850B0985                 - 29 -     

     1  under general, special or local laws, whenever any such bridge
     2  has been or shall hereafter be blown down, destroyed, partially
     3  destroyed or swept away by floods, freshets, ice, storm, fire or
     4  other casualty, at the expense of the county.
     5     (b)  For the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions
     6  of this section, the county commissioners are hereby authorized
     7  to borrow any sum of money, in accordance with [the Municipal
     8  Borrowing Law] 53 Pa.C.S. Pt. VII, Subpt. B (relating to
     9  indebtedness and borrowing).
    10     Section 2731.  Closing, Vacating, Abandoning and Removing.--
    11  Whenever it shall appear to the commissioners of the county that
    12  any county bridge has from any cause become burdensome and is no
    13  longer necessary for the accommodation of public travel, they
    14  may[, upon the approval of the court of quarter sessions,]
    15  close, vacate, abandon and remove said bridge.
    16     Section 2734.  Appropriations; Tax Levy and Incurring of
    17  Indebtedness.--For the purpose of carrying into effect the
    18  provisions of this subsection, the county commissioners are
    19  hereby authorized to make appropriations, levy taxes, borrow
    20  money and incur indebtedness, in accordance with [the Municipal
    21  Borrowing Law] 53 Pa.C.S. Pt. VII, Subpt. B (relating to
    22  indebtedness and borrowing).
    23     Section 20.  Sections 2751, 2752, 2753 and 2754 of the act
    24  are repealed.
    25     Section 21.  Sections 2755, 2756, 2757, 2771 and 2772(a) of
    26  the act are amended to read:
    27     Section 2755.  Assistance in Building Bridges not Entered as
    28  County Bridges.--When [it is found by the report of viewers and
    29  by the court] the county commissioners find that a bridge is
    30  necessary and that the erection of such bridge will require more
    20030H0850B0985                 - 30 -     

     1  expense than it is reasonable that the one or more adjoining
     2  townships, boroughs or cities of the third class should bear,
     3  [or in lieu of such proceedings, with the approval of the
     4  Secretary of Highways, when the cost to the county will not
     5  exceed fifteen hundred dollars ($1500)] and the county
     6  commissioners do not deem it advisable to enter such bridge on
     7  record as a county bridge but shall consider it proper to assist
     8  such township or townships or such city of the third class or
     9  such borough in building the same, they may either build such
    10  bridge or any portion or portions thereof or furnish such
    11  township or townships or city of the third class or borough the
    12  whole or part of the money necessary to build it, without
    13  entering such bridge on record as a county bridge.
    14     Section 2756.  Record to be Kept by County; Maintenance,
    15  Repair and Rebuilding by Township or Municipalities.--The county
    16  commissioners shall keep a record of all their proceedings in
    17  such cases, and such bridges shall be maintained, kept in repair
    18  and rebuilt, when necessary, by the respective townships,
    19  boroughs or cities of the third class, and the county shall not
    20  be liable for the costs of the maintenance, repair or rebuilding
    21  of the same or any part of such cost: Provided, however, That
    22  [in case the report of a board of viewers appointed by the court
    23  for the purpose, duly approved by the court, shall set forth
    24  that the cost of the repair or rebuilding of such bridge is
    25  greater than it is reasonable that the said township or
    26  townships, borough or city of the third class should bear, then]
    27  it shall be lawful for the county commissioners of the county in
    28  which such bridge is located to furnish such township or
    29  townships, boroughs or city of the third class either the whole
    30  or part of the money necessary to repair or to rebuild such
    20030H0850B0985                 - 31 -     

     1  bridge or bridges, as the said board of county commissioners may
     2  deem just and proper.
     3     Section 2757.  Entering on Record as County Bridge.--Whenever
     4  the county commissioners [of the county] have heretofore
     5  assisted or shall hereafter assist any [township or borough]
     6  municipality in the building of the whole or any portion of a
     7  bridge and it shall afterwards appear to the commissioners [and
     8  to the court of quarter sessions] that the care, maintenance and
     9  responsibility of said bridge is greater than it is reasonable
    10  that the said [township or borough] municipality should bear,
    11  they may[, with the approval of said court,] enter such bridge
    12  upon record as a county bridge, and it shall thereafter be a
    13  county bridge the same as if it had originally been so entered
    14  on record.
    15     Section 2771.  Bridges and Approaches Authorized.--The county
    16  commissioners[, upon the approval of the court of quarter
    17  sessions,] may locate, lay out, open, construct and maintain
    18  public bridges across any river or stream, whether such bridge
    19  is wholly or partly within any city, borough or township
    20  therein, together with such bridge approaches, viaduct or other
    21  approaches as the county commissioners may deem necessary or
    22  convenient for the purpose of connecting any such bridge with
    23  the existing streets or public roads in such cities, boroughs or
    24  townships, and to that end may take, enter upon, appropriate
    25  property and rights of property of all kinds, whether devoted to
    26  a public or private use, for the purposes aforesaid, and for the
    27  necessary slopes, piers, walls, abutments, fills and
    28  embankments, in the manner and subject to the restrictions and
    29  procedure provided in Article XXVI of this act, and may enter
    30  upon or over any street, public highway or public road in such
    20030H0850B0985                 - 32 -     

