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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4497



No. 925 Session of 2008


           OCTOBER 6, 2008

                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Designating the month of November 2008 as "Lung Cancer Awareness
     2     Month" in Pennsylvania.

     3     WHEREAS, Lung Cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in
     4  the world, this nation and this Commonwealth; and
     5     WHEREAS, Lung cancer will be responsible for more American
     6  deaths in 2008 than breast, prostate, colon, liver, kidney and
     7  melanoma skin cancers combined; and
     8     WHEREAS, There are an estimated 213,000 new cases of lung
     9  cancer and 439 deaths from lung cancer each day in this nation,
    10  resulting in approximately 160,000 deaths annually, of which
    11  nonsmokers account for roughly 30,000; and
    12     WHEREAS, There were an estimated 10,500 new cases of lung
    13  cancer and 7,800 deaths from lung cancer this year in this
    14  Commonwealth; and
    15     WHEREAS, Smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer, yet
    16  former smokers and persons who have never smoked comprise 60% of
    17  new cases of lung cancer each year; and

     1     WHEREAS, Other causes of lung cancer include exposure to
     2  cancer-causing substances or carcinogens, such as asbestos,
     3  radon, uranium, arsenic and certain petroleum products; and
     4     WHEREAS, Symptoms of lung cancer include chronic cough,
     5  hoarseness, coughing up blood, weight loss and loss of appetite,
     6  shortness of breath, fever without a known reason, wheezing,
     7  repeated bouts of bronchitis or pneumonia and chest pain; and
     8     WHEREAS, In the early stages of lung cancer, these symptoms
     9  are usually absent, although when the symptoms occur, the cancer
    10  is most often advanced; and
    11     WHEREAS, There is currently no standard or cost-effective
    12  screening procedure for lung cancer; and
    13     WHEREAS, Funding for lung cancer medical research falls far
    14  short of that for diseases with lesser fatality rates; and
    15     WHEREAS, To help build awareness and save lives, the Lung
    16  Cancer Alliance, a national patient advocacy group for lung
    17  cancer, has designated the month of November 2008 as "Lung
    18  Cancer Awareness Month"; and
    19     WHEREAS, It is fitting and proper for this Commonwealth to
    20  join this nation in designating the month of November 2008 as
    21  "Lung Cancer Awareness Month" so that through better education,
    22  more cases of lung cancer may be found in the early stages when
    23  the chance of long-term survival is enhanced; therefore be it
    24     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives designate the
    25  month of November 2008 as "Lung Cancer Awareness Month" in
    26  Pennsylvania to promote greater public awareness, enhance
    27  education, erase the stigma and increase early diagnosis of this
    28  disease in order to reduce health costs and to save lives in
    29  this Commonwealth.

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