1Recognizing Jimmy Rollins for becoming the all-time hit leader
2for the Philadelphia Phillies.

3WHEREAS, Jimmy Rollins has been a member of the Philadelphia
4Phillies for 15 seasons; and

5WHEREAS, On Saturday, June 14, 2014, in front of a hometown
6crowd of 31,524 fans at Citizens Bank Park, Rollins recorded his
72,235th career hit; and

8WHEREAS, The previous Phillies all-time hit record had been
9held by legendary Hall of Fame third baseman Mike Schmidt; and

10WHEREAS, Schmidt was the first to congratulate Rollins on his
11achievement, greeting him at first base after a fifth-inning
12single; and

13WHEREAS, On Saturday, June 14, 2014, Jimmy Rollins became the
14all-time hit leader for the Philadelphia Phillies; therefore be

1RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives recognize and
2congratulate Jimmy Rollins for becoming the all-time hit leader
3for the Philadelphia Phillies.