     1  cities, boroughs or townships.
     2     Section 2772.  Plans and Surveys[; Petition to Quarter
     3  Sessions].--(a)  Whenever the county commissioners shall resolve
     4  to exercise any of the powers conferred by the preceding
     5  section, they shall cause to be prepared plans and surveys
     6  showing the location of the proposed bridge and its approaches
     7  and the property or rights of property affected thereby,
     8  together with any streets or public roads in any city, borough
     9  or township proposed to be used in connection therewith[, and
    10  they shall present the same, together with their petition, on
    11  behalf of said county, to the court of quarter sessions, praying
    12  for authority to locate, lay out, open and construct such
    13  bridge].
    14     * * *
    15     Section 22.  Section 2773 of the act is repealed.
    16     Section 23.  Section 2774 of the act is amended to read:
    17     Section 2774.  Approval of State or Federal Officers, Board
    18  or Body; Change in Location.--(a)  Where the proposed bridge
    19  crosses any navigable stream or other public water or the
    20  property rights or property or rights of way of any railroad or
    21  other public service corporation, and by reason thereof the
    22  approval of any State or Federal officer, board or body is
    23  required as to the location and construction of such bridge or
    24  its approaches, the county shall be deemed to have full and
    25  complete authority to construct such bridge in such other
    26  location and in such other manner as may be necessary to comply
    27  with the conditions prescribed by such officer, board or body in
    28  granting such approval[: Provided, The] if county commissioners
    29  be of the opinion, and by resolution duly adopted so decide,
    30  that the bridge as thus changed is necessary for the convenience
    20030H0850B0985                 - 33 -     

     1  of the traveling public and will accommodate substantially the
     2  same traveling public as the bridge would have done if it had
     3  been constructed at the location and in the manner originally
     4  provided.
     5     [(b)  Upon the adoption of any such resolution and prior to
     6  the construction of such bridge and the entry upon and taking of
     7  property for that purpose, such county, through its county
     8  commissioners, shall present its petition to the court of
     9  quarter sessions of said county, briefly setting forth the facts
    10  as to the obtaining of such approval and the change made in
    11  consequence thereof and the adoption of such resolution,
    12  together with plans and surveys showing the new location and
    13  manner of construction and an estimate showing the cost of the
    14  construction of such bridge as thus changed.
    15     (c)  If the proceedings shall appear to be regular, the court
    16  shall make an order fixing a time, not less than twenty days
    17  thereafter, for the filing of exceptions thereto.
    18     (d)  Notice of the time and place of hearing on said
    19  exceptions shall be given by advertisement published once a week
    20  for two successive weeks in at least two newspapers of general
    21  circulation in such county and by handbills posted in
    22  conspicuous places along or in the neighborhood of the proposed
    23  bridge and its approaches, or otherwise, as the court shall
    24  direct, having regard to the circumstances of the cases.
    25     (e)  Upon the hearing thereof, the court may, for proper
    26  cause shown, disapprove of said petition; otherwise, it shall
    27  thereupon make a decree authorizing and empowering the county to
    28  contract such bridge in accordance with such new plans and
    29  surveys, and thereupon such bridge shall be deemed to have been
    30  laid out and opened in accordance with such plans and surveys.]
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     1     Section 24.  Section 2776 of the act is repealed.
     2     Section 25.  Section 2777 of the act is amended to read:
     3     Section 2777.  County Authorized to Contract With [City or
     4  Borough] Municipality.--When such bridge is proposed to be
     5  located or erected in any [city or borough] municipality, the
     6  county may agree that such [city or borough] municipality may
     7  bear a portion of the cost of the locating, laying out, opening
     8  and constructing of such bridge and its approaches and
     9  appurtenances, and that the [city or borough] municipality may
    10  provide the approach therefor and bear the cost of the
    11  maintenance of any approach within the respective [city or
    12  borough] municipality, as shall be agreed upon between any such
    13  county and such [city or borough. All such agreements shall be
    14  entered into in writing and at least one executed copy shall be
    15  furnished to each county, city and borough becoming a party
    16  thereto.] municipality.
    17     Section 26.  Sections 2779, 2780 and 2781 of the act are
    18  repealed.
    19     Section 27.  Subarticle (d) of Article XXVII of the act is
    20  repealed.
    21     Section 28.  Sections 2801, 2802 and 2803 of the act are
    22  amended to read:
    23     Section 2801.  Building or Rebuilding.--Whenever it is
    24  necessary to erect a bridge on the boundary line between two
    25  counties, either to take the place of an intercounty bridge
    26  which has become insufficient for any cause to accommodate
    27  public travel or to provide a new bridge where none has
    28  previously been, such counties may jointly build or rebuild such
    29  bridge[, after first having obtained the approval of the court
    30  of quarter sessions in each county].
    20030H0850B0985                 - 35 -     

