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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1059



No. 907 Session of 2007



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), entitled "An
     2     act relating to tax reform and State taxation by codifying
     3     and enumerating certain subjects of taxation and imposing
     4     taxes thereon; providing procedures for the payment,
     5     collection, administration and enforcement thereof; providing
     6     for tax credits in certain cases; conferring powers and
     7     imposing duties upon the Department of Revenue, certain
     8     employers, fiduciaries, individuals, persons, corporations
     9     and other entities; prescribing crimes, offenses and
    10     penalties," further providing, in neighborhood assistance tax
    11     credits, for the definition of "qualified investments," for
    12     public policy, for tax credit and for grant of tax credit.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15     Section 1.  The definition of "qualified investments" in
    16  section 1902-A of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known
    17  as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, amended May 7, 1997 (P.L.85,
    18  No.7), is amended to read:
    19     Section 1902-A.  Definitions.--The following words, terms and
    20  phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings
    21  ascribed to them in this section, except where the context

     1  clearly indicates a different meaning:
     2     * * *
     3     "Qualified investments."  Any investments made by a business
     4  firm or private company which promote community economic
     5  development pursuant to a plan which has been developed in
     6  cooperation with and approved by a neighborhood organization
     7  operating pursuant to a plan for the administration of tax
     8  credits approved by the Department of Community and Economic
     9  Development.
    10     * * *
    11     Section 2.  Section 1903-A of the act, added June 16, 1994
    12  (P.L.279, No.48), is amended to read:
    13     Section 1903-A.  Public Policy.--It is hereby declared to be
    14  public policy of this Commonwealth to encourage investment by
    15  business firms in offering neighborhood assistance and providing
    16  job training, education, crime prevention and community
    17  services, to encourage contributions by business firms to
    18  neighborhood organizations which offer and provide such
    19  assistance and services and to promote qualified investments
    20  made by business firms or private companies to rehabilitate,
    21  expand or improve buildings or land which promote community
    22  economic development and which occur in portions of impoverished
    23  areas which have been designated as enterprise zones.
    24     Section 3.  Section 1904-A(a) of the act, amended April 23,
    25  1998 (P.L.239, No.45), is amended and the section is amended by
    26  adding subsections to read:
    27     Section 1904-A.  Tax Credit.--(a)  Any business firm which
    28  engages or contributes to a neighborhood organization which
    29  engages in the activities of providing neighborhood assistance,
    30  comprehensive service projects, job training or education for
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     1  individuals, community services or crime prevention in an
     2  impoverished area or business firm or private company which
     3  makes qualified investment to rehabilitate, expand or improve
     4  buildings or land located within portions of impoverished areas
     5  which have been designated as enterprise zones shall receive a
     6  tax credit as provided in section 1905-A if the secretary
     7  annually approves the proposal of such business firm or private
     8  company. The proposal shall set forth the program to be
     9  conducted, the impoverished area selected, the estimated amount
    10  to be invested in the program and the plans for implementing the
    11  program.
    12     * * *
    13     (b.1)  The secretary shall take into special consideration,
    14  when approving applications for neighborhood assistance tax
    15  credits, applications which involve multiple projects in various
    16  markets throughout this Commonwealth.
    17     * * *
    18     (d)  A taxpayer, upon application to and approval by the
    19  Department of Community and Economic Development, may sell or
    20  assign, in whole or in part, a neighborhood assistance tax
    21  credit granted to the taxpayer under this article if no claim
    22  for allowance of the credit is filed within one year from the
    23  date the credit is granted by the Department of Revenue under
    24  section 1905-A. The Department of Community and Economic
    25  Development and the Department of Revenue shall jointly
    26  promulgate guidelines for the approval of applications under
    27  this subsection.
    28     (e)  The purchaser or assignee of a portion of a neighborhood
    29  assistance tax credit under subsection (d) shall immediately
    30  claim the credit in the taxable year in which the purchase or
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     1  assignment is made. The purchaser or assignee may not carry
     2  over, carry back, obtain a refund of or assign the neighborhood
     3  assistance tax credit. The purchaser or assignee shall notify
     4  the Department of Revenue of the seller or assignor of the
     5  neighborhood assistance tax credit in compliance with procedures
     6  specified by the Department of Revenue.
     7     Section 4.  Section 1905-A of the act, amended July 7, 2005
     8  (P.L.149, No.40), is amended to read:
     9     Section 1905-A.  Grant of Tax Credit.--The Department of
    10  Revenue shall grant a tax credit against any tax due under
    11  Article IV, VI, VII, [VII-A,] VIII, [VIII-A,] IX, X or XV of
    12  this act, or any tax substituted in lieu thereof in an amount
    13  which shall not exceed fifty per cent of the total amount
    14  [invested] contributed during the taxable year by the business
    15  firm or twenty per cent of qualified investments by a business
    16  firm, private company in programs approved pursuant to section
    17  1904-A of this act: Provided, That a tax credit of up to
    18  [seventy] eighty per cent of the total amount [invested]
    19  contributed during the taxable year by a business firm or up to
    20  thirty per cent of the amount of qualified investments by a
    21  business firm or private company may be allowed for investment
    22  in programs where activities fall within the scope of special
    23  program priorities as defined with the approval of the Governor
    24  in regulations promulgated by the secretary[.], and Provided
    25  further, That a tax credit of up to eighty per cent of the total
    26  amount invested in comprehensive service projects with five-year
    27  commitments and up to ninety per cent for investments in
    28  comprehensive service projects with six-year or longer
    29  commitments during the taxable year by a business firm shall
    30  also be allowed. Such credit shall not exceed [two hundred fifty
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     1  thousand dollars ($250,000) annually, except in the case of
     2  comprehensive service projects which shall be allowed an
     3  additional credit equal to seventy per cent of the qualifying
     4  investments made in comprehensive service projects; however,
     5  such additional credit shall not exceed three hundred fifty
     6  thousand dollars ($350,000) annually.] five hundred thousand
     7  dollars ($500,000) annually for a single project or two million
     8  dollars ($2,000,000) annually for four or more projects. No tax
     9  credit shall be granted to any bank, bank and trust company,
    10  insurance company, trust company, national bank, savings
    11  association, mutual savings bank or building and loan
    12  association for activities that are a part of its normal course
    13  of business. Any tax credit not used in the period the
    14  contribution or investment was made may be carried over for the
    15  next five succeeding calendar or fiscal years until the full
    16  credit has been allowed. The total amount of all tax credits
    17  allowed pursuant to this act shall not exceed eighteen million
    18  dollars ($18,000,000) in any one fiscal year.
    19     Section 5.  This act shall apply to neighborhood assistance
    20  projects existing on or after the effective date of this
    21  section.
    22     Section 6.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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