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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 981



No. 863 Session of 1989

           AND J. H. CLARK, APRIL 3, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 22 (Detectives and Private Police) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, adding provisions
     3     relating to alarm businesses.

     4                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     5                     PART IV.  ALARM BUSINESSES
     6  Chapter 41.  Preliminary Provisions
     7  § 4101.  Definitions.
     8  § 4102.  Preemption of local regulation.
     9  Chapter 43.  Alarm Services Board
    10  § 4301.  Alarm Services Board.
    11  § 4302.  Powers and duties of board.
    12  § 4303.  Proceedings of board.
    13  § 4304.  Records.
    14  § 4305.  Fees.
    15  Chapter 45.  Licenses

     1     Subchapter A.  Alarm Businesses
     2  § 4501.  Requirement of alarm business license.
     3  § 4502.  Application for alarm business license.
     4  § 4503.  Full-time employees.
     5  § 4504.  Investigation of applicant.
     6  § 4505.  Alarm business license.
     7  § 4506.  Transfer of alarm business license to another location.
     8  § 4507.  Change in management of licensee.
     9  § 4508.  Renewal of alarm business license.
    10  § 4509.  Revocation of alarm business license.
    11  § 4510.  Responsibility for employees.
    12  § 4511.  Reporting of multiple licensure.
    13     Subchapter B.  Alarm Agents
    14  § 4521.  Requirement of alarm agent license.
    15  § 4522.  Disqualification for licensure from criminal activity.
    16  § 4523.  Conflict of interest.
    17  § 4524.  Application for alarm agent license.
    18  § 4525.  Alarm agent license.
    19  § 4526.  Reporting of multiple licensure.
    20  § 4527.  Renewal of alarm agent license.
    21  § 4528.  Refusal, suspension and revocation of alarm agent
    22             license.
    23  Chapter 47.  Identification Documents
    24  § 4701.  Alarm agent identification card.
    25  § 4702.  Responsibility for identification documents.
    26  Chapter 49.  Enforcement
    27     Subchapter A.  General Provisions
    28  § 4901.  Enforcement and investigations.
    29  § 4902.  Administrative disciplinary proceedings.
    30  § 4903.  Reinstatement of license.
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     1  § 4904.  Prosecutions.
     2  § 4905.  Injunctions against unlicensed practice.
     3  § 4906.  Subpoenas.
     4     Subchapter B.  Violations and Penalties
     5  § 4911.  Unlicensed activities.
     6  § 4912.  False representations.
     7  § 4913.  Privileged information and false reports.
     8  § 4914.  Civil penalty.
     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Title 22 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
    12  Statutes is amended by adding a part heading and a part to read:
    13                               PART I
    14                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    15                               * * *
    16                              PART IV
    17                           ALARM BUSINESS
    18  Chapter
    19    41.  Preliminary Provisions
    20    43.  Alarm Services Board
    21    45.  Licenses
    22    47.  Identification Documents
    23    49.  Enforcement
    24                             CHAPTER 41
    25                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    26  Sec.
    27  4101.  Definitions.
    28  4102.  Preemption of local regulation.
    29  § 4101.  Definitions.
    30     The following words and phrases when used in this part shall
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     1  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     2  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     3     "Alarm agent."  An individual employed or hired as an
     4  independent contractor within this Commonwealth by an alarm
     5  business for the purpose of providing alarm services.
     6     "Alarm business."  An individual, partnership, association,
     7  corporation or other entity engaged in alarm services. The term
     8  does not include any person on whose premises is installed an
     9  alarm system sounding or recording alarm and supervisory signals
    10  at a control center on the protected premises and under the
    11  supervision of the proprietor of the protected premises if the
    12  person does not otherwise provide alarm services.
    13     "Alarm services."  The sale, installation, maintenance,
    14  repair, replacement or servicing of equipment which detects and
    15  signals the presence of an unauthorized intrusion or hazard
    16  requiring urgent attention or transmits a signal to a central
    17  station, law enforcement agency or fire department; or the
    18  furnishing of monitoring or responding services in connection
    19  with any alarm signaling devices located in this Commonwealth.
    20  The term does not include the sale of alarm equipment:
    21         (1)  By a manufacturer for purposes of resale to the
    22     general public.
    23         (2)  By a retailer who is not in the business of
    24     installing, maintaining, monitoring, repairing or servicing
    25     alarm systems.
    26     "Board."  The Alarm Services Board.
    27  § 4102.  Preemption of local regulation.
    28     It is the intent of the General Assembly to enact a
    29  comprehensive licensing system for the alarm business and its
    30  agents and thereby preempt this field. All ordinances of any
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     1  municipality inconsistent with this part concerning the
     2  licensing of alarm business and agents or imposing different
     3  qualification standards or licensing fees for alarm business and
     4  agents shall be invalid. Nothing in this part shall prevent a
     5  municipality from adopting ordinances concerning the
     6  installation, maintenance and inspection of such alarm services,
     7  nor from imposing fees or false alarm fines.
     8                             CHAPTER 43
     9                        ALARM SERVICES BOARD
    10  Sec.
    11  4301.  Alarm Services Board.
    12  4302.  Powers and duties of board.
    13  4303.  Proceedings of board.
    14  4304.  Records.
    15  4305.  Fees.
    16  § 4301.  Alarm Services Board.
    17     (a)  Creation.--There shall be a departmental administrative
    18  board within the Department of State known as the Alarm Services
    19  Board.
    20     (b)  Membership.--The board shall consist of seven members
    21  who are citizens of the United States and who have been
    22  residents of this Commonwealth for a two-year period, one of
    23  whom shall be the Commissioner of Professional and Occupational
    24  Affairs, two of whom shall represent the public at large, and
    25  four of whom shall be persons who are engaged in the alarm
    26  business and meet the qualifications of experience and the
    27  examination requirements as specified in section 4502(c)
    28  (relating to application for alarm business license), unless
    29  exempted from examination as specified in section 2. Members
    30  shall be appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent
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     1  of a majority of the members elected to the Senate and shall
     2  serve terms of four years, except the initial appointments.
     3  Within 90 days of the effective date of this act, the Governor
     4  shall nominate one professional member to serve a four-year
     5  term; one public member and one professional member to serve
     6  three-year terms; one public and one professional member to
     7  serve two-year terms; and one professional member to serve a
     8  one-year term.
     9     (c)  Continuation of office.--Each board member shall
    10  continue in office until a successor is duly appointed and
    11  qualified but no longer than six months after the expiration of
    12  the term. In the event that a board member shall die, resign or
    13  otherwise become disqualified during the term of office, a
    14  successor shall be appointed in the same way and with the same
    15  qualifications as set forth in this section and shall hold
    16  office for the unexpired portion of the unexpired term.
    17     (d)  Limit on terms.--No board member shall be eligible for
    18  appointment to serve more than two consecutive four-year terms.
    19     (e)  Forfeiture of membership.--A board member who fails to
    20  attend three consecutive meetings shall forfeit his seat unless
    21  the commissioner, upon written request from the member, finds
    22  that the member should be excused from a meeting because of
    23  illness or death of a family member.
    24     (f)  Compensation.--Each member of the board, other than the
    25  Commissioner of Professional and Occupational Affairs, shall
    26  receive per diem compensation at the rate of $60 per diem when
    27  actually attending to the work of the board. Members shall also
    28  receive reasonable traveling, hotel and other necessary expenses
    29  incurred in the performance of their duties in accordance with
    30  Commonwealth regulations.
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     1     (g)  Forfeiture for nonattendance.--A public member who fails
     2  to attend two consecutive statutorily mandated training seminars
     3  in accordance with section 813(e) of the act of April 9, 1929
     4  (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929,
     5  shall forfeit their seat unless the commissioner, upon written
     6  request from the public member, finds that the public member
     7  should be excused from a meeting because of illness or the death
     8  of a family member.
     9     (h)  Administrative affairs.--A majority of the members of
    10  the board serving in accordance with law shall constitute a
    11  quorum for purposes of conducting the business of the board.
    12  Except for temporary and automatic suspensions under section
    13  4902(e) and (f) (relating to administrative disciplinary
    14  proceedings), a member may not be counted as part of a quorum or
    15  vote on any issue unless he is physically in attendance at the
    16  meeting. The board shall select from their number a chairman and
    17  shall select a secretary who need not be a member of the board.
    18  There shall be four stated meetings of the board each year at a
    19  place within this Commonwealth as determined by the board for
    20  the transaction of its business, but the board may hold other
    21  meetings at its discretion and by vote of the majority upon due
    22  notice thereof to all members of the board.
    23     (i)  Notice.--Reasonable notice of all meetings shall be
    24  given in conformity with the act of July 3, 1986 (P.L.388,
    25  No.84), known as the Sunshine Act.
    26     (j)  Operating procedures.--The board shall meet within 30
    27  days after the appointment of its initial members and set up
    28  operating procedures and an application form for licensing alarm
    29  businesses and alarm agents. It shall be the responsibility of
    30  the board to circulate these forms and educate the public to the
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     1  requirement of licensing in order to hold oneself out as a
     2  licensed alarm business or alarm agent within this Commonwealth.
     3  § 4302.  Powers and duties of board.
     4     The board shall have the power and the duty to:
     5         (1)  Pass upon the qualifications of applicants for
     6     licenses and reciprocal licenses and to adopt and revise
     7     rules and regulations requiring applicants to pass
     8     examinations relating to their qualifications as a
     9     prerequisite to the issuance of a license.
    10         (2)  Adopt and, from time to time, revise such rules and
    11     regulations as may be necessary to carry into effect the
    12     provisions of this part. Such regulations may include, but
    13     shall not be limited to, standards of professional practice
    14     and conduct for licensed alarm businesses and alarm agents.
    15         (3)  Examine for, deny, approve, issue, revoke, suspend
    16     or renew licenses of alarm businesses and alarm agents
    17     pursuant to this act and conduct hearings in connection
    18     therewith.
    19         (4)  Conduct hearings upon complaints concerning
    20     violations of the provisions of this part and the rules and
    21     regulations adopted pursuant to this part and seek the
    22     prosecution and enjoinder of all such violations.
    23         (5)  Expend moneys necessary to the proper carrying out
    24     of its assigned duties.
    25         (6)  Waive examination and grant a license in cases
    26     deemed exceptional by the board and in accordance with
    27     regulations promulgated by the board.
    28         (7)  Submit annually a report to the Professional
    29     Licensure Committee of the House of Representatives and the
    30     Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee of
    19890H0863B0981                  - 8 -