     1     Section 2802.  Joining With [City] Municipality.--When such
     2  bridge is on the dividing line between two counties which is
     3  also the dividing line between one county and a [city]
     4  municipality in the other county, and such [city] municipality
     5  has authority to build or rebuild such bridge or to join with
     6  any county therein, said county may join with said [city]
     7  municipality in the other county in building or rebuilding such
     8  bridge. [In such case, the approval of the court of quarter
     9  sessions of the county so joining with a city only shall be
    10  required.]
    11     Section 2803.  Cost; Status.--The cost of such bridge shall
    12  be paid in such proportions as shall be agreed upon by the two
    13  counties or by the county and [city] municipality so joining.
    14  Such bridge when built shall be an intercounty bridge and be
    15  subject to all provisions of existing laws relating to
    16  intercounty bridges.
    17     Section 29.  Subarticle (f) of Article XXVIII of the act is
    18  repealed.
    19     Section 30.  Sections 2822, 2823, 2824, 2832, 2833 and 2834
    20  of the act are repealed.
    21     Section 31.  Subarticle (i) of Article XXVIII of the act is
    22  repealed.
    23     Section 32.  Sections 2851, 2852, 2853 and 2855 of the act
    24  are amended to read:
    25     Section 2851.  [City] Municipal Bridges Benefiting
    26  Neighboring [Townships] Municipalities.--Whenever different
    27  parts of any [city] municipality or any part of such [city]
    28  municipality and any [township] municipality bordering thereon
    29  are separated therefrom by any intervening valley or ravine, and
    30  the county commissioners [of such county] shall decide it
    20030H0850B0985                 - 36 -     

     1  necessary that a public bridge for the purpose of connecting the
     2  territories thus separated be constructed and that such bridge
     3  will be of substantial advantage and benefit to the taxable
     4  inhabitants of the [township] municipality bordering thereon or
     5  [townships] municipalities adjacent thereto, such county may
     6  contract with such [city] municipality for the laying out and
     7  construction by such [city] municipality of such bridge and may
     8  pay to the [city] municipality such portion of the cost thereof
     9  as the county commissioners shall deem reasonable, and shall
    10  appropriate money, levy taxes and incur indebtedness therefor.
    11     Section 2852.  Municipal Bridges Where County Might Have
    12  Built Bridge.--Where, under the provisions of existing laws, a
    13  [city of the third class, a borough or a township of the first
    14  class] municipality is authorized to construct a bridge or
    15  viaduct over a river, creek or stream or other place over which
    16  the county is authorized to build bridges, and such municipality
    17  is authorized to contract with the county and with railroads,
    18  street railways and other companies or parties interested for
    19  the building and maintenance of such bridge or viaduct, and for
    20  the payment of any damages caused by the location or erection
    21  thereof, the county commissioners may[, with the approval of the
    22  court of quarter sessions,] contract with such [city, borough or
    23  township] municipality for that part or portion of the bridge or
    24  viaduct which crosses any of the places hereinbefore mentioned,
    25  including the abutments and piers thereof. Such part shall
    26  thereafter be maintained as a county bridge. In lieu thereof,
    27  the county commissioners may[, with the approval of the court,]
    28  contract for any part or portion of the whole structure equal to
    29  or greater than the part or portion which the county might have
    30  built.
    20030H0850B0985                 - 37 -     

     1     Section 2853.  Contribution Where County Might Not Have Built
     2  Bridge.--When such bridge or viaduct is built by a [borough or
     3  township of the first class] municipality and does not cross any
     4  place over which the county is authorized to construct a bridge
     5  but crosses merely railroad or railroads and private property,
     6  the county commissioners may[, subject to the approval of the
     7  court of quarter sessions,] contract to pay an amount of money,
     8  not exceeding thirty per centum of the entire cost of the
     9  proposed bridge or viaduct. Such bridge or viaduct shall
    10  thereafter be maintained as a [borough or township] municipal
    11  structure, and the county shall not be liable for any part of
    12  the cost of maintenance or repair thereof.
    13     Section 2855.  Contracts for Work.--After any such contract
    14  has been entered into, the county commissioners, in conjunction
    15  with the [city, borough or township] municipality, shall have
    16  prepared plans and specifications of the entire work and shall
    17  advertise for bids and award the contract to the lowest
    18  responsible bidder. Such contract shall provide that the county
    19  shall pay its certain part of such bridge or viaduct directly to
    20  the contractor. The contractor shall have a right of action
    21  against the county for the part of the contract which the county
    22  agrees to pay.
    23     Section 33.  Section 2857 of the act is repealed.
    24     Section 34.  Sections 2901, 2902 and 2903 of the act are
    25  amended to read:
    26     Section 2901.  County Roads; Establishment and Maintenance.--
    27  (a)  The words defined in section 2801 of this act shall be
    28  construed to have like meanings when used in this article.
    29     (b)  Establishing County Roads. For the purpose of providing
    30  public roads, specially constructed, improved and maintained,
    20030H0850B0985                 - 38 -     

