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under the
same topic
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 4486                      PRINTER'S NO. 4555



No. 882 Session of 2004



                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Encouraging the Governor and the State Geospatial Technologies
     2     Director to engage in strategic planning of geospatial
     3     technologies.

     4     WHEREAS, Geospatial technologies are a growing and
     5  significant part of Pennsylvania's economy; and
     6     WHEREAS, Geospatial technologies include computer software,
     7  satellite imagery, global positioning systems, geographic
     8  information systems (GIS) and other technologies used to create,
     9  maintain, display and analyze geospatial information; and
    10     WHEREAS, Geospatial technologies help manage critical assets
    11  and identify and describe street addresses, political, school
    12  district and zoning boundaries, natural and environmental
    13  resources, transportation networks, infrastructure, census data,
    14  centers of economic activity and other data that are critical to
    15  the health, safety, homeland security, emergency management,
    16  economic vitality, environmental management and quality of life
    17  in this Commonwealth; and

     1     WHEREAS, Pennsylvania's local governments are the primary
     2  sources of critical data about building locations, street
     3  addresses, infrastructure, roadways, land use, real estate and
     4  jurisdictional boundaries as well as other information
     5  supporting key functions of local government such as planning,
     6  emergency services, property taxation, road and other utility
     7  maintenance and voter registration; and
     8     WHEREAS, Public and private utilities that manage public
     9  infrastructure, such as telephone, water, gas and electric, are
    10  critical sources of geospatial data; and
    11     WHEREAS, Pennsylvania's colleges and universities are
    12  important sources of geospatial technologies and data and
    13  conduct geospatial analysis and research that contribute to the
    14  health, safety and welfare of this Commonwealth; and
    15     WHEREAS, The geospatial technology business sector represents
    16  a growing part of the Commonwealth's new economy and is an
    17  essential service provider to all levels of government; and
    18     WHEREAS, Coordination and partnerships between the public and
    19  private sectors have the synergistic result of stimulating
    20  Pennsylvania's geospatial technology business sector while
    21  enhancing governmental effectiveness; and
    22     WHEREAS, The Governor recently created the Bureau of
    23  Geospatial Technologies to foster and coordinate interoperable
    24  geospatial technologies, data standards and data sharing among
    25  State agencies and between and among levels of government; and
    26     WHEREAS, When fully implemented, the Pennsylvania Map (PAMAP)
    27  will be a modern, accurate, multipurpose geospatial initiative
    28  about this Commonwealth, coordinated and maintained by a
    29  partnership among the Federal partners, State agencies and
    30  counties; and
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     1     WHEREAS, PAMAP requires uniform data sharing standards so
     2  that essential map data can be collected once by the appropriate
     3  level of government and used many times by all levels of
     4  government and by business, academia and individual citizens;
     5  and
     6     WHEREAS, Coordinated Federal, State and local initiatives
     7  such as PAMAP improve geospatial planning and coordination among
     8  and between the Federal Government, State agencies and counties,
     9  facilitate data sharing, reduce redundant data collection
    10  efforts and encourage a common vision to guide investment; and
    11     WHEREAS, No State-level office in Pennsylvania is responsible
    12  for comprehensive archiving and preservation of local government
    13  boundary records, cataloging the location of monuments and other
    14  boundary markers, maintaining official boundary maps and
    15  identifying gaps, errors and inconsistencies in State, county
    16  and local boundaries, making the creation of an official
    17  boundary layer accurate enough for PAMAP impossible; and
    18     WHEREAS, Individual State agencies and local governments
    19  differ greatly in their expenditures on personnel, computer and
    20  data resources and in their capabilities; and
    21     WHEREAS, It is essential that all State and local governments
    22  have a minimum level of managerial, technical and financial
    23  capabilities in geospatial technologies; and
    24     WHEREAS, Pennsylvania State agencies and local governments
    25  currently have difficulty creating and sustaining programs
    26  capable of supporting a Statewide PAMAP program due to
    27  restrictions on funding, training of personnel and computer
    28  infrastructure; and
    29     WHEREAS, The State Geospatial Technologies Director and State
    30  agencies assist local governments to defray the costs of
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     1  maintaining their geospatial capabilities and data by providing
     2  aerial photography and other geospatial data to the counties in
     3  exchange for county data; and
     4     WHEREAS, Conflicting and incompatible Federal, State and
     5  local geospatial data requirements and standards create
     6  potential data gaps, duplication and inaccuracies which reduce
     7  data quality and foster inconsistent or incomplete data, thereby
     8  hampering efforts to address many critical issues; and
     9     WHEREAS, The State Geospatial Technologies Director works
    10  with Federal, State and local governments and other stakeholders
    11  to limit and reduce duplication, gaps and inconsistencies in
    12  data coverage by developing and implementing the Pennsylvania
    13  Geospatial Data Sharing Standards (PGDSS) that enable data
    14  sharing within and between levels of government; and
    15     WHEREAS, The overall financial impact of Federal geospatial
    16  technology requirements and their embedded technology
    17  investments on State government and the financial impact of the
    18  combined Federal and State geospatial technology requirements on