     1     the Senate containing a description of the types of
     2     complaints received, status of the cases, board action which
     3     has been taken and length of time from the initial complaint
     4     to final board resolution.
     5         (8)  Submit annually to the Appropriations Committees of
     6     the House of Representatives and the Senate, 15 days after
     7     the Governor has submitted his budget to the General
     8     Assembly, a copy of the budget request for the upcoming
     9     fiscal year, which the board previously submitted to the
    10     Department of State.
    11         (9)  Grant a reciprocal license to an applicant who is
    12     licensed as an alarm business or an alarm agent in another
    13     state and has demonstrated qualifications which, in the
    14     determination of the board, equal or exceed those required
    15     pursuant to this part, provided that no license shall be
    16     granted under this section to an applicant unless the state
    17     in which the applicant is licensed affords reciprocal
    18     treatment to persons who are residents of this Commonwealth
    19     and who are licensed pursuant to this part.
    20  § 4303.  Proceedings of board.
    21     In proceedings of the board relating to its licensing powers
    22  and duties, the board shall not be bound by the strict rules of
    23  evidence, but any determinations made shall be based upon
    24  sufficient legal evidence to sustain them. The burden of meeting
    25  the qualifications for licensing shall be on the applicant. A
    26  district attorney who has filed objections shall be considered a
    27  party for the purposes of appeal.
    28  § 4304.  Records.
    29     (a)  General rule.--The board shall keep records of its
    30  proceedings, especially with relation to the issuance, denial,
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     1  registration, suspension and revocation of licenses. In all
     2  actions or proceedings in any court, a transcript of any record
     3  or any part thereof, which is certified to be a true copy by the
     4  secretary, may be admitted into evidence as an official record.
     5     (b)  Roster of licensees.--The board shall maintain a current
     6  roster of the names, addresses and license numbers of all
     7  persons licensed under this part. The roster shall be open to
     8  public inspection.
     9  § 4305.  Fees.
    10     All fees required pursuant to this part shall be fixed by the
    11  board by regulation and shall be subject to the act of June 25,
    12  1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as the Regulatory Review Act. If
    13  the revenues raised by fees, fines and civil penalties imposed
    14  pursuant to this part are not sufficient to meet expenditures
    15  over a two-year period, the board shall increase those fees by
    16  regulation so that the projected revenues will meet or exceed
    17  projected expenditures. If the Bureau of Professional and
    18  Occupational Affairs determines that the fees established by the
    19  board are inadequate to meet the minimum enforcement efforts
    20  required by this part, then the bureau, after consultation with
    21  the board and subject to the Regulatory Review Act, shall
    22  increase the fees by regulation in an amount so that adequate
    23  revenues are raised to meet the required enforcement efforts.
    24                             CHAPTER 45
    25                              LICENSES
    26  Subchapter
    27     A.  Alarm Businesses
    28     B.  Alarm Agents
    29                            SUBCHAPTER A
    30                          ALARM BUSINESSES
    19890H0863B0981                 - 10 -