     1  the county commissioners may[, upon approval by the court of
     2  quarter sessions,] originally lay out and open any road, and
     3  take possession of and exercise control over any existing
     4  [township] municipal road or part thereof, and build and
     5  maintain roads as county roads within their respective limits.
     6  They may, at any time, straighten, widen, extend and alter any
     7  such road or part thereof, and vacate so much thereof as may
     8  become unnecessary and useless. Any road so taken over or
     9  improved shall thereupon become a county road and be subject to
    10  the control and supervision of the county commissioners. It
    11  shall be the duty of the county to keep and maintain county
    12  roads established under this act and all other county roads in
    13  repair, the expense thereof to be paid by the county in the
    14  manner hereinafter provided.
    15     [(b.1)  When the county commissioners acquire real property
    16  for the county to be used for originally laying out or opening
    17  any road, sufficient property may be acquired to enable
    18  construction of roads two hundred (200) feet in width exclusive
    19  of division strips: Provided, That the limits of width shall not
    20  be construed to include the width required for necessary slopes
    21  in cuts or fills.]
    22     (c)  Acquisition of Rights of Way of Abandoned Railroads. The
    23  commissioners of the county may take over any abandoned rights
    24  of way or bridge of a railroad company or any part thereof for
    25  the purpose of relocating any existing or locating a new county
    26  road, and they may purchase such abandoned right of way or
    27  bridge or such part thereof, as may be necessary for the
    28  relocating or locating of said county road, from the owner
    29  thereof, at a fair price[, to be approved by the court of
    30  quarter sessions of the county].
    20030H0850B0985                 - 39 -     

     1     Whenever any such abandoned right of way or bridge of a
     2  railroad company or any part thereof is purchased under the
     3  provisions of this section, a county road shall be laid out and
     4  located thereon and shall thereafter be constructed, improved
     5  and maintained in accordance with law. Any such bridge so taken
     6  over shall become a county bridge and shall be maintained,
     7  rebuilt and repaired accordingly.
     8     (d)  Joint Action by Counties. The provisions of this article
     9  may also be exercised jointly by adjoining counties as to roads
    10  extending along and adjacent to county lines and from one
    11  adjoining county into another.
    12     The procedure and jurisdiction in each county in such cases
    13  shall be the same as to any portion of such road lying within
    14  its limits, except that the petition, plans and surveys of such
    15  road shall describe and exhibit every portion of such road
    16  within the limits of such county and every portion thereof
    17  extending along the line of or into an adjoining county. The
    18  several portions thereof lying within limits of each county
    19  shall be treated in all proceedings as one continuous road.
    20     (e)  To Be County Road as Soon as so Decreed. All roads and
    21  parts thereof heretofore and hereafter decreed by the court
    22  under this or any former acts of Assembly to be a county road
    23  shall be subject to the control and supervision of the county
    24  commissioners. [Upon the decree or order making an existing
    25  township road or part thereof a county road, the same shall
    26  immediately be kept in repair, made, constructed and maintained
    27  by the county and the township relieved of any duty thereto as a
    28  township road.]
    29     (f)  Maintenance and Repair of County Roads. The
    30  commissioners shall have prepared plans and estimates, as often
    20030H0850B0985                 - 40 -     

     1  as required, for the repair and maintenance of all roads which
     2  the county is required by law to maintain and repair. They may
     3  invite proposals for maintaining and repairing such roads or
     4  parts thereof in accordance with such plans and estimates and
     5  award the contract therefor in like manner as contracts for new
     6  improvements, or they may make the necessary repairs themselves.
     7  For the purpose of making such repairs, the commissioners may
     8  employ or appoint the proper persons and buy the necessary
     9  materials and buy or rent the necessary machinery. The county
    10  may also lease any of its machinery to any political subdivision
    11  within the county, upon such terms and conditions as may be
    12  agreed upon.
    13     (g)  Annual Tax. The commissioners may levy, assess and
    14  collect an annual tax, of not more than two mills upon the
    15  dollar, upon all real and personal property within said county
    16  taxable for county purposes for the purpose of acquiring and
    17  securing a fund from which to pay all costs, damages and
    18  expenses required in the locating, opening, building, improving,
    19  widening, straightening, extending, maintaining, repairing or
    20  vacating of roads or parts thereof covered by the provisions of
    21  this section, and for the taking and use of such land as may be
    22  necessary in constructing and maintaining proper slopes,
    23  embankments, fills and culverts. The moneys so raised shall not
    24  be expended for any other purposes than those named in this
    25  section, except for the maintenance, repair, construction and
    26  reconstruction of any county bridge or bridges, whether or not
    27  located on a county road or roads. All warrants for the payment
    28  of any portion of the money raised for the purposes aforesaid
    29  shall be issued, in the manner provided by this act, upon
    30  estimates which shall be made from time to time by the persons
    20030H0850B0985                 - 41 -     

