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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 998



No. 887 Session of 2001

           MARCH 12, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for
     3     Commonwealth portion of fines and for municipal corporation
     4     portion of fines; defining "local police"; and further
     5     providing for deposits into account.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Sections 3571(b) and 3573(b) and (c) of Title 42
     9  of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended and the
    10  sections are amended by adding subsections to read:
    11  § 3571.  Commonwealth portion of fines, etc.
    12     * * *
    13     (b)  Vehicle offenses.--
    14         (1)  All fines, forfeited recognizances and other
    15     forfeitures imposed, lost or forfeited in connection with
    16     matters arising under Chapter 77 of Title 75 (relating to
    17     snowmobiles) shall unless otherwise provided in Chapter 77 of
    18     Title 75 be payable to the Commonwealth.

     1         (2)  Except as provided in paragraph (4), when
     2     prosecution under any other provision of Title 75 (relating
     3     to vehicles) is the result of State Police action, all fines,
     4     forfeited recognizances and other forfeitures imposed, lost
     5     or forfeited shall be payable to the Commonwealth, for credit
     6     to the Motor License Fund. One-half of the revenue [shall be]
     7     which was formerly paid to municipalities [in the same ratio
     8     provided in section 4 of the act of June 1, 1956 (P.L.1944,
     9     No.655), relating to partial allocation of liquid fuels and
    10     fuel use tax proceeds.] shall be allocated to the State
    11     Police.
    12         (3)  Except as provided in section 3573 (relating to
    13     municipal corporation portion of fines, etc.), when
    14     prosecution under any other provision of Title 75 is the
    15     result of local police action, one-half of all fines,
    16     forfeited recognizances and other forfeitures imposed, lost
    17     or forfeited shall be payable to the Commonwealth, for credit
    18     to the Motor License Fund[.], subject to the following:
    19             (i)  The revenue payable to the Commonwealth and
    20         credited to the Motor License Fund in accordance with
    21         this paragraph which is in excess of the amount collected
    22         from such source in the fiscal year 1986-1987 shall be
    23         deposited in the Judicial Computer System Augmentation
    24         Account.
    25             (ii)  After payment to the Judicial Computer System
    26         Augmentation Account in accordance with subparagraph (i),
    27         the remainder of the revenue shall be distributed, in
    28         accordance with subparagraph (iii), among municipalities
    29         that provide for local police.
    30             (iii)  The revenue to be distributed to a
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     1         municipality that provides for local police shall be the
     2         product of:
     3                 (A)  the net amount paid during the fiscal year,
     4             in accordance with this paragraph, to all
     5             municipalities that provide for local police, after
     6             deducting the amount to be deposited in the Judicial
     7             Computer System Augmentation Account; and
     8                 (B)  a ratio established by dividing the amount
     9             of fines from Title 75 violations designated in this
    10             paragraph resulting from local police action in the
    11             municipality by the total amount of all fines for
    12             this same category of violations resulting from local
    13             police action in all municipalities.
    14         (4)  When prosecution under 75 Pa.C.S. § 3731 (relating
    15     to driving under influence of alcohol or controlled
    16     substance) is the result of State Police action, 50% of all
    17     fines, forfeited recognizances and other forfeitures imposed,
    18     lost or forfeited shall be payable to the Commonwealth, for
    19     credit to the Motor License Fund, and 50% shall be payable to
    20     the county which shall be further divided as follows:
    21             (i)  Fifty percent of the moneys received shall be
    22         allocated to the appropriate county authority which
    23         implements the county drug and alcohol program to be used
    24         solely for the purposes of aiding programs promoting drug
    25         abuse and alcoholism prevention, education, treatment and
    26         research. Programs under this subparagraph include
    27         Project DARE (Drug and Alcohol Resistance Education).
    28             (ii)  Fifty percent of the moneys received shall be
    29         used for expenditures incurred for county jails, prisons,
    30         workhouses and detention centers.
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     1     (b.1)  Summary offenses.--When prosecution for any of the
     2  summary offenses delineated in section 3573(c) is a result of
     3  State Police action, all fines, forfeited recognizances and
     4  other forfeitures imposed, lost or forfeited shall be payable to
     5  the Commonwealth for credit to the Motor License Fund and shall
     6  be allocated to the State Police.
     7     * * *
     8  § 3573.  Municipal corporation portion of fines, etc.
     9     * * *
    10     (b)  Vehicle offenses.--
    11         (1)  When prosecution under the provisions of Title 75
    12     (relating to vehicles) for parking is the result of local
    13     police action, all fines, forfeited recognizances and other
    14     forfeitures imposed, lost or forfeited shall be payable to
    15     the municipal corporation [under which the local police are
    16     organized] that provides for local police.
    17         (2)  Except as provided in paragraph (3), when