     1  Sec.
     2  4501.  Requirement of alarm business license.
     3  4502.  Application for alarm business license.
     4  4503.  Full-time employees.
     5  4504.  Investigation of applicant.
     6  4505.  Alarm business license.
     7  4506.  Transfer of alarm business license to another location.
     8  4507.  Change in management of licensee.
     9  4508.  Renewal of alarm business license.
    10  4509.  Revocation of alarm business license.
    11  4510.  Responsibility for employees.
    12  4511.  Reporting of multiple licensure.
    13  § 4501.  Requirement of alarm business license.
    14     No person shall engage in alarm services, attempt or offer to
    15  engage in alarm services or advertise his or its business to be
    16  an alarm business, without having first obtained an alarm
    17  business license. A separate license shall be obtained for each
    18  location at which an office, branch office, bureau, agency or
    19  subagency is maintained for the conduct of the alarm business.
    20  Licenses issued under this section shall authorize only the
    21  conduct of an alarm business and shall prohibit private
    22  detective and security business activities.
    23  § 4502.  Application for alarm business license.
    24     (a)  General rule.--Any person intending to conduct an alarm
    25  business shall execute and file with the board an application
    26  for an alarm business license. If the applicant is a
    27  partnership, association or corporation, the application shall
    28  contain the information required in this section for, and shall
    29  be executed by, each individual member of the partnership or
    30  association or each principal officer of the corporation and,
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     1  unless the stock of the corporation or its ultimate parent
     2  corporation is listed on a national securities exchange or
     3  registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (48 Stat.
     4  881, 15 U.S.C. § 78a et seq.), each shareholder owning more than
     5  5% of the shares of the corporation.
     6     (b)  Contents of application.--Each individual required under
     7  subsection (a) to execute the application shall set forth his
     8  full name, age, residence, occupation and, for the last ten
     9  years, all residences, and such further information as the board
    10  may require to show his good character, competency and
    11  integrity. Each individual applicant shall also furnish a
    12  complete set of fingerprints and two personal photographs. The
    13  applicant shall set forth the address of the principal place of
    14  business and the office, branch office, bureau, agency or
    15  subagency for which the license is desired. The managing agent
    16  of the applicant for each location of its offices shall be
    17  identified, and a copy of his alarm agent license or application
    18  for license shall be included. The application shall be signed
    19  and verified by each individual required to execute it.
    20     (c)  Experience and examination requirements.--An individual
    21  applicant or, in the case of a partnership, association or
    22  corporation, at least one individual required to execute the
    23  application shall have at least three years' experience in the
    24  alarm business and shall pass a board-approved alarm business
    25  examination designed to test the individual's knowledge of and
    26  competence in the alarm business.
    27     (d)  References.--Each individual applicant or person
    28  required under subsection (a) to execute the application shall
    29  be recommended by not less than five reputable citizens of the
    30  community in which he resides or for which the license is
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     1  desired. Each citizen shall certify, under oath, that he has
     2  personally known the individual for a period of at least five
     3  years prior to the filing of the application, that he has read
     4  the application and believes each of the statements made therein
     5  to be true and that the applicant is honest, competent, of good
     6  character and not related to the certifier by blood or marriage.
     7     (e)  Additional information for corporation.--In the case of
     8  a corporation, the application shall include the corporation's
     9  name, date and place of incorporation, a certified copy of the
    10  certificate of incorporation, the amount of its outstanding
    11  paid-up capital stock and whether paid in cash or property and,
    12  if in property, the nature of the property, and the names of not
    13  less than three credit references.
    14     (f)  Loss of manager or principal.--Notice of the death,
    15  resignation, withdrawal or removal of the managing agent or any
    16  person required to execute the application shall immediately be
    17  given, in writing, to the board and any successor in the same
    18  capacity shall file with the board the appropriate information
    19  or application.
    20     (g)  Branch offices of licensee.--An application by an alarm
    21  business licensee for a branch license may incorporate the
    22  information previously furnished to the board by reference and
    23  shall contain only the additional information necessary to
    24  conduct the review required by this subchapter.
    25  § 4503.  Full-time employees.
    26     No alarm business license shall be issued unless at least one
    27  person required to execute the application under section 4502(c)
    28  (relating to application for alarm business license) certifies
    29  that he will engage full time in the alarm business for which
    30  the application is made. In the case of branch offices, the
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     1  managing agent shall further certify that he will engage full
     2  time in the alarm business at that branch office.
     3  § 4504.  Investigation of applicant.
     4     The board shall refer the application to the district
     5  attorney of the county where the office or branch office,
     6  bureau, agency or subagency will be located. Upon receipt of the
     7  application, the district attorney shall direct an appropriate
     8  investigation of the applicant and shall, within 30 days of
     9  receipt of the application, forward to the board a complete
    10  written report of the investigative findings and a
    11  recommendation as to the disposition of the application. The
    12  board shall also obtain, through the Pennsylvania State Police
    13  or otherwise, criminal history records, fingerprint comparative
    14  information and such other information as it requires.
    15  § 4505.  Alarm business license.
    16     (a)  Issuance.--If, after investigation, the board is
    17  satisfied of the good character, competency and integrity of the
    18  applicant and a period of 45 days from the date of the filing of
    19  the application has elapsed, the board shall issue and deliver
    20  to the applicant an alarm business license for the premises
    21  stated in the application. If verified objections to the
    22  issuance of a license are filed with the board, it shall hold a
    23  public hearing with notice to all interested parties prior to
    24  issuing or refusing to issue the license.
    25     (b)  Fee and liability insurance.--
    26         (1)  Prior to the issuance of an alarm business license,
    27     the applicant shall pay to the Commonwealth for each license
    28     a fee as fixed by the board and shall file with the board a
    29     certificate of insurance attesting that it has in force a
    30     general liability insurance policy in an amount insuring
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     1     against individual claims of not less than $300,000 in the
     2     case of personal injuries, $500,000 aggregate, and $100,000
     3     in the case of property damage, $300,000 aggregate, written
     4     by an insurance company authorized to do business in this
     5     Commonwealth. Each policy shall contain an endorsement that
     6     the policy will not be canceled or modified without
     7     notification to the board.
     8         (2)  In lieu of a certificate of insurance, an applicant
     9     for an alarm business license may apply to the board for a
    10     self-insurance exemption, showing financial ability to pay
    11     any such liability out of his own assets. The board may issue
    12     such applicant a self-insurance exemption upon satisfactory
    13     proof that the applicant possesses reliable financial
    14     arrangements, deposits, resources or commitments such as will
    15     equal or exceed the minimum amount of insurance required
    16     under paragraph (1) and that the applicant has set aside, or
    17     will commit himself to set aside, assets equal to the
    18     insurance required to secure his obligation as a self-
    19     insurer.
    20     (c)  Form.--The alarm business license shall be in a form
    21  prescribed by the board and shall specify the full name of the
    22  applicant, the location of the principal office and the office,
    23  branch office, bureau, agency or subagency for which the license
    24  is issued, the date on which it is issued, the date on which it
    25  will expire and the name and residence of each licensed alarm
    26  agent employed by it at that location.
    27     (d)  Posting.--The alarm business license shall be displayed
    28  at all times in a conspicuous place in the office for which it
    29  is issued.
    30     (e)  Advertisement.--Every advertisement by an alarm business
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     1  licensee soliciting business shall contain the licensee's name
     2  and license number as they appear in the records of the board.
     3  § 4506.  Transfer of alarm business license to another location.
     4     If a business licensee desires to transfer the license to a
     5  place other than that described in it, he shall prior thereto
     6  apply to the board for leave to transfer the license. The
     7  application for transfer shall describe the premises to which
     8  the transfer will be made and the date of transfer. The board
     9  shall cause an appropriate investigation to be made and, if it
    10  is satisfied, authorize the transfer.
    11  § 4507.  Change in management of licensee.
    12     In cases where the death, resignation, withdrawal or removal
    13  of a person required to execute the application under section
    14  4502(a) (relating to application for alarm business license) or
    15  if a managing agent would terminate the authority of a licensee
    16  to conduct an alarm business, the board may issue a temporary
    17  permit. The permit shall be valid for a period, to be determined
    18  by the board, of not more than 180 days from the date of the
    19  event requiring it. The permit shall authorize the licensee to
    20  engage in alarm services pending the resumption of compliance
    21  with this subchapter.
    22  § 4508.  Renewal of alarm business license.
    23     An alarm business license shall be renewed biennially by the
    24  board upon application at such time and in such form as the
    25  board may prescribe, payment of a biennial fee and the filing of
    26  evidence of insurance as required for the original license. The
    27  license shall be renewed without further investigation, unless
    28  the applicant no longer qualifies for the license or verified
    29  objections to the renewal are received by the board prior to
    30  issuance. If the board has received information relevant to the
    19890H0863B0981                 - 16 -