     1  charged with such duty. The amount and time within which the
     2  same shall be paid shall be fixed and determined in the contract
     3  made for the public work.
     4     (h)  Borrowing Money; Bond Issue and Tax Levy. The county
     5  commissioners may borrow money and secure any indebtedness
     6  created by them for the purposes authorized under this section
     7  [by issuing bonds in accordance with the provisions of the
     8  Municipal Borrowing Law].
     9     (i)  Changing Part of Road Without View. Whenever the board
    10  of commissioners deem it advisable to construct or alter any
    11  part of any road under their supervision and can agree with the
    12  property owners affected by such change as to damages, they may,
    13  upon payment of the damages agreed upon, construct or alter such
    14  part of such public road as contemplated in such agreement
    15  without the formality of a view. [This authority shall not
    16  extend to any construction or alteration, the costs and expenses
    17  of which to such county, including damages, shall exceed one
    18  thousand dollars ($1000). A petition setting forth the facts,
    19  accompanied by a map or draft of such proposed change, shall be
    20  presented to the court of quarter sessions for approval before
    21  such actual change is made, whereupon the new location thus
    22  approved by the court shall be the public road to all intents
    23  and purposes and the old location shall be vacated.]
    24     (j)  Assessment of Benefits. Whenever, in the county, any
    25  road or highway shall be originally located, laid out or
    26  constructed or relocated, opened, straightened, widened,
    27  extended or altered, or any part thereof vacated, the viewers
    28  appointed to assess damages for taking, injuring or destroying
    29  property, after having determined the amount of damages
    30  sustained, shall assess the whole or such part of such damages
    20030H0850B0985                 - 42 -     

     1  as may be represented by benefits upon the properties abutting
     2  on and benefited by such improvements. The remaining part of
     3  such damages, if any, not so assessed against the abutting
     4  properties, shall be paid by the county. The total assessments
     5  for benefits shall in no case exceed the total damages awarded
     6  and agreed upon.
     7     The viewers shall in such cases file their report showing the
     8  balance struck between the damages awarded and the benefits
     9  assessed.
    10     (k)  Interest on Benefits Assessed. All assessments for
    11  benefits shall bear interest at the expiration of thirty days
    12  after they have been finally determined and fixed and shall be
    13  payable to the treasurer of the county.
    14     (l)  Liens for Benefits Assessed. All liens for the
    15  assessment of benefits pursuant to the provisions of the two
    16  preceding subsections shall be filed, revived and collected in
    17  accordance with law.
    18     No appeal taken shall prevent the filing of liens by the
    19  county for any assessment made by virtue of the viewers' report,
    20  but upon the final determination of the issue the court may make
    21  such order as to any lien filed that shall appear right and
    22  proper.
    23     (m)  Sidewalks Along County Roads. Whenever considered
    24  necessary for the safety and accommodation of the public, the
    25  county commissioners may locate, construct and maintain
    26  sidewalks along county roads. The cost of the construction and
    27  maintenance of said sidewalks shall be paid by the county.
    28     (n)  Lights Along County Roads. Whenever considered necessary
    29  for the safety and convenience of the traveling public, the
    30  county commissioners may supply and equip any county road or
    20030H0850B0985                 - 43 -     

     1  parts thereof with lights of such kind as they shall deem
     2  necessary. The commissioners may for this purpose contract with
     3  any individual or with any municipal or private corporation. The
     4  cost of the construction may and the cost of maintenance of the
     5  said lights shall be paid by the county.
     6     Section 2902.  System of Main Thoroughfares in County.--(a)
     7  Adoption of System. The county commissioners may, in the manner
     8  provided by this section, cause to be laid out, surveyed and
     9  adopted a system of main thoroughfares which said board shall
    10  adjudge the proper roads to be established and specially
    11  constructed and improved. In adopting such system, the
    12  commissioners shall consider the population and needs of all
    13  parts of the county and make an equitable distribution of the
    14  roads to be specially constructed, located and improved by the
    15  said county. They shall cause a plan or plans to be made showing
    16  said system of proposed roads, the relation of the proposed
    17  roads to existing public roads which connect therewith or are to
    18  be supplied thereby, the names of abutting property owners, and
    19  also roads which already have been improved by the county. Upon
    20  approval of said plan or plans by the commissioners, they shall
    21  cause said approval to be engrossed upon said plans and
    22  certified by at least two commissioners. Said plans shall be
    23  filed for public inspection in the office of the commissioners
    24  and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds in a book to
    25  be provided for the purpose.
    26     No part of the proposed roads of said system shall be an
    27  easement upon private property or in any manner interfere with
    28  the use thereof until established as a public road by the action
    29  of the court of quarter sessions.
    30     (b)  Improvement of [Borough and Township] Municipal Roads.
    20030H0850B0985                 - 44 -     

