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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 965



No. 866 Session of 2001



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 31, 1965 (P.L.1257, No.511),
     2     entitled "An act empowering cities of the second class,
     3     cities of the second class A, cities of the third class,
     4     boroughs, towns, townships of the first class, townships of
     5     the second class, school districts of the second class,
     6     school districts of the third class and school districts of
     7     the fourth class including independent school districts, to
     8     levy, assess, collect or to provide for the levying,
     9     assessment and collection of certain taxes subject to maximum
    10     limitations for general revenue purposes; authorizing the
    11     establishment of bureaus and the appointment and compensation
    12     of officers, agencies and employes to assess and collect such
    13     taxes; providing for joint collection of certain taxes,
    14     prescribing certain definitions and other provisions for
    15     taxes levied and assessed upon earned income, providing for
    16     annual audits and for collection of delinquent taxes, and
    17     permitting and requiring penalties to be imposed and
    18     enforced, including penalties for disclosure of confidential
    19     information, providing an appeal from the ordinance or
    20     resolution levying such taxes to the court of quarter
    21     sessions and to the Supreme Court and Superior Court,"
    22     further providing for limitations on rates of specific taxes;
    23     and providing for special limitation on rates of taxes for
    24     certain amusements.

    25     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    26  hereby enacts as follows:
    27     Section 1.  Section 8 introductory paragraph, (6), (9), (10)
    28  and (11) of the act of December 31, 1965 (P.L.1257, No.511),