     1  renewal, it shall hold a public hearing as provided for in the
     2  case of an original application.
     3  § 4509.  Revocation of alarm business license.
     4     The alarm business license shall be revocable by the board at
     5  any time for cause shown. Every license shall be surrendered to
     6  the board within 72 hours after its term has expired or after
     7  notice, in writing, to the holder that the license has been
     8  revoked. Any licensee failing to comply with this section
     9  commits a misdemeanor of the third degree, and such failure
    10  shall be sufficient cause for revocation of the license.
    11  § 4510.  Responsibility for employees.
    12     A business licensee shall be legally responsible for the good
    13  conduct within the scope of employment in the alarm business of
    14  each employee. No licensee shall knowingly employ in connection
    15  with the alarm business, in any capacity, any person whose alarm
    16  agent license was revoked or whose application for license was
    17  denied by the board or by the authorities of any state.
    18  § 4511.  Reporting of multiple licensure.
    19     Any licensed alarm business of this Commonwealth who is also
    20  licensed to engage in alarm services in any other state,
    21  territory or country shall report this information to the board
    22  on the biennial renewal application. Any disciplinary action
    23  taken in any other state, territory or country shall be reported
    24  to the board on the biennial renewal application or within 90
    25  days of disposition, whichever is sooner. Multiple licensure
    26  shall be noted by the board on the licensed alarm business's
    27  record, and such state, territory or country shall be notified
    28  by the board of any disciplinary actions taken against the
    29  licensed alarm business in this Commonwealth.
    30                            SUBCHAPTER B
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     1                            ALARM AGENTS
     2  Sec.
     3  4521.  Requirement of alarm agent license.
     4  4522.  Disqualification for licensure from criminal activity.
     5  4523.  Conflict of interest.
     6  4524.  Application for alarm agent license.
     7  4525.  Alarm agent license.
     8  4526.  Reporting of multiple licensure.
     9  4527.  Renewal of alarm agent license.
    10  4528.  Refusal, suspension and revocation of alarm agent
    11         license.
    12  § 4521.  Requirement of alarm agent license.
    13     No individual shall carry on an alarm business or perform
    14  alarm services for an alarm business without having obtained
    15  from the board an alarm agent license.
    16  § 4522.  Disqualification for licensure from criminal activity.
    17     (a)  Criminal disqualifications.--No alarm agent license
    18  shall be issued to an individual if he is convicted in this
    19  Commonwealth or any other state of a felony or a violation of
    20  any of the following provisions of law or equivalent offenses in
    21  other states:
    22         18 Pa.C.S. § 907 (relating to possessing instruments of
    23     crime).
    24         18 Pa.C.S. § 908 (relating to prohibited offensive
    25     weapons).
    26         18 Pa.C.S. § 2702 (relating to aggravated assault).
    27         18 Pa.C.S. § 3124 (relating to voluntary deviate sexual
    28     intercourse).
    29         18 Pa.C.S. § 3503 (relating to criminal trespass).
    30         18 Pa.C.S. § 3921 (relating to theft by unlawful taking
    19890H0863B0981                 - 18 -