     1  Whenever such system of main thoroughfares has been adopted or
     2  when the adoption thereof is contemplated within two years after
     3  the commencement of such improvement, the commissioners may[,
     4  upon approval by the court of quarter sessions as hereinafter
     5  provided,] take exclusive control of and improve any road or
     6  section thereof located either wholly or in part in any [borough
     7  or township] municipality, whether existing by their authority
     8  or laid out in whole or in part by virtue of this act or
     9  otherwise. For that purpose, they may originally locate, lay
    10  out, establish in whole or in part, relocate, straighten, widen,
    11  extend, alter and open roads, and construct and improve the
    12  same, and vacate so much of any roads as may be thereby rendered
    13  unnecessary and useless. Any road as established or altered,
    14  constructed and improved under the provisions of this subsection
    15  shall, by ordinance enacted by each [borough or by resolution
    16  adopted by the commission or supervisors of each township]
    17  municipality through which such road shall pass, become [borough
    18  or township] municipal roads, and the duty of maintaining and
    19  keeping the same in repair shall devolve upon each respective
    20  [township or borough] municipality through or into which the
    21  same extends.
    22     (c)  Plan of System to Be Followed; Variations. After such
    23  plans have been adopted and recorded pursuant to law, all
    24  applications under the preceding subsection [to the court of
    25  quarter sessions] shall be restricted and shall relate only to
    26  the establishing, opening, construction and improvement of the
    27  proposed roads of said system or parts thereof and the vacation
    28  of roads supplied by the portion opened and improved. The
    29  commissioners[, upon approval by the court of quarter sessions
    30  as hereinafter provided,] may relocate, straighten, widen,
    20030H0850B0985                 - 45 -     

     1  extend, alter and open, construct and improve the proposed roads
     2  as laid out, surveyed, marked and shown upon the plans of said
     3  system, or to originally locate, lay out and establish,
     4  construct and improve roads which substantially supply said
     5  system or parts thereof which, although not parts of said
     6  system, are deemed by the said court to be main thoroughfares of
     7  sufficient importance to be improved by the county and to be
     8  added to said plan, and in such case to vacate so much of the
     9  roads of said system and of roads already established as may be
    10  rendered unnecessary by the changes or by an entirely new
    11  location.
    12     (d)  Improvement of Roads Not Part of System on Contribution
    13  From Parties Interested. The commissioners may also originally
    14  locate, lay out and establish in whole or in part, relocate,
    15  straighten, widen, extend, alter and open, construct and improve
    16  roads not parts of said system nor deemed main thoroughfares,
    17  upon parties interested therein paying or securing to be paid,
    18  [in a manner to be approved by the court of quarter sessions,]
    19  such proportion of the cost of the original construction and
    20  improvement as the commissioners may deem just, which shall not
    21  be less than one-fourth of such cost in any case.
    22     (e)  Annual Tax. The commissioners may levy, assess and
    23  collect an annual tax, of not more than two mills upon the
    24  dollar, upon all real and personal property within the county
    25  taxable for county purposes, for the purpose of acquiring and
    26  securing a fund from which to pay all costs, damages and
    27  expenses required in locating, opening, widening, straightening,
    28  extending, building, improving, maintaining, repairing or
    29  vacating of the roads or parts thereof improved under the
    30  provisions of this section, and for the taking and using of such
    20030H0850B0985                 - 46 -     

     1  land as may be made necessary in constructing and maintaining
     2  proper slopes, embankments, fills and culverts. The moneys so
     3  raised shall not be expended for any other purposes than those
     4  named in this subsection. All warrants for the payment of any
     5  portion of the money raised for the purposes aforesaid shall be
     6  issued, in the manner provided by this act, upon estimates which
     7  shall be made from time to time by the person charged with such
     8  duty, and the amount and time within which the same shall be
     9  paid shall be fixed and determined in the contract made for the
    10  public work herein authorized.
    11     (f)  Borrowing Money and Bond Issue. Any county may borrow
    12  money and secure such indebtedness [by issuing bonds in
    13  accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Borrowing Law]
    14  for the purpose of building and improving the roads or any part
    15  thereof constructed under the provisions of this section.
    16     Section 2903.  Providing Roads, Tunnels, Subways and
    17  Underground Roads.--(a)  Whenever the county commissioners shall
    18  deem it expedient so to do [and upon the approval thereof by the
    19  court of quarter sessions as hereinafter provided,] they may
    20  cause to be purchased, located, constructed, operated and
    21  maintained roads, tunnels, subways or underground roads anywhere
    22  within the county, either wholly or partly within the boundaries
    23  of any city, borough or township. Any road, tunnel, subway or
    24  underground road purchased or constructed under the provisions
    25  of this section shall forever thereafter be a county road,
    26  tunnel, subway or underground road, and the duty of maintaining
    27  and keeping the same in repair shall devolve upon the county.
    28  The expense thereof shall be paid by the county as hereinafter
    29  provided.
    30     (b)  Contracts or Lease for Special Use of Improvements. The
    20030H0850B0985                 - 47 -     

