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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1046



No. 925 Session of 2005

           AND YOUNGBLOOD, MARCH 14, 2005


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), entitled
     2     "An act providing for and reorganizing the conduct of the
     3     executive and administrative work of the Commonwealth by the
     4     Executive Department thereof and the administrative
     5     departments, boards, commissions, and officers thereof,
     6     including the boards of trustees of State Normal Schools, or
     7     Teachers Colleges; abolishing, creating, reorganizing or
     8     authorizing the reorganization of certain administrative
     9     departments, boards, and commissions; defining the powers and
    10     duties of the Governor and other executive and administrative
    11     officers, and of the several administrative departments,
    12     boards, commissions, and officers; fixing the salaries of the
    13     Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and certain other executive
    14     and administrative officers; providing for the appointment of
    15     certain administrative officers, and of all deputies and
    16     other assistants and employes in certain departments, boards,
    17     and commissions; and prescribing the manner in which the
    18     number and compensation of the deputies and all other
    19     assistants and employes of certain departments, boards and
    20     commissions shall be determined," further providing for the
    21     State Transportation Commission.

    22     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    23  hereby enacts as follows:
    24     Section 1.  Section 468 of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177,
    25  No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, amended April
    26  30, 1986 (P.L.121, No.37), is amended to read:

     1     Section 468.  State Transportation Commission.--(a)  There is
     2  hereby created a State Transportation Commission which shall
     3  consist of [fifteen] seventeen members, one of whom shall be the
     4  Secretary of Transportation, who shall be the chairman of the
     5  commission. The chairman and minority chairman of the Committee
     6  on Transportation of the Senate and the chairman and minority
     7  chairman of the Committee on Transportation of the House of
     8  Representatives, respectively, shall be members of the
     9  commission.
    10     (b)  Subject to the provisions of subsection (h), the
    11  Governor shall nominate and by and with the advice and consent
    12  of a majority of all the members of the Senate, appoint [ten]
    13  twelve of the remaining members of the commission[, not]. Eleven
    14  of the members appointed under this subsection must be a
    15  resident of a different engineering district organized under
    16  section 2004. No more than [five] six [of whom shall] members
    17  appointed under this subsection may be members of the same
    18  political party[, for terms of]. Terms shall be for six years.
    19  [Not more nor less than one appointed member of the commission
    20  shall be a resident of the counties of Philadelphia and
    21  Allegheny, respectively.] At least one of the members of the
    22  commission [shall] must hold at least a private pilot's license
    23  and derive part of his or her livelihood from aviation related
    24  activities or be otherwise actively involved in aviation. At
    25  least two of the appointees of the Governor [shall] must be
    26  members of the board of directors of a transportation authority
    27  at the time of their appointment[: Provided, That said authority
    28  appointees shall not be considered residents of either
    29  Philadelphia or Allegheny County for the purpose of the
    30  preceding sentence]. The present members of the commission shall
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     1  be entitled to complete their present terms and may be
     2  reappointed at the completion thereof if they satisfy the
     3  requirements of this subsection.
     4     (c)  Any member of the General Assembly who serves as a
     5  member of the State Transportation Commission pursuant to
     6  subsection (a) or this subsection shall have the power and may
     7  appoint a designee who shall have the same rights and privileges
     8  as a member when attending a meeting of the State Transportation
     9  Commission on behalf of the legislative member.
    10     (d)  The members of the commission [shall] must be reputable
    11  citizens of the Commonwealth, of mature judgment and broad
    12  business experience and [shall] must not hold any other position
    13  as an employe of the Commonwealth. Any person appointed to fill
    14  a vacancy shall serve only for the unexpired term. A member of
    15  the commission may be reappointed to succeed himself. All
    16  appointed members shall serve for their appointed terms and may
    17  serve for a period not to exceed six months until their
    18  successors have been appointed and qualify. All vacancies shall
    19  be filled not later than sixty days after such vacancy occurs.
    20     (e)  No member of the commission, during his term of office
    21  [shall] may directly or indirectly own, have any significant
    22  financial interest in, be associated with, or receive any fee,
    23  commission, compensation or anything of value from any person,
    24  firm, partnership, business association or corporation which
    25  supplies materials or services of any nature except services of
    26  an informational or advisory nature rendered as a public service
    27  and without profit to the Department of Transportation.
    28     (f)  Each member of the commission shall be deemed to have
    29  been appointed to represent the interests of the Commonwealth at
    30  large and [shall not be deemed to be the representative of any
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     1  region or] the interests of the member's district [whatsoever].
     2     (g)  The members of the commission, other than the secretary
     3  and the legislative members, shall be entitled to receive
     4  seventy-five dollars ($75) per diem for each day actually spent
     5  in the performance of his duties and all members shall be
     6  entitled to reimbursement for reasonable expenses as determined
     7  by rule or regulation of the commission.
     8     (h)  Upon receipt of a written notice from the chairman of
     9  the State Transportation Commission stating that the named
    10  appointed member of the commission has missed three consecutive
    11  regularly scheduled meetings of the commission without cause and
    12  excluding any meetings under section 2011(c), (d) or (e), the
    13  appointing authority may remove the member named in the written
    14  notice and may appoint a new member to fill the vacancy as
    15  provided in subsection (d).
    16     (i)  The Department of Transportation shall supply all
    17  necessary assistance to assist the State Transportation
    18  Commission in carrying out its duties and responsibilities.
    19     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 180 days.

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