     1     or disposition).
     2         18 Pa.C.S. § 3925 (relating to receiving stolen
     3     property).
     4         18 Pa.C.S. § 5121 (relating to escape).
     5         Act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as The
     6     Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act, unless:
     7         (1)  at least ten years have elapsed from the date of
     8     conviction;
     9         (2)  the applicant satisfactorily demonstrates to the
    10     board that he or she has made significant progress in
    11     personal rehabilitation since the conviction, such that
    12     licensure of the applicant should not be expected to create a
    13     substantial risk of harm to the health and safety of his or
    14     her clients or the public or a substantial risk of further
    15     criminal violations; and
    16         (3)  the applicant otherwise satisfies the qualifications
    17     contained in or authorized by this part.
    18  As used in this subsection, the term "convicted" shall include a
    19  judgment, an admission of guilt or a plea of nolo contendere.
    20     (b)  Other crimes.--The conviction of any other crime in this
    21  Commonwealth or any other state by an individual may be the
    22  basis for suspension or revocation of an alarm agent license.
    23     (c)  Previous conviction and previous revocation.--No alarm
    24  agent license shall be issued to any person who has been
    25  convicted of a violation under subsection (a) or (b) within ten
    26  years prior to the effective date of this part, and no alarm
    27  agent license shall be issued to any person whose license has
    28  been terminated under subsection (a) or (b) within ten years of
    29  the date of the criminal conviction, unless he has received an
    30  executive or judicial pardon removing this disability. After the
    19890H0863B0981                 - 19 -

     1  ten-year period, the board shall consider such conviction under
     2  the standards set forth in 18 Pa.C.S. § 9124 (relating to use of
     3  records by licensing agencies).
     4  § 4523.  Conflict of interest.
     5     When dealing with potential clients or presenting the product
     6  or service, a licensee may not coerce or induce sales of
     7  security alarm systems by wearing the uniform or exhibiting any
     8  other outward sign that he or she is a police officer or by
     9  representing his or her experience as a police officer or other
    10  similar type of law enforcement official.
    11  § 4524.  Application for alarm agent license.
    12     (a)  General rule.--The application to the board for an alarm
    13  agent license shall be made under oath in a form prescribed by
    14  the board and shall include the following:
    15         (1)  The applicant's full name, age and residence.
    16         (2)  His citizenship.
    17         (3)  The name and address of all the applicant's
    18     employers or occupations, if any, during the ten years
    19     immediately preceding.
    20         (4)  A statement that he is not disqualified under
    21     section 4522 (relating to disqualification for licensure from
    22     criminal activity) or 4523 (relating to conflict of interest)
    23     from being licensed as an alarm agent.
    24         (5)  Such further information as the board may require to
    25     show the good character, competency and integrity of the
    26     applicant.
    27  The application shall be accompanied by a set of fingerprints,
    28  two photographs of the applicant and a license fee as fixed by
    29  the board. The fee shall be nonrefundable.
    30     (b)  Investigation of applicant.--The board shall cause an
    19890H0863B0981                 - 20 -

     1  investigation of the applicant to be conducted in the same
     2  manner as provided in section 4504 (relating to investigation of
     3  applicant).
     4  § 4525.  Alarm agent license.
     5     (a)  Issuance.--If, after investigation, the board is
     6  satisfied of the good character, competency and integrity of the
     7  applicant and a period of 45 days from the date of the filing of
     8  the application has elapsed, the board shall issue and deliver
     9  to the applicant an alarm agent license. If verified objections
    10  to the issuance of a license are filed with the board, it shall
    11  hold a public hearing with notice to all interested parties
    12  prior to issuing or refusing to issue the license.
    13     (b)  Form.--The license shall be in a form prescribed by the
    14  board and shall specify the full name of the applicant, the
    15  location of the principal office and the location of any other
    16  office from which the applicant will work, the date on which the
    17  license was issued and the date on which it will expire.
    18     (c)  Posting.--The license shall be displayed at all times in
    19  a conspicuous place in the principal office from which the
    20  applicant works.
    21     (d)  Temporary license.--Upon request, the board shall issue
    22  a temporary license to any person who applies for an alarm agent
    23  license for the first time as an employee of any particular
    24  alarm business. A temporary licensee may engage in providing
    25  alarm services pending investigation of his qualifications for
    26  an alarm agent license. Temporary licenses shall be valid for a
    27  period to be determined by the board by regulation, which period
    28  shall not exceed 120 days.
    29  § 4526.  Reporting of multiple licensure.
    30     Any licensed alarm agent of this Commonwealth who is also
    19890H0863B0981                 - 21 -