     1  commissioners[, subject to the approval of the court of quarter
     2  sessions,] may make a contract or lease with any street railway
     3  or transportation company, its successors and assigns, for the
     4  concurrent use of such a portion of said road, tunnel or subway
     5  or underground road, as shall not substantially impair or
     6  restrict the public use and enjoyment thereof, upon such terms
     7  and conditions as shall be agreed upon. [No such contract or
     8  lease for the concurrent use of a portion of such improvement
     9  shall be for a longer term or period than twenty years. Any such
    10  contract or lease shall be made in accordance with applicable
    11  provisions of the Public Utility Law.]
    12     (c)  Taking Street or Other Property of [City or Borough]
    13  Municipality. Should the commissioners of the county deem it
    14  necessary or advisable to enter upon or appropriate any road or
    15  property of any city or borough in the county, or take any other
    16  action affecting the property rights or authority of such [city
    17  or borough] municipality, for the purpose of constructing or
    18  maintaining a road, tunnel, subway or underground road, or in
    19  connection with the improvement of any of them, which has been
    20  or is about to be purchased by the county or otherwise, the
    21  consent thereto of such [city or borough] municipality by
    22  ordinance shall be obtained before the actual entering in or
    23  upon or the appropriation of such road or property. After such
    24  entry and appropriation, the county shall be liable and charged
    25  with the supervision, control and maintenance of said roads and
    26  properties, or so much thereof as is taken and used for the
    27  purpose of constructing and maintaining such road, tunnel,
    28  subway or underground road, or in connection with the
    29  improvement of any of them, purchased or to be purchased as
    30  aforesaid.
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     1     (d)  Annual Tax Levy. The commissioners may levy, assess and
     2  collect an annual tax, of not more than two mills on the dollar,
     3  on all real and personal property within the county taxable for
     4  county purposes for the purpose of acquiring and securing a fund
     5  from which to pay all costs, damages and expenses required in
     6  the purchasing, improving, locating, opening, constructing,
     7  maintaining and repairing roads, tunnels, subways and
     8  underground roads, purchased or constructed under the provisions
     9  of this section, and the taking and using of such land as may be
    10  made necessary in constructing the same and in maintaining
    11  proper slopes, embankments, approaches and termini for said
    12  roads, tunnels, subways and underground roads. The money so
    13  raised shall not be used or expended for any other purposes than
    14  those named in this subsection. All warrants for the payment of
    15  any portion of the money raised for the purposes aforesaid shall
    16  be issued, in the manner provided by this act, upon estimates
    17  which shall be made from time to time by the person charged with
    18  such duty. The amount and time within which the same shall be
    19  paid shall be fixed and determined in the contract made for the
    20  public work herein authorized.
    21     (e)  Borrowing Money and Bond Issue. The county may borrow
    22  money and incur indebtedness [in accordance with the provisions
    23  of the Municipal Borrowing Law,] to an amount not exceeding the
    24  constitutional limitations, for the purchase and improvement or
    25  construction of such roads, tunnels, subways and underground
    26  roads.
    27     Section 35.  Section 2904 of the act is repealed.
    28     Section 36.  Sections 2907, 2909, 2912 and 2931 heading and
    29  (a) of the act are amended to read:
    30     Section 2907.  Penalties for Injuring Drains, Etc.--If any
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     1  person shall stop, fill up or injure any such drain, channel or
     2  ditch, or the inlets or outlets thereto, or shall divert or
     3  change the course thereof, without any authority of the county,
     4  or shall be responsible for the same, and does not eliminate or
     5  remove such obstruction of or interference with said drains,
     6  channels, ditches, etc., upon ten (10) days notice in writing
     7  from the county so to do, then and in that case such person
     8  shall[, upon summary conviction in an action before any
     9  magistrate, alderman or justice of the peace, be sentenced to
    10  pay a fine or penalty of ten dollars ($10) for every such
    11  offense together with the costs of prosecution, and such fines
    12  as shall be imposed shall be paid to the treasurer of the proper
    13  county] be convicted of a summary offense. Every day's
    14  violation, after written notice has been received by the proper
    15  person, shall constitute a separate offense: Provided, however,
    16  That nothing herein contained shall limit or deprive the said
    17  counties of any other remedy which they may now or in the future
    18  have, in law or equity.
    19     Section 2909.  Vacation as County Roads.--Upon petition of
    20  the county commissioners, the court of [quarter sessions] common
    21  pleas may vacate as a county road any portions of any abandoned
    22  or condemned [turnpike] road, or any portions of any [turnpike]
    23  road purchased by the county, or of any road, the permanent
    24  location or improvement whereof has been ordered or made under
    25  this or former acts relating to county roads. All portions of
    26  such roads so vacated shall become and be township roads, if
    27  located within a township, or shall become and be borough or
    28  city roads, if located within a borough or city. Written notice
    29  of the contents of said petition and the time when the same will
    30  be presented to the court shall be given by the county
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     1  commissioners to the supervisors or commissioners of the
     2  township or townships or to the council of the borough or city
     3  through which said road passes, at least ten days before the
     4  date of presenting the same. At the time said petition is
     5  presented, the court may fix a time for hearing in open court,
     6  or may refer the matter to an examiner to take testimony and
     7  report his findings to the court at such time as the court shall
     8  direct. At any hearing in open court or before an examiner
     9  appointed by the court, all parties in interest may appear and
    10  be heard. After such hearing, the court, if it shall find that
    11  the conditions prescribed by this act have been complied with,
    12  may grant the prayer of the petitioners and make a decree
    13  accordingly or make such order in the premises as it deems right
    14  and just. No order of vacation shall be made until the township,
    15  borough or city affected shall have consented thereto by an
    16  ordinance or resolution certified to the court.
    17     Section 2912.  Laying Out; Altering; Vacating.--Roads forming
    18  or intended to form a continuous highway from one county to
    19  another, which cross a river, creek or rivulet forming a
    20  boundary line between said counties, may be laid out or altered
    21  or vacated in the manner provided in the case of other roads[,
    22  except that the court of quarter sessions of each county shall
    23  appoint three viewers and that a report as aforesaid shall be
    24  made to each court respectively, and that each court shall
    25  otherwise have and exercise concurrent jurisdiction therein].
    26     Section 2931.  Improvement on Order of Court of [Quarter
    27  Sessions] Common Pleas.--(a)  In all cases in which it shall be
    28  found impossible to enter into such contracts or agreements, or
    29  where either the city or borough and the township or the county
    30  in which such township is situated shall refuse to enter into
    20030H0850B0985                 - 51 -     

