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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1029



No. 919 Session of 2001

           STEELMAN, MARCH 12, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, providing for Drug Education and
     3     Demand Reduction Fund; and imposing assessments.

     4     WHEREAS, The General Assembly finds that substance abuse
     5  contributes significantly to the fiscal, economic and social
     6  harm imposed on the Commonwealth and over half of the nation's
     7  economic impact of alcohol and drug abuse is passed along to
     8  persons who do not abuse alcohol or drugs, including
     9  institutions, employers and families; and
    10     WHEREAS, According to the United States Department of Health
    11  and Human Services 1999 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse,
    12  over 70% of substance abusers are employed and employees who use
    13  and abuse alcohol and illicit drugs increase costs for
    14  businesses and risk the health and safety of all employees; and
    15     WHEREAS, The 1998 Pennsylvania Crash Facts and Statistics
    16  from the Department of Transportation indicate that 36% of all

     1  deaths from automobile accidents were alcohol-related and
     2  alcohol-related accidents were five times more likely to result
     3  in death than those not related to alcohol; and
     4     WHEREAS, The General Assembly also finds that demand
     5  reduction sanctions are critical to any effective substance
     6  abuse strategy and that it is the policy of the Commonwealth to
     7  hold users accountable and to address the education or treatment
     8  needs of offenders.
     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Title 18 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
    12  Statutes is amended by adding a section to read:
    13  § 7508.1.  Drug Education and Demand Reduction Fund.
    14     (a)  Establishment.--The Drug Education and Demand Reduction
    15  Fund is hereby established as an account in the State Treasury.
    16  It shall be the duty of the Secretary of Revenue to appropriate
    17  all money received to the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and
    18  Delinquency on a continuing basis. It shall be the
    19  responsibility of the commission to distribute and award the
    20  moneys set forth under this section.
    21     (b)  Source.--The source of the fund shall be all assessments
    22  and earned interest as provided for in this section.
    23     (c)  Collection.--Assessments imposed under this section
    24  shall be collected in accordance with local court rules by the
    25  prothonotary in the county where the violation has occurred.
    26  Fifty percent of the amount collected shall remain in that
    27  county for the financing of drug and alcohol abuse treatment or
    28  prevention programs administered by the single county
    29  authorities. The balance remaining shall be deposited in the
    30  fund established under this section.
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     1     (d)  Assessments.--
     2         (1)  A person convicted of or adjudicated delinquent for
     3     a violation of section 13(a)(1), (12), (13), (14), (15),
     4     (16), (19), (30), (31), (32), (33), (34), (35), (36) and (37)
     5     of the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as The
     6     Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act, shall be
     7     assessed for each offense the amount of:
     8             (i)  One thousand five hundred dollars for an offense
     9         graded as a felony.
    10             (ii)  Seven hundred fifty dollars for an offense
    11         graded as a misdemeanor.
    12         (2)  A person convicted of or adjudicated delinquent for
    13     a violation of 75 Pa.C.S. § 3731 (relating to driving under
    14     influence of alcohol or controlled substance) shall be
    15     assessed for each offense the amount of:
    16             (i)  Three hundred dollars in the case of an offense
    17         graded as a misdemeanor of the second degree.
    18             (ii)  Four hundred dollars in the case of an offense
    19         graded as a misdemeanor of the first degree.
    20  For purposes of this subsection, a person granted Accelerated
    21  Rehabilitative Disposition or a juvenile granted a consent
    22  decree is to be considered convicted or adjudicated delinquent.
    23     (e)  Assessment limit.--A person placed in a drug and alcohol
    24  rehabilitation program for an offense under this section shall
    25  be assessed the amount prescribed in subsection (c) and
    26  applicable to the grading of the offense charged, except that
    27  the court may not impose more than one assessment regardless of
    28  the number of offenses charged. If the person is charged with
    29  more than one offense, the court shall impose as a condition of
    30  substance abuse rehabilitation the assessment applicable to the
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     1  highest graded offense for which the person is charged.
     2     (f)  Application.--All assessments provided for in this
     3  section shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any fine
     4  authorized by law or required to be imposed.
     5     (g)  Rehabilitation program.--The court may suspend the
     6  collection of the assessment imposed under this section if the
     7  defendant agrees to enter a drug and alcohol rehabilitation
     8  program approved by the court and if the defendant agrees to pay
     9  for all or some portion of the costs associated with the
    10  rehabilitation program subject to the court's determination as
    11  required in subsection (h). In this case, the collection of the
    12  assessment imposed under this section shall be suspended during
    13  the defendant's participation in the approved rehabilitation
    14  program. Upon successful completion of the program, the
    15  defendant may apply to the court to reduce the assessment
    16  imposed under this section by any amount actually paid by the
    17  defendant for his participation in the program. The court shall
    18  not reduce the assessment pursuant to this subsection unless the
    19  defendant establishes to the satisfaction of the court that he
    20  has successfully completed the rehabilitation program. If the
    21  defendant's participation is for any reason terminated before
    22  his successful completion of the rehabilitation program,
    23  collection of the entire assessment imposed under this section
    24  shall be enforced.
    25     (h)  Inability to pay.--The court shall require the defendant
    26  to pay the maximum amount of the assessment imposed by this
    27  section unless the court first makes a finding that the
    28  defendant is financially unable to pay any portion of the
    29  assessment. The court shall waive only that portion of the