     1  licensed to engage in alarm services in any other state,
     2  territory or country shall report this information to the board
     3  on the biennial renewal application. Any disciplinary actions
     4  taken in any other state, territory or country or taken in this
     5  Commonwealth must comply with the same reporting requirements as
     6  in section 4511 (relating to reporting of multiple licensure),
     7  and multiple licensure shall be noted by the board on the
     8  licensed alarm agent's record.
     9  § 4527.  Renewal of alarm agent license.
    10     A license shall be renewed biennially by the board upon
    11  application at such time and in such form as the board may
    12  prescribe and upon payment of a fee as fixed by the board. The
    13  license may be renewed without further investigation, unless the
    14  applicant no longer qualifies for the license or verified
    15  objections to the renewal are received by the board prior to
    16  issuance. If the board has received information relevant to the
    17  renewal, it shall hold a public hearing as provided for in the
    18  case of an original application.
    19  § 4528.  Refusal, suspension and revocation of alarm agent
    20             license.
    21     (a)  Grounds.--The board may refuse, suspend, revoke, limit
    22  or restrict a license or reprimand a licensee for any of the
    23  following:
    24         (1)  Being convicted of a felony or a crime of moral
    25     turpitude in any state or Federal court or being convicted of
    26     the equivalent of a felony in any foreign country, territory
    27     or possession. As used in this paragraph, the term
    28     "convicted" includes a finding or verdict of guilt, an
    29     admission of guilt or a plea of nolo contendere or receiving
    30     probation without verdict, disposition in lieu of trial or an
    19890H0863B0981                 - 22 -

     1     Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition in the disposition of
     2     felony charges.
     3         (2)  Being found guilty of immoral or unprofessional
     4     conduct. Unprofessional conduct shall include any departure
     5     from or failure to conform to the standards of acceptable and
     6     prevailing alarm business practice. In proceedings based on
     7     this paragraph, actual injury to a person or an individual
     8     need not be established.
     9         (3)  Violating standards of professional practice or
    10     conduct adopted by the board.
    11         (4)  Presenting false credentials or documents or making
    12     a false statement of fact in support of his or her
    13     application for a license.
    14         (5)  Submitting a false or deceptive biennial renewal to
    15     the board.
    16         (6)  Having a license to engage in alarm services
    17     suspended, revoked or refused or receiving other disciplinary
    18     action by the proper alarm business licensing authority of
    19     any other state, territory, possession or country.
    20         (7)  Violating a regulation promulgated by the board,
    21     including, but not limited to, standards of professional
    22     practice and conduct, or violating an order of the board
    23     previously entered in a disciplinary proceeding.
    24         (8)  Being unable to engage in alarm services with
    25     reasonable skill and safety by reason of illness,
    26     drunkenness, excessive use of drugs, narcotics, chemicals or
    27     any other type of material, or as a result of any mental or
    28     physical condition. In enforcing this paragraph, the board
    29     shall, upon probable cause, have authority to compel an alarm
    30     agent to submit to a mental or physical examination by a
    19890H0863B0981                 - 23 -

     1     physician approved by the board. Failure of an alarm agent to
     2     submit to such examination when directed by the board, unless
     3     such failure is due to circumstances beyond his or her
     4     control, shall constitute an admission of the allegations
     5     against him or her, consequent upon which a default and final
     6     order may be entered without the taking of testimony or
     7     presentation of evidence. An alarm agent affected under this
     8     paragraph shall at reasonable intervals, as determined by the
     9     board, be afforded an opportunity to demonstrate that he or
    10     she can resume the competent practice of alarm services with
    11     reasonable skill and safety.
    12         (9)  Violating section 4523 (relating to conflict of
    13     interest).
    14                             CHAPTER 47
    15                      IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENTS
    16  Sec.
    17  4701.  Alarm agent identification card.
    18  4702.  Responsibility for identification documents.
    19  § 4701.  Alarm agent identification card.
    20     (a)  Contents of card.--Upon the issuance of an alarm agent
    21  license, the board shall also issue an identification card which
    22  shall contain the licensee's photograph, name and business
    23  address, as evidence of authorization under this part.
    24     (b)  Carrying requirement.--The identification card shall be
    25  carried by an alarm agent whenever he is engaged in the
    26  performance of alarm services and shall be exhibited upon
    27  request.
    28  § 4702.  Responsibility for identification documents.
    29     (a)  General rule.--Each person to whom a license or
    30  identification card has been issued shall be responsible for
    19890H0863B0981                 - 24 -

     1  their safekeeping and shall not lend or allow any other person
     2  to use, wear or display the license or card.
     3     (b)  Using unauthorized identification.--No person shall wear
     4  or display any license, card or other document or thing
     5  purporting to authorize the holder or wearer thereof to act as
     6  an alarm agent, which has not been issued or is invalid under
     7  this part. Any person who violates this subsection commits a
     8  misdemeanor of the third degree, and the violation shall be
     9  sufficient cause for revocation of the license.
    10     (c)  Loss or destruction.--If it is established to the
    11  satisfaction of the board that a license or identification card
    12  has been lost or destroyed, the board, upon payment of an
    13  appropriate fee, shall issue a duplicate.
    14                             CHAPTER 49
    15                            ENFORCEMENT
    16  Subchapter
    17     A.  General Provisions
    18     B.  Violations and Penalties
    19                            SUBCHAPTER A
    20                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    21  Sec.
    22  4901.  Enforcement and investigations.
    23  4902.  Administrative disciplinary proceedings.
    24  4903.  Reinstatement of license.
    25  4904.  Prosecutions.
    26  4905.  Injunctions against unlicensed practice.
    27  4906.  Subpoenas.
    28  § 4901.  Enforcement and investigations.
    29     The board or, at the request of the board and in accordance
    30  with sections 4904 (relating to prosecutions) and 4905 (relating
    19890H0863B0981                 - 25 -