     1  known as The Local Tax Enabling Act, amended or added October
     2  11, 1984 (P.L.885, No.172) and July 9, 1987 (P.L.203, No.30),
     3  are amended and the section is amended by adding a clause to
     4  read:
     5     Section 8.  Limitations on Rates of Specific Taxes.--No taxes
     6  levied under the provisions of this act or 53 Pa.C.S. § 8402(c)
     7  (relating to scope and limitations) shall be levied by any
     8  political subdivision on the following subjects exceeding the
     9  rates specified in this section:
    10     * * *
    11     (6)  On admissions to places of amusement, athletic events
    12  and the like, and on motion picture theatres in cities of the
    13  second class, ten percent in cities of the second class and in
    14  all other political subdivisions the rates specified in section
    15  8.1.
    16     * * *
    17     (9)  On admissions to ski facilities, ten percent in cities
    18  of the second class and in all other political subdivisions the
    19  rates specified in section 8.1. The tax base upon which the tax
    20  shall be levied shall not exceed forty percent of the cost of
    21  the lift ticket. The lift ticket shall include all costs of
    22  admissions to the ski facility.
    23     (10)  On admissions to golf courses, ten percent in cities of
    24  the second class and in all other political subdivisions the
    25  rates specified in section 8.1. The tax base upon which the tax
    26  shall be levied shall not exceed forty percent of the greens
    27  fee. The greens fee shall include all costs of admissions to the
    28  golf course.
    29     (11)  On admissions to bowling alleys or bowling lanes, ten
    30  percent in cities of the second class and in all other political
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     1  subdivisions the rates specified in section 8.1. The tax base
     2  upon which the tax shall be levied shall not exceed forty
     3  percent of the charge imposed upon a patron for the sale of
     4  admission to or the privilege of admission to a bowling alley or
     5  bowling lane to engage in one or more games of bowling.
     6     (12)  On admissions to automobile racing facilities, ten
     7  percent in cities of the second class and in all other political
     8  subdivisions the rates specified in section 8.1. The tax base
     9  upon which the tax shall be levied shall not exceed forty
    10  percent of the cost of admission to an automobile racing
    11  facility.
    12     * * *
    13     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    14     Section 8.1.  Special Limitations on Rates of Taxes for
    15  Certain Amusements.--(a)  (1)  A municipality that levies,
    16  assesses and collects an amusement or admissions tax under this
    17  act and in conformity with 53 Pa.C.S. § 8402(c) (relating to
    18  scope and limitations) for the activities set forth in section
    19  8(6), (9), (10), (11) and (12) on or before the effective date
    20  of this section may levy, assess and collect that tax at a rate
    21  not to exceed four percent subject to the reduction period
    22  provided for in clause (2).
    23     (2)  A municipality that is subject to clause (1) and that
    24  collects a rate of tax in excess of the amount provided for in
    25  clause (1) on the effective date of this section shall reduce
    26  that rate to the rate provided for in clause (1) over a period
    27  of four years beginning January 1, 2002, in equal annual
    28  increments.
    29     (b)  A municipality that:
    30     (1)  does not levy, assess and collect an amusement or
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     1  admissions tax under this act and in conformity with 53 Pa.C.S.
     2  § 8402(c) for the activities set forth in section 8(6), (9),
     3  (10), (11) and (12) on or before the effective date of this
     4  section; and
     5     (2)  enacts an ordinance to levy, assess and collect such tax
     6  after the effective date of this section in accordance with law;
     7  may levy, assess and collect that tax at a rate not to exceed
     8  four percent.
     9     (c) (1)  Subject to the provisions of clauses (2) and (3), a
    10  school district shall have no authority to levy an amusement or
    11  admissions tax after June 30, 1997.
    12     (2)  A school district that levies, assesses and collects an
    13  amusement or admissions tax under this act in conformity with 53
    14  Pa.C.S. § 8402(c), on or before June 30, 1997, may levy, assess
    15  and collect that tax for a period of four years from July 1,
    16  2002, subject to the reductions under clause (3) of this
    17  subsection.
    18     (3)  Any school district which levies, assesses and collects
    19  an amusement or admissions tax under clause (2) shall phase out
    20  that tax over a four-year period beginning July 1, 2002, by
    21  reducing the rate of tax in equal installments.
    22     (4)  Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize
    23  a school district to collect an aggregate sum of amusement or
    24  admissions taxes in excess of the amount collected by the school
    25  district for the fiscal year ending in 1997.
    26     (d)  This section shall not apply to a city of the second
    27  class.
    28     Section 8.2.  Reimbursement For Customary and Ordinary
    29  Expenses.--(a)  A municipality that levies an amusement or
    30  admissions tax pursuant to this act may request and collect
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     1  reimbursement from the owner or operator of a facility under a
     2  duty to collect or remit an amusement or admissions tax if the
     3  cost of the customary and ordinary services that are provided by
     4  the municipality and that are directly associated with the
     5  operation of that facility are not offset by the amount of all
     6  local taxes collected with respect to the ownership and
     7  operation of that facility.
     8     (b)  The amount of reimbursement collected by the
     9  municipality shall not exceed the cost of the customary and
    10  ordinary services provided by the municipality, reduced by the
    11  amount of all local taxes collected from the owner or operator
    12  of the facility. The services for which the municipality may
    13  collect reimbursement shall be limited to the customary and
    14  ordinary services that are directly resulting from the operation
    15  of that facility within the fiscal year. The local taxes
    16  collected from the owner or operator of the facility shall be
    17  the taxes collected within the fiscal year by or on behalf of
    18  the municipality from the owner or operator of that facility
    19  with respect to the ownership and operation of that facility.
    20  Prior to collecting any reimbursement, the municipality shall
    21  provide to the owner or operator of the facility a list of the
    22  customary and ordinary services for which reimbursement is
    23  claimed, an estimate of the cost of those services and a listing
    24  by type of the amount of local taxes collected with respect to
    25  the ownership and operation of that facility.
    26     (c)  Any dispute regarding the amount of reimbursement to be
    27  collected under this section shall be resolved by filing a
    28  petition for adjudication in the court of common pleas in the
    29  judicial district in which the facility is located.
    30     Section 3.  This act shall apply as follows:
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     1         (1)  The addition of section 8(12) of the act shall apply
     2     to the tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2002.
     3         (2)  The amendment or addition of sections 8(6), (9),
     4     (10) and (11) and 8.1 and 8.2 of the act shall apply to the
     5     tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2002.
     6     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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