    30  assessment which the court has found the defendant is
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     1  financially unable to pay.
     2     (i)  Other sanctions.--Nothing in this section shall be
     3  deemed to affect or suspend any other criminal sanctions imposed
     4  by law.
     5     (j)  Priority of awards.--Notwithstanding 42 Pa.C.S. § 3733
     6  (relating to deposits into account) or any other law, the
     7  commission shall use moneys received under this section to make
     8  awards to eligible organizations in the following order of
     9  priority:
    10         (1)  To a Statewide eligible organization to educate and
    11     increase employers', unions' and employees' knowledge and
    12     awareness about alcohol and drug abuse in the workplace and
    13     provide drug-free workplace services and technical assistance
    14     to employers for the development and expansion of drug-free
    15     workplace programs to include a written substance abuse
    16     policy, employee drug and alcohol testing consortium, an
    17     employee assistance program or consortium, supervisory
    18     training, employee education and drug awareness materials,
    19     and training for working parents to keep their children drug
    20     free.
    21         (2)  To a Statewide eligible organization to educate and
    22     increase public awareness of the benefits of a drug-free
    23     Pennsylvania through a Statewide, multi-media anti-drug
    24     public service announcement campaign targeted toward
    25     employers, youth and those persons who influence youth about
    26     the dangers of the illegal use of drugs.
    27         (3)  To a Statewide organization representing alcohol and
    28     drug prevention, education and treatment services, including
    29     alcohol and drug prevention, education and treatment
    30     programs, employee assistance programs, drug and alcohol
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     1     prevention and treatment associations, certified addiction
     2     professionals, student assistance professionals, prevention
     3     specialists and other individuals organized to provide
     4     alcohol and drug prevention, education and treatment services
     5     for all citizens in need of these services in this
     6     Commonwealth.
     7         (4)  To a Statewide organization to provide education and
     8     prevention training, materials and assistance designed to
     9     reduce driving under the influence, prevent underage drinking
    10     and support the victims of driving under the influence
    11     offenses.
    12         (5)  To a Statewide student peer leadership organization
    13     to provide prevention and intervention tools for youth to
    14     prevent underage drinking, youth DUI offenses and drug use by
    15     focusing attention on the consequences.
    16         (6)  To the Community Drug Abuse Prevention Grant Program
    17     within the Office of Attorney General.
    18         (7)  To community-based organizations to provide and
    19     implement effective drug and alcohol reduction strategies and
    20     substance abuse prevention or treatment services.
    21         (8)  To study, administer and evaluate the effectiveness
    22     of programs funded under this section.
    23     (k)  Allocation of funds.--From the moneys made available on
    24  an annual basis to the commission from the fund to carry out
    25  this section, the chairman of the commission shall award:
    26         (1)  The greater of $325,000 or 4% of the moneys received
    27     from the Drug Education and Demand Reduction Fund to carry
    28     out the program specified in subsection (j)(1).
    29         (2)  The greater of $325,000 or 4% of the moneys received
    30     from the fund to carry out the program specified in
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     1     subsection (j)(2).
     2         (3)  No more than 8% of the moneys received from the fund
     3     to carry out the program specified in subsection (j)(3).
     4         (4)  No more than 8% of the moneys received from the fund
     5     to carry out the program specified in subsection (j)(4).
     6         (5)  No more than 8% of the moneys received from the fund
     7     to carry out the program specified in subsection (j)(5).
     8         (6)  No more than 14% of the moneys received from the
     9     fund to carry out the program specified in subsection (j)(6).
    10     (l)  Insufficient funds.--In the event of insufficient funds,
    11  the commission shall make awards to eligible organizations based
    12  on the priorities set forth in this section.
    13     (m)  Unexpended funds.--If any moneys remain unexpended after
    14  funding the programs outlined in subsection (k), the chairman
    15  shall use the remaining moneys to carry out the programs
    16  specified in subsection (j)(7) and (8), but no more than 4% of
    17  the moneys received shall be expended for subsection (j)(8).
    18     (n)  Other initiatives.--Funds disbursed under this section
    19  shall not supplant Federal, State or local funds that would have
    20  otherwise been made available for alcohol and drug abuse
    21  prevention, education, support, treatment and outreach
    22  initiatives.
    23     (o)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    24  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    25  subsection:
    26     "Chairman."  The Chairman of the Pennsylvania Commission on
    27  Crime and Delinquency."
    28     "Commission."  The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and
    29  Delinquency.
    30     "Drug-free workplace policy."  A written statement notifying
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     1  employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, transfer,
     2  sale, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance
     3  is prohibited in the employer's workplace and specifying the
     4  actions that will be taken against employees for violations of
     5  such prohibitions.
     6     "Eligible organization."  A private, Statewide, community-
     7  based, nonprofit or county organization that meets all of the
     8  following requirements:
     9         (1)  Possesses five or more consecutive years of
    10     experience in carrying out drug education and demand
    11     reduction or substance abuse treatment programs.
    12         (2)  Maintains a drug-free workplace policy.
    13         (3)  Maintains an office in this Commonwealth.
    14         (4)  Has as its purpose the reduction of substance abuse.
    15     "Fund."  The Drug Education and Demand Reduction Fund
    16  established by this section.
    17     "Rehabilitation program."  A drug and alcohol addiction
    18  facility licensed for that purpose by the Department of Health.
    19     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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