     1  to injunctions against unlicensed practice), the Attorney
     2  General or each district attorney shall enforce the provisions
     3  of this part and, upon complaint of any person or on his or its
     4  own initiative, shall investigate any suspected violation or the
     5  business practices and methods of any applicant or licensee.
     6  Each applicant or licensee shall, on request of the board or the
     7  district attorney, supply information as required concerning his
     8  or its business, business practices or methods.
     9  § 4902.  Administrative disciplinary proceedings.
    10     (a)  Grounds for discipline.--The board may revoke or suspend
    11  any license granted under this part or reprimand, censure, fine
    12  or otherwise discipline any person in accordance with the
    13  provisions of this part if the board determines, after notice
    14  and hearing, that the person:
    15         (1)  Has willfully or repeatedly acted in a manner
    16     inconsistent with the health and safety of the public.
    17         (2)  Has committed any act involving dishonesty, fraud or
    18     deceit in the practice of the alarm business.
    19         (3)  Has done any act without a license for which a
    20     license is required under this part or has employed any
    21     person for whom a license under this part is required, who
    22     does not have a license.
    23         (4)  Has otherwise violated the provisions of this part
    24     or the rules enacted under this part.
    25         (5)  Is disqualified under this part from holding a
    26     license.
    27     (b)  Filing of charges.--Proceedings under this section shall
    28  be commenced by filing with the board charges, in writing, and
    29  under oath. The charges may be preferred by any person or by the
    30  board.
    19890H0863B0981                 - 26 -

     1     (c)  Written notice.--Before any disciplinary action is
     2  taken, the charged party shall be given notice, in writing, of
     3  the charges against him. The notice shall set a time, date and
     4  place of hearing not less than ten days after the date of the
     5  notice.
     6     (d)  Hearing.--The chairman of the board shall designate
     7  three or more of its members as a hearing committee to hear the
     8  charges. Any party shall have the right to have subpoenas issued
     9  on his behalf by the hearing committee. The hearing shall be
    10  conducted under Title 2 (relating to administrative law and
    11  procedure). Testimony at the hearing shall be taken under oath.
    12     (e)  Temporary suspension.--The board shall temporarily
    13  suspend a license under circumstances as determined by the board
    14  to be an immediate and clear danger to the public health and
    15  safety. The board shall issue an order to that effect without a
    16  hearing, but upon due notice to the licensee concerned at his or
    17  her last known address, which shall include a written statement
    18  of all allegations against the licensee. The provisions of
    19  subsection (d) shall not apply to temporary suspension. The
    20  board shall thereupon commence formal action to suspend, revoke
    21  or restrict the license of the person concerned as otherwise
    22  provided for in this part. All actions shall be taken promptly
    23  and without delay. Within 30 days following the issuance of an
    24  order temporarily suspending a license, the board shall conduct,
    25  or cause to be conducted, a preliminary hearing to determine
    26  that there is a prima facie case supporting the suspension. The
    27  licensee whose license has been temporarily suspended may be
    28  present at the preliminary hearing and may be represented by
    29  counsel, cross-examine witnesses, inspect physical evidence,
    30  call witnesses, offer evidence and testimony and make a record
    19890H0863B0981                 - 27 -

     1  of the proceedings. If it is determined that there is not a
     2  prima facie case, the suspended license shall be immediately
     3  restored. The temporary suspension shall remain in effect until
     4  vacated by the board, but in no event longer than 180 days.
     5     (f)  Automatic suspension.--A license issued under this act
     6  shall automatically be suspended upon the legal commitment of a
     7  licensee to an institution because of mental incompetence from
     8  any cause upon filing with the board of a certified copy of such
     9  commitment, conviction of a felony under the act of April 14,
    10  1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as The Controlled Substance, Drug,
    11  Device and Cosmetic Act, or conviction of an offense under the
    12  laws of another jurisdiction, which, if committed in this
    13  Commonwealth, would be a felony under The Controlled Substance,
    14  Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act. As used in this section, the term
    15  "conviction" shall include a judgment, an admission of guilt or
    16  a plea of nolo contendere. Automatic suspension under this
    17  section shall not be stayed pending an appeal or conviction.
    18  Restoration of such license shall be made as provided in this
    19  part for revocation or suspension of such license.
    20     (g)  Written report.--The hearing committee shall make a
    21  written report to the board of its findings and recommendations,
    22  which shall be considered by the board in arriving at its
    23  determination.
    24     (h)  Committee powers.--Members of the hearing committee
    25  shall exercise the powers of the board as necessary for the
    26  proper conduct of the proceedings.
    27     (i)  Appeal.--Every party shall have the right to appeal any
    28  decision of the board in the manner provided by law.
    29  § 4903.  Reinstatement of license.
    30     Unless ordered to do so by the Commonwealth Court or an
    19890H0863B0981                 - 28 -

     1  appeal therefrom, the board shall not reinstate the license of a
     2  person to practice as an alarm agent or an alarm business
     3  pursuant to this part, which has been revoked. Any person whose
     4  license has been revoked may apply for reinstatement, after a
     5  period of at least five years, but must meet all of the
     6  licensing qualifications of this part, including the examination
     7  requirement, if he or she desires to practice as an alarm agent
     8  or an alarm business pursuant to this part at any time after
     9  such revocation.
    10  § 4904.  Prosecutions.
    11     In addition to administrative disciplinary proceedings, the
    12  board may refer matters brought to its attention under this part
    13  to the Attorney General or a district attorney for criminal
    14  prosecution. Criminal prosecutions for violation of this part
    15  shall be brought by the Attorney General or the district
    16  attorney of the county in which the violation occurred.
    17  § 4905.  Injunctions against unlicensed practice.
    18     A violation of section 4501 (relating to requirement of alarm
    19  business license) or 4521 (relating to requirement of alarm
    20  agent license) may be enjoined by a court on petition of the
    21  board. In this proceeding, it shall not be necessary to show
    22  that any person is individually injured. If the respondent is
    23  found guilty of unauthorized practice, the court shall enjoin
    24  him from so practicing unless and until he has a valid license.
    25  The remedy by injunction is in addition to the administrative
    26  disciplinary proceedings and criminal prosecution provided for
    27  in this chapter.
    28  § 4906.  Subpoenas.
    29     (a)  Issuance.--In making investigations and conducting
    30  administrative disciplinary proceedings relating to any
    19890H0863B0981                 - 29 -