     1  such contract or agreement, either the municipality or the
     2  county or township may present its petition to the court of
     3  [quarter sessions] common pleas of either county setting forth
     4  the facts and circumstances, including the condition of the road
     5  from which the necessity and desirability for the grading,
     6  curbing, macadamizing or paving of the roadway appears, and the
     7  estimated cost thereof, and that the terms of such contract
     8  cannot be agreed upon by the municipality and county or
     9  township, or either or any of them, or that either such
    10  municipality or the county or township or any of them refuses to
    11  enter into such contract.
    12     * * *
    13     Section 37.  Section 2932 of the act is repealed.
    14     Section 38.  Sections 2940(a) and 2942 of the act are amended
    15  to read:
    16     Section 2940.  Laying Out Detours When County Road is
    17  Closed.--(a)  Except in the case of emergency wherein the safety
    18  of the public would be endangered, no county road shall be
    19  closed to vehicular traffic except upon order of the county
    20  commissioners, nor for a longer period than is necessary for the
    21  purpose for which such order is issued. Except for temporary
    22  emergency police measures wherein the safety of the public would
    23  be endangered if it were not temporarily closed, no county road
    24  shall be closed to vehicular traffic when the same has been
    25  designated as a detour by the Department of [Highways of the
    26  Commonwealth] Transportation unless the written consent of the
    27  Department of [Highways] Transportation has first been obtained,
    28  or unless the county commissioners having jurisdiction over said
    29  road shall, by resolution, declare such closing necessary for
    30  the protection of the public safety.
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     1     * * *
     2     Section 2942.  Fines and Damages.--(a)  Any person who shall
     3  wilfully remove, deface, destroy or disregard any barricade,
     4  light, danger sign, detour sign or warning of any character
     5  whatsoever, erected or placed under authority of section 2940 of
     6  this act, or who shall drive on, over or across any road which
     7  has been closed by proper authority, shall[, upon conviction
     8  thereof in a summary proceeding before a magistrate, alderman or
     9  justice of the peace, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less
    10  than twenty-five dollars ($25) nor more than one hundred dollars
    11  ($100) and the cost of prosecution, and in default of the
    12  payment thereof, shall be imprisoned one day for each dollar of
    13  fine and costs unpaid] be convicted of a summary offense:
    14  Provided, however, That persons who have no outlet due to the
    15  closing of a road may drive on, over or across such road, with
    16  the consent in writing of and subject to such conditions as may
    17  be prescribed by the county commissioners responsible for the
    18  closing, or their agents or contractors, without being subject
    19  to the fines imposed by this section.
    20     (b)  In addition to the fines herein provided, the county
    21  commissioners responsible for the maintenance of a road which
    22  has been closed to vehicular traffic, or their agents or
    23  contractors, may, in an action at law, recover damages from any
    24  person or persons who have damaged a road when it is closed to
    25  vehicular traffic.
    26     (c)  All fines collected under the provisions of this section
    27  shall be paid [by the officer receiving the same to the
    28  treasurer of the boroughs, towns or townships in which the
    29  offenses shall have been committed] to the county treasurer for
    30  the general fund use of the county.
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     1     Section 39.  Sections 2950, 2951, 2952 and 2953 of the act
     2  are repealed.
     3     Section 40.  Sections 2954(b) and 3053 of the act are amended
     4  to read:
     5     Section 2954.  Penalty for Destroying, Et Cetera, Index
     6  Boards.--* * *
     7     (b)  Any person violating the provisions of this section
     8  shall[, upon summary conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of
     9  not less than ten dollars ($10) nor more than twenty-five
    10  dollars ($25) with all costs of prosecution, together with the
    11  value of such sign so destroyed, removed or defaced. In default
    12  of payment of said fine, costs and expenses, such person shall
    13  undergo an imprisonment for a period of not less than five (5)
    14  nor more than sixty (60) days] be convicted of a summary
    15  offense, and in addition to other fines and penalties provided
    16  by law, may be required to provide reimbursement for the value
    17  of such sign so destroyed.
    18     Section 3053.  Sale of Unused Grounds.--If, for a period of
    19  five years, no public use of said real estate as contemplated by
    20  the grant to the county is made, the county commissioners shall
    21  have power to sell such real estate [on petition to the court of
    22  common pleas, as provided by law, for the sale of county
    23  property].
    24     Section 41.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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