    19  local governments are unknown; and
    20     WHEREAS, Opportunities exist to leverage Federal and
    21  Commonwealth funds to support mandated mapping requirements on
    22  local governments; therefore be it
    23     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives support efforts
    24  to ensure that interoperable geospatial technologies and data
    25  exist among and between Federal, State, local governments,
    26  regional entities, authorities, public schools, colleges and
    27  universities and business interests in this Commonwealth and
    28  recognize the State's historic role in providing sustained
    29  guidance and resources in mapping; and be it further
    30     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives support the
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     1  private sector working with the public sector to fund and
     2  develop a robust geospatial infrastructure and expanding
     3  economic base; and be it further
     4     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives support the
     5  assignment of responsibility to a new or existing State-level
     6  office that would serve as the official steward of political
     7  boundaries for the Commonwealth and work in collaboration with
     8  local governments to develop and maintain an archive of official
     9  documents and survey records that would define State, local and
    10  other official boundaries; catalog existing boundary markers and
    11  monuments; maintain a seamless digital database of State, local
    12  and other official boundaries; and identify cases where the
    13  locations of local boundaries are unknown, inconsistent or
    14  otherwise inaccurate; and be it further
    15     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives support the
    16  development of programs and initiatives to minimize duplication
    17  of effort and maximize cooperation and sharing of geospatial
    18  data within and among levels of government; and be it further
    19     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives encourage the
    20  Governor and the State Geospatial Technologies Director to
    21  establish collaborative technical working groups, including
    22  interagency, intergovernmental and other stakeholder groups not
    23  under the Governor's jurisdiction, to improve the
    24  interoperability of this Commonwealth's geospatial technologies
    25  and to minimize duplication and maximize sharing of geospatial
    26  data collected and maintained by State-level entities; and be it
    27  further
    28     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives encourage the
    29  Governor and the State Geospatial Technologies Director to
    30  establish a governance mechanism to develop policy and oversee
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     1  strategic planning for geospatial technology interoperability
     2  and data sharing, including, but not limited to, PAMAP, that
     3  involves an equitable partnership among Federal agencies, State
     4  entities, including those not under the Governor's jurisdiction,
     5  and the Commonwealth's local governments and authorities; and be
     6  it further
     7     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives strongly
     8  encourage and expect Federal agencies to collaborate and
     9  coordinate with the State Geospatial Technologies Director for
    10  all geospatial initiatives, including data collection, imagery
    11  and elevation data product development or projects being
    12  conducted within or across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to
    13  openly share with the Commonwealth all geospatial data products
    14  created with tax dollars and to communicate with the State
    15  Geospatial Technologies Director prior to starting any projects
    16  or initiatives in this Commonwealth that will involve data
    17  exchange with State agencies or local governments; and be it
    18  further
    19     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives encourage local
    20  governments and agencies to support PAMAP and PGDSS in order to
    21  enhance interoperability of their geospatial technologies and
    22  compatibility of their geospatial data; and be it further
    23     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives encourage the
    24  Governor, the State Geospatial Technologies Director, the United
    25  States Geological Survey and Pennsylvania's local governments to
    26  collaborate in PAMAP, administered through the Department of
    27  Conservation and Natural Resources' Bureau of Topographic and
    28  Geologic Survey as part of the National Mapping Program of the
    29  Federal Government, as a critical and sustainable means of
    30  achieving geospatial technology interoperability and geospatial
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     1  data sharing within and across levels of government; and be it
     2  further
     3     RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to
     4  the Governor, the Governor's Cabinet, the Joint State Government
     5  Commission, the Local Government Commission, the Pennsylvania
     6  Congressional Delegation, the Pennsylvania Commission on
     7  Sentencing, the County Commissioners Association of
     8  Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania State Association of Township
     9  Supervisors, the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs, the
    10  Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry, the Association
    11  of Independent Colleges and Universities of Pennsylvania, the
    12  State-related universities, the Pennsylvania State System of
    13  Higher Education, the University of Pennsylvania, the
    14  Pennsylvania Commission for Community Colleges, the Pennsylvania
    15  Mapping and Geographic Information Consortium, the Eastern
    16  Technology Council, the Pittsburgh Technology Council, the
    17  Technology Council of Central Pennsylvania, the Technology
    18  Council of Northeastern Pennsylvania, the League of Cities,       <--
    19  First Class Townships, PENNSYLVANIA LEAGUE OF CITIES AND          <--
    24  regional counterterrorism task forces AND regional planning       <--
    25  organizations and first class, second class and second class A    <--
    26  cities.

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