     1  violation of this part and for the purpose of investigating
     2  applicants or licensees, the board, upon application of an
     3  attorney responsible for representing the Commonwealth in
     4  disciplinary matters before the board, may subpoena any person
     5  within his or its jurisdiction, administer oaths, examine
     6  witnesses, take such testimony and require the production of any
     7  books or papers deemed relevant to the inquiry or proceedings. A
     8  person subpoenaed who without reasonable cause fails to obey the
     9  subpoena, refuses to be examined or to answer any relevant
    10  question commits a misdemeanor of the third degree.
    11     (b)  Notification of board.--An attorney responsible for
    12  representing the Commonwealth in disciplinary matters before the
    13  board shall notify the board immediately upon receiving
    14  notification of an alleged violation of this part. The board
    15  shall maintain current records of all reports of alleged
    16  violations and periodically review the records for the purpose
    17  of determining that each alleged violation has been resolved in
    18  a timely manner.
    19                            SUBCHAPTER B
    20                      VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES
    21  Sec.
    22  4911.  Unlicensed activities.
    23  4912.  False representations.
    24  4913.  Privileged information and false reports.
    25  4914.  Civil penalty.
    26  § 4911.  Unlicensed activities.
    27     A person who engages in the alarm business without a license
    28  commits a misdemeanor of the third degree and shall, upon
    29  conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000
    30  or to imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or both.
    19890H0863B0981                 - 30 -

     1  § 4912.  False representations.
     2     If an alarm business licensee falsely represents that a
     3  person is or has been in his employ, his license may be revoked.
     4  A person who falsely represents that he is or has been employed
     5  by an alarm business licensee commits a misdemeanor of the third
     6  degree and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of
     7  not more than $1,000 or to imprisonment for not more than 90
     8  days, or both. A person who files with the board the
     9  fingerprints, photographs or application for registration of a
    10  person other than the applicant commits a misdemeanor of the
    11  first degree and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a
    12  fine of not more than $2,500 or to imprisonment for not more
    13  than one year, or both.
    14  § 4913.  Privileged information and false reports.
    15     A person who is or has been an employee of an alarm business
    16  licensee and who, without authority to do so from his employer,
    17  divulges to anyone other than his employer any information
    18  acquired by him during such employment with respect to the work
    19  to which he has been assigned, commits a misdemeanor of the
    20  third degree. An employee who willfully makes a false report to
    21  his employer with respect to the work to which he has been
    22  assigned, commits a misdemeanor of the third degree. The
    23  employer of any employee believed to have violated this section
    24  shall, without any liability upon the employer, inform the
    25  board, which may conduct further investigation or administrative
    26  disciplinary proceedings or refer the matter to the district
    27  attorney for appropriate action. Any person convicted of a
    28  misdemeanor of the third degree, under this section, shall be
    29  sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 or to
    30  imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or both.
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     1  § 4914.  Civil penalty.
     2     (a)  Levy.--In addition to any other civil remedy or criminal
     3  penalty provided for in this part, the board, by a vote of the
     4  majority of the maximum number of the authorized membership of
     5  the board as provided by law, or by a vote of the majority of
     6  the duly qualified and confirmed membership or a minimum of
     7  three members, whichever is greater, may levy a civil penalty of
     8  not more than $1,000 on any current licensee who violates any
     9  provision of this part or on any person who holds himself or
    10  herself out as a licensed alarm business or alarm agent without
    11  being so licensed pursuant to this part. The board shall levy
    12  this penalty only after affording the accused party the
    13  opportunity for hearing, as provided in Title 2 (relating to
    14  administrative law and procedures).
    15     (b)  Disposition.--All fines and civil penalties imposed in
    16  accordance with this section and section 4913 (relating to
    17  privileged information and false reports) shall be paid into the
    18  Professional Licensure Augmentation Account.
    19     Section 2.  The requirements of 22 Pa.C.S. § 4502(c)
    20  (relating to application for alarm business license) shall not
    21  apply and a license shall be issued without examination to any
    22  person who has submitted an application for license, accompanied
    23  by the required fee, within two years after the effective date
    24  of this act, who is a resident of this Commonwealth and who has
    25  been engaged full time in an alarm business in an ownership or
    26  supervisory capacity for a three-year period.
    27     Section 3.  The sum of $100,000, or as much thereof as may be
    28  necessary, is hereby appropriated from the Professional
    29  Licensure Augmentation Account within the General Fund to the
    30  Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs in the
    19890H0863B0981                 - 32 -

     1  Department of State, for the payment of costs of processing
     2  licenses and renewals, for the operation of the board and for
     3  other general costs of the bureau operations relating to this
     4  act. The appropriation granted shall be repaid by the board
     5  within three years of the beginning of issuance of licenses by
     6  the board.
     7     Section 4.  The provisions of this act are severable. If any
     8  provision of this act or its application to any person or
     9  circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect
    10  other provisions or application of this act which can be given
    11  effect without the invalid provision or application.
    12     Section 5.  The provisions of the act of April 9, 1929
    13  (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929,
    14  which are applicable to professional and occupational boards in
    15  the Department of State shall be applicable to the Alarm
    16  Services Board.
    17     Section 6.  This act shall take effect as follows:
    18         (1)  Sections 4904, 4911 and 4914 of Title 22 shall take
    19     effect in 18 months.
    20         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect in 90
    21     days.

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