    18     prosecution under any other provision of Title 75 (except
    19     Chapter 77 (relating to snowmobiles)) is the result of local
    20     police action, one-half of all fines, forfeited recognizances
    21     and other forfeitures imposed, lost or forfeited shall be
    22     payable to the municipal corporation [under which the local
    23     police are organized.] providing for local police. The
    24     remaining one-half of all fines, forfeited recognizances and
    25     other forfeitures imposed, lost or forfeited resulting from
    26     prosecutions designated in this paragraph shall be paid to
    27     the Commonwealth and distributed to municipalities that
    28     provide for local police, subject to required payments to the
    29     Judicial Computer System Augmentation Account, in accordance
    30     with section 3571(b)(3) (relating to Commonwealth portion of
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     1     fines, etc.)
     2         (3)  When prosecution under 75 Pa.C.S. § 3731 (relating
     3     to driving under influence of alcohol or controlled
     4     substance) is the result of local police action, 50% of all
     5     fines, forfeited recognizances and other forfeitures imposed,
     6     lost or forfeited shall be payable to the municipal
     7     corporation under which the local police are organized, and
     8     50% shall be payable to the county which shall be further
     9     divided as follows:
    10             (i)  Fifty percent of the moneys received shall be
    11         allocated to the appropriate county authority which
    12         implements the county drug and alcohol program to be used
    13         solely for the purposes of aiding programs promoting drug
    14         abuse and alcoholism prevention, education, treatment and
    15         research. Programs under this subparagraph include
    16         Project DARE (Drug and Alcohol Resistance Education).
    17             (ii)  Fifty percent of the moneys received shall be
    18         used for expenditures incurred for county jails, prisons,
    19         workhouses and detention centers.
    20     (c)  Summary offenses; local police action.--[Fines,] When
    21  prosecution for a summary offense is a result of local police
    22  action, all fines, forfeited recognizances and other forfeitures
    23  imposed, lost or forfeited under the following provisions of law
    24  shall, when any such offense is committed in a municipal
    25  corporation, be payable to such municipal corporation if it
    26  provides for local police:
    27         (1)  Under the following provisions of Title 18 (relating
    28     to crimes and offenses):
    29             Section 2709 (relating to harassment).
    30             Section 3304 (relating to criminal mischief).
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     1             Section 3503 (relating to criminal trespass).
     2             Section 3929 (relating to retail theft).
     3             Section 4105 (relating to bad checks).
     4             Section 5503 (relating to disorderly conduct).
     5             Section 5505 (relating to public drunkenness).
     6             Section 5511 (relating to cruelty to animals).
     7             Section 6308 (relating to purchase, consumption,
     8         possession or transportation of intoxicating beverages).
     9             Section 6501 (relating to scattering rubbish).
    10         (2)  Section 13, act of January 24, 1966 (1965 P.L.1535,
    11     No.537), known as the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act.
    12     (c.1)  Summary offenses; other instances.--When prosecution
    13  for a summary offense is a result of neither State Police nor
    14  local police action, all fines, forfeited recognizances and
    15  other forfeitures imposed, lost or forfeited shall be payable to
    16  the municipal corporation in which such offense is committed.
    17     * * *
    18     Section 2.  Title 42 is amended by adding a section to read:
    19  § 3575.  Definitions.
    20     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
    21  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    22  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    23     "Local police."  Police provided by a municipality through
    24  its municipal police department, its participation in a regional
    25  police department or its contracts with other municipal or
    26  regional police for police services.
    27     Section 3.  Section 3733(a) of Title 42 is amended by adding
    28  paragraphs to read:
    29  § 3733.  Deposits into account.
    30     (a)  General rule.--
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     1         * * *
     2         (3)  The following fines, fees and costs payable to the
     3     Commonwealth shall not be affected by this subchapter:
     4             (i)  All fines, fees or costs, which represent
     5         revenue that was formerly paid to municipalities, and
     6         which now are payable to the Commonwealth in accordance
     7         with section 3571(b.1) (relating to Commonwealth portion
     8         of fines, etc.), relating to summary offenses.
     9             (ii)  One-half of the fines, fees or costs, which
    10         represent revenue that was formerly paid to
    11         municipalities, and which now are payable to the
    12         Commonwealth in accordance with section 3571(b)(2),
    13         relating to vehicle offenses.
    14         (4)  The revenue from one-half of the fines, fees or
    15     costs which are payable to municipalities in accordance with
    16     section 3573(b)(2) (relating to municipal corporation portion
    17     of fines, etc.), and which formerly was paid to the
    18     Commonwealth, shall continue to be subject to this subchapter
    19     in accordance with section 3571(b)(3).
    20     * * *
    21     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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